Military Heavy

Chapter 112 Relax 1

Chapter 112 Relax

Yang Fan worked as a "coolie" for a few days, but he was also very happy.

The large computer in the institute was broken, and it couldn't be repaired for a while, which made many people who needed to do design calculations panic, but when they heard that the computer in the combat system design room could do these calculations, they found Yang Fan one after another.

Or they do the calculations on the computer themselves, or Yang Fan does the calculations for them.

In a few days, all the design calculations needed in the institute were swept away. Seeing everyone's gratitude, to be honest, Yang Fan was also in a good mood.

This incident was also reported to General Master Pan, who specifically praised Yang Fan.

Time soon came to the end of April, and tomorrow is Labor Day.

The busy Donghai Institute still had three days off.

However, it is estimated that some comrades will still choose to work overtime in the institute.

Everyone silently contributed, dedicated to the 052 ship without complaint or regret, and did not care about personal gains or losses at all. Yang Fan saw all this in his eyes.

What a comrade!
What a respectable military worker.

Yang Fan also plans to rest for only two days, at least one day will be dedicated to the design and development of the 052 ship, and he plans to return to the institute to work overtime on the third day of the holiday.

After get off work in the afternoon.

The gate of the East China Sea Institute opened, and an army of bicycles poured out. Many people's faces were filled with joy, because tomorrow was a holiday, and at least they could take a rest.

Not long after, a Yangtze River 750 came out of Donghai Institute. It was Yang Fan's motorcycle. It went to the dormitory to get some things, and then drove towards his old house.

After owning this Yangtze River 750, Yang Fan went home more often, and sometimes stayed at home for one night.

As for eating, they could do it themselves, or eat at Jiang Yan's house.

In less than 10 minutes, the Yangtze River 750 arrived at the gate of the old house, and Jiang Yan happily came over just after getting off the bus.

"Brother Fan!"

Seeing Jiang Yan, Yang Fan became inexplicably happy, "You came back so early."

"It's been two hours since I came back," Jiang Yan replied.

Their school is also on holiday, and she took the bus home after class this afternoon.It is very convenient to go home after studying in Donghai City without going to other places.

Seeing that Yang Fan brought back a lot of things, she hurried over to help, carried a bag into the house, and chatted and laughed with Yang Fan.

Tell some interesting stories, tell some things about their school, chirping like a very happy lark.

"Brother Fan, I guess you may come back. I specially cooked some more rice, and I will go to my house for dinner later. Then, how about we go catch loaches and eels at night?"

Catch loach eels!
Some memories emerged from Yang Fan's mind. When they were young, the two of them did many of these things.

In the evening when the weather is fine, take a flashlight and a clip to catch loach, and go to some paddy fields in the suburbs to catch loach and eel.

Jiang Yan is a happy little follower, her main duty is to help carry the bucket.If you are lucky, you can gain a lot in one night.

Yang Fan is a "master" at picking loach and eel.

The weather tonight must be good, and it’s okay to grab a loach and rice field eel, Yang Fan agreed: "Okay, then we will set off as soon as it gets dark."


Jiang Yan was as happy as a little girl.

Having dinner at Jiang Dahai's home, Yang Fan specially brought two bottles of wine over, which made Jiang Dahai blame for a while, and the young man wasted money.

Although he was blaming him, he could tell that he was still very happy in his heart. He smiled when he was eating at night, and greeted Yang Fan like an elder.

After dinner, Yang Fan and Jiang Yan went out to pick up eels.

There is no shortage of tools, two flashlights, a tin bucket, and tools for clamping rice field eels, a clamp made of bamboo slices with a length of more than two feet.

set off!

The things were placed in the body of the Changjiang 750. Jiang Yan was sitting on the back seat of the motorcycle, and Yang Fan could smell a nice fragrance.

It is much more convenient to have a motorcycle. After driving for 10 minutes, you will gradually enter the suburbs. You can see large paddy fields and vegetable fields, and you can hear the sound of frogs in your ears.

