Military Heavy

Chapter 114 I'm Happy

Chapter 114 I'm Happy

Li Xiuzhen was speechless for a while.

This is really a wooden fish head, why can't it turn around.

She grabbed Jiang Dahai and reminded: "Your girl is not the little girl she used to be. She is 21 this year. They are lonely and widowed. It's a big night again. I'm worried."

That's what happened.

How did Jiang Dahai understand it, and gradually lost sleepiness.

Walking around with hands behind their backs, after walking back and forth a few times, they suddenly stopped, "Then tell me, what should I do?"

Li Xiuzhen said: "How do I know what to do?"

Jiang Dahai wanted to say something, but seemed to hold back his words, and stopped walking up and down, but sat down on a chair.

He took out a cigarette, lit it, and smoked slowly.

Li Xiuzhen also sat on the side, putting on shoe mats to pass the time.

Originally thought that Jiang Dahai's mood would get worse and worse, and his brows would become tighter and tighter. How could he know that after smoking a cigarette, his brows would be completely relaxed, which Li Xiuzhen didn't expect.

Li Xiuzhen, who was holding the insole, stopped, was stunned, and asked concerned: "Are you okay, don't leave me alone."

It is indeed a little abnormal for Jiang Dahai to be like this, that's why Li Xiuzhen asked.

"Haha." Jiang Dahai smiled heartily, "I'm fine, I'm fine at all, I'm pretty normal, I don't worry about the girl and Yang Fan going out."

Li Xiuzhen was at a loss.

He stared blankly at Jiang Dahai.

Putting down the needlework in his hands, he stretched out his hand to touch Jiang Dahai's forehead, and said to himself, "I don't have a fever, why are you talking nonsense?"

You are talking nonsense!

Jiang Dahai was unhappy and retorted.

Li Xiuzhen was not angry either, because the husband and wife usually have a good relationship, she smiled and said, "Why are you in such a good mood all of a sudden?"

She really couldn't understand this point.

Jiang Dahai smiled happily, "I'm happy, the girl is 20 years old this year, she will graduate soon, she will find someone sooner or later."

After speaking, he looked at Li Xiuzhen and said, "What do you think of Yang Fan?"

Li Xiuzhen came to her senses immediately, understood what Jiang Dahai meant, and replied, "Of course Yang Fan is not bad. Not only did he graduate from university, but now he is a national cadre and has a solid job. It's just that."

"Don't just stop."

Jiang Dahai waved his hand to interrupt, and said: "If my daughter wants to find a partner, to be honest, if it is someone else, I am really worried, but I can rest assured that Yang Fan, who has grown up since he was a child, knows the bottom line, even if it is a girl at night. I'm not worried about him going out."

"Aren't you worried?"

"do not worry."

Jiang Haiken's answer.

Everyone in charge said so, and Li Xiuzhen didn't say anything more.

While holding the insole, thinking about what Jiang Dahai said just now, he agreed a little bit.


We watched Yang Fan grow up, and he knows everything. It would be nice if he could be our son-in-law.

Well, it's really good.

After feeling that Yang Fan was good, Li Xiuzhen didn't worry anymore, and her mood improved a lot.

Neither Yang Fan nor Jiang Yan knew about this.

The two walked hand in hand through the long, narrow, and winding ridge. After reaching a wider road, Yang Fan let go of Jiang Yan's little hand.

It seems that there is really a little bit of reluctance.

Jiang Yan's small hand was soft and comfortable to hold.

Yang Fan's heart seemed to move slightly, and he felt a little different towards Jiang Yan. If he had always regarded her as the little sister next door, he no longer thought so now.

"If you're looking for someone, Jiang Yan is actually pretty good."

This is what Yang Fan is thinking at the moment.

The two didn't say anything, and the atmosphere was rather ambiguous. They just walked all the way until they reached the base of the big tree, the Yangtze River 750 motorcycle parked there.

Putting the things in the bucket of the motorcycle, Yang Fan stepped on the motorcycle and said, "Let's go back, I guess uncle and aunt are a little anxious."


