Military Heavy

Chapter 116 The Onshore Joint Commissioning Experiment Begins

Chapter 116 The Onshore Joint Commissioning Experiment Begins

In the conference room, everyone gathered together.

Yang Fan, Shi Wei, Zhao Yulan, and Kuang Wei were all present, as well as comrades from other relevant units, and even the 052 Ship Headquarters far away in Beijing sent people to participate.

Pan Jinfu is speaking generously.

First, I explained to everyone the importance of the land joint commissioning experiment again, and even said the painful lesson of the 051 ship because it did not do the land joint commissioning experiment, and then introduced the location of the land joint commissioning experiment in Shawan Village. Construction progress.

"Comrades, what makes us very excited is that our land-based joint commissioning experiment base can barely carry out some related experiments. The equipment of the 052 ship has also arrived one after another, and some other equipment will be in place one after another."

Yang Fan sat there, listening attentively like other comrades, recording something in his notebook from time to time.

To be honest, Yang Fan is also excited to be able to carry out land joint debugging experiments.

This is a big deal for the 052 ship.

It is a milestone event!

Conducting land-based joint debugging experiments also means that the problems of these equipment will be greatly reduced after boarding the ship in the future, and there will no longer be a large number of problems on the ship like the 051 ship.

Shi Wei sat next to Yang Fan.

He said softly: "Great, we will finally carry out the land joint debugging experiment."

His tone was full of anticipation and joy.

Yang Fan smiled slightly, and said softly: "The combat system design office will definitely send people to participate in the land-based joint debugging experiment. It is estimated that Director Shi will often go to Shawan Village and stay there in person."

Shi Wei smiled happily, "It's okay, I'd like to stay there."

The two chatted for a while, because they were in a meeting now, and Chief Master Pan was talking about some matters related to the land joint commissioning experiment, and the two of them didn't continue the chat.

Just because the land joint commissioning experiment is about to start, I feel excited, so I can't help but whisper a few words like this.

The meeting lasted almost one morning, and many arrangements were made.

Sure enough, as Yang Fan guessed, the combat system design room of the land-based joint test experiment needs to send backbones to participate, and the model office should also participate in it.

Yang Fan went to Shawan Village again on May 5th.

Shi Wei, Zhang Xiaodong and others came here with Yang Fan, and some people from other related units arrived there one after another two days ago, and some were rushing over on the land.

The jeep is driving towards Shawan Village.

Sitting in the car, looking at the road leading to Shawan Village, Yang Fan thought in his heart, he hasn't been here for only one or two months, and the changes here are really big.

The road used to be full of potholes, but now it is different. It is paved with a layer of gravel, which is much smoother and seems to have been slightly widened. Large trucks can drive without any problems.

The road conditions are good, and we will soon arrive at Shawan Village.

There is a fork at the head of the village, and a newly built simple road leads directly to the seaside, which is the road to the land joint debugging experiment base.

The jeep did not enter the village, but turned at the fork at the entrance of the village and went directly to the land joint commissioning experiment base. After driving about two or three kilometers, the checkpoint in front could already be seen.

Two soldiers with live ammunition were standing guard there, and a barbed wire fence was pulled up around them. A large area in front of them was forbidden for idlers.

After Yang Fan showed his ID and the letter of introduction issued by Donghai, the jeep was able to move forward again, and after driving for another one or two kilometers, it finally arrived at the land joint commissioning experiment base.

It used to be a deserted beach, but now it's different.

A simple test site has been built, and several rows of simple board houses are relatively neat.

"This is our land joint debugging experiment base!"

After getting off the car, Shi Wei, Zhang Xiaodong and others were all surprised.

They were not disappointed by the poor conditions here. On the contrary, they showed a kind of deep surprise. As military workers, the conditions are difficult.

This originally desolate beach is now quite lively. Not only has the site been leveled, some simple board houses have been built, and there are many more people.

People from some relevant units have already arrived, some arrived the day before yesterday, some arrived here yesterday, and some just arrived not long ago.

"Yang Fan, you are here."

Tang Jianming is not only the deputy chief designer of the 052 ship, but also the chief person in charge of the land joint commissioning experiment. He greeted Yang Fan and others happily.

"Hello, Mr. Tang."

