Military Heavy

Chapter 119 Putting Up the Antenna

Chapter 119 Putting Up the Antenna
The applause died down.

Tang Jianming walked up to Yang Fan and said solemnly: "Comrade Yang Fan, thank you very much. If it weren't for you, we might not even be able to spot the shadow of the target plane."

Yang Fan is not surprised by honor or disgrace.

He just smiled slightly, and said, "It's nothing, I just did a little thing."

Is it just a little thing? ? ?

Director Yang, you are too modest.

Many people looked at Yang Fan in admiration again, and said in their hearts, if it were me, I would have been overjoyed when faced with Master Tang's praise. Look at Director Yang, there is no sign of complacency on his face at all, what is he doing? did it.

Great, this is really great!
If it were me, I would definitely not be able to do it.

At this time, Yan Shijie slipped out quietly under the pretext of smoking a cigarette. In fact, he was not going to smoke, but his face was dull, and he was embarrassed to stay here any longer.

Especially when some people looked at him in the same way, no matter how thick-skinned he was, he couldn't reach this kind of gaze.

Section Chief Yan, look at Director Yang, his level is obviously much higher than yours.

Dear Section Chief Yan, you said that electromagnetic interference will not affect it!

Yan. Chief Yan, why did you leave?
Where is Chief Yan? ? ?

There is no sign of Yan Shijie here, and everyone's eyes are all focused on Yang Fan. In an instant, Yang Fan became the absolute focus here.

Shi Wei is very familiar with Yang Fan, so it can be said that he knows everything, but this time Yang Fan's performance surprised him again, so much so that he quietly gave Yang Fan a thumbs up.

This is really admirable.

There is no falsehood.

Tang Jianming secretly breathed a sigh of relief, thinking in his heart, this is a lesson, it seems that we need to listen to our director Yang's advice more in the future.

After a while.

The radar soldiers reported loudly: "Deputy Chief Tang, found the target aircraft, its position"

On the radar screen, the target aircraft was very clear.

At this time, several admiring eyes looked at Yang Fan again. If Yang Fan hadn't been decisive, there would probably be no trace of the target aircraft on the radar screen.

The first real-target experiment was very successful.

There was another warm applause in the room, and some people even cheered uncontrollably.

Victory in the first battle!

It was an instant hit!
Tang Jianming deliberately held Yang Fan's hand tightly, and said very gratefully: "Comrade Yang Fan, you have made a great contribution, and I will report it."

At this moment, Yang Fan is also very happy. The land joint commissioning experiment has finally taken the first step successfully, "Mr. Tang, I just did a little thing."

Still so humble.

Our director Yang is good at everything else, but he is too modest.

After expressing his thanks by holding Yang Fan's hand tightly, Tang Jianming asked, "Comrade Yang Fan, do you have any suggestions for the land joint commissioning experiment?"

The place quieted down.

Everyone wants to hear what Yang Fan will say and what advice he will give.

Yang Fan did not hesitate, this is an opportunity, of course he should make good use of it, and said directly: "I still insist on testing individual devices one by one at the beginning of the land joint debugging experiment, and joint debugging of many devices will be considered in the future matter."

That's right, now is the initial stage of the land-based joint commissioning experiment. A lot of equipment is not in place yet, and the conditions here are so simple that it is impossible to become fat with one bite. It must be done step by step, and there is no rush.

Many people think that Tang Jianming will say a few official words, such as this suggestion is very important, we will focus on it, focus on research and so on.

To everyone's surprise, Tang Jianming immediately agreed: "No problem, we will do it this way. At the beginning of the onshore joint commissioning, we will debug individual devices one by one."

Ok, deal? ? ?
Deputy chief designer Tang doesn't think about it?

After everyone came to their senses, they sighed. Director Yang's words have weight. Just mentioning this, our Chief Teacher Tang fully accepted it.

Tang Jianming continued to ask: "Any other suggestions?"

Yang Fan said: "The antenna of our air-to-air radar cannot be placed on flat ground like this, it must be erected, even if it is placed on the roof of a bungalow."

Put up the antenna!

Hearing such a suggestion, Tang Jianming was thoughtful at first, but soon understood why Yang Fan did this.Nodding in agreement, "That's a good suggestion."

Facing everyone, he formally explained: "Just do what Comrade Yang Fan said, and set up the antenna of the air-to-air radar."

Someone reminded softly: "But, that antenna is not light."

