Military Heavy

Chapter 102 International Journals

Chapter 102 International Journals
This, this, this.
I read it right!

After rubbing his eyes and reconfirming that he was not mistaken, and that they should not be of the same name, Zhang Xiaodong finally couldn't help but let out an "ah", sweeping away the depression and loss in his heart.

The authors of this paper are clearly written in black and white, namely "Yang Fan" and "Zhang Xiaodong".

Zhang Xiaodong!
it's me!

It was me!

The excitement on Zhang Xiaodong's face was very obvious. He originally thought that there was no hope for this year's selection of senior professional titles, but he never expected such a dramatic turning point.

Yang Fan saw Zhang Xiaodong's reaction and smiled happily.

"Brother Zhang, is the number of papers enough now?"

"Enough, enough."

Zhang Xiaodong nodded repeatedly. "Huaxia Ship" is a veritable national-level journal, which is published once a month. It is also the most authoritative and influential journal in the field of domestic ships.

The East China Sea Institute has ordered dozens of copies of "Huaxia Ships", and each design office has a copy, as well as the reference room and library.

It is estimated that after a while, when this "Huaxia Ship" is officially released, many people in the Donghai Institute will know that there is a paper in this journal, and the authors are Yang Fan and Zhang Xiaodong.

"Director Yang, why does this paper have my name on it?"

Yang Fan said: "I know Brother Zhang has been working for more than ten years, maybe such a paper is needed when evaluating senior titles, so I added your name."

That's what happened.

It was pie in the sky.

Zhang Xiaodong said gratefully: "Director Yang, thank you so much, I must treat you, just tonight, I know there is a good private restaurant, let's go there."

Yang Fan smiled heartily, and readily agreed, "Okay, it seems that we haven't eaten together for a while."

The thesis thing is done.

Where did Zhang Xiaodong feel the slightest sense of loss and depression? It was completely different from when he first came in.Originally worried about the dissertation, I spent a week or so reluctantly writing one, intending to give Yang Fan a pass, but now it seems that there is no need.

The number of papers for senior professional titles is enough. As for the evaluation of professor-level senior engineers in the future, it is still far away.

Of course, the main reason is that Zhang Xiaodong is skeptical about the quality of this paper, and may not be published after it is sent.

In the 80s, it was still difficult to publish papers in national journals, unlike now, it may be possible to publish papers for a little money.

Zhang Xiaodong, who was in a good mood, seemed to talk more, chatting freely with Yang Fan about various topics, not only about work, but also about current affairs and news.

When the two were chatting very speculatively, there was a knock on the door, Wang Fang, the model office clerk, came in, and said very politely: "Director Yang, you have an overseas mail."

Yang Fan smiled, as if he had guessed what kind of email it was.

About a month ago, Yang Fan sent a paper to the internationally renowned journal "Shipbuilding Technology", originally just wanting to test the waters, it may be a reply letter from the editorial department of "Shipbuilding Technology".

In the 80s, foreign mail management was relatively strict, unlike now, when Wang Fang handed the mail to Yang Fan, she also took out a registration book and asked Yang Fan to sign it.

After Wang Fang went out, Yang Fan happily took a look at the email, then opened it and read it. Sure enough, there was an acceptance notice inside. Yang Fan's paper was officially accepted by "Shipbuilding Technology". The sample of the first issue will be sent to Yang Fan by mail.

"Director Yang, what are you so happy about?"

Zhang Xiaodong was very curious.

Yang Fan handed the acceptance notice inside to Zhang Xiaodong and told him, "I sent a paper to Shipbuilding Technology last month, but I didn't expect to be accepted."

what! ! !
Zhang Xiaodong was taken aback, with an expression of disbelief, took a look at the employment notice, and then was completely stunned.

my God!

The famous "Shipbuilding Technology" ah!

This is the field of ships in the world, whether it is military or civilian, it is definitely the most influential journal, definitely NO.1.
Our director Yang can actually publish a paper on this!
The recruitment notice is all in English. Although Zhang Xiaodong's spoken English is not very good, he can still get a rough idea by reading it.

