Military Heavy

Chapter 121 Is it Your Object?

Chapter 121 Is it Your Object?

"Jiang Yan, is someone here to pick you up?"

This is a round-faced girl who has a good relationship with Jiang Yan, so she asked with concern.

Another girl next to him said, "Yunzhi, Jiang Yan is so beautiful, there must be a boy coming up to carry the luggage, so don't worry about that."

Jiang Yan looked outside the dormitory door and thought, Brother Fan should be coming soon.

This behavior and expression were seen by the roommates, and they all understood it.

It seems that there are boys coming to help?

who can that be?

I haven't heard that Jiang Yan has any boys who get close to him in school.

The roommates were confused, and one of the tall and thin girls said loudly: "Okay, it looks like our Jiang Yan has a date!"

A blush flew onto Jiang Yan's cheeks.

"Look, I'm not wrong. We, Xiao Jiang, really have a partner. The secrecy work is done well enough, and we don't even know it."

"Yes, yes."

"Jiang Yan, tell us, which department and which class is the male god."


Several girls were trying to get Jiang Yan's background details, when there was movement outside the door, Yang Fan knocked on the door, pushed the door in, and smiled, "Your dormitory is really lively."

The originally noisy dormitory stopped abruptly and became quiet all of a sudden.

Everyone's eyes focused on Yang Fan instantly, and Yang Fan was stunned for a while, thinking in his heart, this reaction must be too big.

As soon as I came in, I immediately became the focus.

Jiang Yan broke the silence and said happily, "Brother Fan, you're here. I've packed all my things, and they're all here."

Yang Fan glanced lightly over the girls, and said hello, "Hello, everyone."

The round-faced girl walked up to Yang Fan, stretched out her hand and said, "Where's the thing?"

Yang Fan took out a bag of candy like a magic trick, "Yes, yes, it has been prepared long ago, everyone has a share."

"Oh, there's candy to eat!"

"Give me a piece."

"It's still the white rabbit, my favorite candy."

Several girls scrambled for a while, and a pack of white rabbit toffee was divided up in one fell swoop.

The first time I came to Jiang Yan's school, thinking that I might meet her roommate, Yang Fan simply bought a pack of white rabbits from the supply and marketing agency on the way and brought them here.

Sure enough, the girls liked it very much.

Because of this bag of white rabbit toffee, Yang Fan's favorability among the girls soared, and everyone basically didn't regard Yang Fan as an outsider, and seemed very enthusiastic.

This bag of sugar is worth it!

Jiang Yan smiled and gave Yang Fan a sneaky look, as if to say, Brother Fan, you are so smart, my roommates like to eat a little snack.

After chatting happily, Yang Fan was about to go downstairs with his luggage. Just as he was about to pick up his luggage, a girl asked.

"You are Jiang Yan's target."

Suddenly, the dormitory was quiet again.

This question is straightforward enough.

Yang Fan was stunned, not knowing how to answer.

Jiang Yan's face was even redder, but his heart was sweet.

After the two of them went out to pick up loach and rice field eel at night last time, coupled with the long correspondence between them, the distance between the two has become closer and closer.

The round-faced girl said: "You don't have to ask, it must be our Jiang Yan's partner. Look, Xiao Jiang's face is red."

"Don't you say this will die!"

Jiang Yan finally showed his coquettish power, which made everyone burst into laughter.

Yang Fan walked in front with his luggage, and Jiang Yan only needed to carry a small bag on his back. He waved goodbye to everyone. We get along day and night, and we are going to separate today.

"Let's go."

Yang Fan said something softly to Jiang Yan, then turned around and waved to the girls, took his luggage and strode away, hesitating for a moment, Jiang Yan also followed.

The Yangtze River 750 was parked in front of the dormitory building. Yang Fan put the luggage in the motorcycle body, tied it with a rope, and fixed it.

"Let's go, if you want to come here, you can take a look later." Yang Fan comforted.


Jiang Yan got into the car, sat on the back seat of the motorcycle, started the car, and started to leave
not far away.

There was a boy who had been secretly in love with Jiang Yan for a long time. Ever since he met Jiang Yan in freshman year, Jiang Yan's appearance was deeply imprinted in his heart, and he couldn't get rid of it.

I don't know where he got the news. The goddess is leaving school today. He pushed his car and waited in front of the dormitory building. He had been waiting for a long time.

Seeing Jiang Yan chatting and laughing with a boy who was still carrying Jiang Yan's luggage in his hand, he felt sad.

It turns out that the goddess has someone in mind!
Alas, I may never see my goddess again.
Donghai Shipyard.

Chen Shaohua, who is in charge of ship construction, is a little irritable and anxious.

The construction of the 052 ship will be put on the agenda. This was originally a very exciting thing, but Chen Shaohua couldn't get excited, because Donghai Shipyard was not the only one who wanted to undertake the construction of the first ship of the 052 ship.

I lit a cigarette and smoked silently, thinking about the construction of the first 052 ship in my mind. At this time, there was a knock on the door.

The one who opened the door was Zhang Guoxin, another deputy director of Donghai Shipyard. Among the several deputy directors, he was only a little behind Chen Shaohua.

"Comrade Guoxin is here."

While greeting, Chen Shaohua wrung out the unfinished cigarette butt in the ashtray.

Zhang Guoxin waved his hand in front of his nose, "Old Chen, how much cigarettes have you smoked? The whole room smells of smoke."

Chen Shaohua smiled bitterly.

Zhang Guoxin said: "Why, is there pressure?"

"There must be pressure, and the pressure is not small."

Chen Shaohua said: "Our Donghai Shipyard is not the only one eyeing the lead ship of the 052 ship. I heard that Jiangdong Factory has also submitted an application and wants to undertake the construction task of the lead ship of the 052 ship."

Zhang Guoxin said: "Old Chen, I came here for this matter. I have confirmed that the Jiangdong Factory has officially submitted an application. This application is now on the desk of Commander Huang. They want to take the lead. In addition to the Jiangdong Shipyard, there is also the Jinghai Shipyard in the north."

NND, even Jinghai Shipyard came to join in the fun.

Chen Shaohua was both angry and helpless.

Donghai Shipyard was the first to submit the application, but they didn't expect that they were not the only ones who submitted the application, and it was really not certain who would get it in the end.

This is the main reason why Chen Shaohua is under a lot of pressure.

Chen Shaohua and Zhang Guoxin talked for a long time about the construction of the first ship of the 052 ship, but they both felt helpless. Which shipyard the first ship of the 052 ship will be built in is a decision-making matter. affect decision-makers.

Donghai Institute.

Yang Fan walked into his office as usual, but before his butt was hot, Pan Jinfu called him over with a phone call.

"Master Pan, you are looking for me."

"En." Pan Jinfu nodded and greeted: "Don't stand, sit down, I have something to ask you."

What's the matter?
Yang Fan didn't know for a while, so he found a chair and sat down.

(End of this chapter)

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