Military Heavy

Chapter 130 The VIP of Donghai Shipyard

Chapter 130 The VIP of Donghai Shipyard

How to do how to do?
Who can tell me what to do? ? ?

Liu Hong was anxious like an ant on a hot pot. She wanted to turn around and leave, but it was too late. Chen Shaohua had obviously seen her.

no way.

She could only bite the bullet and greeted him, squeezing out a smile that was uglier than crying. At the same time, she was thinking quickly in her mind, what kind of rhetoric should be used to deal with Chen Shaohua.

Director Yang Fan is also there, and he is right behind.

After seeing Yang Fan, Liu Hong suddenly felt less flustered and less anxious, and thought, maybe director Yang Fan could help a little.

Suddenly, she froze again.

After leaving the office building, Yang Fan quickened his pace and caught up with Chen Shaohua who was walking in front in a few steps, and then walked side by side with Chen Shaohua, talking and laughing.

Whether it's Chen Shaohua or Yang Fan, when they saw Liu Hong just smiled at her and nodded her head lightly, it was regarded as a greeting, and then walked towards the black car parked in front of the office building .

What's happening here?
Liu Hong felt that her brain capacity was a bit insufficient, and she couldn't turn around for a while, and was stunned in place, as if someone had hit an acupuncture point.

What made her even more unbelievable was that Chen Shaohua took the initiative to help Yang Fan open the car door, and warmly and politely invited Yang Fan to get in the car.

It wasn't until the two of them got in the car that the black car had gone far away, and Liu Hong came back to his senses. She couldn't calm down at all, and the scene just now kept appearing in her mind.

For a long time, for a long time.
Finally accepted what she saw in front of her eyes, took a deep breath, and calmed down her mood as much as possible, and then walked into the office building.

As he walked, he thought in his heart, what's going on, why didn't Chen Shaohua clamor for design drawings, this is not like his usual style of doing things.

Could it be that Director Yang Fan got rid of him?
What exactly did Yang Fan say to make Chen Shaohua like this?

From the gate of the office building to her office, in just two or three minutes, Liu Hong thought a lot, but she couldn't figure it out.

She had already thought about it, and she was going to quietly inquire about what was going on.

In the black car.

Chen Shaohua and Yang Fan had a very happy chat, and there was no such difference in position, as if they had been friends for a long time, and Yang Fan also liked this feeling.

It can be clearly felt that Chen Shaohua is very enthusiastic, very polite, and pays enough attention to Yang Fan. After casually chatting about some topics, he began to introduce to Yang Fan the situation of Donghai Shipyard and the situation before the construction of the first 052 ship. Some prep work.

Donghai Shipyard is the oldest military shipbuilding enterprise in my country. Yang Fan is naturally very familiar with this enterprise.

It was established during the Westernization Movement in the last century and created many firsts in the history of Chinese shipbuilding.For example, it built the first steam-propelled warship in the history of our country by itself, and also built the first iron-clad ship in the history of our country.

After passing through the General Administration of Machinery Manufacturing of the East China Sea, the East China Sea Shipyard, the East China Sea Shipyard of the Navy, and the East China Sea Shipyard.

Such a shipbuilding enterprise with a long history and strong strength, it is now honored to undertake the task of building the first ship of the 052 ship.

"The preparations for the construction of our first ship started last year. In particular, some of your suggestions have been adopted. Some preparations have been carried out in advance, but there are no design drawings. Further preparations cannot be carried out at present."

Chen Shaohua focused on their current construction preparations.

Because there were no design drawings, many preparations began to stagnate and could not continue. This is why Chen Shaohua was so anxious that he went to the East China Sea every now and then to urge the drawings.

Yang Fan listened more and asked less.

Keep the construction preparations introduced by Chen Shaohua in mind, and what to do next, you need to go to Donghai Shipyard and make a decision after seeing their specific situation.

At about ten o'clock in the morning, the car began to drive into the Donghai Shipyard.

Chen Shaohua invited: "Sit in my office first, drink a cup of tea, and take a rest, or go to the production site now?"

Yang Fan said: "Go to the production site and show me around the Donghai Shipyard. I need to know your situation before I can give you some advice."

"Okay, then I will take you to the scene myself."

After getting off the car, the two did not enter the office building of Donghai Shipyard. Instead, they began to visit Donghai Shipyard under the leadership of Chen Shaohua himself.

Many people in Donghai Shipyard saw such a phenomenon. The deputy factory director Chen led a young man who was very polite and enthusiastic, and went deep into the production and manufacturing site, not only going deep into the major factories and workshops, but also introducing the specific situation to Yang Fan.

The two also focused on going to the dock and saw the slipway that was being prepared for the construction of the first ship of the 052 ship. The two stayed there for a long time, and Chen Shaohua introduced the slipway to Yang Fan.

Through such a visit, Yang Fan not only deepened his understanding of Donghai Shipyard, but also fully felt the tense atmosphere before the battle in the entire Donghai Shipyard.