It is indeed "Shipbuilding Technology", and it is indeed a paper acceptance notice.

A long time, a long time!
After Zhang Xiaodong came back to his senses, he had to feel strongly that people are more popular than others, and he is still worrying about the papers on the evaluation of senior professional titles. You see, our Director Yang has published two papers.

One was published in the domestic "Huaxia Shipbuilding", and the other was published in the internationally renowned "Shipbuilding Technology".

"Director Yang, you have all the papers for evaluating senior engineers."

Yang Fan nodded, thinking in his heart, when I am old enough to be evaluated as a senior engineer, I will probably publish at least dozens of papers.

Yang Fan is very familiar with writing and publishing papers. Before his rebirth, Yang Fan often wrote and published papers.

Some papers are directly published in internationally renowned journals.Because of his familiarity and rich experience, he sent out a paper casually last month, and it was accepted by Shipbuilding Technology.

It is Yang Fan's habit to occasionally write papers and write down some things.After rebirth, I did not write my first paper until more than two months ago, and sent it to the national technical journal "Huaxia Shipbuilding". Last month, I wrote a paper and sent it to "Shipbuilding Technology".

Thinking of writing a dissertation, apart from being a habit formed before rebirth, Yang Fan also knows that a dissertation is required for professional title evaluation.

Although it is less than the time limit for the evaluation of intermediate professional titles, if the quality of the papers is high enough and the number is also there, will it be possible to break the time limit?
Others may have to work for five years before being awarded a mid-level professional title. Yang Fan is more confident about whether he can be awarded an intermediate title in only four years.

Time goes by day by day at work.

After Donghai Institute entered the overall design stage of the 052 ship, every design room has been working overtime. Many designers voluntarily gave up their rest time and made silent contributions. They used the most primitive tools such as pencils, rulers, and erasers to draw the design of the 052 ship. picture.

Every month, a lot of design drawings are drawn, and each drawing has undergone proofreading. After proofreading, it will be revised. After revision, it will be sent for review. After review, it will be revised. After revision, it will be sent for approval.
Time entered the spring of 1985.

Yang Fan received an important task entrusted to him by General Master Pan, and went to the seaside to find a place to prepare for the future land-based joint commissioning experiment.

As early as the demonstration stage, Pan Jinfu proposed to add a new test link in the development process of the 052 ship. This link has never been in the past warship construction process in our country, called land joint commissioning test.

That is, before the equipment is put on the ship, the performance test is carried out on land.Many people can't understand this. It seems not only redundant, but also labor-intensive and expensive to test warship equipment on land.

But Pan Jinfu persisted because he had learned a profound lesson. When the Type 051 destroyer was built, all equipment was directly installed on the ship without being debugged on land. As a result, many problems were found after use.

Later, two years of extended tests were carried out, which was to thoroughly test all the equipment on the ship.During the whole experiment process, it was found that it was very difficult to debug and correct errors after the equipment was installed on the ship, and it took a lot of time and a lot of manpower and material resources.

This made Pan Jinfu feel deeply guilty. Compared with the Type 051, the shipboard equipment of the Type 052 is more complicated, and many of them are newly developed. Once a problem occurs after boarding the ship, the consequences are unpredictable.

Pan Jinfu finally convinced everyone and decided to join the on-land joint commissioning test, but this kind of on-land test site has special requirements.

Previously, Pan Jinfu took the weapon system designers, ship electrical system designers and others to many places, but he never found a suitable place.

He has been unable to find a suitable place. Obviously, Pan Jinfu seemed a little anxious, because he couldn't afford the time, and he couldn't waste time on finding a place.

Two days ago, Pan Jinfu caught a cold.

Maybe it's because of exhaustion, maybe it's the cold, anyway, he fell ill and went to the hospital to get water. Originally, he wanted to continue searching, but Yang Fan took over the task.

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(End of this chapter)

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