Military Heavy

Chapter 139 Don't worry

Chapter 139 Don't worry (No.18)

What to talk about?

At the beginning, there seemed to be no important points, and it was like a daily routine, talking about several topics.

For example, how is work and life going, have you found someone, and so on.

Hearing that Yang Fan already had a partner, Pan Jinfu focused on asking a few more questions about this aspect, showing a very concerned look.

And it is clearly stated that if one day to get the marriage certificate, the unit needs to issue a letter of introduction and certificate, and he will sign it. Marriage in the 80s is not like now, just bring your ID card and household registration book, and you also need a letter of introduction and proof from your work unit.

Those who do not have a job need to go to the sub-district office to open these things.

Yang Fan smiled and expressed his thanks.

I thought in my heart, it should be too early to get married, and it should be next year or the year after at the earliest.

He and Jiang Yan have already established a relationship, and the two have already begun dating, and they are now in the stage of being in love, not in the relationship of friends.

People in the 80s were of course not as unrestrained as they are now, but more reserved.For example, Yang Fan and Jiang Yan, there are some whispers that are just shared in the letters between them, and they usually seldom hold hands when going to a movie or going shopping.

After asking questions about life, Pan Jinfu started asking Yang Fan about work.

He asked about work matters with concern, and after praising Yang Fan, he gradually got to the point and asked: "Xiao Yang, I heard that Chen Shaohua wanted to invite you to join Donghai Shipyard, and he also promised very generous conditions. Such a thing."

The tone of the inquiry was mild and rainy, but Pan Jinfu's mood was not as calm as it appeared on the surface.

At this moment, his mood is more complicated, most of which are worries.

I was worried that Yang Fan's attitude would loosen, or that he had agreed to him in private.

If Yang Fan intends to go to Donghai Shipyard, what should he do next, and how to make Yang Fan change his mind.Pan Jinfu thought a lot.

Or Yang Fan did not admit such a thing on the surface at all, but reached an agreement with Donghai Shipyard in private.

How do you know, Master Pan is thinking too much.

Yang Fan didn't hide anything, just nodded and said: "Yes, there is such a thing, the deputy director of Donghai Shipyard Chen Shaohua did look for me, and we had a drink together yesterday."

He briefly talked about what happened last night and this morning, basically hiding nothing.

Pan Jinfu's reaction was a little big, which was very different from his usual character of not changing his face when Mount Tai collapsed in front of his eyes.

He stood up with a "swipe", his face was a little ugly, and he was a little angry.

Fortunately, you can figure it out, in order to let Yang Fan go, you actually agreed to the position of construction consultant or assistant to the factory director.

Thank you for thinking it out!

It really cost money!
How old is Yang Fan? Putting him in that position when he was in his twenties would harm him.

Pan Jinfu gritted his teeth with hatred, and walked back and forth in the office with his hands behind his back.Seeing Master Pan like this, Yang Fan thought in his heart that Donghai Shipyard might have really offended Master Pan.

For a long time, for a long time.
I don't know how many times I walked back and forth in the office, Pan Jinfu finally stopped, and said with a little worry: "Then what's your opinion?"

This is what Pan Jinfu wants to know the most.

It's also what worries him the most.

just in case
If Yang Fan takes a fancy to the high position promised by Donghai Shipyard and wants to leave Donghai Ship Design Institute, it will be more troublesome. Whether he can persuade Yang Fan may have to work hard.

Of course, the East China Sea Institute can also insist on not letting people go, but Pan Jinfu doesn't want to go to that step, after all, twisted melons are not sweet.

He looked at Yang Fan, waiting for an answer, the worry in his eyes was obvious.

Yang Fan smiled heartily, "Mr. Pan, you are too worried. You have been kind to me. It is impossible for me to leave Donghai Institute."

In an instant, Pan Jinfu laughed.

Have a good laugh.

I really want to laugh three times to vent the joy in my heart.

What did Yang Fan say?

To be clear, we will not leave the East China Sea Ship Design Institute.

Finally, Pan Jinfu couldn't help laughing, as if he had never laughed so happily.

Yang Fan himself is unwilling to leave, this is more important than anything else, no matter how hard Donghai Shipyard wields its hoe, there is no way to poach Yang Fan away from here.

Wanting to poach our Yang Fan away, Donghai Shipyard really has a good idea!
Pan Jinfu, who was in a good mood, looked much better, and his eyebrows were all stretched out, no longer the cloudy look just now.

This complexion changed so quickly, probably not many times in Pan Jinfu's life.

He knew Yang Fan very well and knew that he would not tell lies. Since he said so, he would not leave Donghai Institute. He, Pan Jinfu, could rest assured.

"Okay, okay!"

After saying the word "good" twice, Pan Jinfu looked more and more satisfied with Yang Fan, "Xiao Yang, I feel relieved now, do you know that when I heard that Donghai Shipyard was in contact with you in private, my heart Worried, it's just beyond words."

