Military Heavy

Chapter 133 Wonderful Lecture

Chapter 133 Wonderful Lecture (No.12)

Chen Shaohua!
That's right, it's him, Bandit Chen!

This, this, this.
This is not like his style!
The one talking and laughing in front of me, with a happy face, is Bandit Chen. I was absolutely wrong.

It wasn't until the black car drove away from the office building that Liu Hong came to his senses, and he couldn't calm down at all.

It turns out that Chen Shaohua also has such a side, he used to laugh, not blindly being unreasonable and vicious.

How did he treat Yang Fan so well?
He didn't continue clamoring for design drawings. Could it be that he was persuaded by Yang Fan? Well, I really need to ask about this.

If it is true that Yang Fan managed to get rid of Bandit Chen, then I have to thank him well, at least I will be much cleaner without Bandit Chen urging for blueprints.

The car left Donghai Institute.

We arrived at Donghai Shipyard before 08:30 in the morning, and there was still some time. Chen Shaohua warmly invited Yang Fan to his office to sit down, drink tea, and chat.

It was almost time, and I was accompanied by Chen Shaohua to the training room used to teach everyone today. This is a large training room with [-] to [-] seats.

It is a bit like a large classroom in a university, with neatly arranged stools, tables, etc. There is a table in front as a podium with a loudspeaker on it, and a large blackboard in front with chalk and other things prepared.

This is what it was like in the era without projectors.

Walking into the large training room, Chen Shaohua's face was a little dark, because there were not many people who came here to attend the lectures, only two to 30 people, which were sparse, and did not meet Chen Shaohua's expectations at all.

He originally thought that this place should be basically full at this time. After all, Donghai Shipyard has two to three hundred engineers and technicians.

Only two or 30 people.

Only one-third of the seats are filled.

No wonder Chen Shaohua couldn't hold back a little.

Yang Fan could see some changes in his face, it seemed that he was very satisfied that there were 30 to [-] people attending the class, and he walked to the podium with a peaceful expression.

30 people, not bad!
Yang Fan knew that his popularity in Donghai Shipyard would definitely not be comparable to that in Donghai Shipyard.If it is in the Donghai Institute, as long as Director Yang is giving a lecture, the venue is often full. Some people who come later can only listen to the lecture in the corridor or by the window sill, which is very normal.

Donghai shipyard.

Yang Fan is already very satisfied to have such a few people here.

Although almost all of these people were young people with immature faces, Yang Fan was not affected by it.

Step onto the podium and start giving lectures to everyone.

At this moment, everyone's eyes were almost focused on Yang Fan, while a few people looked at Chen Shaohua in astonishment, only to see that Deputy Director Chen sat in an empty seat in the first row.

After sitting down, he took out his pen and opened his notebook, as if he was about to attend a class.

Even Deputy Factory Manager Chen sat here and listened to the class.

I must have read it wrong.

Yes, I was wrong.

Some people couldn't accept what they saw for a while, because of surprise, some opened their mouths in shock and stared blankly at Chen Shaohua for several seconds.

An even more unbelievable scene appeared.

Within two or three minutes, everyone had a look of hell.

I saw Zhang Guoxin and Xie Xinjian also walked in with their notebooks, found an empty seat in the first row and sat down, took out their pens, and opened their notebooks.

This is also the way to listen to the class.


One of them is the deputy factory director, and the other is the deputy chief construction engineer, and they also came to attend the class. Could it be that the young Director Yang in front of him is really capable.

Well, definitely so.

Many young people felt secretly lucky, praised their wise actions, and looked forward to the upcoming lecture.

Yang Fan raised his hand to check the time. It was already nine o'clock in the morning. He nodded slightly to Chen Shaohua, Zhang Guoxin and Xie Xinjian, and then spoke loudly to the loudspeaker.

"Everyone, good morning everyone, my name is Yang Fan, from Donghai Ship Design Institute"

First of all, I briefly introduced myself, and wrote my name on the blackboard with chalk, and the lecture officially started.

The training room also gradually quieted down.

At the beginning, many people didn't take it seriously, but gradually they were completely immersed in it, because they found that Yang Fan's lectures were very good, technical and interesting.

How to make the lecture vivid and wonderful, Yang Fan has a lot of experience in this aspect, and this time is no exception, it is destined to be a wonderful lecture.

From time to time, there was a burst of laughter in the training room, everyone was amused by Yang Fan's fun, and from time to time, there would be bursts of applause again, and everyone spontaneously applauded for Yang Fan's wonderful lecture.

Same on the first floor.

In addition to the large training room and large meeting room, there are also some other offices. Some employees of Donghai Shipyard work on the first floor.

Hearing laughter or applause from time to time, I was a little puzzled.

"What's going on here, it seems to be coming from the training room."

"I heard that Director Yang from Donghai Institute is giving lectures to everyone."

