Military Heavy

Chapter 136 "Bandit Chen" Gouges the Corner

Chapter 136 "Bandit Chen" poachs corners (No. 15 more)
One hour!
The high-level executives of Donghai Shipyard gradually entered the state from being careless at the beginning, and then became mesmerized at the end.

Explain the profound things in a simple way, speak in an easy-to-understand manner, with moderate difficulty.

Yang Fan was also satisfied for a while, basically meeting his expectations.

After listening to this class, the senior executives of Donghai Shipyard have a relatively comprehensive understanding of the modular construction method of the general section, especially Chen Shaohua and the other three, who have a deeper understanding of this construction method.

The three of them gained again.

Chen Shaohua was the first to take the lead in applauding, and soon, there was a burst of applause in the conference room. Everyone applauded from the bottom of their hearts, without any affectation.

The applause died down.

Lu Guodong said: "Comrade Yang Fan, this is the most wonderful lecture I have ever heard, even better and more exciting than those given by famous professors in universities."

This is a little high praise!

Directly compare Yang Fan with those famous university professors.

Yang Fan felt happy for a while, extremely refreshed, but still said very modestly: "Where, you are too much, my level is still far behind other famous professors."

"There is no gap, I don't think there is any gap at all."

"Comrade Yang Fan is just too modest."

"This hour, I think, is more effective than reading a year's worth of books."

"Speaking so well, I have been in shock, and I haven't recovered yet."


These high-level executives said this one after another, and these words made Yang Fan feel comfortable again. After working hard for an hour, it seems that the effect is still good.

Chat for a while.

The main reason is that everyone praised Yang Fan's lectures well and well!

After a lot of praise, he gradually returned to the topic, and Lu Guodong asked formally: "Comrade Yang Fan, which construction method do you think is more suitable for the construction of the first ship of the 052 ship?"

"Of course it is the modular construction method of the general section."

Without any hesitation, Yang Fan immediately replied like this.

The advantages of the general section modular construction method over the tower construction method have already been mentioned, and there is no need to repeat them.


Lu Guodong seemed a little hesitant. He was worried that there would be some problems with this new construction method. If it affected the construction process of the first ship, then he, the leader, might not be able to take responsibility.

Yang Fan saw his concerns, and suggested: "Donghai Shipyard can put forward a proposal to adopt the general section construction method, and submit it to a higher level for discussion and decision-making."

This method is good.

Chen Shaohua was the first to raise his hands in agreement, and said loudly: "This method is good, Lao Lu, let's do it like this, how about it!"

Lu Guodong finally nodded and agreed: "Yes, then in the name of Donghai Shipyard, we propose to the superior that the construction of the 052 ship adopt the modular construction method of the general section, and the superior will make a decision."

Hearing this, Yang Fan became happy.

If our first ship uses this construction method, it is bound to accumulate rich construction experience during the construction process.

The construction of the first ship may encounter some bumps and bumps, but Yang Fan is confident that he has carefully looked at the situation of the Donghai Shipyard. It will take more time and may be finished slightly earlier.

With the construction experience of the first ship, the construction of the 052 ship in the future will be much smoother, and the construction period will be greatly shortened.

In the 21st century, our various warships are launched like dumplings, which is the best proof, because these warships adopt the general modular construction method.


Donghai Shipyard politely hosted a banquet in honor of Yang Fan, the "teacher". During the meal, everyone chatted about the general construction method of the first ship.

The balance in Lu Guodong's heart has begun to tilt towards this construction method, and he is more inclined to the modular construction method of the general section, and has a little disdain for the traditional tower construction method.

If Yang Fan knew about this change in Lu Guodong's heart, he would definitely be happy.

After dinner.

According to Lu Guodong's instructions, Chen Shaohua personally sent Yang Fan back to Donghai Shipyard very warmly. Then, after he returned to Donghai Shipyard, he entered Lu Guodong's office again.

"Be back so soon."


Chen Shaohua said: "Send Comrade Yang Fan to the office building of Donghai Institute, and I will come back without stopping."

"Sit, sit."

Lu Guodong greeted Chen Shaohua to sit down and said, "Let's talk about the construction of the first ship. I think Comrade Yang Fan's suggestion is good. Let's adopt the modular construction method of the general section."

Chen Shaohua was slightly taken aback and was stunned.

This was a little out of his expectation.

Mr. Lu, I can't adapt to your change for a while!
Didn't you suggest that for the sake of safety, you don't quite agree with the modular construction method of the general section?

Isn't it necessary to make suggestions to the higher level, and the higher level decides which construction method to adopt? ? ?

After staying for three or five seconds, after Chen Shaohua realized it, he was instantly surrounded by surprise and a little excited.

Yes, there is obvious excitement on the face.

"Mr. Lu Lu, you really decided to adopt the construction method of the general section, did I hear you right?"

"You you."

Lu Guodong laughed, especially when he saw Chen Shaohua showing such obvious surprise and excitement, the happy smile on his face became stronger.

Chen Shaohua also laughed, very happily.

One is the top leader of the East China Sea Shipyard, and the other is the chief builder of the 052 ship. Both big bosses have decided to adopt the general section construction method, and this matter can basically be settled.

