Military Heavy

Chapter 106 The Ideal Land

Chapter 106 The Ideal Land
Wang Siqing was a good guide.

He is very familiar with this place, he knows how to walk the shortest distance, the best way to walk, and the easiest way to walk.

The scenery here is really good, with large beaches, reef beaches lined with strange rocks, and the vast blue sea.

Hear, the sound of the waves!
Looking at the beautiful scenery in front of you, hearing the sound of the waves in your ears, and feeling the gentle sea breeze, if it is not because you have a mission, you can really stop and enjoy the beautiful scenery here.

There are still some fishing boats on the sea in the distance.

Everyone was still chatting along the way, and through understanding, Yang Fan knew that the villagers in Shawan Village basically made their living from fishing, and they would go out to sea to fish as long as the weather allowed.

Wang Siqing sighed and said, "It's hard for everyone to get money for their catches every day. Apart from eating for themselves, only if they are lucky can someone buy them in Baishi Town."

The color of the planned economy is still very strong, and the market economy is still in its infancy. Even in Baishi Town, the number of people who buy seafood is relatively limited, and the supply in the whole area is obviously oversupply.

Wang Siqing was worried about the sale of the villagers, but Yang Fan was different.

Yang Fan felt happy.

This is a business opportunity!
Donghai City is a big city, and it's not too far from here. The seafood here can be transported back to Donghai City for sale.

My sister's business is getting bigger and bigger. At present, she has opened six supermarkets in Donghai City, and it is estimated that there will be more than a dozen supermarkets sooner or later.

As far as Yang Fan knows, each small supermarket mainly sells vegetables, fruits, chicken, duck, fish eggs, etc., plus salt, oil, sauce and vinegar, and some other daily necessities, but there is no seafood.

It is absolutely possible to sell seafood in every supermarket, which will not only further enrich the variety of commodities, but also solve the sales problem for some fishermen.

"Old village head, I know a person who needs a lot of seafood every day. I will help you get in touch after I go back."

Wang Siqing looked at Yang Fan in surprise.

It was like being hit by a huge pie falling from the sky.

And such a good thing!
He was worried that the villagers' catches were not sold, but now he was fine, and he suddenly saw hope.Wang Siqing was a little excited, but also obviously grateful, "Director Xiao Yang, thank you so much."

Yang Fan smiled happily, and made a business by accident. There will be seafood in the small supermarket that can be sold to the citizens of Donghai City.

After about four or five 10 minutes, gradually approaching the destination.

This is a peninsula, the area is not too small.

Yang Fan looked at the front and said loudly: "Lao Zhou and Lao Wu are right here. How about it? It's not bad!"

In fact, without Yang Fan's reminder, the eyes of the two of them were also firmly attracted by the terrain in front of them, and they were completely reluctant to leave.

my God!

There is still such a good place!

This is completely tailor-made for land-based joint debugging experiments.

Whether it's Zhou Ping or Wu Wenchao.Surrounded by deep surprise for a moment, I stared blankly at everything in front of me for a long, long time!
The surprise came so suddenly.

"Director Yang, it's unbelievable that such a place really exists!"

"If General Master Pan knows, he will recover from his illness at once!"

After regaining their senses, the two were suddenly elated, not like people in their forties at all, but like a young man in his twenties.

Yang Fan's mood is also extremely comfortable.

It turns out that the most original appearance of the famous land-based joint testing base in later generations is like this!
"Let's go, let's go to a higher place and take a good look at this place." Yang Fan waved and walked towards a small highland a few hundred meters away.

It is the only highest point in this area, about 30 to [-] meters above sea level, and it is a small plateau with a very gentle slope.

Stand tall and see far.

In a short while, everyone stood on this small high ground and began to look at everything in front of them carefully. The more they looked at it, the more they liked it and were more satisfied.

Zhou Ping said in his heart, we are wrong to blame Director Yang, he is not here to make soy sauce at all, but he is confident and confident.

He laughed at himself, Director Wu and I became soy saucers.

If the site of the future land-based joint debugging experiment base is selected here, then our director Yang will definitely make the first contribution, the absolute first contribution!
Standing on this small hill, everyone was reluctant to leave for a long time.

Donghai Institute.

Pan Jinfu received another call from Li Shunli, director of the Military Industry Bureau.

During the phone call, Director Li reminded: "Old Pan, the equipment for our onshore joint testing has begun to arrive one after another, and the site selection for the onshore joint testing experiment site must be determined as soon as possible."

Such words further increased the pressure in Pan Jinfu's heart, and the cold that had been much better seemed to show signs of getting worse.

Pan Jinfu hurriedly said on the phone, "Old Li, we are working on the location selection of the venue, and we will select a good place in the near future."

After answering the call, Pan Jinfu thought to himself, where is Yang Fan and the others at this time, and what is the situation like.

When they come back tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, if I don't choose a suitable place, I have to go out to find a place myself, and I must find the place.

With some equipment in place one after another, even the "Sea Sparrow" air defense missiles imported from France will soon be shipped, and the land-based joint commissioning experiment must start as soon as possible.

At this moment, Yang Fan and the others are standing on the top of the hill full of energy and joy.

Zhou Ping was even more happy, he held Yang Fan's hand tightly, and said loudly: "Director Yang, we have your favor, and we can report to Master Pan after we go back."

Wu Wenchao also said: "Yes, if General Master Pan knows such a place, he will be so happy!"

Yang Fan looked into the distance, looked at the vast sea for a long time, and then asked: "Old village chief, are there many islands around here?"

In fact, Yang Fan knew that there were few islands nearby, otherwise, this place would not have become a well-known experimental base for face joint testing.

The main reason for asking this question is to give Zhou Ping and Wu Wenchao a complete reassurance.

Wang Siqing replied: "Our area is really strange. There is not even a small island the size of a sesame seed nearby. The nearest small island takes more than three hours to get there by boat."

Very good!
Zhou Ping and Wu Wenchao almost clapped their hands.

Today is really a very happy day.

Starting from Donghai Station, it took more than four hours to drive, nearly [-] kilometers. Now, everything is worth it, so worth it!

Everyone was still a little tired at first, but at this moment, where there was still a little bit of tiredness in their hearts, they were completely filled with joy.

We watched for two or three 10 minutes on the small high ground, and then we went deep into the peninsula. Under the leadership of Wang Siqing, we watched a big circle on the peninsula, which took another hour.

After walking for so long, Zhou Ping and Wu Wenchao were not tired at all, and looked more energetic than Yang Fan, a young man.

You know, the car got stuck in the mud at noon, and the two of them couldn't stand it after pushing it a few times. Now that they have walked so far, they still refuse to leave.

Yang Fan raised his hand to check the time, it was already past five o'clock in the afternoon, and it would be dark in about an hour, so he reminded: "We have to go back, look, it's getting late."

"Oh, how did it go so fast."

"Yeah, I thought it was only three or four o'clock, but it's already past five o'clock."

"Let's go, let's go, we're going back."

All of us walked back happily, and it was already dark when we got back to Shawan Village.

Apart from being happy, Zhou Ping, Wu Wenchao, and even Wang Wei were all ready for the night drive. Who knew that Wang Siqing was very hospitable.

(End of this chapter)

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