Military Heavy

Chapter 132 Telling You 1 Lecture on the Modular Construction Method of the General Section

Chapter 132 Tell you about the modular construction method of the general section (No.11 more)
Yang Fan started from the concept of the modular construction method of the general section, from simple to in-depth, and gradually began to talk about the hardware conditions of Jiangnan Shipyard.

For example, the existing equipment, workshop conditions, dock conditions, etc., all of which basically meet the requirements of the 052 ship to adopt the modular construction method of the general section for the construction of the first ship, without special major transformation.

Then take the 052 ship as an example.

If the modular construction of the general section is adopted, how many sections will the first ship be divided into, which things should be completed in the factory building, and which things will be assembled on the berth, etc.

It went on for over an hour.

While speaking, he also used a pencil to write down some things on white paper, or drew some construction schematic diagrams, etc. This kind of explanation seemed to open a brand new door to Chen Shaohua and Xie Xinjian. A brand new world is in the unfolded in front of the two of them.

Their hearts were extremely shocked.

It is also very exciting!

And great joy.

I also gradually admire Yang Fan, especially Xie Xinjian's great transformation, and I often say in my heart.

This is a master.

A real master!
Our Director Yang Fan is not only good at ship design, he is also no stranger to ship construction, he is really an expert.

No, it is no exaggeration to call it an expert.

Yang Fan basically finished talking about some general things, but did not explain many things in detail and in depth. If it is fully developed, it may not be finished in three days and three nights.

After finishing talking, the office fell silent.

Chen Shaohua and Xie Xinjian are still immersed in it, unable to extricate themselves, and they are still digesting some things in their minds.

For a long time, for a long time.
The two came back to their senses one after another. Chen Shaohua was a little excited, "I didn't expect that our director Yang is so expert and has such a research on the construction method of the general section, which is much more comprehensive than what we have seen in some relevant technical materials."

Xie Xinjian said in admiration: "Listening to what you say is better than reading ten years of books. It's true. The gain of this one hour is greater than the sum of the gains I have read in the past few years."

Yang Fan smiled happily, and still said modestly: "This is too much praise for me. In fact, I also read the general construction method from some books. I usually make a summary by myself and think about it again. It is purely on paper."

This is just talking on paper.

Director Yang is too modest!
At this level, the professors of domestic ships may not be able to compare with you.

The two looked at each other quietly and laughed happily.

Chen Shaohua decided: "For the first ship of the 052 ship, we will use the modular construction method of the general section!"

He made a decision directly!

As the chief builder of the 052 ship, he has a great say in what kind of construction method to use.

Of course, Xie Xinjian also agrees with this construction method, but he does not forget to remind, "Mr. Chen, there are no problems with our factory buildings, equipment, and berths, but our technical personnel may need to improve. It is estimated that many of them just heard that through this method of construction.”

This is a problem.

But no problem.

Chen Shaohua quickly thought of a solution, and waved his hand: "This is simple. Director Yang has worked hard for you for a few days, give us a few days of lectures, train our technicians, and improve their ability in the modular construction of the general section." level."

"How is it, okay?"

Feeling Chen Shaohua's sincerity, Yang Fan smiled heartily, and said without hesitation: "No problem, you set the time, I will try my best to find time to come and give lectures to everyone."

Very good!
With Yang Fan's straightforward answer, both Chen Shaohua and Xie Xinjian showed obvious joy on their faces.

"Then it's settled. When I'm free, I'll come and pick you up in person."

Yang Fan said: "The day after tomorrow, I will prepare tomorrow, and I should be able to give lectures to everyone the day after tomorrow."

"Then it will be the day after tomorrow."

So it's settled.

After discussing the matter of giving lectures to Donghai Shipyard, Chen Shaohua and Xie Xinjian politely sent Yang Fan to Donghai Shipyard together, and invited Yang Fan to dinner at a restaurant.

The next day.

Donghai Shipyard posted a notice, written in black and white very clearly, Comrade Yang Fan, deputy director of the Model Office and Combat System Design Office of Donghai Design Institute, will give a lecture to everyone in the training room on the first floor of the office building of Donghai Shipyard at [-] o'clock tomorrow morning.

The content is: the general section modular construction method of the ship.

Many people have seen this notice.

A stone stirred up a thousand waves.

Almost everyone reacted differently. Many people surrounded the notice board where the notice was posted, and many people were reading the notice.

"The modular construction method of the general section is a very advanced construction method."

"Who is Yang Fan? He is definitely a great expert."

"Estimated to be at least 50 years old."


90.00% of the people in Donghai Shipyard do not know Yang Fan. They think that Yang Fan should be a senior expert who is at least five or sixty years old. Otherwise, it is impossible for him to be invited to give lectures to the technical staff.

Donghai Shipyard's Engineering Technology Department, which is almost the headquarters of the shipyard's technicians, has received the greatest reaction after this notice came out.

"It's Yang Fan again, that young man. I heard that vice factory director Chen and deputy chief construction engineer Xie Xinjian accompanied him to look around our factory yesterday."

