Military Heavy

Chapter 127 Give it to Yang Fan

Chapter 127 Send it to Yang Fan ([-]th update)

A few days later, the headquarters held an important meeting.

Officially announced the successful completion of the application research of new steel grades, and discussed the smelting and production of new steel products.

The steel used in the ship is a full specification, from thin plate, medium plate, thick plate to bulb flat steel and three kinds of welding materials, all of which are indispensable.

In order to ensure the quality and progress, the Ministry of Metallurgy carefully selects qualified steel plants from all over the country and produces them separately. But what problems will this new steel type that has never been used before be encountered in the actual application process?Everyone has no idea.

Donghai Institute.

The design of the 052 ship has entered a critical stage and is about to enter the final stage.Pan Jinfu said that the overall design will be completed ahead of schedule, but he is not bragging at all.

He had already returned to Donghai Office after the meeting in the capital, sitting in front of the desk, looking at a design drawing on the desk seriously.

The general design drawings can be checked by each design office. Some important and key design drawings need to be sent to the deputy chief designer, or Pan Jinfu, the chief designer's desk. The deputy chief designer or chief designer Division approval.

While looking at the blueprint, there was a knock on the door, and Zhang Xiang, the deputy director of the weapon system design department, came in with some blueprints in his hand.

He seemed a little reserved and a little nervous, because he was facing Chief Designer Pan.

"Hello, Mr. Pan, our design office has several design drawings of important and key components, and I need you to take a look."

Pan Jinfu hardly raised his head, and said casually, "Send it to Director Yang Fan of the Model Office, and let him have a look first."

Show it to Yang Fan.

Zhang Xiang was stunned, thinking that he had heard it wrong. This is the design drawing of a very critical and important component, and it was definitely sent to Pan Jinfu.

"Master Pan"

Zhang Xiang would like to remind the importance of these design drawings.

Who knows, Pan Jinfu still didn't look up, "Send it to Director Yang Fan, I have a meeting to attend later."

I heard it right, it was indeed sent to Yang Fan.

Oh my God!

I'm not dreaming. Such important and crucial design drawings are actually sent to Yang Fan. Could it be that Yang Fan will take over these drawings instead of Master Pan?
It's crazy too.

It's unbelievable!
Zhang Xiang was stunned for a few seconds. After recovering, he glanced at Chief Master Pan who was seriously looking at the drawings. After thinking for a while, he walked out with the blueprints in his hands.

Look at it clearly, Master Pan is looking at a design drawing of the power system, which should be the design drawing of an important component.

However, in the blank space in the upper right corner of this drawing, there is actually a very obvious "tick" marked with a pencil, which is very eye-catching.

For a good blueprint, Zhang Xiang can't figure out what to do with this "tick".

Not long after, he opened the door and walked into Yang Fan's office, but he was not there, and was about to ask where Yang Fan was, when Zhao Yulan spoke.

Looking at the design drawings in Zhang Xiang's hand, he pointed to the next door and said, "Let's find Director Yang Fan. He is next door, looking at the drawings."

This is a room specially vacated temporarily.

There was a large table in the middle of the room, with a large design drawing on it, and Yang Fan was looking at it, with a pencil in his hand and an eraser beside it.

Next to the big table, there is a smaller table against the wall, on which there are a lot of design drawings, neatly folded.

"Director Yang."

Zhang Xiang pushed the door in with the blueprint, saw Yang Fan who was looking at the blueprint seriously, and called out softly.

Yang Fan, who was looking at the drawings, raised his head, put down the pencil in his hand, and said enthusiastically: "Director Zhang, please send the drawings over there, and just put them on the table over there."

Drawings are really sent here.

Seeing the drawings here, and seeing Yang Fan who was preparing to look at the drawings again, Zhang Xiang couldn't calm down anymore, and shouted wildly in his heart.

So many drawings! ! !
When the model office will act as the chief designer, and help the chief designer check the design drawings.

After he put the blueprints on the small table next to him, he didn't leave in a hurry, but looked at the folded blueprints.

Obviously some of them have already been seen, and some of them are ready to be seen.

The ones that have been read are placed on the right side of the table, and the ones that have not been read are placed on the left. There is a note on it, which is very clear.

Zhang Xiang couldn't help picking up a copy of the drawing after reading it, and gently opened it. There was a big "tick" in the blank area on the upper right corner of the drawing.

Reminiscent of the blueprint I saw in Master Pan's office, there was also a big "hook" in the upper right corner, and Zhang Xiang understood it in an instant.

It turns out that this "check" was made by Yang Fan. After reading it, if there is no problem, a check will be made in the upper right corner of the drawing. What if there is a problem with the drawing?
Zhang Xiang folded the unproblematic drawing and put it back to its original place. He couldn't help looking at Yang Fan who was seriously looking at the design drawing.

There should be some problems with this design drawing.

Yang Fan was using a pencil to mark out the problematic areas, and also marked a striking "cross" in the blank space in the upper right corner of the drawing, which was very obvious.