"I know. I heard that Director Yang is very young. Why did he get so much applause for his lectures?"

"Come on, let's go and have a look, and sit down and listen to it if we can."

"Okay, let's go now."

Yang Fan also entered the state, and he didn't mind seeing the people who quietly came in to listen to the class one after another, and he was not affected at all.

First, the basic concept, principle, and development process of the modular construction method of the general section were introduced, and then combined with the actual situation of the Donghai Shipyard, the modular construction of the general section of the first ship of the 052 ship was described.

How to deploy, which equipment is needed, which general sections are there, which ones will be constructed and welded in the workshop, which ones will be assembled and welded on the berth, and so on.

Everyone is completely immersed in it.

It was so well spoken that everyone could understand it.

On the blackboard, it was filled and erased, and then it was gradually filled again.

There are not only texts, but also a lot of sketches, or schematic diagrams, to tell everyone about the modular construction method of the general section of the 052 ship in the future.

The most shocking thing was Chen Shaohua.

The day before yesterday, he heard Yang Fan talk about the construction method of the general section, and he had a certain foundation, but that time it was not so in-depth and detailed. Now after listening to Yang Fan's detailed narration, he has a deeper understanding of the construction method of the general section.

The more you understand, the stronger the shock in your heart.

The way he looked at Yang Fan gradually became a little different.

I thought more than once in my heart, this is a real expert and a real level.

Everyone has the same brain, how can our Director Yang know so much.

Chen Shaohua quickly took a few deep breaths, trying to calm down the shock in his heart. He knew that the key now is to listen to the class carefully, listen to what Yang Fan said, and write down some things.

In fact, Zhang Guoxin and Xie Xinjian are similar.

In my heart, besides being shocked, I was still shocked!

Time passed little by little.

It started at 10 o'clock in the morning, and there was only a 12-minute break in the middle, and then continued. Now it is approaching [-] noon, and a morning lecture is coming to an end.

Maybe because they heard the news, some people rushed over, and the number of people attending the class has increased from 30 to 50 people at the beginning to [-] to [-] people now.

Donghai Shipyard, Engineering Technology Department.

Some young technicians heard the news and went to the lectures with pens and notebooks, but some "old birds" were unmoved.

"Old Zhou, why don't you go and listen, I heard that Deputy Director Chen is sitting there listening to lectures."

"Young Director Yang was invited by him, so of course he is sitting there too."

"I heard that Director Yang's lecture is very good. I'm going to listen to it in the afternoon."

"You go, I won't go anyway."


Like this old Zhou, there are many people who firmly believe that Yang Fan can't say anything. They are basically old technicians who have been working for more than ten years, or even two to 30 years.

They think that they have been engaged in shipbuilding for so many years, and they have a lot of experience and skills, so there is no need to listen to a young man's lecture.

But the director of the Engineering Technology Department, the two deputy directors were going to show their faces in the afternoon. Deputy factory directors Chen, Zhang, and deputy chief construction engineer Xie Xinjian were all there. It didn't seem too good for them not to show up.

As for sitting down and listening to Yang Fan's lecture, they couldn't.

On the one hand, they have a lot of work to do. On the other hand, they are very confident in their ship construction level, and feel that there is no need to listen to Yang Fan's talk about the "modular construction method of the general section". Is the current tower construction method Is it not good.

It's nearly twelve o'clock noon.

The morning class is finally over, it is very exciting!
Chen Shaohua stood up and took the lead in applauding.

Immediately, there was warm applause in the huge training room, and everyone expressed their feelings in the applause from the bottom of their hearts.

There were even quite a few young people shouting excitedly.

"Teacher Yang, you speak so well!"

"Director Yang, that's great!"


Hearing everyone's shouts, Yang Fan smiled happily. The whole morning was not in vain. Everyone's evaluation seems to be good, and the harvest seems to be good.

The applause gradually subsided, and everyone left the training room one after another.

At this time, an interesting phenomenon appeared.

Some people did not take their notebooks with them when they left, but placed them neatly on the table, which is called "occupancy".

In the afternoon, Director Yang will continue to give lectures. The lectures are so exciting, there will definitely be many people who will come to listen to the lectures in the afternoon. If you don't reserve seats in advance, it is estimated that there will be no seats at that time.

There is something to learn.

Some people who had already left their seats with their notebooks saw other people occupying their seats with their notebooks, and their hearts were moved. The paper is pasted on the table.

Seeing this scene, Yang Fan smiled again, feeling warm in his heart.

For the afternoon class, Yang Fan also looked forward to it a little bit, thinking in his heart, would there be a phenomenon like in Donghai Institute, the whole training room was full of people, including the aisle, the door and the windows were full of people, everyone Do you listen to your lectures carefully and quietly?
I really have a little expectation.

(End of this chapter)

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