Military Heavy

Chapter 113 Brother, you are a master!

Chapter 113 Brother, you are a master!

Yang Fan saw the opponent clearly.

A young man under the age of 30 came out alone to pick up rice field eels.

A few meters away, the young man said, "Brother, how is the harvest?"

Seeing that the young people were more friendly and enthusiastic, Yang Fan replied, "Not bad, how about you?"

The young man sighed: "The luck is relatively bad, the harvest is so-so."

Yang Fan looked at his fish basket, there was only about a catty of stuff in it, nodded and said, "You just came out not long ago, right?"

"I've been out for more than an hour, and I'm going to go back after doing some more work." He walked towards Jiang Yan while talking, and saw the things in the tin bucket.


First there was a low exclamation, and then he said loudly: "How long have you been here, there are so many, at least two or three catties, which is several times mine."

Yang Fan smiled slightly.

There was a burst of joy in my heart.

There are indeed about three catties of loach and rice field eels. The key is that there are still a few big ones. The largest rice field eel weighs four or five taels. Wild rice field eels like this are very nourishing.

How did you get so many?

The young man couldn't figure it out a bit, and looked at the harvest in the bucket with great envy, thinking in his heart, if only I could pick up so much in one night.

such a pity!
Can't compare, can't compare!

Others clip much more than me.

Aside from being envious, the young man sighed with emotion and had to be convinced that there were a lot of loach and rice field eels, especially the two rice field eels which were very big.

Because the light was dim, the young man's main attention was all attracted by the tin bucket at first. After feeling a little bit of emotion and envy, he finally noticed Jiang Yan.

Such a beautiful girl.

He looked at Yang Fan, feeling a burst of envy in his heart, a winner in life, this should be his partner, so beautiful!

It would be great if my future object can be half as beautiful as someone else.

Feeling that Jiang Yan was very beautiful, he took a second look, but he didn't dare to look any more, for fear of causing the other party's dissatisfaction.

After withdrawing his gaze from Jiang Yan, he said to Yang Fan in a very envious tone: "Brother, good luck, your partner is the most beautiful person I have ever seen."

Yang Fan was taken aback.

My partner? ? ?
It took a long time before I came back to my senses, knowing that Jiang Yan was what he was talking about, I couldn't help being dumb, I wanted to explain, this is not my partner.

But I don't know how to say it, and after two or three seconds, I said softly: "This is not my partner, but my friend."

"I see."

The young man had an expression of "I know", probably thinking in his heart, friends and partners, this is not the same.

Seeing the young man's expression, Yang Fan knew that he had misunderstood, but he also knew that the more he explained this kind of thing, the more he couldn't explain it clearly, so he didn't explain it anymore.

Jiang Yan next to him didn't speak, but his pretty face flushed for a while, but it was night and no one could see it. If it was daytime, it would be a little embarrassing.

"Brother Fan, why didn't you explain it to others? You're so ashamed."

Jiang Yan felt coquettish for a while, but then she felt a little inexplicable joy. She didn't know why others said she was Yang Fan's object, but she didn't feel angry at all, but felt a little shy, and then Actually a little happy.

Fortunately, I did not continue this topic.

The young man was asking Yang Fan about the topic of clamping loach and eel, and he looked humbly asking for advice, "How did you clamp it, can you teach me?"

Yang Fan was also not stingy at all, "There are indeed some specialties. After finding a loach or eel, you should move lightly. When you strike, you must move quickly, accurately, and ruthlessly, and clamp it in one go."

Talked about some essentials.

The young man immediately remembered it in his heart and nodded again and again.

"I see you holding a clip and following you for a while, is that okay?"

"Of course." Yang Fan said, "Just follow us and see how I get caught."

Yang Fan and Jiang Yan walked in front, and the young man walked behind. The three of them walked along the paddy field, looking for the target.

Soon, Yang Fan stopped.

The target was found, two big loaches, motionless, only about two feet apart.

Yang Fan's movements were very light, and the clip was gently stretched out. After approaching one of the loach, the movement was very fast, really fast, accurate and ruthless!

