Military Heavy

Chapter 135 Adoption of General Section Construction Method

Chapter 135 Adoption of General Section Construction Method
The recent office meetings are without exception, and the construction of the first ship of the 052 ship is the top priority.

As the chief builder of the 052 ship, Chen Shaohua made a report to everyone, and reported some recent preparations to everyone, as well as the plan for a period of time in the future.

"Comrades, generally speaking, our construction preparations are relatively smooth, and we are confident that we will start construction on schedule."

Chen Shaohua is very confident.

It is said that the high-level executives of Donghai Shipyard who attended the meeting all showed joy, and the preparations went smoothly, which is a good start.

However, some people did not forget to remind: "It is less than a year before the official start of construction, and the design drawings of the Donghai Institute have not been given to us, which will definitely affect our preparations for the next stage. The next focus I am afraid that the job is to go to Donghai to ask for design drawings."

Lu Guodong, the head of Donghai Shipyard, said with a smile: "I think the matter of urging for the drawings can be delayed a little bit. Lao Chen has already gone to urge several times, which made Donghai's opinion quite big, and people's phone calls came to me. "

After speaking, Lu Guodong laughed again.

He looked at Chen Shaohua meaningfully.

The others knew Chen Shaohua better, and they all laughed in good faith. If it was not a formal and serious office meeting, how could it be an informal occasion, some leaders might joke with Chen Shaohua.

"Old Chen, you've offended others again."

"Bandit Chen, really deserves his reputation, Donghai retreated three houses."

"Haha, Lao Chen is just extraordinary."


This is the office meeting, everyone didn't say anything, but the meaning in the eyes that looked over was already very obvious.

Sensing these gazes, Chen Shaohua also smiled, and then returned his gaze to the past, as if to say, I was also driven into a hurry, and my heart was anxious, which was a bit rough in the way.

The atmosphere of the meeting was good.

Chen Shaohua continued to report, and after notifying some future work plans, he paused for a while, and then proposed: "For the construction of the first ship of the 052 ship, I decided to adopt the modular construction method of the general section."

The total modular construction method!

Isn't it the usual tower construction method? ? ?
Some people looked at each other in blank dismay, this old Chen is really, he released a big satellite as soon as he came up, which shocked everyone for a long time.

Everyone is a high-level executive of Donghai Shipyard, and they are familiar with various construction methods. They have also heard of the modular construction method of the general section, and know that this is a very advanced construction method nowadays.

"The modular construction method of the general section, this is not good, we all use the tower construction method, and suddenly switch to the construction method of the general section, I am worried that there will be many problems."

"Yes, it's better to be safe."

"If something goes wrong during the construction process and affects the completion of the first ship, then the problem will be serious."


Many people have expressed concern about this, they do not seek innovation, but security.

Chen Shaohua seemed to have expected it a long time ago. Seeing the clear objections of several deputy factory managers, he was not in a hurry. He waited for them to finish speaking before he began to explain his reasons.

"Comrades, we can't blindly be conservative. The modular construction method of the general section is currently an advanced shipbuilding method. We can greatly shorten the construction process of the 052 ship with this method, and it will accumulate for the construction of the general section of the 052 ship in the future. experience."

High spirits.


Clear thinking.

Chen Shaohua spoke for nearly 10 minutes in one breath, trying to persuade his colleagues to accept that the construction of the 052 ship adopts the modular construction method of the general section.

The truth is this truth.

Nothing seems wrong either.

But there are still some people who expressed concern. Apart from worrying, they said, "We have never tried the general section construction method. Lack of technical accumulation in this area, I think it is safer to adopt the usual tower construction method. "

Neither the left nor the right!
Bandit Chen's "bandit spirit" came up, and he said loudly: "I am the chief builder of the 052 ship, and I suggest adopting the modular construction method of the general section."

This Chen bandit.

The banditry has returned.

The leader, Lu Guodong, shook his head with a wry smile. He knew Chen Shaohua well. Now that his "bandit spirit" had come up, it would be difficult to persuade him to give up the modular construction method of the general section.

Does the 052 ship really adopt the modular construction method of the general section?
To be honest, Lu Guodong was not sure either.

In case something goes wrong, he, the leader, will be responsible. It is related to the lead ship of the 052 ship, so he thinks it is better to be safe.

So he persuaded: "Old Chen, if we adopt the modular construction method of the general section, we have never tried it, and we lack the technical foundation."

Chen Shaohua said confidently: "Our Donghai Shipyard has a deep technical background, and there is no problem in trying the modular construction method of the general section. In addition, Director Yang Fan of the Donghai Institute has analyzed it for us. We can completely adopt the modular construction of the general section. Law."

Director Yang Fan of Donghai Institute?
Some people have heard of it, some are relatively unfamiliar.

Lu Guodong asked: "Is it the young man who gave lectures in our factory? According to comrades, his lectures are very good."

"Yeah it's him."

