Military Heavy

Chapter 125 Trial One by One

Chapter 125 Try One by One (Fourth Change)

Yang Fan noticed that Tang Jianming's expression was not relaxed, and he guessed in his heart that he might not have found an effective solution, or maybe he had hit a wall.

To be honest, Yang Fan was also very concerned about the result of his trip to Beijing, so after thinking about it for a while, he knocked on the door of Tang Jianming's office.

After nearly a year of construction, the hardware facilities of the onshore joint testing base have improved a lot. At least there are a few decent buildings. Tang Jianming also has his own office and special conference room.

It just happened.

Yang Fan was also a little surprised.

There were actually quite a few people in the office, and besides Tang Jianming, there were several other backbones of scientific research and technology. Tang Jianming waved his hand and said, "Director Yang came just in time, and I was about to notify you to come over."

It seems that there is something wrong.

It may be that a small meeting is being held, and it may be related to the result of his visit to Beijing this time.

Yang Fan found a seat and sat down by himself.

Tang Jianming said: "Everyone is basically here, so let's have a short meeting. This time, I went to the general headquarters to report to Commander Huang because of the electromagnetic interference."

He briefly explained the basic situation.

Immediately, the atmosphere in the entire conference room was lifted.

"Great, with foreign experts coming over, it is estimated that electromagnetic interference is not a big problem."

"That's really good news."

"Finally there is hope. I hope foreign experts will come sooner."


Most of the people were overjoyed, their hearts lightened, and their faces showed obviously happy expressions, and they all said so.

Yang Fan's expression didn't change.

What about foreign experts?

Without a professional electromagnetic interference laboratory and advanced testing equipment, even if foreign experts could come, Yang Fan would never believe that they could solve the problem.

After Tang Jianming finished speaking, he looked at everyone's reactions. Perhaps because of everyone's influence, his originally serious face eased a little.

He reminded: "Whether foreign experts can solve our problems is not a sure thing. We have to find a way ourselves. It is best that we can come up with a solution and come up with a solution."

I have said a lot, mainly emphasizing that you can do it yourself and solve the problem by yourself, you can't just wait for foreign experts to come over, and you can't pin all your hopes on foreign experts.

The meeting didn't last long, only about two or three 10 minutes.

Soon after the meeting, the news spread like wildfire.

Many scientific research and technical personnel in the experimental base heard about this incident, and a large part of them became happy, and the atmosphere of the entire base did not seem to be so gloomy and dignified.

"I'm really looking forward to it!"

"Yes, foreign experts are estimated to be able to solve our current problems."

"Foreign experts have solved the problem of electromagnetic interference, and our onshore joint debugging experiment has been more than half successful."


Many people were talking like this, looking excited.

Of course, there are also some people who did not participate in this discussion. They, like Yang Fan, do not think that foreign experts will definitely be able to solve the current electromagnetic interference.

This is Pan Zhiping's point of view.

He has a good relationship with Yang Fan, no, he is talking about this matter with Yang Fan, "Foreign experts are not omnipotent, and we should not worship them too much. It is more reliable for us to solve the problem of electromagnetic interference by ourselves."

Yang Fan nodded, "Whether foreign experts can come is still a problem, and whether they can solve the problem after they come is another problem."

"Yes, that's what I think." Pan Zhiping agreed.

Yang Fan thought for a while and asked, "Is there anything you can do now?"

Pan Zhiping shook his head helplessly.

He really had nothing to do, and asked back: "What about you, can there be a way?"

Yang Fan admitted: "I have some ideas, but if it works, I need to try it out."

what! ! !
you have a way? ? ?

Pan Zhiping was taken aback, looked at Yang Fan in disbelief, his heart was filled with turmoil.

Brother, this is electromagnetic interference!

So many people were helpless, including Deputy Chief Tang.

After Pan Zhiping came back to his senses, he said with obvious excitement, "Yang Fan, you really have a way, don't you?"

Yang Fan smiled easily, "I've been thinking about this issue for the past two days, and I have some ideas, but I'm not 100% sure, and I need to try it out to verify it."

Even so, Pan Zhiping still stared blankly at Yang Fan.

He knows Yang Fan better, not only has the level, but also is more modest, and never speaks big words.

Yang Fan said that if he has some ideas, it is not just as simple as having some ideas, but there may be some effective methods.

"How about it, would you like to help me and see if these methods work?" Yang Fan patted Pan Zhiping's shoulder lightly.

"Yes, yes, yes!"

Pan Zhiping said three "yes" in a row, which shows his mood at the moment.

Once the helper is settled, it will be much easier and easier with Pan Zhiping's help.Yang Fan smiled and was ready to act.

