Military Heavy

Chapter 104 Shawan Village

Chapter 104 Shawan Village

The two misunderstood.

Yang Fan knew where the most suitable place to carry out the onshore joint debugging experiment was, but he couldn't say it. He just jokingly said that he dreamed of a place, that's all.

Make soy sauce, just make soy sauce.

Whatever you think.

Anyway, as long as you finally find that place.

Yang Fan slept for a while, and raised his hand to check the time after waking up.In fact, I still want to sleep again, but the road conditions are completely incomparable with those of the 21st century. Not to mention the smooth cement roads and asphalt roads, some road sections are not even paved with gravel, which looks potholed.

Taking out the map again, Yang Fan said, "Brother Wang, let's go to Baishi Town for lunch."

Is it Baishi Town?

Zhou Ping asked: "Director Yang, why did you go to Baishi Town? Have you been to that place?"

Baishi Town is a little far away, and it is estimated that it will take nearly two hours to drive there. It is estimated that it will be around [-] noon to get there.Wu Wenchao reminded: "Baishi Town is not close, we really want to eat there."

Yang Fan thought for a long time when he closed his eyes just now, and found a barely plausible excuse, so he said: "I have been to Baishi Town before, and there is a small fishing village called Shawan Village there. It is suitable for onshore joint debugging experiments.”


Zhou Ping and Wu Wenchao's eyes lit up. If it is true what Yang Fan said, then they can go and have a look, in case it is really suitable for land joint debugging experiments.

"Director Yang, you didn't lie to us?"

"Why are you lying to me? I have really been there, and when we get there, we will know after a look." Yang Fan replied.

"Okay, okay."

"This is really exciting news for me. Director Yang, you should have said it sooner. As a result, Lao Zhou and I have been looking outside to see the terrain all the way, and our necks are sore." Wu Wenchao said.

Yang Fan smiled and didn't say anything.

It's not that I don't want to say it, it's really inconvenient.Now this excuse is just to fool the two of you. If it is true, I have never been to Baishi Town, let alone Shawan Village.Yang Fan thought in his heart.

Wang Wei seems to be driving faster.

The destination is already clear, go straight to Shawan Village.

Zhou Ping and Wu Wenchao seemed to be a little more relaxed, no longer looking out the car window, but talking and laughing.We only stopped the car once in the middle, and everyone got out of the car for a while, about one or two 10 minutes, and then continued to set off.

It was nearly two noon.

Arrived in Baishi Town smoothly.

In the town, everyone found a restaurant to fill their stomachs, and by the way, filled up the gas at the only gas station in the town, and then continued to set off.

Destination, Shawan Village!
After only driving for two or three miles, Wang Wei slowed down and stopped slowly. There was a fork in the road ahead, and he asked loudly: "Director Yang, is the front going to the right or left?"

Yang Fan looked around, unable to determine the direction for a while.

There are only major roads on the map, there are no country roads like this.

It's the 80s now, and it's a world of difference compared to the 21st century.Yang Fan thought in his heart, the excuse that he had been to Shawan Village, this excuse is really very reluctant, it almost failed.

Fortunately, Yang Fan turned his head quickly enough, and immediately replied: "I came here several years ago, I can't remember clearly, why don't I ask."

There happened to be an old man walking slowly with a yellow ox on the side of the road. Yang Fan simply pushed the door of the car and got out of the car, asking politely.

"Hello, old man."

The old man smiled, "You guys want to ask for directions."

This old man is really powerful, he can tell at a glance that Yang Fan and the others are asking for directions.

Yang Fan took out a cigarette and handed it over, "Yes, we want to ask how to get to Shawan Village."

"This is a good cigarette." The old man was very happy to take the cigarette, pointing to the road on the right: "Take the right to Shawan Village, there are still five or six miles, but the road is a bit difficult to walk, you have to slow down Open it a little, just be careful."

"Okay, thank you."

Yang Fan thanked the old man, returned to the car and said, "Brother Wang, take the road on the right, there are still about five or six miles to go, the road conditions may not be very good."

Wang Wei nodded and drove along the road on the right.

Sure enough, the road conditions were really bad. Although the road was wide enough for large trucks, it lacked maintenance and the road was full of potholes.

After driving five or six miles for at least 10 minutes, you can finally see Shawan Village not far ahead, and you can also see the blue and boundless sea in the distance.

This is the real seaside.

Zhou Ping said happily: "It looks like a really nice place, open enough."

Wu Wenchao said: "I have a hunch that this place may really meet the requirements of our land-based joint commissioning experiment."

The atmosphere in the car became warm.

Just after driving for two to 300 meters, the jeep got stuck in the mud at the entrance of Shawan Village. Wang Wei didn't even open the gas pedal. On the contrary, the jeep sank deeper and deeper.

Yang Fan quickly reminded: "Brother Wang, don't act recklessly, you really won't be able to get out later."

Wang Wei said helplessly: "Then what should we do?"

Zhou Ping suggested: "Why don't we do this, the three of us go down and try it out together."

it's the only way.

The three got out of the car and shouted "one, two, three" to push the car vigorously. Wang Wei stayed in the car and fueled up.

"Exhausted, exhausted."

"I can't do it anymore, I need to rest."

Zhou Ping and Wu Wenchao, two middle-aged uncles, said that they couldn't bear it. They were both in their 50s and [-]s. In addition, they usually sat in the office and lacked exercise. After a few pushes, they felt a little relieved.

Yang Fan joked with a smile: "It seems that we still need to exercise more, the two directors, they will die so soon."

Wu Wenchao was the oldest, and sighed: "I can't compare to you young people, I can't compare."

Zhou Ping said with admiration: "Director Yang, your physical strength is really good. Lao Wu and I are already sweating profusely, but you are not blushing or out of breath."

The three chatted and rested for at least ten minutes.

Yang Fan said: "How is it? Has it recovered? Let's try a few more."

Wu Wenchao said: "Wait a little longer, let me smoke another cigarette, by the way, Director Yang will give me your Marlboro again."

When going out this time, Yang Fan specially brought two packs of Marlboro and put them in his satchel. When he was asking for directions just now, he opened one pack and gave one to the old man. Wu Wenchao happened to see it.

Yang Fan was a little surprised just now. An old man in the countryside recognized Marlboro at a glance, and happily said that it was a good cigarette.

Taking out the pack of Marlboro, Wang Wei, Zhou Ping, and Wu Wenchao each took one, and Yang Fan, who usually seldom smokes, also took one by himself.

The four chatted while smoking.

Wang Wei said worriedly: "The car is sunken too deep. It may be difficult for us alone to push the car out. We may have to go to the village and ask someone to help."

Zhou Ping said slowly: "It's probably difficult, we are not familiar with life, why should people help us?"

While chatting like this, there was a jingle of bells, and the old man was walking towards the entrance of the village leading the cow. Obviously, he should be from Shawan Village.

"Why, the car really got stuck." The old man asked.

Yang Fan took out another Marlboro and handed it over, "Old man, can you call some people to help push the car."

After receiving this Marlboro, the old man was very happy. He glanced at Yang Fan approvingly, probably thinking in his heart, the young man really understands etiquette, and gave me another Marlboro.

The old man said: "It's a trivial matter, but everyone who comes to push the cart will get two Marlboros, how about it?"

Yang Fan smiled.

The old man probably took a fancy to the Marlboro in his hand.

(End of this chapter)

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