Chen Shaohua said: "What Director Yang told everyone is the modular construction method of the general section of the 052 ship. The lecture is very exciting, and everyone speaks highly of it."

"Director Yang said that there is no problem with our 052 ship adopting the modular construction method of the general section."

Is it really possible?
Lu Guodong pondered for a while, thinking and weighing in his heart.

At this time, Xie Xinjian, the deputy chief builder who had been silent for a long time, said, "Director Yang Fan said that the design of the 052 ship took into account the modular construction method of the general section, which can be built by either the tower construction method or the general section. Law."

"Yes, Director Yang Fan did say that." Zhang Guoxin said: "He is very optimistic about the construction method of the general section of the 052 ship."

In the meeting room, everyone looked at each other.

Why Director Yang always said, Director Yang said.

Don't you three have any ideas of your own?
It has to be said that after Yang Fan gave the class to everyone, he has basically convinced Chen Shaohua, Zhang Guoxin and Xie Xinjian. Of course, there are also the following technicians who have listened to the class.

One is the chief builder, the other is the deputy chief builder, and the third is the deputy factory manager. All three said the same, and many people fell into thinking.

Is it really necessary to adopt the general section construction method?
After thinking about it for a while, Lu Guodong decided: "Whether we really adopt the modular construction method of the general section, let's think about it and discuss it at the next office meeting."

After all, this is a big deal.

No child's play.

Surprisingly, Chen Shaohua did not object, nodded in agreement and said: "I have no objection to discussing it next time, but I suggest that everyone have a deeper understanding of the modular construction method of the general section. If everyone agrees, I can invite Director Yang Fan to come over and explain to everyone. One lecture on the modular construction method of the general section of the 052 ship."

Yang Fan lectures for everyone!
This is scary enough, all the senior executives of Donghai Shipyard are sitting here.

Someone shuddered.

Old Chen, this idea is probably only you can come up with.

If this gets out, it will scare many people to death.

Surprisingly, Zhang Guoxin fully agreed: "Old Chen's suggestion is good, we all really need to have a deep understanding of the modular construction method of the general section."

Xie Xinjian also said: "Director Yang Fan told us about the modular construction method of the general section. I think it is only good. You can listen to it."

The three agree.

Standing together again on this issue.

Lu Guodong's eyes flicked across the faces of the three of them, thinking in his heart, who is this Yang Fan, and our three leaders are all on his side.

To everyone's surprise, Lu Guodong agreed.

"Since the three of you all suggested that Yang Fan tell us about modular construction, I think it's okay, and it will be at 10:30 tomorrow morning, for one hour."

Everyone is very busy, one hour is the result after Lu Guodong weighed it.

My goodness, I really invite Yang Fan to come and tell us about the modular construction method of the general section! ! !


With a soft sound, a certain leader trembled, and the pen in his hand fell to the ground.

"Then it's settled, the meeting is adjourned!"

Lu Guodong announced the end of the meeting and was the first to walk out of the meeting room. Some people sat there blankly before they could react, and it was difficult to digest this matter for a while.

Chen Shaohua smiled happily.

"Old Zhang, I didn't expect the factory director to agree."

"Yeah, it's a bit unexpected."

Yang Fan was taken aback when he received the call from Chen Shaohua. Even if he was very good at heart, he couldn't help shouting, "Oh my God, I will give lectures to the senior executives of Donghai Shipyard."

This, this, this.
It is simply a batch of cattle.

However, Yang Fan soon calmed down again, thinking in his heart, he should make good preparations for what he should say in an hour tomorrow.

Before he was reborn, Yang Fan had lectured to many people, including those who were higher in rank than the senior executives of Donghai Shipyard, and had also participated in many high-level academic exchanges.

It seems to others that the young Yang Fan giving lectures to the high-level executives of Donghai Shipyard is simply a godsend, but Yang Fan knows it in his heart.

In fact, this is nothing.

It's a piece of cake.

What a big scene I haven't seen before.

It took some time to prepare a little bit, mainly to make an outline and write some things that need to be said in the notebook.

The next day.

Chen Shaohua personally went to Donghai Shipyard to pick up Yang Fan. This matter was relatively low-key. After arriving at Donghai Shipyard, he took Yang Fan directly into the conference room.

In the meeting room, from the top leader of Donghai Shipyard, Lu Guodong, there are a total of nearly ten high-level executives, almost one of whom is already sitting there.

When Yang Fan walked in, some people said in their hearts, so young!

Hey, he couldn't see the slightest tension.

There seemed to be a wave of confidence exuding from the whole body.

What kind of young man is this?

When Lu Guodong saw Yang Fan for the first time, he was also sizing him up. Seeing that Yang Fan was calm and calm, he couldn't help nodding his head slightly, thinking in his heart that he was really different from other young people.

Nice young people.

When I was so young, how could I have such composure and calmness.

(End of this chapter)

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