The weather is very nice.

The weather is a little hot during the day, but very cool at night. A bright moon hangs in the sky, and the night doesn't look too dark.

Yang Fan is naturally more familiar with the situation in this area. He parked his motorcycle under a big tree by the side of the road, and waved his hand: "Let's go!"

Yang Fan walked in front and saw that there was a good stick, so he picked it up and said to Jiang Yan, "You take the stick, if there are snakes, use the stick to drive them away."

If you go out to catch eels at night like this, the most feared thing is probably snakes.

Of course, Yang Fan was not afraid, he was worried that Jiang Yan was a girl, so he found a stick for her, how could she know, she smiled happily, "Brother Fan, I'm not afraid of snakes, have you forgotten?"

Yang Fan was dumbfounded for a while.

Jiang Yan is really not afraid of snakes. When he was a child, Yang Fan caught a non-poisonous snake to scare Jiang Yan, but he didn't know that he was not afraid at all.

It is estimated that there are very few such girls.

After walking for a few minutes, we arrived at the side of a large paddy field. Some paddy fields have not been transplanted, and some have not been transplanted for a few days. This is the best way to catch eels and loach.

Here's one.

It's an eel!
Yang Fan was careful, and finally caught the eel.

Jiang Yan didn't shout happily because it would scare the loaches and eels, she just nodded with a smile and gave Yang Fan a thumbs up.

As if to say.

Brother Fan, a good start.

As soon as I came, I caught one!
There are many loaches and eels.

The ecological environment in the 80s was still good. It is difficult to catch loaches and eels in the countryside at night, but now it is not bad.

After a while, Yang Fan caught more than a dozen loaches and several eels.

The harvest is not bad.

Suddenly, Jiang Yan gestured to Yang Fan, and then pointed not far ahead.

Yang Fan was overjoyed for a while, this is a big cargo.

Walking over gently, he shot quickly, and firmly clamped the big ricefield eel.

Hehe, I still want to struggle.

Tell you, it's futile.

At least three or four taels!
Looking at the big rice field eel that was firmly clamped and struggling desperately, Yang Fan smiled happily and threw it into the tin bucket that Jiang Yan was carrying.

The big eel jumped around in the barrel for a while, and it took a while to calm down.

The two have not spoken, and they cooperate very well.After harvesting this big product, Jiang Yan finally couldn't bear it anymore, "Brother Fan, it's not small."

"Well, it's a big one!"

Yang Fan was also extremely happy, and his heart was filled with the satisfaction of harvest.

I have been busy with work for a while, so I suddenly relaxed and used the night time to go out and pick up rice field eels.

This feeling is really good!
A big loach.

Yang Fan quickly caught another loach and threw it into the bucket Jiang Yan was carrying.

Loach, eel!
One by one, as long as they are seen, nine out of ten will not escape the trap in Yang Fan's hands.The bucket Jiang Yan was carrying gradually gained a little weight.

In the distance, there is also the light of a flashlight.

He must also be the one who caught loach and eels.

Within a few minutes, the other party gradually approached, probably seeing Yang Fan and Jiang Yan, and wanted to come over to see how the "travelers" got.

At this moment, Yang Fan's eyes were staring at a thick eel, which was bigger than the previous one. He walked over gently and stretched out the clip gently.

With a sudden clamp, the action is very fast!
Stock up!

After the big field eel was caught, it struggled desperately for a while, twisting you back and forth.

If you want to run, there is no door.

There is absolutely no such possibility.

Yang Fan threw the big eel into the bucket that Jiang Yan was carrying, looked at the uneasy big eel in the bucket, and said happily, "At least half a catty!"

Jiang Yan also said happily: "It must be half a catty, Brother Fan, we are lucky today."

When the two were very happy, the light on the opposite side was approaching, and someone came over with a flashlight, holding a clip in his hand and carrying a fish basket on his back.

Apparently he was also the one who came out to pick up eels at night.

(End of this chapter)

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