"Master Tang, hello."

Everyone greeted Tang Jianming one after another.

Tang Jianming looked at Yang Fan, Shi Wei and others with satisfaction, and then introduced some of the main comrades involved in this land joint commissioning experiment to everyone.

There are people from relevant units and the military. As for the people who participated in the land joint commissioning experiment in the East China Sea, both Yang Fan and Shi Wei know each other.

After introducing each other, Yang Fan and Shi Wei walked around and looked around.

Today is relatively easy, and the real work will start tomorrow, which is why Yang Fan and others came here today.

After looking around, it didn't take long. With the arrival of several large military trucks, the entire land joint testing and experiment base became lively.

"Look, something is coming!"

Several military trucks had come over and parked. The tarpaulins that were tightly covered on the vehicles were untied, and everyone saw the things transported by the vehicles.

Like Yang Fan, not only saw these things, but also recognized them at a glance.

Radar on the 052 ship!
To be precise, it is an air search radar!
Type 382 air-to-air warning radar, code-named "Sea Eagle".

"The radar is here, the radar is here!"

Seeing the radar delivered by military trucks, many people shouted happily.

"What kind of radar is this? It looks very good."

"Our 'Sea Hawk' air search radar."

There were many people around the truck, and everyone looked at this radar happily. In everyone's eyes, this radar was carefully unloaded from the truck.

With the arrival of the "Sea Eagle" air search radar, in the afternoon, Tang Jianming, the general manager of the land-based joint commissioning experiment, organized everyone to hold the first meeting.

The conditions are simple and there is no special meeting room. The meeting was held in a simple wooden room. Some stools were brought in, and everyone sat together to hold the meeting.

Tang Jianming said: "Comrades, everyone has seen that our current conditions are simple, but even under such simple conditions, we have full confidence to complete the land joint commissioning of all the equipment of the 052 ship."

This is the first time that the land-based joint commissioning test has been conducted in my country, and there is not even a dedicated site. Now, researchers can only use temporary prefabricated houses by the sea as laboratories.

As for the experimental equipment, they were also pieced together and assembled by themselves.

The conditions are simple, but everyone is full of confidence.

After introducing some information, Tang Jianming said: "We plan to start debugging the air search radar first, and the radar assembly will start immediately. Comrades, do you have any opinions?"

"no comment."

"I have no opinion either."

Most of the scientific researchers said they had no opinion, but some people also raised their opinions. For example, Pan Zhiping was one of the scientific researchers who participated in the land-based joint commissioning experiment.

He asked, "Master Tang, when our radar is being debugged, are all other electronic devices turned on?"

this is a problem.

Before Tang Jianming could answer, someone immediately said, "Of course all of them are turned on. We don't have many electronic devices in place at present. Are you still afraid of interference?"

What Pan Zhiping worries about is interference.

Yang Fan is also worried about this aspect.

I took a look around the base not long ago, and saw some electronic equipment in addition to these temporary prefabricated houses.

There are not many electronic devices, but they include a communication radar. If all these things are turned on, there will definitely be electromagnetic interference.

Tang Jianming did not rush to answer Pan Zhiping's question, but asked: "Everyone can share their opinions."

"My opinion is to turn them all on, just to try the anti-jamming situation of the 'Sea Eagle' radar."

"Of course, all of them are turned on. It would take too much time to try one by one."


At least [-]% to [-]% of the researchers indicated that all electronic equipment, including the communication radar, were turned on.

Only [-] to [-]% of the people did not speak, probably with reservations.

Yang Fan smiled wryly.

I thought to myself, everyone has never done a land-based joint debugging experiment, and it seems that the experience is still a little lacking. This kind of experiment can only test one type of equipment and one type of equipment. If they are all turned on, it must be a mess. conduct.

When everyone finished speaking and no one spoke, Yang Fan stood up.

Thanks to "Qingyi Xuefa Jianghu Road" for the two rewards totaling 1500 starting coins!

Thanks to "Book Friends 160628193828322" for the reward of 1000 starting coins!

Thanks for "1TNT" 400 starting coins and "Half Wings" 100 starting coins for tipping! ! !

thank you all!

In addition, ask everyone for support such as recommendation tickets and collections.

(End of this chapter)

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