Jiang Yan nodded, and also got on the motorcycle. Unexpectedly, she gently hugged Yang Fan's waist.

Yang Fan was slightly taken aback, but immediately felt happy, the girl is not bad, she is still very attached to me, she hugged my waist as soon as she got in the car.

Let's go, go back!

In a good mood, Yang Fan started the motorcycle and drove on the way home.

After driving for a certain distance, Jiang Yan not only hugged Yang Fan's waist, but also gently leaned on Yang Fan's back, narrowing the distance between them.

At this moment, Jiang Yan's face was hot.

The image of the big boy in her mind has become incomparably taller, this big boy is her solid support and she feels extremely secure.

This big boy is Yang Fan.

They maintained this state almost all the way, and the ambiguous atmosphere permeated all the time.

In fact, the two of them have been keeping in touch with each other, with at least two or three letters and as many as four or five letters every month.In Yang Fan's cabinet, there was a thick pile of letters written by Jiang Yan, and he carefully kept each letter. The letters he wrote to Jiang Yan were similar, also a thick pile, Jiang Yan It is kept like a treasure, and I will take it out to have a look when I have nothing to do. The more I look at it, the stronger the strange feeling in my heart.

Whether it was Yang Fan or Jiang Yan, they were already secretly emotional, but maybe they didn't realize it.

Tonight, both of them knew that they already had shadows of each other in their hearts, especially Jiang Yan.

When she was a child, the shadow of that big boy was imprinted in her heart, and now in Jiang Yan's heart, this shadow is even clearer.

Arrived at the door in about half an hour.

Yang Fan opened his mouth to break the ambiguity, and said softly, "We're home, let's get out of the car."

Jiang Yan let go of Yang Fan's hands, and Yang Fan got out of the car first, and then took Jiang Yan's little hand to help her get out of the car.

Carrying the bucket, he walked towards Jiang Yan's house.

"Brother Fan."

Jiang Yan was extremely shy, and his face was still a little hot.

Yang Fan slowed down, let go of her little hand, and the two walked slowly.

At this time, both Jiang Dahai and Li Xiuzhen heard the sound of the motorcycle, they looked at each other and smiled knowingly, very happy.

"Master, the girl is back."

"Yes, they should be back." Jiang Dahai replied, and checked the time, it was past ten o'clock in the evening.

After a while, Jiang Yan opened the door and came in, followed by Yang Fan.

"Dad, Mom, you haven't slept yet."

"Uncle, Auntie, there are a lot of loaches and eels in the field today. I came back a little late on a whim. You have been waiting for a long time." Yang Fan apologized.

Taking someone else's daughter out for one night, even though they are acquaintances, they still have to express a basic apology.

Jiang Dahai glanced at the loach and rice field eel in the bucket, said "Oops", and said in great surprise, "There are so many!"

Li Xiuzhen even found a big wooden basin, put some water in it, rinsed the loaches and eels, and poured them all into the wooden basin.

"Yang Fan, come over for lunch at noon tomorrow, we will eat these loaches and eels." Li Xiuzhen said.

The window on that floor was pierced, and after Li Xiuzhen took a fancy to Yang Fan as her son-in-law, Li Xiuzhen looked at Yang Fan differently.

There is a big difference from usual.

As the saying goes, when a mother-in-law looks at her son-in-law, the more she looks at her, the more she likes her.

Now Yang Fan is not her son-in-law, but the more he looks at him, the more he likes him.

Yang Fan didn't notice any difference in the eyes of Li Xiuzhen and Jiang Dahai at the beginning, but after feeling that the two were a little too enthusiastic, he gradually realized that their eyes were not right.

What's going on today? ? ?
Uncle Jiang and Auntie were so enthusiastic and talked so much, they not only greeted us warmly, but also enthusiastically poured hot tea and served me something to eat.

My aunt also asked me if I was hungry, and was going to order noodles for me.

Although he was at a loss, he didn't think about it for a while.

After returning home, washing up a bit, laying on the bed and getting ready to sleep, recalling the appearance of Jiang Dahai and Li Xiuzhen, gradually, Yang Fan seemed to understand a little bit.

(End of this chapter)

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