Military Heavy

Chapter 134 The East China Sea Shipyard in Turmoil

Chapter 134 The Turbulent East China Sea Shipyard (No.13)

Chen Shaohua is very polite.

"Director Yang, your lectures are really good. I have learned a lot. I have written five pages of notes. This will be of great help to us in the future development of the modular construction method of the general section."

"As long as it helps." Yang Fan said with a smile.

After the two chatted for a few words, Chen Shaohua said: "Let's go, let's go to eat first."

A group of four people left the training room and went to the Donghai Shipyard Guest House. Chen Shaohua had already greeted them and prepared a private room and hearty meals.

No alcohol, tea instead of alcohol.

After the meal, Chen Shaohua arranged another room for Yang Fan. Yang Fan also took a good rest and took a nap to refresh himself.

In the afternoon, I will give a detailed and in-depth description of the general modular construction method in the construction process of the first ship of the 052 ship, which is considered the most important thing today.

Afternoon classes haven't started yet.

There are already heated discussions in many offices of Donghai Shipyard. Everyone has been talking about this matter after going to work in the afternoon.

"Xiao Yu, you went to the class for a whole day in the morning, how do you feel?"

Xiao Yu, a young technician, said with satisfaction: "Fortunately, I attended the class. I don't think there will be many such good opportunities in the future. Director Yang's lecture is very good and exciting. I feel that I have learned a lot. I will go to listen again in the afternoon."

No way!
Did the young director from Donghai really speak so well?
look at each other.

A look of disbelief.

Xiao Yu didn't care about their reaction, looked at the wall clock in the office, and said hastily: "I want to go early, I'm worried that if I go late, my seat will be taken by others."

Even though he had left his notebook there to take up a seat, he still felt a little unsafe, and it was better to go there earlier, if there was no seat, it would be a disaster.

Seeing Xiao Yu go out in a hurry, the others looked at each other in blank dismay again, doubts written all over their faces, thinking in their hearts, could it be that young Director Yang really spoke well.

If this is the case, shall we go and hear it?

It's better to listen to it and give it a try. If the speech is average, it's not too late to go back to the office.

Donghai Shipyard, Engineering Technology Department.

People in several departments here are talking about Yang Fan's lecture in the morning, especially those young technicians, talking about this matter with joy and enthusiasm.

"Director Yang spoke very well!"

"I have never heard such a wonderful class since I grew up."

"The modular construction method of the general section is something that foreign talents really master. I didn't expect our Director Yang to be so good at it."


The high-spirited talk of several young technicians, these words floated into the ears of those experienced technicians, and they responded differently.

Someone smiled and shook his head lightly, thinking in his heart, young people really haven't seen the world, it is estimated that Director Yang's words are only passable, they actually give such a high evaluation.

Some people thought in their hearts, is it really wonderful, should I also listen to it?

Others were eager to say that the modular construction method of the general section is exactly what I need to know. Since it is well said, I will listen to it.

These "veteran" technicians have different ideas.

in the minister's office.

Zheng Xianxue, Minister of Engineering and Technology, was smoking a cigarette, with two vice ministers sitting beside him.Obviously, some words also reached their ears.

"Old Zheng, deputy factory manager Chen and the three leaders are all sitting there listening to the lecture, we still have to listen to it, if the leaders have any objections to our engineering technology department, that's not good."

Zheng Xianxue nodded, "Lao Li and I will go over later, you, Ma, will stay in the department, and the three of us will go to attend lectures, and we can't do without anyone here."

"Okay, then I will stay in the department. It is estimated that the young director Yang can't tell much, and the lectures are just for Deputy Director Chen and the others to take a look."

Zheng Xianxue and the other deputy director laughed. They all thought so. They went to attend the lectures entirely because of Chen Shaohua and others, not with an attitude of learning.

There are still 10 minutes before the official start of the class.

The huge training room was full, and there were no empty seats. Everyone came early, and there were many people standing in the empty space on the sides or behind the training room.

Compared with the morning, this is completely different.

As it approached three o'clock in the afternoon, more and more people came over.

Every space in the training room that was a bit vacant was filled with people standing or sitting, and it was completely full, making it difficult for a few more people to come in.

Those who came late, those who didn't have a seat regretted it secretly, if they had known earlier, they would have come earlier, at least they could have gotten a seat, right?

Those who came from behind could only stand at the door, or in the corridor, or lean on the window sill, anyway, there were all kinds of things.

Accompanied by Chen Shaohua, Zhang Guoxin and Xie Xinjian, Yang Fan squeezed into the training room with "difficulty" and walked to the podium, only then did Yang Fan quietly breathe a sigh of relief.

There are so many people!
If it wasn't for everyone actively giving way, it would be really difficult to squeeze in.

Seeing the full training room, as if returning to the feeling of giving lectures in Donghai, Yang Fan felt relieved.

