Military Heavy

Chapter 131 Waste, what a waste!

Chapter 131 Waste, what a waste! (Tenth update)
Yang Fan glanced at Chen Shaohua in surprise, and thought in his heart, Donghai Shipyard is quite well prepared, even the large-scale gantry cranes are prepared, and the goods will arrive next month, which means that they can definitely be put into use before the construction of the first ship.

No one is more aware of the important role of large gantry cranes in shipbuilding than Yang Fan.

In the 21st century, the British built aircraft carriers using large gantry cranes manufactured in my country.

It was a 2000-ton gantry crane with a height of 70 meters and a maximum span of 110 meters.

It is no exaggeration to say that without this large gantry crane, the British aircraft carrier could not be built.

Donghai Shipyard will soon have a gantry crane, which Yang Fan did not expect, and did not expect at all.

I previously reminded Donghai Shipyard to make some preparations in advance for the construction of the first ship of the 052 ship in the future, including adding some advanced construction equipment, but I did not dare to mention the gantry crane.

Because this thing is too tall.

Unexpectedly, Donghai Shipyard gave such a big surprise. They ordered a large gantry crane early in advance, and the delivery will arrive next month.

This is really good news.

Yang Fan looked at the reserved space almost with bright eyes, and thought in his heart, it's great, it's great!
With such a great artifact, the construction of the first ship will be much smoother and faster.

"The gantry crane is a good thing, Deputy Director Chen, can you introduce this gantry crane to me?"

"of course can."

Chen Shaohua readily agreed and introduced this imported gantry crane.

It is imported from Japan, and it is the most expensive equipment imported by Donghai Shipyard for the construction of the first ship of the 052 ship, and it is also the largest equipment.

It has a maximum lifting capacity of 800 tons, a maximum lifting height of 45 meters, and a span of 60 meters.

After listening to the introduction, Yang Fan nodded and roughly estimated in his mind that the maximum lifting capacity of 800 tons is basically enough for the 052 ship.

"After this gantry crane arrives, how will you use it?"

how to use?

That's how it is used!
Why did Director Yang ask such a strange question.

Chen Shaohua and Xie Xinjian looked at each other, and they both saw the doubt in each other's eyes. For a while, they didn't understand the meaning of Yang Fan's question.

After a little hesitation, Xie Xinjian replied: "After the gantry crane was in place, we installed it at the position next to the berth, and used it to lift some parts of the 052 ship, and gradually completed the construction of the first ship on the berth."

Yang Fan seemed to understand a little bit.

Donghai Shipyard should adopt the tower construction method.

This is a craft method in shipbuilding, and it is also the mainstream craft for building ships at present.

Of course, Yang Fan is very familiar with this kind of construction technology.

The tower construction method is to take the keel of the ship first, then add things to it bit by bit, and finally build it.

This method is the most traditional shipbuilding method. In the early days when the welding technology was immature and the processing accuracy was not high, this method was more popular because it can effectively eliminate the deformation between different modules.

But the disadvantage is that the working surface is small, the work cannot be carried out at the same time, and the construction speed is slow.

Yang Fan seemed to understand a little bit, and asked: "Could it be that the construction of the first ship of the 052 ship is based on the tower construction method?"

Chen Shaohua and Xie Xinjian looked at Yang Fan together, their eyes seemed to say something.

"Do you think there are other construction methods?"

Tower construction method ah!
Using imported gantry cranes with a lifting capacity of 800 tons, you told me to use the tower construction method.

Waste, waste!
Chen Shaohua finally felt that something was wrong, and asked, "Director Yang, what kind of construction method do you think should be adopted?"

After the questioning, Chen Shaohua regretted a little, thinking in his heart, Yang Fan is only engaged in ship design, at most he can only be said to understand ship construction, he is definitely not proficient, what new construction methods can he have.

Xie Xinjian also shook his head lightly, thinking in his heart, Deputy Factory Director Chen is really confused. Director Yang might be embarrassed if he asks such a question. He must not know other construction methods.

At present, the tower construction method is the main construction technology, and it is also the most advanced method of building ships in China. Starting from the 051 ship, we have adopted this construction method.

To their shock, Yang Fan proposed a new and more advanced construction method.

The total modular construction method!

At the beginning of the design of the 052 ship, Yang Fan considered this construction method, but he also learned that major domestic shipyards did not have gantry cranes suitable for this construction method, and the tower construction method was also considered in the design.

The general design drawing of the 052 ship is almost drawn according to Yang Fan's intention, and the design meets two construction methods.

There is no problem with Donghai Shipyard adopting the tower construction method, but with the 800-ton gantry crane, it must adopt a more advanced and efficient general section modular construction method.

Yang Fan asked tentatively: "Have you heard of the modular construction method of the general section?"

Hearing this, both Chen Shaohua and Xie Xinjian smiled bitterly.

Of course they have heard of this advanced construction method, but they don't know much about it. There is a lack of relevant technical information in China, and foreign shipyards keep this technology secret.

It seems that there are some relevant introductions in some English publications and technical books, but neither of them has studied it in depth. They think it is safer to use the tower construction method, which is how the 051 ship was built.

"We have heard of this construction method, but if we implement this construction method in our Donghai Shipyard, I think it lacks sufficient technical foundation."


Everyone is not familiar with this construction method, and most people only know a little bit about it.

