Military Heavy

Chapter 128 "Bandit Chen" is Coming

Chapter 128 "Bandit Chen" is Coming (Seventh Change)
This is too sturdy!
This is a design office, and it is still in an office building. The people who work on this floor are the chief designer, the deputy chief designer, and the people who work in the chief engineer's office and the model office.

Han Jiang was also very surprised, "Who is this, with such a loud voice!"

"Go, go and have a look."

Yang Fan waved his hand and walked out first, only to see that there were already many people watching in the corridor, including the people from the model office.

I said why does the voice sound a little familiar?

It turned out to be Chen Shaohua from Donghai Shipyard, our deputy factory director Chen, and chief builder Chen.

Li Jun from the Model Office came over and said quietly: "Director Yang, Deputy Factory Director Chen came here to ask for design drawings. They came here the day before yesterday and came again today, but the person from the Chief Engineer Office said that the design drawings of the 052 ship are not yet ready. To Donghai Shipyard, no, there was a quarrel between the two parties."

On one side is Liu Hong, who is run by the chief teacher.

The other party is Chen Shaohua.

Chen Shaohua's voice was loud, "I don't care, I'm going to bring back the design drawings today. If there are no drawings, I will wait here until you give me the drawings."

The Donghai Ship Design Institute is the design unit of the 052 ship, and the Donghai Shipyard is the construction unit of the 052 ship.According to the process, after the design is completed, Donghai Institute will hand over a complete set of design drawings to Donghai Shipyard, so that they can carry out the construction of the first ship of the 052 ship according to the design drawings.

But that was after the entire design of the 052 ship was completed. Now, the 052 ship is still in the critical stage of design, and has not yet fully entered the final stage.

Although she is just a lesbian in her 30s, Liu Hong is not a fuel-efficient lamp, and said loudly: "There is no design drawing, and it is useless for you to wait here."

"Where is Lao Pan, I want to see Lao Pan." Chen Shaohua's voice became louder.

It is really not the way to quarrel between the two parties here.

Yang Fan was about to step forward to persuade her, but stopped temporarily because she saw that Zhao Yulan had passed by.

She had a pleasant face, "Mr. Chen, calm down, we will eventually give a set of design drawings to Donghai Shipyard, that's for sure, it's just a matter of time."

Chen Shaohua interrupted angrily: "No, I will bring back some design drawings today. If there are no drawings, I will go to you Liang Zhiquan."

Liang Zhiquan is the big boss and the top leader of Donghai Institute.

Zhao Yulan was not angry at all, and explained: "We are still in the design stage of the 052 ship, and many drawings have not been completed."

"In the management of design drawings, we have a complete set of strict procedures. First draw the drawings by hand, then proofread after the drawing is completed, and then revise after proofreading. After revision, send it for review. After review, it will be revised. After revision, it will be sent for approval. Step by step. , nothing less."

He was interrupted before he could finish speaking.

Chen Shaohua was very angry, "I don't care, I want the blueprint today, without the design blueprint, it's useless if anyone comes."

"If you don't give me the blueprint, I'll find you Liang Zhiquan later."

Zhao Yulan said: "The leaders have gone to a meeting, and General Master Pan is not in the office. It is useless for you to continue arguing here."

"I don't care, I have to get the design drawings today." Chen Shaohua's voice became louder.

Yang Fan shook his head lightly.

I heard someone mention Chen Shaohua's nickname before, and many people called him "Bandit Chen" behind his back.Yang Fan has always been wondering, Deputy Director Chen is a nice person and rarely loses his temper, so how could he have the nickname "Bandit Chen".

Now I understand a little bit.

This is completely unreasonable.

The 052 ship has not yet completed a comprehensive design, and it is normal for the East China Sea Institute not to give him design drawings.

Seeing that Zhao Yulan's persuasion was ineffective, it is really shameful to continue making trouble like this here, and there are already more and more people watching.

After thinking for a while, Yang Fan walked over.

Walking in front of Chen Shaohua, he gave Zhao Yulan a look, and then said with a smile, "Mr. Chen, you are here to ask for the design drawings."

"Yes, I must get some design drawings today." Chen Shaohua replied, but his tone was much better.

There is a play!

It seems that I still have some face.

Deputy Factory Director Chen and I spoke in different attitudes and tones.

Yang Fan felt a little joy in his heart, and said with a smile: "It's easy to talk about the drawing, let's take a break first, go, go to my place and have a cup of tea, let's sit down and talk about it."

Chen Shaohua hesitated for a while.

After hesitating for a while, he finally said: "Okay, then go to your place to drink tea and talk about the design drawings."

That's right.

It seems that I really have some face.

Yang Fan warmly invited, and then brought Chen Shaohua into the reading room, chatting and laughing. It is more convenient there, no one disturbs, there are also tables and chairs, tea and teacups, and a kettle, which can be used for brewing. Tea to drink.

The two left.

The entire corridor fell silent, and then, there were a lot of gasps, and many people were shocked, to be precise, stunned.

