Military Heavy

Chapter 107 There is nothing to entertain

Chapter 107 There is nothing to entertain

"Guys, it's already dark, just stay with us for one night, and leave tomorrow."

This is not good.

Zhou Ping, Wu Wenchao, and Wang Wei looked at each other, and then all looked at Yang Fan. At this time, Yang Fan became the central figure among the four.

As Yang Fan led everyone to successfully find the ideal site for the onshore joint debugging experiment, the status in the hearts of the three rose sharply.

Maybe on land, Zhou Ping and Wu Wenchao would think that they were young people, unreliable, and just came here to make soy sauce, but now they no longer have such thoughts.

Yang Fan has already convinced them both.

The two of them were convinced.

It is absolutely impossible for anyone to find such a good place in one day, but Yang Fan can!

This has to be accepted.

Sensing everyone's stares, Yang Fan pondered for a while, and then said: "Old village chief, this is too much trouble for you, we have a car, so let's go back overnight."

Wang Siqing was extremely enthusiastic, and quickly said: "No trouble, no trouble at all, our house is very big, there is enough room to live in."

"In addition, if you go back overnight, it's not close from us to Donghai City, and the road conditions are not good. It's not safe to drive at night."

This is true.

If you put it in the present, it is only nearly 80 kilometers. If you take the high speed, it will take about two hours. However, the road conditions in the [-]s can't be compared with the current one. The road from Wancun to Baishi Town is especially difficult.

In case, in case the car gets stuck in the mud
Yang Fan made the decision on behalf of everyone, "Old village chief, then I will disturb you."

"Don't disturb, don't disturb." Wang Siqing looked happy, and brought the four of them into his house.

His house is really not small, it is a small courtyard, and then there are rooms on three sides, there are at least eight or nine rooms of different sizes.

His son's family did not make a living by fishing, but lived in Baishi Town and opened a small restaurant there.Wang Siqing and his wife live in Shawan Village.

"The conditions are a little rough, don't mind."

"Where, where, the old village chief is too polite." Yang Fan said.

Dinner is of course at Wang Siqing's house.

Wang Siqing kept saying that he didn't have anything to entertain, how did he know that everyone was a little uneasy after the food was served, whether it was too rich or not.

There are all kinds of fresh seafood, there are more than a dozen kinds!
Except for seafood, there are only two green vegetables.

"I didn't prepare in a hurry, just these things, let's eat together." Wang Siqing apologized.

Large yellow croaker, big crab, big snail, abalone, oyster, squid, shrimp
This is a proper seafood feast!

Yang Fan looked at Wang Siqing with an apologetic face, and saw that he didn't seem to be lying, but seemed to really feel that these things were a bit incompetent.

Suddenly Yang Fan remembered a report that said that there was a famine in a city before liberation, and the people had nothing to eat, so they could only live on hairy crabs every day.

NND, hairy crabs every day!
It's also called living hard.

This is simply so embarrassing that there is no humanity at all.

A hairy crab costs tens of dollars, and a large hairy crab costs hundreds, or even hundreds of dollars.

Wang Siqing's situation here is like this, relying on the sea to eat the sea, in the eyes of their locals, all kinds of seafood are the most common and common things, and using these things to entertain distinguished guests is really a neglect.

Such negligence is good!

I like!
Seeing such a sumptuous seafood meal, Yang Fan moved his index finger and said hastily: "Old village chief, it's rare for us to eat such a thing."

"Really, as long as you like it." Wang Siqing felt relieved.

He picked up the jar of rice wine and poured everyone a glass, and said enthusiastically, "Then everyone, drink and eat."

Seeing so many seafood, Zhou Ping wanted to taste it for a long time, so he was no longer polite. He rubbed his hands happily, raised his wine glass and said a few polite words, and then started to move his chopsticks.

Such a big swimming crab!
There are a lot of shrimp crawling!
Mmm, these oysters are delicious!

The four of them were extremely satisfied with this seafood feast, and rice wine was also good, and they ate for more than an hour.

At first, he was worried that there was nothing but some seafood, and he would neglect the distinguished guests. Seeing this, Wang Siqing was relieved and smiled happily.

"Come, come, have another drink."

"Enough, enough, if you drink any more, you'll be really drunk."

