Military Heavy

Chapter 138 The Runaway Pan Jinfu

Chapter 138 The Runaway Pan Jinfu (No.17)
"Director Yang, how about it, as long as you come over, you can choose these two positions as you like."

He continued to try his best to persuade Yang Fan, trying to persuade Yang Fan to agree to join Donghai Shipyard.

Yang Fan smiled.

Then he said modestly: "You guys think too highly of me. I'm just talking about shipbuilding, and I haven't really practiced it. Being the general consultant of construction or assistant to the factory director is too flattering to me."

It's really humble.

It is also from the heart.

Really not actually involved in the construction of the ship.

There are more theoretical things in my mind.

Chen Shaohua obviously didn't believe it, "You, you, everything is fine, but you are too modest. This time it is the same, and you are still so modest."

Yang Fan smiled helplessly.

I'm so humble.

Brother, I'm really not good at building ships. I don't have any practical experience, only theoretical knowledge.

See more, know more.

In terms of actual construction experience alone, it is definitely not as good as you.

You have been engaged in shipbuilding for 30 to [-] years, and the richness of experience is not comparable to those of us who are engaged in design.

It's just that Yang Fan didn't say these words, he just thought about it in his heart.

Seeing that Yang Fan didn't agree, Chen Shaohua thought the matter was important and needed careful consideration.

He said generously: "It's okay, you think about it carefully, I'll come to see you tomorrow, and just give me an answer then."

Give Yang Fan one night to think about it.

He knew that, after all, being transferred from Donghai Ship Design Institute to Donghai Shipyard was also a major event in his career.

"Mr. Chen, I."

Yang Fan wanted to say a few words, but Chen Shaohua interrupted him with a wave of his hand, and said loudly: "You go back and think about it, don't rush to answer me, come, let's drink and eat."

After that, neither of them talked about joining Donghai Shipyard.

Talking about some other topics, the atmosphere gradually became more relaxed.

A meal for over an hour.

It was around eight o'clock in the evening before the two left the private hotel.

the next day.

Not long after Yang Fan went to work, he was thinking in the office whether to read the design drawings that had just been delivered, or go to the combat system design room to see everyone's designs.

The office door was gently pushed open.

It was Chen Shaohua who came in.

It's early enough, it's only past eight o'clock, everyone just went to work, okay?

"Hehe, good morning, both of you."

Chen Shaohua greeted Yang Fan and Zhao Yulan with a smile. At this moment, Yang Fan suddenly remembered that they had a drink together last night and invited him to join Donghai Shipyard. The chief builder Chen had been waiting for his answer.

this matter
Yang Fan was dumbfounded, and had already forgotten about it.

After going back last night, because of drinking, I fell asleep, but I slept very soundly, and slept until seven o'clock this morning.

Why didn't you think about it?
Because in Yang Fan's view, there is no need to think about it at all. Abandoning the ship design that he is good at and doing ship construction is really a waste of money.

But so what?

In his whole life, Yang Fan will definitely devote himself to the ship design of the motherland, no accident.

There is no room for negotiation about joining the Donghai Shipyard.

Originally, I wanted to talk to Chen Shaohuaming when I was drinking yesterday, but Yang Fan didn't have such an opportunity. Chen Shaohua asked Yang Fan to think it over and not rush to reply.

Chen Shaohua didn't know that Yang Fan's mind had been made up, he came over with hope, looked at Yang Fan with hope, and asked with hope.

"Director Yang, how are you thinking?"

After finishing speaking, he looked at Yang Fan with a smile on his face, waiting for a reply.

Zhao Yulan looked at Yang Fan and then at Chen Shaohua, she didn't understand what the two of them were talking about for a while, she was very curious.

Xiao Yang and Deputy Director Chen.
Could there be something between them?

Soon she knew what was going on and almost gasped.

my God!

Donghai Shipyard wanted Yang Fan to go there, and also promised to give the construction consultant of the first ship of the 052 ship, and even the position of assistant to the factory director.

This is simply to let Xiao Yang ascend to the sky in one step!
How old is he, only in his twenties!

Zhao Yulan seriously suspected that her ears had misheard, and she didn't react at all for a while, and then she suspected that her eyes had misread.

Actually, unexpectedly.
Our little Yang shook his head and refused, it's impossible, it's impossible.

Xiao Yang is stupid, such a good position, he must pass.

It's a no-brainer.

Zhao Yulan was anxious for Yang Fan, wishing she could grab Yang Fan, and said loudly: "Little Yang, you must have a problem with your brain. You can't give up such a good opportunity easily. When you arrive at Donghai Shipyard, you have such a good position, development space and prospects. It's bright."


I agreed with one bite, there is nothing to hesitate about.

The anxious look on Zhao Yulan's face was very obvious, and she gave Yang Fan a look several times, but she said that again as if she didn't pay attention to the look.

"Mr. Chen, I'm really sorry. I still think it's better to stay in Donghai Institute, and I'm very satisfied with the current situation."

Zhao Yulan was stunned! ! !

you're so dumb.

It's completely stupid, go to Donghai Shipyard!
Still refusing.

Zhao Yulan was really in a hurry, she wished she could agree to it for Yang Fan.