Of course, the first ship adopts the general section construction method. For such a big event, the Donghai ship still needs to report it to the 052 ship general headquarters in written form.

But it is no longer a suggestion, but a report.

It's just a notification, to inform the headquarters of this matter.

Chen Shaohua took care of everything, "I will write this report and personally send someone to the headquarters."

"it is good."

So it's settled.

After agreeing on this matter, Chen Shaohua said: "The first ship will adopt the modular construction method of the general section. The whole process may be to cross the river by feeling the stones. In order to make the whole construction process smoother, I think it is best to recruit some talents to join us. increase our building power."


Lu Guodong was thoughtful, "This suggestion is good. We can indeed look for some talents to come. Do you have suitable candidates?"

"How is Yang Fan?"

Yang Fan?
Of course, it is possible. Is there anyone who is more expert in the modular construction method of the general section than Yang Fan.

Yang Fan, Yang Fan is good!
Lu Guodong laughed like an old fox, Yang Fan appeared in his mind, the more he thought about it, the more satisfied he became.

Chen Shaoguo also laughed like an old fox.

The two old foxes began to plot Yang Fan's idea, preparing to dig Yang Fan over.

If Pan Jinfu knew, he would jump in a hurry.

Well, you bandit Chen, you actually planned on Yang Fan of our family.

Want to dig a corner, no way!
There is no possibility at all!

Be careful if you hit Yang Fan's idea again, I will break up with you.

Donghai Institute.

Yang Fan sneezed, touched his nose, and said with a smile, who is missing me.

After smiling, he sat in front of the table and began to review the drawings that were sent over, there were about a dozen of them.

The drawings sent every day have a faint downward trend. This is related to the design process of the 052 ship. In a few months, it will enter the final stage of the design. There will be fewer important and critical drawings that need to be sent to Chief Pan for approval. .

At the beginning, I still thought about what I would tell the senior executives of Donghai Shipyard today about the construction method of the general section, but gradually entered the state, became serious and focused.

Pan Jinfu is also in the office.

He just came back from a meeting, and after sitting down, he picked up the design drawings and looked at them. He reads the drawings very quickly, as fast as a few minutes, and as slow as ten minutes to finish a blueprint. This speed, Definitely very fast.

The normal speed should be at least half an hour, or even more than an hour.

They are all important and key design drawings, which need to be carefully and carefully read, while thinking about whether there are any problems in the design.

But Pan Jinfu didn't need it.

There is no other reason.

The main reason is that these drawings have been reviewed by Yang Fan, and a "check" is marked in the blank space in the upper right corner of each drawing.

After reading a drawing for a few minutes, Pan Jinfu admired it again.

really not bad.

Really good!

It's amazing that young people can achieve this level!

Pan Jinfu is very satisfied with Yang Fan. The design drawings sent over by Yang Fan after review will never have any problems.

Because of this, Pan Jinfu read the drawings very quickly and was very relieved. After reading a drawing, he picked up a pen and signed his name on the approval column.

Eight or nine design drawings took less than an hour, which was unimaginable before. It didn't take half a day before, and it was absolutely impossible to read them all.

"In the past few days, Yang Fan has been more diligent in going to Donghai Shipyard. Every time, Chen Shaohua personally picked him up. I heard that he was explaining the modular construction method of the general section to the people of Donghai Shipyard."

"Comrade Yang Fan even knows a little about ship construction. It's really unexpected. I don't know how effective the lectures are."

Pan Jinfu thought a lot.

For having a subordinate like Yang Fan, the more he thinks about it, the happier he is, and he pays more and more attention to Yang Fan. He even wondered if he could take over my class after a few years of training.

But just think about it.

Yang Fan is still too young.

It's too early to think about succession now, a little too early!

Liu Hong was still a little nervous in her office, very afraid of seeing Chen Shaohua.

"Sister Liu, I noticed that Director Yang Fan of the model office is back."

"Oh." Liu Hong got up immediately, with a look of joy on her face, "Xiao Yuan, you stay in the office, I'll go to the model for a visit."

Xiao Yuan nodded.

He knew what Sister Liu was doing in the model office.

She really wanted to understand how Director Yang Fan managed to deal with such a difficult "Bandit Chen", and why "Bandit Chen" seemed to have forgotten to ask for the drawings these days.

Director Yang Fan is really clever, even Chen Shaohua can handle it.

Xiao Yuan also wanted to know how Yang Fan did it, but he didn't dare to ask, because he felt that in front of Yang Fan, he had to look up to him, and he couldn't communicate on an equal footing.

No way, he just felt that way.

It may be that Yang Fan's reputation and performance in the East China Sea made the young Yuan feel awed. In fact, he and Yang Fan are about the same age, at most one or two years younger.

Liu Hong left the chief division office, knocked on the door and entered Yang Fan's room.

"Liu Hong run by the head teacher?"

Yang Fan was slightly taken aback when he saw the person coming, what is she doing here?

Fifteen chapters will be updated first, and it will continue. Today must be full of twenty chapters! ! !
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(End of this chapter)

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