Yang Fan declined for a while, and took out the unopened box of Marlboro from his satchel, and each had a cigarette.

Marlboro again!
Wang Siqing was overjoyed, and quickly ordered Meimei and took a sip. After a while, the dinner table began to smoke, but in fact, everyone had almost eaten.

I'm full, a little bit full.

While smoking a cigarette, while chatting.

Perhaps driven by curiosity, Wang Siqing finally asked, "Are you all state cadres, what are you doing here?"

National cadres!

People who eat the country's food.

This is a very awesome, very enviable existence.He Wang Siqing used to be a person who ate the state food, but he did not become a state cadre, which made him feel very regretful.

Everyone smiled, and the sense of pride was self-evident.

Either the deputy director of the design office or the director, they can indeed be regarded as state cadres.Yang Fan suddenly remembered, yes, I am now a serious national cadre.

Facing Wang Siqing's curious inquiry, Yang Fan said, "We need to find a place. This will be a big project, a big project."

big project!
big project! ! !
Wang Siqing became eager in his heart. He was over 60 years old, and his curiosity couldn't be suppressed like a young man. He continued to ask: "Chairman Yang, can you tell me a little bit? What kind of big project is this? It needs to be located in Is it our Shawan Village?"

"Yes, the location is Shawan Village." Yang Fan replied affirmatively, but he still did not forget the basic confidentiality, and said with a mysterious face: "Old village chief, don't ask too much, this is a big national project, we There are confidentiality regulations."

This is no bragging.

The 052 project is indeed a national effort, and it is indeed in the stage of strict secrecy.

Wang Siqing looked at Yang Fan, then at Zhou Ping and the others, and gradually became awed in his heart, even though he had seen some things in the world, he was still a little frightened.

National-level big project ah!

What kind of national level project will this be?Wang Siqing couldn't help thinking wildly, and guessed in his heart.

In the evening, everyone stayed at Wang Siqing's home.

Although the conditions were a bit crude, they were considered hygienic and clean. Yang Fan and Wang Wei shared a room, and Zhou Ping and Wu Wenchao shared a room.

Maybe it was really tired, everyone rested earlier, and soon fell asleep.

Donghai Institute.

Not long after he went to work in the afternoon, two people came to Pan Jinfu's office, namely Tang Jianming, the deputy chief designer, and Zhang Bo, the other deputy chief designer.

In addition to caring about Pan Jinfu's condition, the two were also very concerned about the location of the land-based joint commissioning experiment base.

"Old Pan, have you recovered from your illness?"

Pan Jinfu replied: "Thank you, the two old men are concerned. After hanging the water for two days in a row, it is already much better. At least the fever has completely subsided."

Tang Jianming said: "Lao Pan, you can't have any problems with your body. I think it's enough to leave it to me and Lao Zhang for the site selection of the land joint test base. You don't have to do it yourself."

"No way." Pan Jinfu shook his head and said, "Site selection is the top priority right now. I've already made a plan. I'll take someone out again tomorrow. I'll go to a place a little farther away to have a look."

He had gone out seven or eight times before, focusing mainly on the range of one or two hundred miles around Donghai City. He did this mainly because he considered the distance as close as possible.

If the land joint testing base is located near Donghai City, if the distance is not too far, it will obviously be a lot more convenient. Not only the technical staff of the Donghai Institute can go there, but also the transportation of related equipment will be closer, which will save a lot of trouble.

But this is too idealistic. Obviously, there is no such place near Donghai City.Pan Jinfu thought for a long time, and decided to take a closer look and go to a farther place to look for it.

This decision was immediately opposed by Tang Jianming.

"Old Pan, you must not go out these few days. You must rest in peace and recuperate. You can only leave Donghai City after your illness is completely cured."

Pan Jinfu bitterly said, "How can this work? Waiting a few more days means wasting a few days. I don't want to waste a day."

While saying this, Zhao Yulan, the director of the model office, knocked on the door and came in, happily reporting: "Master Pan, Director Yang and the others are back, and they have already arrived downstairs."

Are you back so soon? ? ?

Pan Jinfu thought it would take at least three or five days to go out this time.He's back now, a little out of his expectation.

(End of this chapter)

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