Yang Fan said: "I know that the antenna of the 'Sea Eagle' air search radar weighs 490 kilograms, which is nearly 1000 kilograms, but it's not particularly heavy. There is no problem in erecting it."

It turned out that Director Yang knew the weight of the antenna.

And it is so accurate, directly reporting the weight data of 490 kg!

Yang Fan reminded: "The height of the radar antenna and the sea level should be as consistent as possible with the antenna height of the 'Sea Eagle' air-to-air radar on the 052 ship in the future."

The height is basically the same, which can best detect the function of the radar, and is much less affected by other factors.

Yang Fan stayed at the land-based joint debugging experiment base for a week.

It is impossible to stay here for a long time. On the one hand, he is two deputy directors and has other things at hand.On the other hand, the conditions here are a little too crude.

Yang Fan and others went back to Donghai Institute first, and will go there often in the future, but not regularly, maybe once or twice a month, and stay for three to five days each time.

Tang Jianming has also returned to the East China Sea Institute for the time being, and he is expected to go there again in a few days. He is the general director of the land joint debugging experiment.

In the office, Pan Jinfu was chatting with Tang Jianming about the onshore joint commissioning experiment.

"Mr. Pan, this land-based joint investigation has generally gone smoothly, and the scheduled goal has been basically completed."

He first reported the situation of the land joint commissioning, and then said: "There was also a small accident, and electromagnetic interference occurred after many devices were turned on at the same time. Fortunately, Comrade Yang Fan dealt with it in a timely and decisive manner."

He praised Yang Fan severely.

The expression of joy could not be concealed in the words.

Pan Jinfu nodded and said, "Our Comrade Yang Fan is really good."

After the two talked for a while about the land-based joint commissioning experiment, Pan Jinfu called the Model Office and called Yang Fan who had just returned.

"Master Pan, you are looking for me."

"Come, sit, sit." Pan Jinfu warmly greeted Yang Fan to sit down, and praised: "Xiao Yang, your performance in this land joint commissioning experiment, Deputy Chief Tang, told me, yes, um, good."

All satisfied eyes.

Just looking at Yang Fan like this, the kind I like more and more.

Yang Fan first expressed his thanks to Tang Jianming, and then said modestly: "General Master Pan, it's nothing, just doing a little trivial thing."

"Our little Yang is modest." Tang Jianming couldn't help but say this.

Pan Jinfu smiled in agreement, and then warned: "Xiao Yang, you may have to work hard for a while in the future, and you need to run on both sides. You must not only participate in the land joint commissioning experiment, but also pay attention to the work in the institute, especially the design progress of the 052 ship. Condition."

From last year to now, the 052 ship has entered the comprehensive design stage for a year, and is now entering the detailed design stage. There are indeed many things that need attention, and a large number of design drawings are drawn almost every month.

Yang Fan said: "It doesn't matter if you work hard. It is a great honor for me to participate in the design and development of the 052 ship."

This is the truth!

Absolutely heartfelt words.

God has given such an opportunity to participate in the design and development of the 052 ship, and Yang Fan often feels extremely lucky.

Pan Jinfu and Tang Jianming didn't think so. Hearing what Yang Fan said, they looked at each other quietly, exchanged eyes, and nodded slightly at the same time.

Xiao Yang's awareness is high!

Such a good comrade is very rare!

This is what the two of them thought.If Yang Fan knew what they were thinking, he would definitely say, oops, you really misunderstood, and I feel very honored to be able to participate in the design and development of the 052 ship.

After chatting for a while, Pan Jinfu actually asked, "Xiao Yang, what do you think is the biggest difficulty we will face in the future for our onshore joint commissioning experiment?"

Yang Fan was taken aback.

Tang Jianming was also slightly taken aback.

However, the reasons for the two people's daze were different.Yang Fan did not expect that Pan Jinfu, as the chief designer of the 052 ship, would ask himself such a question. He should have asked those deputy chief designers or the senior director of the design department.

Tang Jianming was in a daze because he was a little shocked.

After regaining his senses, he thought to himself, Yang Fan is young, and it is our first time to carry out land-based joint debugging experiments. Everyone lacks relevant experience. How could he know the biggest difficulty he will face in the future?

Unexpectedly, Tang Jianming was even more shocked by Yang Fan's answer.

Pan Jinfu was very satisfied.

Thank you "Qingyi Xuefa Jianghu Road" for the 1000 starting coins and "1TNT" for the 200 starting coins.

Thank you both!

Thanks also to every book friend.

(End of this chapter)

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