Just like a bow, the strings have been fully drawn, and the arrows have been set. As long as there is an order, the entire Donghai Shipyard will operate efficiently.

Chen Shaohua took a young man around to visit. This incident not only attracted the attention of many people in Donghai Shipyard, but some people also talked about it curiously.

"Deputy Director Chen has been with that young man for a whole morning."

"Who is that? He's so awesome. Deputy Director Chen has been personally accompanying him all the time."

"Look, they have been on the bow of the 052 ship for more than half an hour."


Many people were discussing quietly. They didn't know Yang Fan, but they were very curious about Yang Fan's identity. Some people were still quietly inquiring about the identity of this young man.

At noon, Chen Shaohua warmly invited Yang Fan to dinner.

Instead of going to the canteen of the Donghai Shipyard, in order to show the importance he attaches to Yang Fan and to show politeness, Chen Shaohua chose a good state-run restaurant.

Besides Yang Fan and Chen Shaohua, there are two other people.

One is Zhang Guoxin, the deputy director of the Jiangnan Shipyard, and the other is Xie Xinjian, the deputy chief builder of the 052 ship.

"Director Yang, I have admired your name for a long time!"

Zhang Guoxin was very polite, he said so as soon as they met, and shook hands with Yang Fan vigorously.

Xie Xinjian was similar, "Director Yang, we are all in a hurry as we see the start of construction approaching day by day, so I will trouble you this time."

Yang Fan is very modest, "Where, where, let's work together and try our best to make sufficient preparations for the first ship."

The atmosphere is very nice.

The four of them chatted very speculatively together, especially Chen Shaohua, Zhang Guoxin and Xie Xinjian treated Yang Fan like a VIP, which made Yang Fan feel very comfortable and proud.

After the meal, take a short rest.

In the afternoon, Chen Shaohua and Xie Xinjian accompanied Yang Fan to continue the tour. Originally, Zhang Guoxin would also accompany him, but he had an important meeting temporarily.

One is the chief builder of the 052 ship, and the other is the deputy chief builder.

This specification is a bit high!

Many people in Donghai Shipyard saw this scene and saw two big leaders enthusiastically accompanying a young man to visit the manufacturing site.

"Hey, what about Deputy Director Chen and the others?"

"This time, Xie Xinjian, the deputy chief construction engineer, is also accompanying him. What is the identity of that young man?"

"It's so bullish."


Many people in Donghai Shipyard were curious about Yang Fan's identity, and more people lamented that Yang Fan was awesome, and the chief builder and deputy chief builder accompanied him personally.

Gradually, Yang Fan's identity spread in a small area.

After all, there is no impenetrable wall in the world.

Yang Fan is well-known in Donghai Ship Design Institute, and there are some people in Donghai Shipyard who know more about Donghai Institute.

In the large engineering department of Donghai Factory, in a large office, some technicians were chatting during their spare time.

"Deputy Director Chen accompanied that young man to the manufacturing site. Who is that man? He's so awesome."

"Not only Deputy Director Chen, but also Deputy Chief Construction Engineer Xie Xinjian is accompanying him."


Many people looked at each other in blank dismay, marveling at the arrogance of the accompanying young man.

When some people were guessing Yang Fan's identity, someone finally broke the news: "I figured it out, that young man is from Donghai Institute, and Deputy Director Chen specially invited him here."

"Oh, is it from Donghai?"

"Liu Gong, tell us quickly, what is his identity?"

Liu Gong, who broke the news, saw many people watching him, waiting for him to reveal Yang Fan's true identity, his face immediately showed the color of being able to, and he sold it out.

Feeling that Guanzi was almost sold, he said: "The young man is Yang Fan, and he is not easy in the East China Sea. He is the deputy director of the Model Office and the deputy director of the Combat System Design Office."

so young!

Serving as two deputy directors!
This really made some people jump, thinking enviously, this is too unbelievable, such a young deputy director is fine, but also has two jobs.

How outrageous is this!
After knowing Yang Fan's identity, many people's curiosity came up again, and they really wanted to know why Chen Shaohua invited Yang Fan here like a VIP.

Is it just to show Yang Fan a tour of the Donghai Shipyard?

Obviously not.

What is it for?

Next to the construction slipway for the first ship of the 052 ship.

Under the leadership of Chen Shaohua and accompanied by Xie Xinjian, Yang Fan came here again and looked carefully again.

This is the main battlefield for the construction of the first ship of the 052 ship. In the future, the first ship will be built on this berth.

Yang Fan asked many questions, such as the size of the berth, main equipment, etc., and Chen Shaohua also introduced them in detail.

During the visit in the morning, Yang Fan noticed that there is an empty space reserved beside the slipway, which should be specially reserved for the installation of some construction equipment.

Pointing to this place, Yang Fan asked, "There is a special reserved place here, what kind of equipment will be installed there in the future?"

Chen Shaohua said: "For the construction of the first ship, we ordered a large gantry crane, which will arrive next month and be installed at that location."

Large gantry crane!
This is good stuff!

(End of this chapter)

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