Zhang Xiang understood, if there is no problem with the drawing, put a "tick" on it, and then it should be sent to Master Pan. If there is a problem with the drawing, put a "cross" on it, and then the original design office will send someone to take it back and modify it.

These are all key and important design drawings!
How high a level is required to be competent for the job of looking at drawings.

Without two brushes, it will definitely not work.

Zhang Xiang, who was extremely shocked in his heart, thought that he was also a deputy director, but he was definitely not qualified for such a job. It was okay to look at the design drawings of their weapon system design room, but not the blueprints of other design rooms.

Yang Fan can do it!
Not only does it work, but it also seems to have won the trust and respect of Master Pan.

With a very shocked mood, Zhang Xiang left gently.

Back in the weapon system design room, Zhang Xiang couldn't calm down for a long time.

Look at the drawings instead of Mr. Pan, and check the design drawings.

If you say it, it will scare people to death.

In fact, Yang Fan has been helping Master Pan to read the drawings for more than ten days.

At the beginning, Pan Jinfu just tried it out.

As the design of the 052 ship entered a critical stage and gradually entered the final stage, more and more design drawings needed to be sent to him for checking and approval.

His personal energy is limited, and it is impossible to stay in the office all day looking at design drawings.

One day, he picked out a few relatively simple drawings. This simplicity is really relative. Can the design drawings that can be sent to Mr. Pan's desk be as simple as possible?

I picked out a few drawings, called Yang Fan over, and asked him to take a look at the drawings, and if there were any problems, mark them out, and if there were no problems, put a "tick" in the upper right corner of the drawings before sending them over.

In less than half a day, Yang Fan sent the drawings over.

There are a total of five design drawings, only two of which are "checked", and the other three have a "cross" in the upper right corner, and mark out the problematic places in the drawings, or put a question mark.

Pan Jinfu was a little surprised at the time, Yang Fan's efficiency is not low.

Originally, he didn't have much hope, but when Pan Jinfu looked at the drawings carefully again, he was a little surprised.

There is indeed no problem with the two "checked" design drawings. Pan Jinfu read it carefully and found nothing wrong.

The three "crossed" design drawings did have problems. To Pan Jinfu's satisfaction, Yang Fan pointed out all the problems in the drawings, and he didn't miss a single problem.

This is the piercing eye!
so smart!

This also represents extremely high technical attainments, without two brushes, it is impossible to see so accurately.

Pan Jinfu thought again, in the field of ship design, talent is really important, and it can only be explained by genius.

What a genius!

Pan Jinfu can be said to have "watched Yang Fan grow up". In a few years, he has reached such a level, which is more than enough to stand alone.

Therefore, it became easier and easier to play Pan Jinfu next time.

All the design drawings sent by the design office below will be sent to Yang Fan first. After Yang Fan has read the drawings and there are no problems, they will be sent to Pan Jinfu's desk.

For more than ten days, Pan Jinfu became more and more at ease.

Yang Fan has seen not a hundred copies of the design drawings, but at least dozens of them, all of which are important or critical design drawings.

These design drawings that Yang Fan thought were correct were sent to Pan Jinfu's desk, and so far, Pan Jinfu has not seen any problems.

Therefore, there is such a process now. The important or key design drawings sent by the design offices are first sent to Yang Fan for a look. If there is no problem, they will be sent to Pan Jinfu for approval by Chief Master Pan.

If it can be signed, it is not impossible to sign on behalf of Master Pan.

It's a pity that I don't have the right to sign for the time being, and the level and title are not enough. I can only help to look at the drawings and check them out. If I really want to sign, I still need Master Pan.

The door of the room was pushed open, and Han Jiang walked in. Seeing that there were many blueprints here, Yang Fan was also spreading out a blueprint and looking at it seriously.

"Tsk tsk."

Yang Fan heard the voice, put down the pencil, and said with a smile, "Here's the drawing again, let's put it over there."

Han Jiangdao: "He was arrested again by our director. Knowing that I have a good relationship with you, he specially ordered me to send the drawings and open the back door."

Do you open the back door?
Hearing this, Yang Fan laughed again, and immediately agreed: "No problem, I will give priority to these drawings later."

Han Jiang also laughed.

The relationship between the two is good, Yang Fan simply didn't continue to look at the drawings, but chatted happily with Han Jiang, the more happy he became.

In the words, Han Jiang was not only happy, but also had a trace of admiration.

He thought more than once, our brother Fan is really awesome.


It's so enviable!

It even makes people a little jealous. It is estimated that some veterans who have worked for 30 to [-] years may be a little bit unconvinced.

However, this point of dissatisfaction can only be hidden in my heart, because Yang Fan is really powerful, and he really has two brushes, rather than relying on his good relationship with Master Pan.

The two are getting happier and happier.

Suddenly, Yang Fan stopped, and actually heard someone arguing outside the door. The voice was so loud that even with the door closed, he could hear it clearly.

This is how the same thing?

Who would argue so loudly here?
(End of this chapter)

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