Military Heavy

Chapter 129 Please guide us

Chapter 129 Please Guide Us (Eighth)
"Well, let's do that."

After Yang Fan made up his mind, he said, "There are quite a few blueprints here, take a look at them first, and then we will talk about the preparations for the construction of the first ship of the 052 ship."

Looking at the drawings?

Chen Shaohua didn't understand a little bit, and there was a big question mark in his mind, but he knew Yang Fan quite well, and since he said that, it must have a deep meaning.

Pick up one of the drawings and flip through it.

This is obviously the design drawing of a certain part of the 052 ship, and it is stamped with the word "important". Obviously, this is a drawing of an important part.

Picked up another copy, which was also stamped with the word "important", and looked through several copies in a row, all of which were design drawings of the 052 ship, or component design drawings, or part design drawings, or a certain cabin or General design drawing of a certain equipment.

Each drawing is either stamped with the word "important" or stamped with the word "key". These are not drawings of important parts, but drawings of key parts, which are extremely important to the design of the 052 ship.

Let Chen Shaohua take a look at these blueprints first, not to show off at all, but to lay the foundation for the next step, which can save a lot of words to explain.

After reviewing many design drawings, Chen Shaohua became a little restless.

All design drawings of this level!
Could it be that Yang Fan was reviewing these drawings.

If that's the case, that's pretty awesome.

This should be a job that only the chief designer, or at least the deputy chief designer, can do!

Taking a deep breath quietly to calm down the restless mood, Chen Shaohua asked: "Is this the drawing that you are reviewing?"

Yang Fan smiled proudly, nodded and said: "Our chief teacher Pan is quite busy, there are several meetings every day, and there is less time to review the design drawings every day. I will help him share some of them. These drawings will be sent to me for review first. After there is no problem, send it to Master Pan to sign and approve."

Simplified the situation.

Even so, the shock in Chen Shaohua's heart was unavoidable. He looked at Yang Fan several times and thought in his heart, Yang Fan has such a level.

It's unbelievable!

In this way, wouldn't it be that he has a very good understanding of the design of the entire 052 ship?
Chen Shaohua soon thought of it, if someone who understands the design of the 052 ship goes to Donghai Shipyard to give guidance, then some pre-construction preparations can be started, and the design drawings are not necessarily required.

Thinking of this in his heart, his heart became eager.

The look in Yang Fan's eyes is a little different.

As if this is sweet pastry.

Yang Fan smiled and said jokingly: "It makes me feel scared to see what I'm doing with such bright eyes, you know?"

Chen Shaohua laughed happily.

It doesn’t matter if there are no design drawings for the time being. We have Yang Fan. This is a living drawing. I must ask him to go to Donghai Shipyard for guidance. Some pre-construction preparations must be started in advance.

"Director Yang, do us a favor."

Chen Shaohua's tone was calm, and he was cautious in his heart, for fear that Yang Fan would refuse.

Yang Fan laughed again, very happily.

This is really a smart man.

I asked him to take a look at these drawings, and he thought of asking me to go to Donghai Shipyard as a guide.

Yang Fan actually meant this. Since Chen Shaohua thought of this and wanted to ask Yang Fan to be a guide, it saved a lot of talking and explaining this matter.

"Mr. Chen, do you want to ask me to go to Donghai Shipyard to guide you in preparing for the construction of the first ship of the 052 ship?"

"Yes, yes, that's exactly what it means."

Chen Shaohua nodded quickly.

What made him happy was that Yang Fan said: "I have no problem personally, but it must be approved by Master Pan."



This is simply too generous! ! !
If there is no problem personally, it is easy to handle. Chen Shaohua's mood at the moment is completely different from the anxiety and pressure before. It is simply a sky and an underground.

Now he is in a good mood.

Haha laughed, patted his chest and said: "There is no problem with Lao Pan, I will take care of it, so it's settled, Director Yang, please pay more attention to our Donghai Shipyard in the near future."

Yang Fan is happy.

All of this is for the construction of the first ship of the 052 ship. As long as it is for these, it doesn't matter if you work harder and pay more.

Liu Hong, who was in charge of the division, went back to her office.

But I couldn't let go of my heart. I sat there thinking, how is the talk between Yang Fan and Chen Shaohua going?Will the talk collapse?

Will Chen Shaohua come over to make trouble again?

Oh, I'm really afraid of him.

It's really a scholar who meets a soldier, and the reason is unclear.

After sitting anxiously for a while, he walked to the door again, looked towards the model office, and listened with his ears pricked up.

Seeing that there seemed to be no movement, she sat back in her seat, but her heart was still hanging, worried that Chen Shaohua's quarrel would sound from the model office.

About ten minutes passed.

Worried in her heart, Liu Hong, who couldn't sit still, went to the door of the office again, and looked in the direction of the model office, but there was still no movement there.

She thought in her heart, what on earth were Yang Fan and Chen Shaohua talking about, but it was calm and nothing happened.

