Military Heavy

Chapter 122 You Are Too Young

Chapter 122 You Are Too Young
Pan Jinfu said: "The day after tomorrow morning, a meeting will be held at the headquarters of the 052 ship. We will report to the headquarters the current design progress of the 052 ship. You will follow me to the capital for a meeting tomorrow."

It turned out that he was accompanying Master Pan to the capital for a meeting.

In addition to Yang Fan, there are several directors including deputy chief designer Tang Jianming, general design room, and power system design room.

The standard of the meeting is very high and the scale is relatively large.

In addition to being presided over by Commander-in-Chief Huang Keping, not only the Donghai Institute, several major shipyards, such as Donghai Shipyard and Jiangdong Shipyard, but also the heads of relevant units and some comrades from the military participated in the meeting.

The 052 ship has entered the detailed design stage, and a large number of design drawings are drawn every month. In the technical data room of the archives of the East China Sea Institute, a special data room has been set aside to store these drawings. After the blueprints are blushed Place them on the shelf by category.

The commander-in-chief not only wants to know the progress of the design, but also wants to know when the overall design of the 052 ship will be completed.

Sure enough, Pan Jinfu said: "Our report on the design progress of the 052 ship is mainly to provide reference for the decision-making of the general headquarters. The construction of the first ship of the 052 ship will be put on the agenda."

The first ship is built!
What an exciting thing this is!

Yang Fan was also shocked, and remembered the history of the construction of the first ship of the 052 ship in his mind, but he didn't know if there would be any differences between the construction of the first ship and the history.

At the beginning, when the design demonstration of the 052 ship was completed, the decision-making agency gave a ten-year plan to complete the overall design of the 052 ship in five years, and then complete the construction of the first ship in five years.

If there is a deviation in history, it may enter the construction of the first ship of the 052 ship ahead of schedule, and the design of the 052 ship will also be completed ahead of schedule.

Because of Yang Fan, a little butterfly, the design progress of the 052 ship is obviously smoother than in history, and it may not take five years to complete the entire design.

In the same way, the construction work may also be advanced. Now the general headquarters is considering the construction of the first ship of the 052 ship, and it is estimated that the possibility of early start is extremely high.

If construction starts ahead of schedule, which shipyard will undertake the construction task for the first ship?

Will it still be the Donghai Shipyard as in history?

It's hard to say.

Even Yang Fan, who is familiar with the entire R&D design and construction process of the 052 ship, is not sure, because there are some deviations in the development, and the construction of the first ship may start ahead of schedule.

The next day.

After a little preparation, Yang Fan carried his luggage to the front of the office building. There were already several people there, a car and a jeep were also ready.

Kuang Wei and others have already arrived, and they also brought their luggage. This kind of meeting will take several days, and everyone has brought a change of clothes, toiletries, etc.

"Director Yang, you're here so early." Kuang Wei warmly and proactively greeted Yang Fan.

Yang Fan also said enthusiastically: "Director Kuang is a little earlier than me, he has been here for a while."

"Just arrived, just arrived."

After chatting with Kuang Wei for a few words, Yang Fan casually chatted with a few other people to pass the time.The two big bosses Pan Jinfu and Tang Jianming haven't arrived yet.

There are always some people coming and going in front of the office building. They noticed the car and a jeep parked in front of the office building, and they also saw Yang Fan, Kuang Wei and others with their luggage.

"Where are they going? They all have luggage."

"It's probably going on a business trip or a meeting."

"Have you noticed that Yang Fan is the youngest among them?"

"That's right, those directors are all directors of the design office, and they are all in their forties. Only our Director Yang is in his twenties, obviously younger."


These words occasionally drifted into Yang Fan's ears.

Hearing such words, Yang Fan felt happy, but he didn't show it on his face.


It is indeed too young!
Our Director Yang is only in his 20s?

Putting it on other people at this age, a new one is properly tender, and it is just a handyman in every design studio. It is estimated that it will take at least five or eight years to become a backbone designer.

Not far away, some people were talking softly, looking at Yang Fan and others.

After a while, Pan Jinfu and Tang Jianming walked out accompanied by a middle-aged man. The three were talking and laughing. Seeing the middle-aged man walking in the front, many people stared at him!
Liang Zhiquan, the leader of Donghai Institute.

This is the biggest boss in Donghai!
Immediately, some people became restless, especially those curious onlookers in the distance. Apart from being excited, they were also thinking in their hearts, should they run away immediately to avoid being seen by the boss.

It's just that Liang Zhiquan didn't notice them at all, and got into the car directly after leaving the office building with Pan Jinfu and Tang Jianming.

Seeing that Pan Jinfu and Tang Jianming got into the car, Yang Fan waved his hands and said loudly: "Come on, let's get into the car too!"

Several people got into the car one after another, ready to set off.

