Military Heavy

Chapter 137 What kind of medicine is sold in the gourd

Chapter 137 What kind of medicine is sold in the gourd ([-]th update)
Although doubtful, but the visitor is a guest.

Yang Fan didn't show any puzzled look on his face, on the contrary, he was very enthusiastic and took the initiative to say: "Sister Liu, why come to my place when you have time?"

Liu Hong was a little nervous and didn't know how to speak.

Yang Fan's enthusiasm made her less nervous, and said, "Director Yang, I want to ask you something."

"You said."

Yang Fan's face was very enthusiastic, and there was a hint of a smile on his face.

"Chen Shaohua from Donghai Shipyard hasn't come to ask for the blueprint these days. What's going on? Do you know the reason?"

That's what happened.

Yang Fan said: "Our deputy factory manager Chen will be very busy in the next one or two months, so he probably won't have the time and energy to come over and ask for drawings."

This is true.

Donghai Shipyard will be busy with the preparatory work for the modular construction of the main section of the first ship. Chen Shaohua has a lot of work to do and will be very busy.

As for whether Donghai Shipyard will adopt the general construction method, Yang Fan is not worried about this.

You won't come to ask for drawings for two months? ? ?
real or fake?

Liu Hong was stunned, and then felt very pleasantly surprised, "He really won't come to ask for drawings again, is it true?"

"Of course." Yang Fan said, "Don't worry, at least you won't come again in the next one or two months."

Be confirmed.

Liu Hong became happy, relieved and relaxed.

That's it.

This is really good news.

I can live a clean life for at least one or two months.

Recently, I was really scared by this bandit Chen.

When she was happy, Liu Hong said gratefully: "Thank you, thank you so much, Director Yang, it should be you who convinced Chen Shaohua."

Yang Fan said: "Chat casually with our deputy factory manager Chen, he thinks what I said makes sense, and promises not to ask for blueprints again for the time being."

It's really because of Director Yang Fan!

Our Director Yang Fan is really capable.

A few words convinced the difficult Chen Shaohua.

Liu Hong admired her so much that she almost gave her a thumbs up. She looked at Yang Fan with admiration, and almost expressed her thanks again.

Yang Fan smiled, thinking in his heart, there seems to be something wrong with Sister Liu's eyes.

Fortunately, it was a female comrade in her thirties.

If it's a beautiful lesbian in her early twenties, it's really a bit unbearable.

After getting an accurate answer, knowing that Chen Shaohua didn't come to ask for the blueprint again because it was related to Yang Fan, Liu Hong said goodbye and left happily.

Two days later.

Yang Fan has been busy for almost a day. In addition to reviewing several design drawings, he also went to several design offices below to pay attention to the progress of the design.

As soon as I got back to the office, I was about to have a sip of tea before leaving get off work. I was thinking about whether to call Han Jiang, so the two of them went outside to have a tooth festival. Several good private restaurants opened outside.

After a while, the office door was gently pushed open.

Chen Shaohua!
Our Chief Constructor Chen disappeared for two days and reappeared in front of Yang Fan today.

There was also Zhao Yulan in the office. When she saw Chen Shaohua push the door in, she hurriedly said enthusiastically, "Deputy Factory Director Chen, please contact our Director Yang Fan."

Well, Zhao Yulan knew the purpose of Chen Shaohua's coming here as soon as she guessed.

Chen Shaohua nodded, "Director Yang, let's go, let's go have a drink or two and talk about something by the way."


Yang Fan was in a dilemma for a while, there was still nearly half an hour before leaving get off work, could it be that you made me leave early, this is not good, I commute to and from get off work on time every day.

"Let's go, why hesitate."

Chen Shaohua simply came over and pulled Yang Fan and walked outside.

Zhao Yulan smiled slightly, and said brightly: "Anyway, there is nothing to do today, Director Yang, it doesn't matter if you leave earlier."

Yang Fan had no choice but to give Zhao Yulan an apologetic look, then walked out of the office under Chen Shaohua's tugging, and went all the way to the corridor.

I really convinced you!
You are the deputy director of Donghai Shipyard, the chief builder of the first ship of the dignified 052 ship.

Actually pulling and pulling like this.

Yang Fan looked at Chen Shaohua speechlessly, and the latter smiled happily, not angry, but enthusiastically and happily said: "Let's go, I'm treating you."

Did he continue to pull Yang Fan, Chen Shaohua took Yang Fan out of the office building, and got into his black car in front of the building.

Without a driver, he drove himself.

After leaving the East China Sea Institute, I went directly to a nearby private restaurant, which was newly opened, with a good environment and scale, which is considered to be relatively good in this area.

After sitting down, Chen Shaohua ordered a few dishes, which were very sumptuous, and even asked for a bottle of wine.

so, what happened?
Treat yourself as soon as you come up!
Yang Fan glanced at Chen Shaohua suspiciously, thinking in his heart, what is our chief builder Chen doing, and what kind of medicine is sold in the gourd?

It's really confusing.

Chen Shaohua didn't say the reason for his treat, after the food came, he picked up the wine glass and had a drink with Yang Fan, took a few mouthfuls of food, and then said.

"I want to tell you some good news. Our Donghai shipyard has decided to adopt the modular construction method you proposed for the first ship of the 052 ship."