Standing at the door for a minute or two, just about to go back to her place, suddenly stopped abruptly, and saw the door open over there, and Yang Fan and Chen Shaohua came out talking and laughing.

She let out a soft "ah", very surprised.

This was much beyond her expectation.

Chen Shaohua and Yang Fan did not quarrel, but were very harmonious, just like old friends.

Look, look!
They even waved goodbye.

Chen Shaohua's face seemed to be full of joy.

what's going on.

Chen Shaohua left, Yang Fan also went back, Liu Hong was still standing at the gate blankly, it was difficult to accept what he saw in front of him for a while.

After coming here for a long time, she returned to her position when she came back to her senses.

She really wanted to catch Yang Fan and ask, what kind of ecstasy soup did you pour into Chen Shaohua? Not only did he not make any noise after such a big change, but he even chatted and laughed with you.

It's just that this idea can only be thought about in my heart. It's really not easy for her to ask about the specific situation.

Well, Chen Shaohua finally left.

I hope he won't press for blueprints in the past few days, and I will have a peaceful life for a few days.Liu Hong thought so in her heart.

The next day.

Liu Hong went to work as usual, and just walked into the office building, she was so frightened that she almost screamed when she saw Chen Shaohua going upstairs.

Why is he here again?

It must have come to urge the drawings again.

This Chen bandit, 36 tricks, is the best strategy.

Liu Hong's expression changed with fright, she turned her head and left in a hurry, not daring to enter the office building for a while, so she found a place to hide first before talking.

She was frightened and misunderstood.

Chen Shaohua came so early, not to press for the drawings, but to politely ask Yang Fan to go to Donghai Shipyard.

He had already communicated with Pan Jinfu and expressed his own opinion. Chief Master Pan probably also heard about Chen Shaohua's repeated requests for blueprints, so he agreed immediately.

With Pan Jinfu's consent, Chen Shaohua happily walked into the model office.

"Director Yang!"

Yang Fan, who was at work not long ago, knew what was going on when he saw Chen Shaohua, and said enthusiastically, "Has our Master Pan agreed?"

"I agree, Lao Pan has readily agreed." Chen Shaohua said happily.

Yang Fan smiled, looked at the time and said: "Wait for me for a while, I have a few drawings to review, and then I will go to Donghai Shipyard with you."

"No problem, I can still afford to wait for this little time." Chen Shaohua said.

The two came to the next room together. Yang Fan made tea and temporarily settled down for Chen Shaohua. He waited beside him while drinking tea.

Yang Fan started working.

Indeed, there are a few design drawings that are urgently needed, and the review needs to be completed as soon as possible, and then approved by Mr. Pan with his signature.

Holding a pencil in his hand and an eraser next to him, Yang Fan carefully reviewed the design drawings and looked so carefully that he almost forgot about Chen Shaohua next to him.

Where is Chen Shaohua?

First, after drinking a cup of hot tea, he was really bored, so he simply stood up and watched Yang Fan review the design drawings, gradually, his heart became restless.

I know that Yang Fan's technical level is very high, but I didn't expect it to be so high.

No wonder Pan Jinfu handed over these important and critical design drawings to Yang Fan for review first.

Chen Shaohua is technically savvy, and can fully understand design drawings. He is not an outsider, but an expert.

Inside the door to see the door, the layman to watch the fun.

After looking at it for a while, he admired Yang Fan's technical level very much, and he could not escape Yang Fan's sharp eyes for any problems.

The key point is that there are no problems with some designs, but Yang Fan was able to propose a better design and write some suggestions and opinions in the blank space of the drawing.

High, it is high!

Great, this is really great!
While Chen Shaohua admired him greatly, he also looked forward to it in his heart. Yang Fan's technical level is so good, so it should be no problem for him to go to the East China Sea Shipyard to guide the preparations for the construction of the first ship.

Yang Fan's speed is very fast.

Several design drawings were read in less than an hour. Two of them had no problems, and an obvious "check" was marked in the blank space in the upper right corner of the drawings, while the other drawings with problems were marked with a "cross." ” as a marker.

After classifying the drawings, carefully folding them, and tidying up things a little, Yang Fan waved and said, "Come on, we can go to the East China Sea ship."

Chen Shaohua had been waiting for this sentence for a long time, and immediately stood up and led the way, "Okay, let's go now, the car has been waiting for a long time."

The two walked out of the office building talking and laughing.

There was a black car parked in front of the office building, which was specially driven by Chen Shaohua to take Yang Fan to Donghai Shipyard.

Things are also very coincidental.

Liu Hong from the chief teacher's office hid outside for an hour, and felt that it was almost done. After so long, Chen Shaohua must have left.

She walked towards the office building.

Before he got to the front of the office building, he stopped abruptly, almost screaming in fright, and saw Chen Shaohua walking out of the office building.

(End of this chapter)

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