Military Heavy

Chapter 123 The first ship will be built ahead of schedule

Chapter 123 The first ship will be built ahead of schedule (seeking the first order)
Yang Fan spoke on behalf of the East China Sea, and introduced the details of the design progress of the 052 ship to the participants. This is Liang Zhiquan's decision.

In the past, Liang Zhiquan didn't know Yang Fan very well. He only heard praises for Yang Fan from Pan Jinfu, Tang Jianming and others.

This time when he came to Beijing for a meeting, he took the same car and the train for so long, he gradually got to know Yang Fan better, and felt that he was a talent who could be cultivated.

The meeting was of a relatively high standard, and speaking at such a meeting was a great opportunity to show his face. Liang Zhiquan intended to ask Yang Fan to report the progress of the design of the 052 ship to the participants on behalf of Donghai Institute, but he was a little worried.

After all, he is too young!
Will Yang Fan lose his composure because of nervousness, and because of this, will he lose face of Donghai?
With such thoughts and worries in mind, he and Pan Jinfu discussed in private and exchanged opinions.Unexpectedly, Master Pan very much agreed with the introduction made by Yang Fan on behalf of Donghai at the meeting, and reported to everyone the progress of the design of the 052 ship.

So, things settled down.

Yang Fan stood up, and many people's eyes instantly focused on Yang Fan.

who is this ? ?
Is he going to speak on behalf of Donghai Institute?
Too young, too young.

He will definitely be nervous, and he will definitely have stage fright.

Many people were worried about Yang Fan and were sweating.Some people just thought so, what is Donghai doing, sending such a young man to speak, it's like playing the piano indiscriminately.

Those are people who don't know Yang Fan.

People who are familiar with Yang Fan generally don't think so, even Huang Keping was only slightly surprised, and soon gave Yang Fan an encouraging look.

In his opinion, it is a good thing for young people to exercise more.

In addition, he also wants to see how Yang Fan's performance will be in the face of so many people and such a big occasion. Can you explain clearly the progress of the design of the 052 ship?

In everyone's eyes, Yang Fan didn't show any nervousness on his face, he looked very calm and calm, and his voice was very loud.

This surprised many people!
This is totally wrong.

Why can't I see his nervousness, and there is no tension in his tone of voice.

Many people were stunned for a moment, Yang Fan's performance was completely beyond their expectations, not what they imagined at all.

On the surface calm and calm, in fact, Yang Fan had a faint pride deep in his heart, thinking proudly, what is this kind of occasion, I have experienced countless occasions much bigger than this.

This is not a bit of bragging. As one of the most outstanding ship designers in the Republic, Yang Fan is a banner in the domestic ship design field. I have received many great leaders.

But these people in the meeting don't know!
Yang Fan's performance is very amazing in everyone's eyes!

"Leaders and experts, on behalf of the Donghai Ship Design Institute, I will introduce the current design progress of the 052 ship"

The sound is loud and penetrating, and it is clearly transmitted to everyone's ears.

Surprised, everyone gradually came to their senses and began to listen carefully to Yang Fan's introduction, and some even began to record it in their notebooks.

Thus, such a scene appeared.

The young Yang Fan was talking eloquently, and the leaders and experts in their 50s, 60s, and even [-]s and [-]s were listening carefully.

If Han Jiang was here and saw such a scene, he would first grow his mouth wide in surprise, and then he would cast his body on the ground in admiration.

Brother Fan is awesome!

It's just too awesome! ! !
Yang Fan has always been calm and calm, his voice has been very loud, and each data is accurately spoken from Yang Fan's mouth.

Some careful people found that although Yang Fan opened his notebook, he rarely looked at the contents of the notebook. Could it be, could it be
Could it be that he memorized those data and basically didn't need to look at the contents of the notebook?
Well, definitely so.

This memory, that is too powerful!

Gradually, many people discovered that the young man in front of him not only has a good memory, but also a strong psychological quality. He has not been nervous at all, and his thinking is very clear. Just listen and understand.

In about ten minutes, Yang Fan finished his report!
There was warm applause in the conference room. Many people were impressed by Yang Fan's performance. Although most people didn't know who Yang Fan was, they firmly remembered the appearance of this young man.

The image of Yang Fan has been deeply imprinted in the minds of many people.

Huang Keping nodded slightly, and looked at Yang Fan approvingly.

Liang Zhiquan was a little worried at the beginning, but now, there is no worry at all, but he is very happy and gratified.

Yang Fan's outstanding performance made him blush a lot.

"Well, the young man is good and deserves to be cultivated." Liang Zhiquan said in his heart.

After Yang Fan finished his speech, he calmly sat back in his seat, as if he had done a trivial thing, without any look of pride or complacency.

Pan Jinfu stood up, and he was also very satisfied with Yang Fan's performance just now. He said loudly: "Everyone, it was Comrade Yang Fan, the deputy director of our model office who was also the combat system design room, who reported to you the details of the design progress of the 052 ship. deputy director."