There is no professional electromagnetic interference laboratory, no advanced detection methods and equipment, and there are so many equipment on the 052 ship, including electronic warfare, radar, short-wave, microwave, and so on.

With so many devices together, complex electromagnetic interference is generated. Yang Fan is not a god. Without an electromagnetic interference laboratory and advanced testing equipment, he still feels overwhelmed.

While observing, thinking, and combining his professional knowledge, Yang Fan finally found a solution, but he was only [-]% or [-]% sure at most, and he needed to try it out.

What method did Yang Fan think of?

In fact, the method is very simple.

Under the current conditions, too advanced methods cannot be used.

So many devices, one by one to open.Once turned on, check each device to see if there is any interference, and then switch to another device to check.

After talking about this method, Pan Zhiping's eyes lit up, he nodded affirmatively and said, "This method should work, let's try it."

The two started together.

That's it.

Because he wasn't completely sure, Yang Fan didn't say anything, didn't tell others what he was doing, but asked those operators to do as he asked.

After turning on a few devices alone, Yang Fan gradually got the bottom line.

Through this method, it is indeed possible to check which devices are interfering with which devices, which is half the success. The next step is how to eliminate the electromagnetic interference between devices, how to do it, and how to solve it.

Yang Fan also has a way.

Adjust the angle of the antenna.

All kinds of antennas on the ship are very powerful, and the electromagnetic waves generated have certain harm to the human body. It is not that Yang Fan and Pan Zhiping do not understand this common sense, but in order to verify their methods, they did not complain at all.

In fact, this is relatively dangerous, but Yang Fan has professional knowledge and took Pan Zhiping to hide under the antenna, avoiding certain angles and places.

Because it can try to avoid electromagnetic radiation.

After doing it a few times, it didn't work anymore, and I felt dizzy, so I took a rest immediately.

After resting enough time, the two continued.

After working like this for two or three days, the hearts of the two were filled with joy, especially Pan Zhiping, who wanted to hold Yang Fan's hand tightly and shout.

We made it!
It works!
It just works! ! !
Yang Fan, you are simply a genius, you can think of such a way!
Most people's hopes in the entire base were pinned on foreign experts, but not many people noticed that Yang Fan and Pan Zhiping had been tossing about here and there these days.

Occasionally someone saw the two of them busy, and they didn't care at all.

During the period, a friend of Pan Zhiping came over to watch for a while, knowing that the two were looking for a solution to electromagnetic interference. Seeing their operations, there was a smile on their faces as if they were watching a theater.

You two are so fantastic.

This is playing house.

If this can also solve the problem of electromagnetic interference, believe it or not, I will eat this radar.

Both Yang Fan and Pan Zhiping didn't mind other people's gazes and opinions, they were still busy, checking, and their moods became more and more different.

After another radar test, Yang Fan said: "There should be no need to continue the test. You can report to Deputy Chief Engineer Tang."

Pan Zhiping said very happily: "Yang Fan, you should report to Vice President Tang immediately. If he knows this, he will be very happy."

This is almost completely predictable, how happy and excited Tang Jianming will be after knowing this!
Maybe you will say, Yang Fan, you have done a great job again!

in the office.

After Tang Jianming made another phone call, his complexion quickly sank, and his heart sank to the bottom. He took out a cigarette and lit it, and he smoked it sullenly.

He took a deep breath, with a bitter look on his face.

All of a sudden the pressure is huge.

During the phone call just now, Huang Keping told him clearly that the matter of the foreign experts fell through, and the French side had clearly rejected our request.

Everything can only depend on oneself.

After smoking the cigarette, Tang Jianming twisted the cigarette butt in the ashtray and put it out, then picked up the phone and said loudly: "Xiao Li, let me know that some technical backbones will come to the conference room for a meeting in ten minutes. "

Without Zhang Butcher, wouldn't it be possible to eat hairy pigs?

After smoking a cigarette, Tang Jianming had already figured it out. Since the hope of foreign experts has been shattered, it is up to us to fight for it and show it to foreign experts.

We can do it!

It must be able to solve the big problem of electromagnetic interference.

Yang Fan was very happy, and was about to go to the deputy factory director Tang and tell him his own method, but he received the notice before he could go to Tang Jianming.

Meeting in 10 minutes.

What's the meeting?
Yang Fan had some vague guesses that it might be related to electromagnetic interference or foreign experts. Could it be that the French side rejected us.

I have to say that Yang Fan is amazing.

Actually guessed that it was close to ten.

Yang Fan took his notebook and walked into the conference room.
(End of this chapter)

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