With a clatter, one of them was firmly clamped.

Instead of throwing the caught loach into the tin bucket Jiang Yan was carrying, he stretched the trap over and approached the other loach.

There was another crash, and another one was caught.

Kill two birds with one stone!
No, two loach in one clip.

Seeing Yang Fan's amazing operation, the young man was a little stunned, and then applauded in his heart.

Great, so great!
It was an eye-opener!
He admired Yang Fan instantly, gave a thumbs up and praised: "Brother, you are a master, a real master."

To be so praised by others.

This feeling seems to be good!

Yang Fan smiled happily, "Follow my method, practice more and clip more times, I think you can do it too."

"Well, I'm going to give it a try."

After following Yang Fan for a while, watching Yang Fan pick up a few loaches and two eels, he couldn't help it anymore, looking eager to try.

After saying goodbye to Yang Fan, he walked away. Obviously, he had to practice according to Yang Fan's method, hoping to catch a lot of loaches and eels.

After he was gone, Yang Fan took Jiang Yan to continue to pick up loach and eel.

This is a real countryside, with large paddy fields, a lot of loaches and eels, and gradually, the harvest increased.

Another three or four 10 minutes later, Jiang Yan reminded: "Brother Fan, it's almost there, our bucket is almost full."

Yang Fan glanced at the bucket. The loach and eel were more than halfway up the bucket. Visually, it should weigh more than five catties. With so much harvest, we can go back.

He raised his hand to check the time, it was past nine o'clock in the evening.

Can go back.

Today's harvest is really good, Yang Fan looks very happy.

It is another experience to draw in the institute in peacetime.

"Come on, let's go back."

After finishing speaking, he took the bucket from Jiang Yan's hand and held it in his hand, put the clip for holding the loach and eel into the bucket, and walked in front.

"Brother Fan, slow down."

Seeing Yang Fan walking a little faster, Jiang Yan reminded him carefully.

Yang Fan slowed down. There was a section of the ridge that was relatively narrow and curved. Worried that Jiang Yan's feet would slip or step on the ground, Yang Fan simply reached out and held Jiang Yan's little hand very naturally.

I didn't think too much about it at all, it was all out of that concern.

But holding Jiang Yan's little hand, the soft and delicate feeling came from his hand, Yang Fan suddenly realized that Jiang Yan was already a big girl, not the little follower a few years ago, it seemed a little inappropriate to hold hands .

But I don't know why, but I am a little bit reluctant to let go.

Being held by Yang Fan's little hand, Jiang Yan's face blushed again, but he didn't withdraw his hand, but let Yang Fan hold it all the time.

Suddenly, there is a feeling of love.

Jiang Yan remembered that the two played together when they were young, and he had said more than once that he would marry Brother Yang Fan when he grew up.

Thinking of what he said when he was a child, Jiang Yan's face turned even redder, a little hot.

Neither of them spoke, they held hands and walked slowly and carefully along the ridge of the field.
Inside the home.

Because there is no TV and no other entertainment items, Jiang Haihai and his wife usually go to bed early, seeing that it is already nine o'clock in the evening, Jiang Haihai said: "It's getting late, let's go to bed."

Li Xiuzhen glanced at Jiang Dahai and reminded, "Can you sleep now?"

Jiang Dahai glanced at Li Xiuzhen inexplicably, and said puzzledly, "Why can't I fall asleep?"

After finishing speaking, he stretched his waist, feeling very sleepy.

Li Xiuzhen got angry for a while, and blamed: "You are a stupid head, your girl and Yang Fan haven't come back after going out for almost two hours, don't you worry at all?"

"I have nothing to worry about."

Jiang Dahai said: "It's not the first time for them to go out. When they were young, they often went out to play. Yang Fan was naughty, and sometimes he took the girl outside for a whole day before coming back."

"Don't worry, it's fine this time." Jiang Dahai stretched again, ready to go back to his room to sleep.

(End of this chapter)

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