Serving as two deputy directors! ! !
While being surprised, many people were dumbfounded. It's not a bad idea for such an outstanding young man to be placed in such a position.

Now everyone finally knew Yang Fan's identity, and some people secretly took a look at Yang Fan again, and remembered Yang Fan's appearance more firmly in their hearts.

After the introduction, Pan Jinfu said: "The design of the 052 ship is progressing very smoothly. Director Yang has reported the detailed data to everyone just now, how many design drawings have been completed, how many design drawings will be drawn in the future, etc. Everyone has Very clear."

"It was originally planned to complete the overall design of the 052 ship in five years. What I want to tell you is that it should not take five years, maybe four and a half years, maybe a little more than four years. We will complete the overall design of the 052 ship."

This is at least several months earlier than in history, and at most about a year or so.

I don't know if it's because the design framework has been built, leading the completion of the general design drawing of the 052 ship, or some other reasons, anyway, the completion of the design ahead of schedule is already a certainty.

what! ! !
Can the East China Sea complete the overall design of the 052 ship ahead of schedule? ? ?

Hearing what Pan Jinfu said in person, the atmosphere in the entire conference room was a little different. Many people showed excitement and couldn't help but whispered to the people next to them.

The originally quiet conference room became so lively.

Huang Keping did not stop everyone, but smiled gratifiedly.

Even though he had heard the report from the East China Sea Research Institute before the meeting, and learned that the design completion time of the 052 ship might be advanced, now he heard Pan Jinfu say it again in the conference room, and he still smiled happily.

This is good news for everyone.

Huang Keping, who was in a good mood, gave everyone enough time. It took three to five minutes for everyone to fully digest and accept the good news before he raised his hand and pressed down.

The originally lively conference room gradually quieted down.

Huang Keping said confidently: "Everyone, it is certain that the overall design of the 052 ship will be completed ahead of schedule. We originally planned to wait until next year to consider the construction of the first ship of the 052 ship, but now we have to start thinking about it in advance."

Everyone listened carefully.

The construction of the first ship of the 052 ship was put on the agenda. Huang Keping made it clear that this matter was also an important topic of this meeting.

A show of hands voted, and everyone agreed to start the construction of the first ship of the 052 ship ahead of schedule.

It's just that the meeting did not vote on which shipyard the first ship will be built in. It may need to be considered, weighed, and cautious in multiple aspects.

After all, this is the construction of the first ship of the 052 ship, and it is not a child's play. Even Huang Keping, he dare not make a decision easily, but only after a full investigation.

The meeting started at 9:5 am and ended at [-]:[-] pm.But the topic is not half finished, and it will continue tomorrow and the day after tomorrow.

After the meeting.

Everyone temporarily went back to the hostel where they stayed, and Yang Fan did the same. Go back to the hostel first, and then you can go to the canteen of the headquarters for dinner.

Of course, you can also go out to eat, but it is estimated that you have to pay for it personally.

Yang Fan was also thinking, the roast duck in Beijing is pretty good, do you want to try it?

Chen Shaohua and others from Donghai Shipyard also returned to the guest house where they stayed. They were on the same floor as Donghai.

Chen Shaohua was under a lot of pressure.

The construction of the first ship of the 052 ship will start ahead of schedule. He has no idea which shipyard will undertake the construction of the first ship.

It is precisely because there is no bottom that the pressure is great.

"Hey, several major shipyards are staring at the construction of the first ship. It seems that it will take a lot of effort for our Donghai shipyard to win the construction task of the first ship."

"Mr. Chen."

Although his secretary was unable to attend the meeting, he seemed to know why Chen Shaohua sighed. He wanted to comfort him, but he didn't know how to say it.

After frowning, Chen Shaohua said in his heart, let's take a step at a time, and hope that God will bless the decision-makers to hand over the construction of the first ship to our Donghai Factory.

Raise your hand to look at the time, it's time for meal, people are like iron, and rice is like steel, no matter how stressful you are, you will always have to eat.

There is a restaurant nearby that has a good roast duck. I didn’t enjoy it last time, so I will try it again this time.With this in mind, he looked at his secretary.

I thought in my heart, it’s not interesting for two people to eat roast duck, should I ask Lao Zhang to go, no, I saw that Lao Zhang seems to have gone to the cafeteria.

Who should I ask to go with me?
Gradually, Chen Shaohua thought of someone.

Yang Fan!

Yes, just ask Yang Fan to go with you, young people are energetic.

Chen Shaohua had a very good impression of Yang Fan, especially the last joint inspection of the prototype of the LM2500 gas turbine. Without Yang Fan, he might have accepted a defective machine. He always felt that he owed Yang Fan a favor.

After making up his mind, he waved his hand and said, "Xiao Su, let's go out for dinner."

(End of this chapter)

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