Military Heavy

Chapter 120 Jiang Yan Graduation

Chapter 120 Jiang Yan Graduation
What will be the biggest difficulty in the future?

Yang Fan had already considered this issue.

Faced with Pan’s question, Yang Fan did not panic and replied: “Our biggest difficulty in the onshore joint commissioning experiment is not the poor equipment, simple venue, etc., nor is it the lack of experience of the participating scientific and technical personnel, but Electromagnetic interference problem!"

Yes, it is electromagnetic interference!

This will be the biggest problem that the onshore joint debugging experiment will face.

Compared with the 051 ship, the equipment on the 052 ship is more complicated and advanced, and many of them are imported from abroad or newly developed in China.

There are a large number of electronic devices on the Type 052 destroyer, and complex mutual interference will occur between them. The consequences in actual combat are terrible.

To solve the problem of electromagnetic interference, there should be a professional electromagnetic interference laboratory, but we do not have such test equipment.

This is a question that Yang Fan is very worried about.

Pan Jinfu's eyes lit up slightly, and he just asked a casual question, but Yang Fan answered to the point, and hit the nail on the head!
With the start of the land-based joint commissioning experiment, he also thought about the problems he would face in the future. He thought about the backwardness of the testing equipment and methods, the simplicity of the facilities, and the lack of experience of the scientific research and technical personnel participating in the experiment. Known about electromagnetic interference.

After thinking for a long time, Pan Jinfu was most worried about electromagnetic interference.

Tang Jianming was surprised for a while. He didn't expect that Yang Fan was talking about electromagnetic interference. He asked back, "Xiao Yang, why isn't it another problem?"

Yang Fan was confident, and said affirmatively: "The biggest problem is definitely electromagnetic interference. So many devices are gathered together, and there will be complex mutual interference between them. This is absolutely certain, and we don't have a professional electromagnetic interference laboratory. .”

Clear thinking, well-founded!
Yang Fan said his reasons.

Tang Jianming, who was full of confidence in the onshore joint testing experiment, changed his face slightly, and his heart sank slowly. He knew that what Yang Fan said was not wrong at all.

Noticing Tang Jianming's expression, Yang Fan wondered whether this would be a blow to Master Tang.

Mr. Tang, I definitely don't mean to dampen your confidence.

I'm just being factual.

Mr. Tang, I.
Yang Fan expressed a full apology in his heart.It's just that on such an occasion, these words cannot be said, and they can only be thought about in their hearts.

Pan Jinfu also noticed the change in Tang Jianming's expression, and comforted him: "Old man, don't worry too much. There are always more solutions than difficulties. Let's take one step at a time. It's too early to worry about electromagnetic interference. We still have Lots of things to do."

Such as the construction of the land joint debugging experiment base.

This has to be put on the agenda, the conditions there are too crude, and some temporary wooden houses can be used for a short period of time, but absolutely cannot be used for a long time.

There need to build permanent buildings, such as experimental buildings, professional laboratories, office buildings and so on.

When discussing the construction of the land joint testing and experimental base, Pan Jinfu unexpectedly kept Yang Fan, together with Tang Jianming, the three of them talked about this issue for half an hour.

On the issue of discussing the construction of the experimental base, Yang Fan also put forward some good suggestions, which often made Pan Jinfu and Tang Jianming's eyes shine slightly.

Time soon entered June.

There was the roar of machines on the desolate beach, and many construction workers appeared here. The construction of my country's first land-based joint commissioning test site started.

Adhering to the principle of building while experimenting.

The experiment didn't stop because of the big construction, and various experiments were going on step by step. In the middle of June, Yang Fan came here again.

Not only saw the hot construction scene here, but also participated in several experiments, and stayed for several days.

During the tests in the past few days, Yang Fan once again deeply felt that the components of some domestic newly developed equipment are relatively low in level and relatively poor in reliability.

Feeling helpless.

This is a problem that cannot be solved temporarily, so we can only make do with it.This is determined by our domestic technical strength and industrial level. Only when our technical strength and industrial level have improved after a few years can we fundamentally solve this problem.

In addition, Yang Fan also felt that our testing equipment and testing methods were very backward, which even made Yang Fan a little unaccustomed to it.

There are some tasks that may be done in one or two days now, but here it takes ten days and a half months.

After a few days of on-land joint debugging experiment, Yang Fan felt slightly heavy. Such an on-shore joint debugging experiment may not be successfully completed in two or three years.

However, the heavy heart quickly disappeared a lot, because as the design entered the detailed stage, many design drawings were drawn every week.

Even if there is no computer-aided drawing, it is completely "handmade" work, but everyone's enthusiasm is high and they are full of energy.

Walking into every design room, what you see is such a scene, a designer, laying out a drawing board, unfolding the drawings, is meticulously drawing the design drawings there.

Their desks are filled with pencils, compasses, T-squares, curve boards, battens, calculators, and more.

The weather in June is already relatively hot, and there is no air conditioning.

In order to prevent sweat from getting on the design drawings, almost all men and women wear sleeves.The weather is already hot, and it will become hotter after wearing sleeves, but there is no way to do it.

From last year to this year, the years on the drawings were boring and trivial, but no one complained, and everyone worked hard.

What a dedicated military worker!
Seeing everyone's dedication to work, Yang Fan, who was originally a little heavy, felt better. The difficulties in the onshore joint commissioning experiment are nothing, and they will definitely be resolved one by one in the future.

At the end of June, universities in Donghai City ushered in the graduation season.

Today is the weekend, Yang Fan did not work overtime at work, but rode his Changjiang 750 out early.

Jiang Yan graduated this year, successfully completed three years of junior college, and is about to start work.

A dormitory for boys.

Because it was the graduation season, there were two people missing from the original dormitory of 8 people. They had already packed their luggage and left the school with the dispatch list. The remaining few people were chatting, and one of them was packing his luggage.

"Oh, miserable, miserable!"

"Our school beauty has graduated, and I don't know when we will see her again."

"Third son, if you like her so much, go and confess, Jiang Yan will really leave."

"I dare not."

The boy known as the youngest was discouraged for a while. He felt ashamed in front of Jiang Yan, and he couldn't muster up the courage at all. He blushed after saying a few words. At most, he could only look at him from a distance. girls in.

In Donghai Fashion Institute, Jiang Yan is definitely the goddess in the minds of many boys.

Now, the goddess has graduated and is about to leave this school.

At about nine o'clock in the morning, Yang Fan arrived at Jiang Yan's school by bicycle and walked into the girls' dormitory building.

Normally, it would be almost impossible for boys to enter the girls' dormitory, but as graduation approached, the girls in this building had already left, and even if they hadn't left, some of them were already packing up and preparing to leave school.

Jiang Yan had already packed all his things, a large suitcase, packed quilts, a backpack, and a bucket with some things in it.

She is waiting.

(End of this chapter)

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