Yang Fan smiled confidently.

From morning to afternoon, I visited Donghai Shipyard for almost a day, and my understanding of this shipyard has gradually deepened. In Yang Fan's view, Donghai Shipyard fully has the hardware conditions to use the general section module construction method.

Their workshops meet the requirements, and their equipment also meets the requirements. After the 800-ton gantry crane is installed on the berth, it also meets the requirements of the general section module construction method.

Such a good gantry crane should not be wasted.

"Mr. Chen, I suggest that the construction of the first ship of the 052 ship adopt the modular construction method of the general section, so that the construction efficiency is high, time and effort are saved, and the launching of the first ship can be completed as soon as possible."

For Donghai Shipyard, it absolutely wants to complete the launch ahead of schedule, so that the 052 ship can be installed in the navy as soon as possible.

Perhaps feeling the self-confidence emanating from Yang Fan's whole body, Chen Shaohua's heart moved, and an idea that he himself felt unbelievable popped up in his mind.

Could it be that director Yang Fan is very expert in ship construction and has a good understanding of the modular construction method of the general section.

Chen Shaohua himself was frightened.

If this is the case, then our Director Yang Fan is really against the sky.

After a little hesitation, Chen Shaohua still felt that he needed to ask, so he asked: "We have a limited understanding of the modular construction method of the general section. Director Yang, you have researched on this aspect."

of course!

Let’s not talk about it internationally, but in China, it is estimated that no one knows this construction method better than Yang Fan.

Before rebirth, as an outstanding ship designer, Yang Fan often went to the major shipyards, sometimes staying in the shipyards for several days, chatting with their chief builder and deputy chief builder about the shipbuilding process, and discussing the general module. The construction method is well researched.

Yang Fan said: "I have some understanding of the modular construction method of the general section. Let's find a place to exchange this shipbuilding method."

Feeling Yang Fan's confidence, Chen Shaohua quickly said happily: "Okay, okay, then go to my office, let's sit down and talk while drinking tea."

Xie Xinjian was frightened.

After staying for a while, I couldn't calm down at all. It's impossible. Director Yang Fan is also good at ship building?
After a while, the three entered Chen Shaohua's office together.

Sit down, drink tea, and talk about the modular construction method of the general section.

To be precise, Yang Fan was introducing this construction method to the two of them.

The modular construction technology of ships first originated in the United States during World War II. In order to support the huge consumption of the war, the United States mobilized 165 million shipbuilders at full capacity to build more than 40 various merchant ships, aircraft carriers, and destroyers in 45 to 1700 years. and frigates.

The modular construction method was created to speed up the construction progress. After the Japanese post-war improvement in commercial shipbuilding, it gradually evolved into the general modular construction method commonly used in the world today.

It can be said that this technology originated in the West and has been brilliantly developed in Asia. The modular construction of the general section has relatively high requirements for shipbuilding technology, especially the lifting equipment of the dock must be able to bear the weight of the large general section module. It is the gantry crane of my country Zhenhua Port Machinery.

Now it is the 80s, and the modular construction of the general section has not been adopted in our country, but this construction method is widely used in Japan and has been improving.

But in Japan now, there is still a big gap between their general section modular construction method and the level mastered by Yang Fan, because what Yang Fan talked about is the general section modular construction method widely used in China in the 21st century.

Compared with the modular construction method of the general section, the more traditional one is the tower construction method. The tower construction method divides the hull into several small sections and welds them one by one like building blocks, and then lays pipelines to install weapons and electronics. equipment.

The general section modular construction method is that a ship is divided into several relatively large sections and directly combined, which saves a lot of transportation and welding man-hours compared with the tower construction method, and has better structural strength.

The ship sections that adopt the tower construction method are generally relatively small. If a large warship adopts the tower construction method, it will manufacture a lot of sections, weld them, and install weapons and radars, which is extremely cumbersome.

my country's Type 2012C/D destroyer, which has been in service since 052, adopts the advanced general section modular construction method.

The entire destroyer is divided into more than a dozen large general sections, and the cabins, electrical equipment, weapons, etc. in each general section are welded and installed in the workshop, and then assembled into a complete warship in the dock.

Therefore, when the warship manufactured by the general construction method is launched, all kinds of equipment on the ship have basically been installed. Large-scale shipyards in my country generally adopt this method.

In the 21st century, we have widely adopted the modular construction method of the general section, launching an average of three 3-ton destroyers per year, while at the same time there were only one foreign warship of the same type per year.

What's even more crazy is the use of the general section method. During the peak period, my country actually launched one Type 054 frigate a month, and within a few years, 16 ships were launched, 6 ships were under construction, and 8 ships were in service. It is no exaggeration to say that our country's navy ships are now The speed of construction is absolutely the first in the world, and it stands out from the crowd!
How many foreign naval counterparts cast envious glances at the speed of making dumplings. Apart from envy, those countries that have no good intentions for our country are probably more sour jealousy and helpless hatred, but we are no longer afraid. Weigh it, whoever dares to act rashly, we have the confidence to retaliate to him:
Do not accept to fight!

Seeing that the Donghai Shipyard will have 800-ton gantry cranes, Yang Fan feels that the construction of the 052 ship should adopt the modular construction method of the general section from the first ship.

(End of this chapter)

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