Military Heavy

Chapter 105

Chapter 105

Yang Fan smiled happily.

If a few sticks of Marlboro will do the trick, then it's not a problem, and there's still a pack of Marlboro in my satchel that hasn't been opened yet.

"Okay, no problem, then thank you, old man."

The old man said broadly, "Don't worry, I'll come over as soon as I bring the ox back."

Sure enough, within a few minutes, the old man came over, followed by five or six young and middle-aged men, all of whom looked strong and powerful.

"Everyone help push the cart. This young cadre has Marlboro, two for each person." The old man said loudly.

“Having Marlboro, great!”

The lads were gearing up one by one, and it was as if they had been on stimulants after hearing that there was really Marlboro.Everyone quickly started helping push the cart.Because it was at the entrance of the village, there were some children and women who came to watch the excitement after hearing the news.

Wang Wei started the car, and under the command of the old man, the boys shouted one, two, three to push the cart hard. The old man was very experienced, so he specially found some stones to pad under the wheels.

Just a few minutes.

Amidst cheers, the jeep finally got out of the mud pit, successfully drove to the flat ground at the head of the village, and stopped under a big tree.

Yang Fan fulfilled his promise and happily took out Marlboro.

"Thank you, everyone, for your hard work!"

Two sticks per person, Yang Fan smoked while thanking those young men who contributed just now.

"Wow, it's really Marlboro!"

"Such a good cigarette, I want to save one to smoke tomorrow."

"I want to smoke it for my dad and let him taste this foreign cigarette."


The lads pushing the cart were elated and extremely happy. Perhaps in their opinion, Marlboro is the best cigarette in the world.

Yang Fan is also a little strange, why do all the boys in the countryside know Marlboro, even the old man who drives the cattle knows Marlboro.

The car rolled out.

Whether it was Wang Wei, or Zhou Ping and Wu Wenchao, it was a burst of relief.

"Director Yang, thanks to you bringing Marlboro here, otherwise the three of us would not be able to push the car out of the mud until dark."

Wang Wei even smiled and said, "After returning to the unit, Director Yang should be reimbursed for a pack of Marlboro. How can Director Yang spend money on public affairs?"

Yang Fan laughed happily.

Looking at the pack of Marlboro in my hand, there are about four or five sticks left.After thinking about it, Yang Fan simply gave all of it to the old man just now.

"Thank you, old man."

The old man hurriedly said: "You're welcome, just give me another one. This kind of cigarette is not cheap, it costs several yuan a pack."

Yang Fan stuffed the pack of cigarettes into the old man's hands, "Old man, we are from Donghai City, can you take us around here and have a look?"

"That's no problem." The old man readily agreed, and happily accepted the pack of cigarettes, carefully putting them in his pocket.

Under the leadership of the old man, Yang Fan and the other four walked towards the seaside.

Donghai Institute.

Pan Jinfu went to lift the water again, and he felt a little weak when he returned to the office, but he still insisted on working.

The 052 ship has entered the comprehensive design stage, and there are many kinds of work, and his workload has always been relatively heavy.After looking at the important drawings of the 052 ship sent over for a while, the phone on the desk rang.

The call was made by Huang Keping, the commander-in-chief of the 052 ship, from the capital.

"Old Huang, I have some good news for you. The eight-unit 'Sea Sidewinder' air defense missile we imported from France will soon start shipping in France. In less than a month, we will have this advanced air defense missile."


Pan Jinfu, who was originally in a poor state of mind, immediately regained his spirits. As the chief engineer of the 052 ship, he certainly hoped that this imported air defense missile would arrive sooner.

After the two chatted on the phone for a while, Huang Keping asked with concern: "Old Pan, you were the one who advocated the land joint investigation. Have you found a suitable place?"

Pan Jinfu hesitated for a moment, then replied: "It's coming soon, I'm trying to find it."

Huang Keping urged: "We must speed up. With the arrival of imported equipment, weapons and equipment on the ship, land joint commissioning will also be put on the agenda."

"Yes, we'll hurry up."