Is that right?

So many people came to listen to the lecture, so the lecture was so exciting.

Looking at the crowded training room with satisfaction, Yang Fan raised his hand to check the time, raised his hand and pressed down, motioning for everyone to quiet down.

The noisy training room fell silent. Everyone opened their notebooks, held pens in their hands, and looked at Yang Fan with serious expressions.

"Good afternoon, everyone. We are continuing our class now. In the morning we talked about the modular construction method of the general section in the construction of the first ship of the 052 ship."

While speaking, he was writing on the blackboard with chalk.

Write down some key points, and when necessary, Yang Fan will draw a simple schematic diagram, and describe the modular construction method of the main section of the first ship with pictures and texts.

The time passed by 1 minute and 1 minute.

Nearly 10 minutes after the official start, Zheng Xianxue and Li Chaolin walked over talking and laughing, very relaxed and without pressure.

They thought that they didn't come to listen to Yang Fan's lecture, but just came to sit and show their faces, and then left under the pretext that they had to be busy with work.

Before the two of them reached the door of the training room, they were stunned for a moment, the smiles on their faces froze, and they looked at everything in front of them with disbelief.

How could there be so many people.

It's just plain watery.

After the two were stunned for a moment, they resolutely walked to the door of the training room. There were people standing at the door, and there were more people inside, so it was impossible to squeeze in.

But there seems to be a place on the window sill.

Could it be that a minister and a deputy minister want to lie on the window sill and attend lectures.

Such a scene appeared in the mind, and the two fought a cold war at the same time.

Someone saw Zheng Xianxue and Zheng Xianxue. It was a young man from the Engineering Technology Department. He was lying on the window sill listening to a class. When he saw the two leaders coming, he immediately said happily.

"Minister Zheng, Minister Li, there is still a little space here."

After finishing speaking, the young man squeezed to the side, making room for the two of them to lie on the window sill and listen to the class.

With so many people watching, it was a bit difficult to ride a tiger.

Forget it, just lie on the window sill.

The two senior ministers obediently lay down by the window sill and began to listen to the class.

Zheng Xianxue glanced at the young technician who flattered him, and thought to himself, boy, which department of yours caused me and Lao Li to lie on the window sill, and we will clean you up after we go back.

Training room.

Yang Fan's lectures were as wonderful as ever, especially when he talked about the modular construction method of the general section of the 052 ship, which was completely combined with the actual situation of the Donghai Shipyard. The sketches, diagrams, text descriptions, etc. were both specific and easy to understand, even for those young technicians. Can understand.

There were bursts of applause from time to time.

From time to time bursts of happy laughter sounded.

The two-hour class didn't stop in the middle, and everyone was mesmerized. When the time came, Yang Fan finished his lecture, and everyone felt that they still had more to say.

"Director Yang, when will you tell me more about it?"

"Director Yang, listening to your lecture is so comfortable."

"Director Yang, continue teaching me tomorrow."


Facing everyone, Yang Fan smiled happily, "Don't worry, everyone, if you have a chance in the future, as long as you need it, I can continue to explain the modular construction method of the general section in depth."

"it is good!"


Amidst a burst of applause, enthusiastic applause broke out and lasted for a long time.

Zheng Xianxue lay on the window sill and listened for two hours. At the beginning, he might feel a little uncomfortable. A dignified minister actually lay on the window sill.

Now, his mood is completely different.

This window sill is also worth it!

Director Yang spoke really well, and he learned a lot.

If Director Yang comes to Donghai Shipyard to give lectures next time, I must arrive early and occupy a seat in the first row, just like Deputy Director Chen and Deputy Director Zhang, sitting in the first row and listening to lectures.

Li Chaolin was also in the same mood. He looked at the few pages of notes he had made with satisfaction, and said with emotion: "Old Zheng, it's a pity that we missed the morning class."

"Yeah, if I knew that Director Yang spoke so well, we would have come to attend the lecture in the morning."

In this regard, both of them felt a little regretful.

After class, Chen Shaohua politely invited Yang Fan to dinner, and then politely sent Yang Fan back to Donghai Institute.

The next day, the Donghai Shipyard almost became a commotion.

Many people are talking about Yang Fan's lecture, not only technicians, but also production managers are talking about it.

Some words also drifted into the ears of the senior executives of Donghai Shipyard.

Some high-level executives heard Yang Fan's name for the first time, and they knew that there was a young Director Yang in Donghai, and his lectures were very good.

Today, the regular office meeting of Donghai Shipyard was held.

Those who participated in such a meeting were all senior executives of Donghai Shipyard. Of course, Chen Shaohua and Zhang Guoxin participated. Xie Xinjian, the deputy chief builder of the 052 ship, also attended the meeting.

After discussing some daily issues, the focus began to discuss the construction of the first ship of the 052 ship.

(End of this chapter)

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