Well now, completely relieved!

Pan Jinfu picked up the phone and dialed it. It was Chen Shaohua on the other end of the phone.

Our Chief Master Pan is full of confidence and domineering, and said in a clear voice: "Bandit Chen, don't make Yang Fan's idea again, he won't leave our camp, you don't have any hope."

After finishing speaking, without talking nonsense, I hung up the phone with a "snap".

Rest assured, completely relieved!


Huang Keping came back from attending an important meeting outside. As soon as he sat down in the office, his secretary sent a report.

The report from the Donghai Shipyard was reported to the general headquarters and also to the commander-in-chief Huang Keping. The first ship of the 052 ship will be built using the modular construction method of the general section.

After reading the report carefully, Huang Keping was very surprised. He always thought that Donghai Shipyard would continue to use the tower construction method they are familiar with, but he did not expect it to be the modular construction method of the general section.

This is a new and more advanced construction method. Huang Keping knows this construction method. He saw this construction method in a foreign shipbuilding company during a business trip abroad.

At that time, there was a burst of envy in my heart.

Donghai Shipyard proposes to adopt the modular construction method of the general section!

Huang Keping couldn't calm down a little bit, and thought a lot at once.For example, whether the Donghai Shipyard has sufficient conditions, how is their technical background, whether it can meet the requirements of the general section modular construction method, and so on.

After thinking for a while, he was not in a hurry to sign the report, but ordered: "Notice, I will go to Donghai Shipyard the day after tomorrow, and focus on inspecting whether they meet the modular construction method of the general section. I want to listen to Donghai Shipyard. report."

"Okay, I'll call Donghai Shipyard right now." The secretary replied.

No one expected that Chen Shaohua would go to the East China Sea Ship Design Institute again.

As soon as he appeared in the office building of the Donghai Institute, he attracted the attention of some people, especially Zhao Yulan, who hurried back to the office to inform Yang Fan.

"Xiao Yang, Chen Shaohua from Donghai Shipyard is here again, and he probably wants to persuade you to join their factory."

Is it again?

It's only been two days. I came here the morning before yesterday, and I came again today.Yang Fan was also shocked for a while, feeling very surprised.

Just as he was thinking about it, Chen Shaohua's speed was not slow, he pushed the door and walked in with a bright smile on his face, "Director Yang, good morning."

Yang Fan smiled. He didn't know what Mr. Chen meant. It didn't look like he was here to be a lobbyist. Last time Mr. Pan called and told Donghai Shipyard clearly that they should no longer try to persuade him to join the past.

If it is not this matter, then what would it be?

If it is just a simple reminiscence between friends, Yang Fan does not believe it.

Chen Shaohua must be very busy, he doesn't have so much time to go to Donghai Institute every now and then, unless there is something very important.

"Mr. Chen, you are here again." Yang Fan also seemed very enthusiastic.

Chen Shaohua said: "Don't get me wrong, I didn't come here this time to poach people, nor to ask for design drawings, but to ask Director Yang for a favor."

"Oh, what are you busy with?"

The relationship between the two was relatively good, and Yang Fan decided in an instant that as long as he didn't violate the principle and could help, he would definitely help.

Zhao Yulan enthusiastically brewed a cup of hot tea and brought it over. After all, she is the deputy director of Donghai Shipyard, and her rank is the same as that of the leader of Donghai Shipyard.

Chen Shaohua took the cup of hot tea, sat down, and said: "We have sent up the report on the modular construction method of the general section. The general headquarters called to inform that Commander Huang Keping will come to our Donghai shipyard to inspect and Listen to the report."

"Our factory decided that I, the chief builder, would play the leading role in the report. I wrote a report. Please help me to see if there is anything that needs to be revised."

After speaking, he took out a handwritten report material from the briefcase.

Zhao Yulan next to her was startled, she couldn't believe it was true.

The deputy director of Donghai Shipyard specially brought the report materials to our Xiao Yang to review. This is too crazy, too crazy!

Yang Fan was also slightly taken aback, and then said modestly: "You think too highly of me, I don't have the level to help you check the report materials you wrote."

"Director Yang, you are too modest, I know you have this level, you should take a look first." After speaking, he stuffed this material into Yang Fan's hand.

Yang Fan smiled and forced it over, there was no other way, so let's take a look.

It is a modest statement to say that there is no such level. Yang Fan actually knows that he has this level.Before rebirth, what kind of report materials have not been written, and what kind of reports have not been read.

So, look carefully.

After looking at it, Yang Fan showed a bit of confidence on his face. This report is mainly about the modular construction of the general section, and reports on the conditions and advantages of Donghai Shipyard.

Obviously, this was to be reported to Commander Huang Keping.

For Donghai Shipyard, Yang Fan is very familiar with the modular construction method of the general section. After reading this report, he really feels that there are a few places where he can give some suggestions for modification.

(End of this chapter)

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