To the surprise of many people, the car didn't start. After a while, Tang Jianming got down, walked to the front of the jeep and said, "Director Yang, take the car in front."

Including Kuang Wei, everyone thought they heard it wrong.


Should Yang Fan not take the jeep, but the car in front?
real or fake? ? ?

Where is our big boss, Boss Liang, in the car?
Yang Fan was not in a daze, he reacted quickly, got out of the car without saying a word, went to the car in front, opened the co-pilot's door and got in, taking the co-pilot's seat.

This time, Kuang Wei and other directors were not calm anymore.

what's going on? ? ?
Could it be that Boss Liang summoned Yang Fan in person.

Well, definitely so.

How come we don't have such good luck.

The atmosphere in the jeep gradually changed, and no one spoke, but after recovering, no one could hide the envious eyes.

Those who watched from a distance around were even more stunned.

Just now I was extremely envious that Yang Fan was able to go out to attend important meetings with Master Pan and the others at such a young age, and now it was even worse, sitting in the same car with Liang Zhiquan.

This this.
If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn't believe it even if I was killed.

Besides, Yang Fan, after getting in the car and sitting on the co-pilot seat, he didn't feel cramped or nervous at all, but he was generous, first of all he greeted Liang Zhiquan politely.

"Hello, leader."

It was indeed Liang Zhiquan's intention to ask Yang Fan to come and take the car.As the leader of the East China Sea Ship Design Institute, he naturally began to pay attention to Yang Fan.

I have heard about some things about Yang Fan more than once, but I hardly know Yang Fan up close. Today is a good opportunity. Liang Zhiquan, who loves talents, simply called Yang Fan to sit in the same car.

As soon as Yang Fan got into the car, he was paying attention.

Seeing Yang Fan's calm, calm and generous face, he secretly admired in his heart, it was really good, and based on this alone, Yang Fan would not be far behind.

"Xiao Yang, our Master Pan has mentioned you in front of me more than once, saying that you are a very outstanding young man."

Yang Fan glanced at Pan Jinfu gratefully, and then said modestly: "Where, where, I think there is still a long way to go before being excellent."

Neither humble nor overbearing, without the slightest bit of pride and complacency.

Yang Fan maintained a modest nature as always.

This looks different in Liang Zhiquan's eyes. He nodded approvingly, thinking in his heart, young people are really good, worthy of training, neither arrogant nor impetuous.

Soon after, the car started, followed by the jeep, heading for Donghai Railway Station.

Everyone took the train to the capital.

In this day and age, taking a plane is still too extravagant. If there is no urgent business, as long as there is plenty of time, even Liang Zhiquan, Pan Jinfu and others usually take the train.

This time, everyone took sleeper berths. Compared with ordinary hard seats, the treatment is already very good.

Arrive in Beijing at night.

On the second day, everyone participated in the high-level meeting held by Huang Keping. In addition to the comrades from the Donghai Institute, dozens of people from several major shipyards, related units, and military representatives attended the meeting.

The meeting hasn't started yet.

At this time, most of the people attending the meeting had arrived, and Yang Fan saw several familiar faces, such as Chen Shaohua from Donghai Shipyard.

But most of the faces are unfamiliar.

Of course, the others didn't know Yang Fan, but they knew Liang Zhiquan, Pan Jinfu and Tang Jianming. When they saw Yang Fan sitting there, they couldn't help but take a second look.

There is no other reason, too young.

Some people were even chatting in low voices, looking towards Dong Haisuo from time to time, and secretly looking at Yang Fan a few times.

"Who is this young man? How could such a young person participate in such a high-level meeting?"

"I haven't seen it either, it's really too young."


The people who participated in the meeting were generally in their 50s and 60s, and some of them had gray hair, and they were obviously over [-] years old.

In this era of seniority, Yang Fan, who is only in his 20s, has become the focus of the conference room and the object of everyone's curiosity, which is quite normal.

Although he felt some gazes and faintly heard some discussions, Yang Fan's gaze and expression were very calm.

It was exactly nine o'clock in the morning.

Huang Keping walked into the conference room, followed by several people behind him.

The meeting officially begins!
The conference room quickly fell silent. Some people were talking about Yang Fan quietly, but they also stopped now, and everyone sat up straight.

Huang Keping presided over the meeting.He first announced the main topics of the meeting, and then briefly introduced the design progress of the 052 ship.

After saying this, Huang Keping said loudly: "Now we welcome the comrades from the East China Sea Institute to introduce the progress of the design of the 052 ship in detail. Welcome!"

There was a burst of applause in the meeting room.

Everyone's eyes were on Liang Zhiquan or Pan Jinfu, thinking that one of them would make the introduction, but at this moment, Yang Fan stood up.

What, it's him!

Will he represent the East China Sea Institute to introduce the specific design progress of the 052 ship?
who is he? ? ?

Today is this chapter, and it will be released tomorrow, and the number of updates will surprise everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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