Yang Fan was taken aback for a moment, and then he became happy in an instant.

Could this surprise come so suddenly?

As soon as he sat down, he took a sip of wine, and suddenly such a shocking news came out.

Yang Fan, who was immediately happy, didn't think about the reason for Chen Shaohua's treat for the time being, but was very pleasantly surprised: "Great, the first ship adopts the modular construction method of the general section. I have a hunch that it will be more expensive than the traditional tower construction." There is no way to save a lot of construction time, and it is doomed to launch in advance.”

Chen Shaohua was slightly stunned, looking at Yang Fan.

He also thought about it before, but he was not sure. After all, this was the first time their Donghai shipyard adopted the modular construction method of the general section, which was a kind of crossing the river by feeling the stones.

Yang Fan said affirmatively: "The construction period will definitely be shortened, and it has more advantages than the tower construction method."

Shorten the construction period!

This is what Chen Shaohua wanted to see the most. Ever since he took over the task of building the first ship, Donghai Shipyard felt both excited and stressed.

Where is the pressure?

It is nothing more than the time node of construction, and they are worried that they may not be able to complete the project on schedule.The construction period given above is five years. In fact, it only takes a little more than two years from the official start of construction to launching. For a brand new warship, more than two years seems too hasty.

Well now, adopting the general section construction method will definitely shorten the construction period.

Why is Yang Fan so sure that he can shorten the construction period?
On the one hand, it is the understanding of the construction method of the general section. This new construction method can greatly improve the efficiency.On the other hand, it has been proved by practice.

In the 21st century, our various warships can be launched like dumplings. In addition to the improvement of our comprehensive national strength and industrial level, another important reason is that all of these warships adopt the general modular construction method.

Chen Shaohua is happy!

Be happy and a little excited.

Holding the wine glass, he took a big sip of the wine, picked up the chopsticks to pick up a mouthful of vegetables, and ate with big mouthfuls, expressing that joy to the fullest.

After finishing his drink, he picked up his glass again and said, "I respect you for this glass, on behalf of Donghai Shipyard, thank you for bringing us the modular construction method of the general section."

"No, no, I just made a suggestion and gave two lectures. The real implementation still depends on you." Yang Fan was very modest.

After the two drank a glass of wine and ate a few dishes.

Gradually, Chen Shaohua got to the point, "Our factory has decided to adopt the modular construction method of the general section. The written report has been written by me and sent to the general headquarters. I believe that the general commander will agree with us to adopt this brand new method. method of construction."

I didn't show up in the East China Sea for two days, so I was writing this report behind closed doors.

"We are both happy and under pressure now. We have never adopted the modular construction method of the general section before. We have no idea what new problems we will encounter during the construction process."

Chen Shaohua talked about the worry in his heart, which was also the worry of the entire senior management of Donghai Shipyard.

After talking about their concerns, Chen Shaohua straightened his tone, "We need talents who understand the modular construction method of the main section, and we urgently need such talents to join."

After finishing speaking, his eyes fell on Yang Fan.

Yang Fan was taken aback.

What are you looking at me for?
As if looking at a treasure, am I so attractive to you.

No, this look is wrong!
A thought suddenly popped up in Yang Fan's mind, Chief Builder Chen may have taken a fancy to me and is planning to hire me to Donghai Shipyard.


Chen Shaohua looked at Yang Fan very satisfied, and said straight to the point: "We need talents like Director Yang, how about joining our Donghai Shipyard and building the first ship of Ship 052 with us?"

What, want me to join Donghai Shipyard.

This was completely beyond Yang Fan's expectation.

No, I just gave you a suggestion to adopt the modular construction method of the general section, and taught you a lesson.

Are you trying to dig the corner of Donghai Institute?

In case the leaders in our firm know about it.
Yang Fan thought a lot at once.

Seeing that Yang Fan didn't express his opinion for a long time, Chen Shaohua said: "You come here, we will not treat you badly, you can come here as a construction consultant for the first ship, or as an assistant to the factory director."

what! ! !
Build consultants!
Assistant to the factory manager? ? ?

Can such a job be a little more against the sky?

Brother, I’m only in my 20s, and I’ve only been working for four years?

In this era of seniority ranking, assigning me such a position is the rhythm of putting me on the fire.

Thanks to you Donghai Shipyard figured it out.

Yang Fan will not agree to the past. Although joining the Donghai Shipyard will lead to the sky in one step, the risk is extremely high. It is understandable to shoot the first bird.

Besides, Yang Fan's line of business is ship design, not ship construction. It would definitely not work to abandon his line of work to do ship construction.

Why are you so good at shipbuilding and so good at the modular construction method of the general section?
The reason is that Yang Fan has seen and seen too much.

Before being reborn, he not only went to the major shipyards many times, and saw the construction process of various warships countless times, but also often communicated with those builders, and knew more about warship construction, especially the modular construction of the general section.

But compared to the knowledge of ship design in his mind, the construction of ships is definitely not Yang Fan's strong point. Compared with Chen Shaohua and the others, they have three to 40 years of experience, and they know more about ship construction than them for the time being. .

Of course Chen Shaohua didn't know this.

He kept looking at Yang Fan with hope, waiting for an answer.

(End of this chapter)

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