Military Heavy

Chapter 124 Terrible Electromagnetic Interference

Chapter 124 Terrible Electromagnetic Interference ([-]rd update)
in the office.

Yang Fan sat there, carefully looking at a stack of thick research reports.

Yesterday he went to the Special Steel Research Institute again, personally saw the application research progress of the 052 ship's new steel, talked with Cao Qingsong for a long time, and brought back these research reports.

The application research of new steel grades is coming to an end, and in about half a year, all application research will be completed.So far, applied research has been very successful.

Flipping through these research reports, carefully looking at the experimental data above, time passed unknowingly.

It wasn't until the door of the office was pushed open that Yang Fan recovered from this state.

He was taken aback for a moment, then a smile appeared on his face.

Chen Shaohua!
It was Chen Shaohua, the deputy director of Donghai Shipyard, who opened the door and came in.

"Deputy Director Chen, didn't you go to the capital for a meeting?"

Chen Shaohua smiled proudly, "I just came back and arrived in Donghai City."

Everyone went to the capital for a meeting. Yang Fan knew about it. Pan Jinfu, Tang Jianming, and Zhao Yulan all went. Yang Fan didn't know what the meeting was, but he knew that everyone had been there for two days.

Chen Shaohua is happy, the construction of the first ship of the 052 ship is placed in the East China Sea Shipyard.

"Brother, brother, I am happy today. The construction of the first ship of the 052 ship has been set."

He said the matter happily, and immediately, Yang Fan also became happy, "This is a great thing, our 052 lead ship has finally started construction smoothly, congratulations to your Donghai factory, successfully won the first ship build mission."

At this moment, Yang Fan is happy!
The construction of the first ship of the 052 ship is something to look forward to!

Chen Shaohua laughed, "We were able to successfully win the construction task of the first ship, thanks to you. Without the ideas you gave me before, it is possible that the construction of the first ship would be taken away by other shipyards."

Thanks again.

This is a heartfelt thank you.

After expressing his thanks, Chen Shaohua insisted on the treat, "I'm going to treat you to a meal at noon today, and there is no way to postpone this meal."

"Okay, okay, no problem."

The two made an appointment to have dinner together at noon. Such a good thing must be celebrated by having a meal.


The two chose a good restaurant, ordered a few dishes, and chatted while eating, mainly about the construction of the first ship.

The task of building such a high-level new ship is not easy.

While being happy, Chen Shao also deeply realized this point, especially from the construction to the official launching, it only took a little more than two years, which means that some preparatory work needs to be carried out in advance to pave the way for future construction.

After the meal, Chen Shaohua happily returned to Donghai Shipyard.

A few days later, the news spread to the East China Sea Institute, and Chen Shaohua was the chief builder of the first ship of the 052 ship.

Hearing this news, Yang Fan thought in his heart, Chief Constructor Chen, congratulations, your wish has come true.

Chen Shaohua may be busy with various preparatory work before the construction of the first ship recently, while Yang Fan's work focus has gradually shifted from the design of the 052 ship to the land joint commissioning experiment.

The design of the 052 ship is progressing smoothly, and some detailed designs are being carried out step by step, so there is no need for Yang Fan to worry too much.

According to Master Pan's instructions, Yang Fan's focus of work is tilted towards the on-land joint testing work. The recent on-land joint testing has not been smooth.

Today, Yang Fan went to the land joint commissioning experiment base again.

Compared with when the onshore joint commissioning experiment was first launched, great changes have taken place here. The temporary wooden houses that were temporarily built have all disappeared, and the sand and gravel mud floor has become a clean concrete floor. Buildings have been built.

The experimental base has a wall, a gate, and a concrete road coming from the outside. Armed police with live ammunition stand guard at the gate.

Eighty to ninety percent of the equipment participating in the onshore joint commissioning experiment has been in place, and the few equipment that has not yet been in place will all be in place in the next few months.

With such a big change in the experimental base, everyone should be happy, but none of them are happy.

With the progress of the joint debugging experiment, problems have been exposed one after another. There are more than 200 problems, large and small. There is no sign of stopping, and some new problems are still being exposed one after another.

Among these problems, the most difficult and serious one is the problem of electromagnetic interference.

Yang Fan focused his energy on the design of the 052 ship for a while, and paid relatively little attention to the land joint commissioning. The last time he came here was more than 20 days ago.

Therefore, the specific situation here is not very clear.

It's just that soon after arriving here, Yang Fan felt that something was wrong, and many people's faces were filled with a heavy feeling.

What's going on here?

Could something go wrong?
With question marks in his mind, Yang Fan simply asked. The object of the question was Pan Zhiping, a key scientific researcher who participated in the land joint debugging experiment. He basically stayed here recently. Clearer.

