Military Heavy

Chapter 115 Jiang Dahai is a little drunk

Chapter 115 Jiang Dahai is a little drunk
The next day, Yang Fan got up very late.

On the one hand, I have a rest today, and I don’t have to go to work, so I can sleep in for a while.On the other hand, I lay in bed and thought a lot last night, so I fell asleep relatively late.

As soon as he brushed his teeth and washed his face, Jiang Yan happily came over, "Brother Fan, my mother made big meat buns, and I left some for you in the pot. I'll eat them later."

My heart warmed up.

Yang Fan thought, he often eats and drinks at Uncle Jiang's house, if he really gets together with Jiang Yan in the future, he must treat his daughter better.

Thinking so in my heart, I looked at the beautiful and happy Jiang Yan, and said in my heart, if Jiang Yan really is my partner, that would be a beautiful thing, such a partner is hard to find.

Not only is she beautiful, but the two get along well, and they have a tacit understanding.

childhood sweethearts.

There is no better word to describe the two of them.

"Thank you, auntie, I'll be right there."

After a while, Yang Fan arrived at Jiang Dahai's house. Surprisingly, only Jiang Yan was there, and Jiang Dahai, Li Xiuzhen, and Jiang Dan were not at home.

"Don't look, my parents and sister have gone out, and they said they will come back at noon." Jiang Yan said.

"Oh." Yang Fan responded.

I can't help but wonder in my heart, could it be that I deliberately created opportunities for Jiang Yan and me, giving us time and space.

Well, that's probably the case.

Reminiscing that Jiang Dahai and his wife suddenly treated him a little differently last night, especially the look in their eyes, Yang Fan couldn't help but think so.

"Hurry up and eat the buns."

Jiang Yan didn't know that Yang Fan was thinking wildly, and reminded him that if he didn't eat buns, he would be cold.

Open the lid of the pot, there are four big buns inside, still warm.

Picking up one of them, I took a light bite. My mouth was full of meaty aroma, very greasy, and fat soup flowed out.

"Wow, so delicious!"

Yang Fan praised in his heart, and said while eating, "You also eat one more, and there are three more, I don't think I can eat so much."

Jiang Yan smiled, feeling warm in his heart. Brother Fan was worried that I wasn't full.

"I've already eaten it, and if I eat it again, I'll gain weight."

Yang Fan glanced at Jiang Yan, knowing that girls like to be thinner, and they don't force it. After eating a big meat bun, he ate another one.

Two tubes are full.

Three is probably too much.

This is a real big meat bun. I guess I would be reluctant to eat it at ordinary times. Today is the National Day, and it happened that Yang Fan came back, so this kind of treatment was given.

After breakfast, the two chatted for a while.

I didn't go out for a stroll, but started cleaning.

Even if Yang Fan's old house is not often lived in, it needs to be cleaned occasionally. Yang Fan rolled up his sleeves and took a broom to sweep it.

Then he took a rag, brought a bucket of water, rolled up his sleeves and began to wipe the tables and chairs. Jiang Yan also came to help, just doing a clean job.

The two had a great time.

When it was almost noon, Jiang Dahai and his wife hadn't returned yet.

Yang Fan suggested: "Let's prepare the meals first, and they will have hot meals and dishes when they come back."

This proposal was approved by Jiang Yan with both hands, and she started washing rice and cooking, while Yang Fan came up with the idea of ​​those loaches and eels last night.

Tofu boiled loach!
Braised eel!

These are the two main dishes, which Yang Fan made by himself.Jiang Yan copied a stir-fried pork with green peppers and a vegetable.

Yang Fan's dishes are very particular.

Cut the eel with a sharp knife, remove the internal organs, and cut into eel segments.Only a few eels are enough, and the biggest eel weighs about half a catty.

Heat the oil in a pan, sauté the onion, ginger and garlic until fragrant, add the eel pieces.
This stewed eel is full of color, fragrance, and of course, the loach boiled tofu is also good, very delicious.Wild loach and rice field eel have good ingredients. In addition, Yang Fan's level is also good.

Jiang Yan's eyes lit up, and he kept yelling that Yang Fan would teach her how to cook these two dishes next time.

At noon, Jiang Dahai and the others came back.

"It smells so good, girl, you have already prepared the food."

Jiang Yan pointed to the four freshly prepared dishes on the table and said, "Brother Fan made the braised eel in brown sauce and boiled loach with tofu, and I fried the other two dishes."

"Good, good, good, good." Jiang Dahai sat down happily, and said loudly, "Everyone is eating, I'm really hungry."

Maybe in a good mood.

After sitting down, he said loudly again: "Bring a bottle of wine here, I want to drink two glasses today."

A bottle of wine was brought over, Yang Fan had quick eyes and hands, opened the bottle full and poured Jiang Dahai a glass, and was about to close the bottle.