I was so anxious that my face turned a little red.

Zhao Yulan, who has been working for more than [-] years, knows that if she gives up such an opportunity, she does not know when she will be able to reach such a position.

Xiao Yang, Xiao Yang, hurry up and agree to Deputy Director Chen.

Zhao Yulan almost spat out old blood, but our director Yang Fan still refused, apologetically saying: "Thank you Donghai Shipyard, but I think Donghai Shipyard is more suitable."

Being rejected again and again, Chen Shaohua sighed softly.

But he didn't just let it go, he still kept a glimmer of hope for himself, took a step back and said: "Yes, then you can think about it again and answer us in a few days."

He was going to give Yang Fan a few more days.

He believes that young people sometimes waver and change their minds in two days.

After finishing speaking, he left the office gently and did not stay here any longer.After Chen Shaohua left, Zhao Yulan finally couldn't bear it anymore.

He said eagerly: "Xiao Yang, such a good opportunity, hurry up and agree to it, if you miss this village, you won't have this store."

Yang Fan smiled.

I didn't explain too much, because the more I explained, the more unclear I could explain it.

Get up, go to the next room, sit down, start to be quiet, and seriously look at the blueprints sent over.

Zhao Yulan went a little crazy.

Faced with such an opportunity, Yang Fan could be so calm and still have the mood to review the design drawings.

My goodness, my goodness!
For a long time, Zhao Yulan couldn't calm down, so that she couldn't get into work almost all morning.

Yang Fan seems to be a normal person, because he will never abandon ship design and enter a field of ship construction that is not very good at it.

Donghai Factory is poaching a corner, ready to poach Yang Fan, and promised unbelievable conditions, and this matter still spread to Pan Jinfu.

There are no impervious walls in the world.

Anyway, Pan Jinfu heard about this in the afternoon, and he didn't know whether it was Zhao Yulan who revealed it, or Chen Shaohua said it. Anyway, Chief Master Pan knew about it.

As soon as he heard about this, Pan Jinfu was slightly startled, and his first reaction was: This is impossible.

After confirming the truth, Pan Jinfu went berserk.

The East China Sea Shipyard is so authentic that it secretly poached our people!
Picking up the phone, Pan Jinfu called Donghai Shipyard, lost his temper severely, and scolded Chen Shaohua bloody.

No one would have imagined that the gentle and elegant Chief Master Pan would also be swearing. He is completely different from his usual calmness. If someone who is familiar with him sees this scene, he will definitely be shocked.

Our Boss Pan actually has such a rough side.

Just scold!
He didn't give Chen Shaohua any face at all.

Chen Shaohua, who usually behaves like a bandit, actually kept laughing and apologizing again and again, insisting that there was no such thing at all, and it must be a misrepresentation.

Even beating him to death would not admit it.

Chen Shaohua didn't admit it, and kept smiling on the phone, as if he wasn't angry at Pan Jinfu's scolding.

Reach out and don't hit the smiling man.

After a few minutes of scolding, Pan Jinfu finally hung up the phone angrily, and sat on the office chair with an ugly expression on his face.

Although Chen Shaohua didn't admit it, he kept smiling and had a surprisingly good temper. Pan Jinfu knew that this was not like Chen Bandit's usual style at all. There was only one explanation for him doing this, and that was a guilty conscience, and he must have done something secretly. .

This Chen Shaohua!
This Chen bandit!
Pan Jinfu was so angry that he wanted to throw his glass.

After calming down a little, Pan Jinfu thought in his heart, Donghai Shipyard has already made Yang Fan's idea, so we must pay close attention to it, such a treasure cannot be lost.

If Yang Fan is transferred to Donghai Shipyard and no longer engages in ship design work, it will definitely be a loss for the institute, and it will also be a huge loss for the 052 ship.

Looking at the design drawings that Yang Fan had reviewed and sent over on the table, Pan Jinfu thought to himself, what a talent.

No, no!
You must not just watch Donghai Shipyard digging corners, you must stop it.

How can I stop it?
Pan Jinfu knew that the most important thing was Yang Fan, so he had to ask face to face first, and then prescribe the right medicine according to Yang Fan's own attitude.

Pick up the phone and call the Model Office.

Yang Fan came over within a few minutes, with a calm tone and a little smile on his face, as if Chen Shaohua hadn't poached a corner.

"Master Pan, you are looking for me."

Pan Jinfu looked at Yang Fan, nodded slightly, and said in his heart, what a wonderful young man, no matter his professional skills or his way of life, he has nothing to say.

Especially the level of professional technology has been able to help review the key and important drawings of the 052 ship, and some of the suggestions given are often eye-catching.

Pan Jinfu became more and more satisfied with Yang Fan.

He nodded slightly, and made Yang Fan a cup of hot tea himself, which made Yang Fan a little flattered, thinking in his heart, Master Pan made tea by himself, such treatment is not low.

"Sit down, let's chat casually."

Yang Fan sat down as he said, and thought in his heart, maybe it’s not as simple as just chatting casually, otherwise, Master Pan would not make tea for me by himself.

What will General Master Pan talk to me about?

(End of this chapter)

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