"There seems to be something wrong, is there something wrong?"

Facing Yang Fan's question, Pan Zhiping replied in a low tone: "So far, the onshore joint investigation has found more than 200 problems, large and small, and the biggest problem is electromagnetic interference."

200+ questions! ! !

Although he was prepared to some extent, even Yang Fan felt dizzy after hearing more than 200 questions, big and small.

There are so many problems, and there is no dedicated land-based joint debugging laboratory here. It is estimated that it will take a lot of effort and a lot of time to solve these problems.

Pan Zhiping was not in a high mood, and was even a little depressed, "Actually, the most important thing is electromagnetic interference. For this reason, Deputy Factory Director Tang has not had a good night's sleep for several days, and today he went to the capital early, specially Report to the 052 ship headquarters."

No wonder Tang Jianming was not seen.

It turned out that he was going to the capital.

Yang Fan was silent for a while.

Electromagnetic interference, this is a problem that Yang Fan has long anticipated, but when it really happens, Yang Fan has no effective solution for the time being.

It's hard for a clever woman to cook without rice.

If there is a professional electromagnetic interference laboratory, maybe this is not a big problem, but we do not have such a laboratory.

The detection methods are also very backward, and all kinds of detection instruments are not complete. Even if Yang Fan has a head full of technical knowledge, it is useless.

The 052 ship has a large number of shipboard equipment.

There are many new research equipment and more imported equipment.

There will be a large number of electronic devices on the Type 052 destroyer, and complex mutual interference will occur between them. The consequences in actual combat are dire.

This problem must be solved on land, that is to say, this problem must be solved during the on-land joint commissioning experiment stage.

Although there is no good solution for the time being, Yang Fan is not idle, let alone discouraged, he firmly believes that there must be more solutions than difficulties.

A living person cannot be suffocated to death by urine.

Therefore, Yang Fan stayed at the onshore joint debugging experiment base, and did not return to the East China Sea Research Institute, and participated in the onshore joint debugging work with a group of scientific research and technical personnel.

While participating in joint debugging, I was also thinking about countermeasures.

Far away in the capital.

Tang Jianming has already walked into the headquarters of the 052 ship and reported to the commander-in-chief Huang Keping the situation of the land joint commissioning experiment, especially the situation of electromagnetic interference.

After hearing such a report, Huang Keping's face became serious.

This is a big problem.

It's also a very scary question.

The most important thing is that the General Command has clarified the construction node of the first ship of the 052 ship, and the construction will start soon. If the first ship needs equipment to be installed on the ship during construction, but the land joint commissioning has not been completed due to electromagnetic interference, then the situation will be serious. up.

With so many people watching the construction of the first ship, it is absolutely impossible to adjust or postpone the construction node because the equipment cannot be mounted on the ship.

Huang Keping stood up without saying a word, and walked around the office with his hands behind his back, his face becoming more and more serious.

The atmosphere in the office seemed to be so heavy that it was hard to breathe.

After a long time, Huang Keping stopped and asked in a deep voice: "Facing electromagnetic interference, do you have any methods or countermeasures?"

On this issue, Tang Jianming thought of some arguments.

He shook his head bitterly and said: "Our conditions are too simple, we don't even have a professional electromagnetic interference laboratory, we"

Huang Keping waved his hand and interrupted: "Don't mention these objective conditions to me. I know all of these. What I want to know is if you have any solutions?"

There is really no way for the time being.

Tang Jianming hesitated for a long time before saying: "Maybe we should use external force and invite foreign experts to help. I mean whether to invite French experts to come and have a look."

It is very shameless to invite foreign experts.

It is also a helpless move.

Only when there is really no way out, there is no way to do it.

Huang Keping understood that the comrades conducting the land-based joint commissioning experiment were afraid that there was really no other way, so they bit the bullet and made such a request.

For a long time, for a long time.
Huang Keping sighed softly, and finally nodded in agreement: "I'll try, but we're not fully sure that foreign experts will agree to come."

Yes, this is our latest guided missile destroyer.

Facing our invitation, the French side should consider everything. Whether to send experts is really not certain.

"Don't pin all your hopes on foreign experts. Maybe foreign experts will also be dissatisfied. Don't give up yourself, think of a way." Huang Keping confessed.

After the report, Tang Jianming didn't stop, bought a train ticket and left Beijing.

The next day, his figure appeared at the land joint commissioning experiment base.

Tang Jianming came back from the capital, and many comrades seemed to see hope, as if they had been given a shot in the arm.

"Great, Deputy Director Tang is back."

"There should be a way."


The scientific research and technical personnel who knew why Tang Jianming went to Beijing were shocked, as if they saw hope, and looked forward to effectively solving the existing electromagnetic interference.

(End of this chapter)

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