"Pour yourself a glass and drink with me."

Jiang Yan immediately said, "Dad, Brother Fan rarely drinks."

"Pour a glass." Jiang Dahai insisted.

Yang Fan smiled, poured himself a cup as promised, and laughed.

Jiang Yan gave Yang Fan a blank look, which meant to say, I'll see what you do when you get drunk later.

Yang Fan chuckled again, looking very happy. It was a good thing to have a drink with Jiang Dahai.In addition, Yang Fan's alcohol capacity is very good, and it is no problem to drink eight taels of liquor. This is a result of training in many drinking games before rebirth.

Seeing that Yang Fan was very obedient, he really poured a full glass, Jiang Dahai was very happy, and the wine was even stronger, he waved and said: "Everyone sit down, eat, eat."

The family sits together and begins to eat lunch.

The same is true for Jiang Dan, who sat next to him with a bowl of rice and yelled, "I want to eat rice field eels, and I want to eat rice field eels made by brother Yang Fan."

Jiang Yan put a few pieces into her bowl, and she ate it immediately, and shouted after eating a piece, "Wow, it's delicious, it's so delicious!"

"I'll give it a try, um, it's really good, it won't be any different than those state-run hotels." Li Xiuzhen also praised.

Everyone feels good.

Yang Fan smiled reassuringly, as long as it tastes good, this is the first time he cooks in Jiang Dahai's house, and he can't mess it up for the first time.

Jiang Dahai ate a piece of eel slices, nodded as well, then raised his glass and said, "Come, come, let's drink."

Yang Fan touched him with the wine glass and took a sip.

While drinking, eating, and chatting.

The atmosphere is very nice.

Gradually, Li Xiuzhen looked very concerned, and began to ask Yang Fan some things, such as how is his work recently, and whether he has found a partner.

Yang Fan replied: "No, I don't have a date yet."

Hearing such an answer, Li Xiuzhen was both happy and relieved, and specially warned: "When looking for a partner, you must find someone who knows the basics. After all, this is a major event in life, and you can't be careless."

She said a lot, especially emphasizing again and again that one must know the basics, and it is best to be familiar with each other.

Jiang Yan's face turned slightly red.

Girls' minds are generally delicate and sensitive, so how can they not know what their mother means.

Jiang Dahai seems to be very drunk, eating food and drinking heavily.

Yang Fan only drank about half of his glass of wine, and he finished his full glass of baijiu. Seeing this, Yang Fan quickly filled him up again.

After two glasses of wine, he was a little tipsy.

He also talked more, and he was unobstructed, not like usual, after all, he was a little drunk.

"Xiao Yang, I will call you Brother from now on, don't call me Uncle Jiang, call me Brother Jiang!"

Good guy, Yang Fan has been promoted to a level all of a sudden.

Li Xiuzhen quit first, knocked him with her chopsticks, and cursed: "I don't know who I am after two glasses of wine, so give it back to Brother Jiang."

Jiang Dahai's tongue was a little big, which was entirely due to drinking too much wine. He insisted: "Don't listen to her, listen to me. I will call Brother Jiang from now on. We two brothers will have a few more drinks in the future."

Jiang Dahai was a little drunk.

Really drunk.

Maybe it's because I'm in a good mood.

The daughter I have raised for 21 years is about to have a partner.

Seeing Jiang Dahai who was drunk, Yang Fan hurriedly said, "Uncle Jiang, let's eat vegetables and drink less."

"No, there must be no less wine." He flatly refused, picked up the wine glass and drank all the remaining wine in it, and then said loudly: "It's full, I want another glass."

Li Xiuzhen confiscated the wine bottle and drank another glass. She didn't know what would happen.

Two glasses of wine will call Yang Fan brothers and sisters. After finishing the three glasses of wine, Yang Fan dare not think about it at all, but just persuade him to eat more vegetables.

Yang Fan stayed in the old house for two days.

At noon on the 1st, Jiang Dahai got drunk and was helped to sleep in his room, and he seemed to have forgotten everything when he woke up.

Yang Fan thought in his heart, it's okay, it's okay.

How embarrassing it would be if he remembered the fraternity thing.

On the morning of the 3rd, Yang Fan got up early, because he was going to work overtime in the office today, and rode the 750 into Donghai Institute at around 08:30.

After entering, Yang Fan felt that there was no holiday atmosphere in the institute, and the number of people going to work was not much less than usual. Obviously, many people were working overtime voluntarily.

What a comrade.

What a respectable military worker!
For the 052 ship, they are willing to contribute silently, regardless of personal gains and losses.

Yang Fan also talked with everyone, quickly entered the working state, and was still busy with some things at work, especially paying attention to everyone's design progress.

A few days after May Day, Pan Jinfu personally presided over an important meeting.

A meeting on onshore joint commissioning experiments.

(End of this chapter)

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