Military Heavy

Chapter 108 National Project

Chapter 108 National Project
Is Yang Fan back?

Where did they come back from?
Tang Jianming didn't know that Yang Fan and the others were ordered to go out to find the experimental site for land joint commissioning, so he was a little puzzled, so he asked.

"Old Pan, what did Yang Fan and the others do?"

Pan Jinfu sighed softly, told what happened yesterday, and said, "I just wanted to try my luck, and I didn't dare to hold much hope."

Zhang Bo agreed very much: "Old Pan took people out and searched for no less than seven or eight times, but they couldn't find a suitable place. They just went out yesterday and returned today. Most likely they encountered some problems."

There may have been some accidents.

Otherwise, I can't explain it, how can I come back so soon.

Just now Zhao Yulan saw Yang Fan and the others get off the car talking and laughing in front of the office building, and it didn't look like they were returning for nothing.

She said: "I probably didn't come back because of any problems. I may have found a suitable place, so I rushed back to report to Mr. Pan."

Zhang Bo immediately shook his head and denied: "It's absolutely impossible. After going out for one night, we found the place. You think our Director Xiao Yang is a fairy!"

Pan Jinfu didn't speak.

Reason seemed to tell him that the possibility of finding a good place after going out for one night was too small, but there was a faint hope in his heart.

What if, what if
What if the place is really chosen? ? ?

Just thinking about it, there was a sound of footsteps outside the door, and then a few knocks on the door.Zhao Yulan said: "It should be Director Yang and the others!"

Sure enough, it was Yang Fan, Zhou Ping and Wu Wenchao who pushed the door in.

As soon as he came in, Yang Fan said happily: "Mr. Pan, we are back."

Seeing that the expressions of the three people were all good, instead of looking depressed, Pan Jinfu became more hopeful, went straight to the point, and asked, "How is it? Is there any result?"

Yang Fan smiled at Tang Jianming and Zhang Bo as a greeting.In the eyes of everyone, he took out a map from the satchel, spread it out on the table, and reported loudly: "The place has basically been selected, and it is located in Shawan Village, Baishi Town!"

He tapped heavily on the map, pointing to the location of Shawan Village.

Already found a good place!
Really found a good place!
Pan Jinfu was taken aback for a moment, but he immediately realized that a bright look of joy appeared on his face.He was originally a person who did not change his face when Mount Tai collapsed in front of him, but this time he rarely showed his joy on his face, and walked over quickly.

Tang Jianming also stood up and walked to the map.

Zhang Bo looked suspicious, and after thinking about it, he still came over. However, he really didn't like Yang Fan, thinking in his heart, maybe that place is not suitable for land joint testing at all.

"We arrived at Shawan Village at two o'clock yesterday afternoon. Under the leadership of their old village chief, we saw some surrounding situations and found this place pleasantly."

After briefly reporting the situation, when talking about the situation on the peninsula, Yang Fan specifically focused on the terrain conditions there and other things.

As soon as Yang Fan finished speaking, Zhou Ping couldn't help but said: "Yes, the conditions in that place are really good, and it's perfect for land joint debugging experiments."

He talked on and on, talking a lot at once.

Wu Wenchao wanted to interject several times to add something, but he never had the chance, so he quietly winked at Zhou Ping a few times, as if to say, Lao Zhou, let me also say a few words.

NND, you said it all by yourself, so what should I say!

But Master Pan and the two deputy chief masters are here, he must say a few words, so before Zhou Ping finished speaking, he said forcibly: "Mr. Wan Village, we went straight to Shawan Village."

He also said a lot in one breath.

Pan Jinfu nodded with a smile.

Zhang Bo was different, his eyes seemed to say, are you sure? ? ?

It is really determined that the place is suitable for land joint debugging experiments.

Don't let our Chief Master Pan rejoice.

Yang Fan added: "The three of us agreed that the conditions there were very ideal, and we didn't dare to stay there for a long time, so we hurried back early this morning."

All three said that the place was good, and Pan Jinfu knew that it should be more or less the same.

"Okay, okay." Pan Jinfu said two "good words" again and again, and then said: "Tomorrow we will set off early in the morning, Lao Tang, Lao Zhang, you also go together."

If it wasn't for time, he really wanted to leave now.