Those who are familiar with Chen Shaohua know that this is "Bandit Chen"!

What a riot just now!
Without design drawings, it doesn't matter who comes.

He will never give in without taking the design drawings back.

now what? ? ?
Yang Fan just said a few words, and then went to drink tea with Yang Fan willingly, and the whole world was instantly quiet.

"Director Yang is amazing!"

"Yeah, what a face it takes."


After regaining consciousness, many people were discussing like this, and looked at the direction of the model office from time to time, with a sense of awe in their eyes.

Things are settled for now.

Zhao Yulan waved her hands and said loudly, "Everyone is gone, and returned to their jobs."

The onlookers gradually dispersed.

Liu Hong from the chief division's office breathed a sigh of relief, and came over full of gratitude, "Director Zhao, thank you very much. Without you and Director Yang Fan, I don't know how it would end."

Zhao Yulan also breathed a sigh of relief, and said with a smile: "If you want to thank us, you can thank Director Yang Fan. Without him, Deputy Factory Director Chen will probably continue to make trouble."

Yang Fan and Chen Shaohua sat together.

After pouring two cups of tea enthusiastically, he greeted Chen Shaohua to sit down. Yang Fan said, "The place is a little rough, but luckily no one disturbs us."

Chen Shaohua's anger was much lower. After looking at the situation of this room, he was a little surprised and said: "There are so many drawings, this is a reading room."

"Yes." Yang Fan nodded.

Chen Shaohua didn't ask in detail, thinking it was an ordinary reading room.

If he knew that all the important and key design drawings of the 052 ship could be placed here, and that Yang Fan would replace Pan Jinfu to check the design drawings here, Chen Shaohua would probably not be so calm and might exclaim.

He didn't ask carefully, and Yang Fan didn't show off.

He asked with concern: "Deputy Director Chen, why do you want the design drawings? There is still a lot of time before the first ship of the 052 ship starts construction."

Chen Shaohua sighed, and said truthfully: "Brother, I have participated in the construction of Type 051. Although they are all guided missile destroyers, Type 052 has crossed an era compared with Type 051. I am not at ease. A lot of pressure."

"As the start date is approaching day by day, I am so anxious that I can't wait to get the design drawings immediately. We start construction as soon as possible, because the construction time given to us by the upper management of Jiangnan Shipyard is less than five years, and the time until launching is only a short period of time. For more than two years, this is too hasty for a brand new high-spec warship."

It turned out to be the case.

Anxiously, Chen Shaohua hoped to start work earlier, even if he couldn't start work earlier, it would be fine to get the design drawings and carry out a series of meticulous preparations before the start of work.

Although Jiangnan Shipyard had done some preparatory work in order to win the construction task of the first ship, it was far from enough.

The preparatory work for the construction of the first ship of the 052 ship is too great, and there is a lot of work to be done, but there are no relevant design drawings for how to do it, and Donghai Shipyard does not know.

Chen Shaohua is impatient!
He is stressed!

It was only then that I came to Donghai Institute to urge for the design drawings, and there was a tendency of not giving up until I got the design drawings.

Knowing what was going on, Yang Fan patiently explained: "The design of the 052 ship has not been completed. Although some design drawings have been completed, no one can guarantee that these completed design drawings will not be modified."

"If we give such design drawings to Donghai Shipyard, and you carry out the preparatory work before construction according to the drawings, if the design changes in the future, your efforts will be wasted, and it will cause a waste of human and financial resources."

Chen Shaohua hesitated for a while, he understood this truth, Yang Fan brought it up again, he had to think carefully about this possibility.

"Then what should we do? The start date is approaching day by day, and we can't even sleep at night."

Yang Fan comforted: "The official start of construction will be next year, and there is still plenty of time."

Chen Shaohua said: "Although I said that, but looking at the time passing day by day, we can't do anything, and we are anxious."

After thinking about it, Chen Shaohua tentatively asked: "How about doing us a favor, you come forward and help coordinate, first give us some of the drawings to our Jiangnan factory."

After finishing speaking, he looked at Yang Fan with hope.

Yang Fan smiled and shook his head lightly, "There are strict rules for blueprint management, and I can't take the lead in violating them."

After finishing speaking, he showed a troubled look.

what should we do?

An anxious look appeared on Chen Shaohua's face again, and he couldn't help but said: "You can forget about it, I will go to Liang Zhiquan later, and I must ask him to solve this matter."

Yang Fan reminded: "It is probably useless for you to find our director. He must not take the lead in violating the regulations."

Hearing this, Chen Shaohua sighed softly.

He also knows that even if he finds Liang Zhiquan, there is not much hope. They may have many reasons and excuses for not giving him the design drawings. After all, the design of the 052 ship has not yet been fully completed.

Seeing Chen Shaohua who was sighing and under great pressure, Yang Fan's heart moved slightly, and he thought of a way to get the best of both worlds.

(End of this chapter)

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