After answering the call, the pressure in Pan Jinfu's heart invisibly increased a lot.As Huang Keping said, with the imported equipment in place one after another, the onshore joint commissioning must start as soon as possible.

Pan Jinfu had a hunch that the 052 ship had adopted a lot of new equipment and new weapons, including a lot of electronic equipment, and the onshore joint investigation would definitely find many problems.

Once many problems are found, it will take a lot of time to find the root of the problems and rectify them one by one.

Therefore, the sooner the on-land joint commissioning experiment is carried out, the better, because Pan Jinfu himself has no idea how long it will take to rectify the problem in the future. In case the 052 ship starts construction and needs to install these equipment, the land joint commissioning has not been completed. , that will definitely affect the construction of the 052 ship.

Pan Jinfu was very stressed.

I thought worriedly in my heart, can Yang Fan and the others find a suitable place smoothly?
Soon, Pan Jinfu smiled wryly. He personally led people to search for it seven or eight times, and searched all the places one or two hundred miles around Donghai City, but they couldn't find it. Yang Fan and the others went outside to look for it for the first time. The chances of finding it are very slim.

He sighed softly.

This is really a headache.

Wait for another two days, when my illness is a little bit better, even if it is only a little bit, I will go to find another place in person.Pan Jinfu thought so firmly in his heart.

At this time, Yang Fan and the others were walking towards the distant seaside under the leadership of the old man.

Through the conversation, Yang Fan was surprised to know that the old man was the old village chief of Shawan Village, who worked in a unit in Donghai City until he retired when he was young.

No wonder!
This is not surprising, otherwise, how could an old man in the countryside know about Marlboro cigarettes. As for the young people in the village who know about Marlboro, it must be related to the old man.

By the way, the old man's name is Wang Siqing.

There is no road to the beach, only a small road. After walking for two or three 10 minutes, I finally arrived at the beach smoothly.

What a big beach!

What a vast sea!

Zhou Ping and Wu Wenchao immediately checked with great interest, but soon the excitement in their hearts faded, and they became slightly disappointed.

To become an ideal place for land-based joint debugging experiments, the vast sea and large beaches are not enough, there must be other things.

It is best if the land protrudes into the sea, forming a peninsula surrounded by the sea on three sides.In order to facilitate the construction of the land-based joint debugging experiment base, the terrain of the peninsula must be flat.

There are many strange rocks, and it is definitely not acceptable to be rugged and steep, which is inconvenient for construction.In addition, it is best not to have islands around.

Because if there are large and small islands around, it will interfere and affect the land joint commissioning test.

Many factors come together, and it is difficult to find a place for land-based joint commissioning experiments. This is also the reason why Chief Master Pan personally led people to search for a long time but failed to find an ideal place.

"Director Yang, this place is not good!"

Zhou Ping was very disappointed, Wu Wenchao also shook his head with a wry smile, and even thought in his heart, after all, being young is really unreliable, which made us work for nothing.

Yang Fan didn't say anything.

The memory in my mind is compared and overlapped with the scene I see in front of me.

After all, it was the 21st century at that time, and here was a ready-made land joint debugging experiment base, but in front of it was just a beach, the difference between the two was too great.

After looking at the beach, he looked at the reference objects in the distance. Finally, Yang Fan saw something familiar. Looking inland, there was a mountain in the distance.

The hill is still the same hill.

Before his rebirth, Yang Fan often went to the land joint commissioning experiment base, and he was very familiar with that mountain.It's easy to find with a reference.

The land-based joint debugging experiment base of later generations is not on this beach, but in the northeast direction, and it is estimated that there will be several miles to go.

"Old village chief, is there a peninsula deep into the sea over there?"

Wang Siqing was surprised and said: "How do you know that you have been to our Shawan Village before? There is indeed a peninsula there, but it is a little far away, and few people go to that place. If we walk there, it will take nearly an hour."

Just an hour.

Now that you are here, you must take a look. In later generations, it will be a well-known land-based joint debugging experiment base.

Yang Fan really wants to see what it looks like now.At the same time, Zhou Ping and Wu Wenchao should be reassured.

The two of them looked disappointed when they saw such a beach just now.

let's go!

(End of this chapter)

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