Tang Jianming said with a bit of worry: "Old Pan, your illness is not completely cured. You will basically be in the car for the trip tomorrow, and you will not be able to bear it."

"Ha ha."

Pan Jinfu smiled heartily, and his mental state changed a lot, "My illness is cured, completely cured."

The disease is so good!

It is indeed much better!
Seeing that Pan Jinfu was in good spirits, everyone was secretly amazed, this is amazing!

The next day.

Early in the morning, ten minutes before the eight o'clock work time, three army green jeeps were parked side by side at the entrance of the office building.

A group of people came out of the office building. Pan Jinfu walked in the front, followed by Tang Jianming and Zhang Bo, two deputy chief teachers, and Yang Fan, Zhao Yulan, Zhou Ping, Wu Wenchao, etc., and a group of more than ten people.

Pan Jinfu now is completely different from yesterday!
Where can I still see that I am sick, my face is radiant, and I am full of energy!
It's all because Yang Fan has found an ideal site for onshore joint debugging experiments. Today, everyone will go over and have a look for further verification.

It happened to be the time to start work, and many people came in, and they were surprised when they saw the scene in front of the office building.


"Three jeeps!"

"Master Pan, it's Master Pan!"

"Even Deputy Chief Master Tang and Deputy Chief Master Zhang are together."

"They got in the car, where are they going, such a big battle!"


Seeing such a scene, the people at work cheered up one by one, and they all speculated about what all these people were going to do!
Master Pan!

Tang Jianming and Zhang Bo are the deputy chief teachers!

Director Zhao Yulan, Director Zhou Ping, Director Wu Wenchao! ! !

The youngest one, of course getting into the car is Deputy Director Yang Fan!
In everyone's eyes, a small convoy of three army green jeeps set off, left Donghaisuo, and headed towards Shawan Town in Baishi Town.

Why all the jeeps?And there is no car, mainly because the road conditions are not particularly good, and the off-road performance of the Jeep is better.

We set off before eight o'clock, and the journey went very smoothly. We arrived at Baishi Town at noon, where we found a restaurant for breakfast, and then went to Shawan Village without stopping.

When they arrived at the entrance of Shawan Village, it was only one o'clock at noon, more than an hour earlier than the last time Yang Fan and the others arrived here.

The arrival of three jeeps broke the tranquility here, and the small fishing village was in a commotion. Many women and children ran over to watch the excitement, and the village chief Wang Siqing hurried over.

"Director Yang!"

Seeing Yang Fan, Wang Siqing was pleasantly surprised. He didn't expect to come again in only two days.Thinking of the national-level large-scale project that Yang Fan mentioned before, he nodded approvingly, and he understood everything.

If it wasn't a big project, how could so many people come?

The leader looked like a senior cadre. Wang Siqing wiped his hands on his body and greeted him a little nervously.

Yang Fan introduced: "Master Pan, this is Wang Siqing, the old village head of Shawan Village, thanks to his hospitality last time."

Made an introduction between the two parties.

After a few polite greetings, Wang Siqing invited, "Everyone, come and sit at my house and have a cup of tea."

Pan Jinfu wanted to take a look at that place earlier, and then he had to go back to Donghai Institute in the afternoon, so he had to hurry up.

Quickly and politely said: "No, we still have business, thank you."

So, under the leadership of Yang Fan, a group of us set off towards the destination.No more trouble for Wang Siqing to lead the way.

After everyone walked away, the whole village was completely boiling. Almost all the people in the village gathered here, most of their eyes stayed on these jeeps.

The best vehicle in Shawan Village is a walking tractor, and then there are several ox carts or horse-drawn carts. Everyone rarely sees so many jeeps.

"Village chief, what are they doing, so many people?"

Before Wang Siqing could answer, a person next to him immediately said: "I can't tell, they are all big cadres, especially the leader, I think the rank is not low."

Many people showed awe. In the eyes of the villagers, the big cadres were unattainable.

"Village chief, there are so many big cadres, what are they doing in our Shawan village?"

Wang Sicun looked at the direction in which Yang Fan and the others walked away, with a profound look, "We will build a national-level large-scale project here, and you should not inquire about this matter."

There was a sound of gasping all around.

Obviously, the national-level large-scale project has scared many people, and the awe in the eyes of some people is even more obvious.

(End of this chapter)

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