"It's unbelievable that he actually gave us a lecture!"

"At such a young age, it may be difficult to say something dry."

"There is no mandatory requirement in the notice, it is completely voluntary. I still don't listen to it, so as not to waste time."


Everyone is talking about it. At least [-]% to [-]% of the technicians clearly stated that they would not waste time. A few did not say anything. I don’t know if they want to listen to it or don’t want to talk about it at all.

Of course, Yang Fan didn't know the great reaction of the technical staff of Donghai Shipyard. Today, apart from reading some design drawings, he was mainly preparing for tomorrow's lecture.

Yang Fan has already thought about what to tell everyone tomorrow.

Conceptual things, including the development process of the general section construction method, etc., must be discussed, but it will not take a lot of time.

Yang Fan plans to focus on the construction of the first ship of the 052 ship.

Combined with the situation and conditions of the Donghai Shipyard, how the first ship of the 052 ship adopts the general construction method, how to deploy it, which general sections will be completed in the factory building, and which general sections will be assembled and welded on the berth. These are what I will talk about tomorrow. focus.

In this era, there is no projector, and there is no way to do PPT, so I can only prepare lessons by myself, yes, that is to prepare lessons, and list some things to be taught in a notebook for tomorrow's explanation.

If you look closely, Yang Fan's lesson preparation is very simple, only listed some basic points and outlines, and there are no more detailed things, because those things are in Yang Fan's mind.

"Brother Fan, have you finished reading our drawings?"

Han Jiang opened the door and came in, asking like this.

Yang Fan put down the pen in his hand, and said with a smile: "Your director sent me to run errands again. I have read all the drawings of your power system design room. There are basically no problems, but there is a copy that needs to be revised. You can take it back."

While talking, he stood up, and gave Han Jiang the design drawings that needed to be revised. Yang Fan will personally send the design drawings that need to be revised to Mr. Pan later.

After receiving the blueprint, Han Jiang took a rough look at it, and said in admiration, "There are problems in several places, how did you find out?"

Yang Fan smiled and said jokingly: "I have sharp eyes, and I can tell if there is a problem with the drawing."

Cut, believe you ghost!

Han Jiang gave you a look of contempt, and then he laughed happily again.

The two have a good relationship and often joke around, and this time is no exception, and it will not hurt their friendship.

After folding the drawings and preparing to take them back, seeing Yang Fan's open notebook, Han Jiang accidentally saw something about the construction method of the general section on it, and was stunned.

Thought he was wrong.

He took two steps closer, took a closer look, and said in surprise, "Brother Fan, you even know how to build a ship, master, master!"

After speaking, he gave Yang Fan a thumbs up.

Yang Fan smiled complacently. Of course, I know how to build ships. Before I was reborn, I often went to various shipyards. I have seen a lot of the construction process and methods of various warships.

Of course, this is just thinking about it in my heart. No one can talk about such things as rebirth, and don't mention it at all.

"Haha, what I read in the book is just a summary." Yang Fan casually teased Han Jiang.

He didn't mention that he would go to Donghai Shipyard tomorrow to explain the construction method of the general section to them, otherwise, Han Jiang would probably jump up in surprise again.

It made Han Jiang startled, that's not good!

Let's keep a low profile.

Do not shoot guns, quietly enter the village.

No, quietly go to Donghai Shipyard, don't make too much noise.

After rebirth, Yang Fan found himself getting younger and younger, and sometimes he really looked like a young man, not the middle-aged man in his forties before his rebirth.

After sending Han Jiang away, Yang Fan sat down again, finished writing all the unfinished things, and checked it again. After thinking about it, he felt that there was no problem, and then began to review the design drawings again.

Chen Shaohua came early.

About ten minutes earlier than the time agreed by both parties, I arrived in front of the office building of Donghai Office early, sat in the car and waited for Yang Fan to come.

Yang Fan was also a few minutes earlier than the agreed time, and saw the black car parked in the office building from afar.

At this time, there are not many people going to work, and it will be about one or two ten minutes before the peak time for going to work. There are not many people entering the office building, and few people notice this black car.

"Director Yang is here."

Chen Shaohua got out of the car right away, with a warm smile on his face, he said loudly: "There are still ten minutes before eight o'clock in the morning, how early you are!"

Yang Fan also said loudly: "You were earlier, you have been waiting for a long time."

"No, no, I just arrived." Chen Shaohua said so, opened the car door himself, and politely invited Yang Fan to get in the car.

This treatment is probably only available to Yang Fan.

If it was someone else, Chen Shaohua would open the door himself, and this bullshit could last for a year.

The two talked and laughed, got into the car together, and sat in the back seat of the black car.

Originally thinking that no one noticed, Yang Fan also thought he was very low-key.

But this scene just now was seen by others.

Liu Hong, who is run by the chief teacher, usually goes to work early, and today is no exception. When she saw this scene, she immediately stayed where she was!

(End of this chapter)

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