Military Heavy

Chapter 117 Do the Minority Obey the Majority?

Chapter 117 Do the Minority Obey the Majority?
Tang Jianming's eyes fell on Yang Fan, "Director Yang, do you have anything to say?"

Gently nodding his head, Yang Fan said in a loud voice: "I object to many electronic devices being turned on for testing at the same time, because it will cause serious electromagnetic interference."

No one is more aware of the seriousness of electromagnetic interference than Yang Fan.

There is no dedicated electromagnetic interference laboratory yet,
"Once electromagnetic interference occurs, it will affect the sensitivity of our radar, and it will paralyze our radar and lose its proper function."

Reasonable and clear thinking!

Yang Fan talked for a few minutes, hoping to convince everyone not to test many devices at the same time, but to proceed step by step, steadily, and not to rush.

It's a pity that no one has done a land-based joint debugging experiment. It is the first time in our country to conduct such a test. You may know that there will be electromagnetic interference, but you have not realized the seriousness of it.

Electromagnetic interference generally has a huge impact on shipboard equipment.

There was a living Liezi once in the naval battle of Yingama Island.

It was a tragedy caused by electromagnetic mutual interference!

During the battle, the British destroyer "Sheffield" was forced to turn off the radar when contacting the mainland because the warning radar interfered with the satellite communication. As a result, it failed to detect the enemy's Exocet missile in time and was destroyed.

It was the first warship lost by the British Army after World War II.

After Yang Fan finished speaking, the conference room became uneasy, as if a powder keg had been ignited, and was refuted by several scientific and technical personnel.

"The joint debugging experiment must be a test of many devices at the same time. Turn off other devices and debug one by one. What kind of debugging is this?"

"I also don't agree with debugging individual devices one by one, which is too time-consuming, and our time is already tight."

"Electromagnetic interference may exist, but if we don't try it, we don't know the extent of this interference at all. Maybe it won't have a big impact."


Several technicians who participated in the onshore joint commissioning experiment expressed their opinions, and one technician in particular objected most strongly.

He is Yan Shijie, a technician sent by a certain unit to be in charge of communication equipment.

"I object to what this comrade said just now. Our current equipment has only reached a small part. Even if all of them are turned on, the electromagnetic interference is very limited."

"Don't magnify small problems infinitely. This is not necessary. If the electromagnetic interference is really so serious, so many equipments on our 052 ship will be installed on the ship in the future. Can't they be turned on at the same time, and they must be turned on one by one? "

Some people laughed, obviously agreeing with Yan Shijie's statement.

It is also the same reason, so many equipments on the 052 ship will definitely be turned on at the same time in the future, various radars, air-to-air radar, sea-to-sea radar, communication radar, short-wave and microwave.

In the future, the 052 ship will be a large collection of many equipment, and there will be many large and complex equipment.

Yang Fan looked at these people, sighed slightly in his heart, and was also a little angry.

Why don't you listen? ? ?

Well, since this is the case, then I will stop talking nonsense and let the facts speak!
When many devices are turned on at the same time, you will know what the electromagnetic interference is like. After you have learned a lesson, you will know how correct what I just said is.

Yang Fan didn't say anything anymore, and other people who held different opinions also stopped after saying something.

Tang Jianming's eyes swept over everyone one by one. In fact, his point of view was basically consistent with Yang Fan's, and he also agreed to debug individual devices one by one. However, he was not very sure that when many devices were turned on together, electromagnetic interference would To what extent will it be.

After hesitating for a while, he finally said slowly: "Since everyone has different opinions, let's vote with a show of hands. Those who agree to start all the equipment together for joint debugging please raise your hand."

There were 19 people in the meeting room including Tang Jianming.

"Okay, a total of 11 people raised their hands in favor, and those who agree to test one by one with separate equipment, please raise their hands." Tang Jianming continued.

Yang Fan raised his hand, followed by Pan Zhiping, Shi Wei and Zhang Xiaodong, a total of 4.

To the surprise of many people, Tang Jianming himself raised his right hand, and everyone immediately understood that the deputy chief designer Tang also agreed to conduct experiments one by one first.

11 is better than 5!

Three others appeared to have reservations and did not raise their hands both times.

Tang Jianming looked at the number of people who raised their hands, and laughed at himself: "Yes, then we will carry forward the democratic style this time, the minority will follow the majority, and many devices will be turned on for joint debugging experiments."

That's it for the time being.

Several people showed joy on their faces, especially Yan Shijie, who was most in favor of joint debugging of all equipment.

Yang Fan's face was calm, without any expression of anger or frustration.

Since so many people want to turn on all the current devices together for joint debugging experiments, they should give it a try, and it is estimated that they will do it again in a short time.

The next day, everyone's main work was to prepare for the test, and the newly shipped "Sea Eagle" air search radar also began to assemble.

However, where to place the radar antenna is controversial.

Some people advocate placing it at a higher position, preferably on a special shelf, with a height of 30 to [-] meters.

But most people think that there is no need to make such a effort, and it can be placed directly on the flat ground, which is very trouble-free.

Yang Fan suggested to build a small one-story house, which is a little stronger, and put the antenna of the "Sea Eagle" air-to-air radar on the roof of the small one-story house.

Yang Fan has roughly calculated that this height is exactly the same as the antenna height of the "Sea Eagle" air-to-air radar on the 052 ship in the future.

The two are highly consistent and can most truly reflect the experimental results.

However, this proposal was strongly opposed by Yan Shijie and others. Therefore, after the radar antenna was assembled, it was placed on the flat ground of the test site.

The radar terminal is placed in a wooden room, including the radar display, together with other terminal equipment and so on.

It's been a busy day and a half.

It is already the afternoon of Yang Fan's third day here, and everything is finally in place.

Although he basically didn't follow his own suggestion, Yang Fan was also very happy to see that the onshore joint debugging experiment could start soon.

The first land-based joint commissioning experiment in China is finally about to begin.

Although this kind of land-based joint debugging experiment may eventually take two or three years, the joy in my heart is self-evident when I see the first step of the Long March.

This is to be happy for our 052 ship.

The onshore joint commissioning experiment will be a milestone.

Yang Fan will not only witness the beginning of this milestone, but also personally participate in it, and start the land joint commissioning of many equipment of the 052 ship together with everyone.

"Report to Master Tang, everything is ready!"

A scientific research technician continued to be excited, trot all the way to Tang Jianming, and reported loudly, the voice was very loud.

The sound came to everyone's ears, and everyone was happy.

The same is true for Shi Wei, he said softly: "Director Yang, our land joint commissioning experiment has finally started, I'm really a little excited!"

Yang Fan smiled slightly, also showing a happy expression, and said softly: "This will be an important day in the design and development history of the 052 ship."

Everything is ready.

Tang Jianming took a deep breath, tried to calm down the turbulent mood, and then said loudly: "Now, I announce that all personnel are in their positions, and the land joint commissioning experiment of the 052 ship is carried out. All the equipment currently is turned on!"

The equipment is turned on one after another! ! !
Thanks to "1TNT" for 200 coins and "House of God" for 100 coins!

Thank you, and thank you all! ! !

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(End of this chapter)

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