Military Heavy

Chapter 140 I Know This Comrade

Chapter 140 I Know This Comrade (No.19)

Giving some revisions is equivalent to doing something for the 052 ship.

The reason is very simple. This report is well written and convinced Commander-in-Chief Huang Keping to agree that Donghai Shipyard will use the modular construction method of the main section to build the first ship. This will not only accumulate experience for the future construction of the 052 ship, but also increase the speed of construction. .

That being the case, why not do it.

After reading the report, Yang Fan said directly, "I looked at it and found that there are still some problems, and certain aspects do need to be revised."

"Okay, okay, if there is a problem, you can directly modify it." Chen Shaohua's attitude is very modest.

This doesn't look like a deputy factory manager and chief construction engineer, but rather a student who is humbly asking for advice. Seeing this scene, Zhao Yulan's eyes widened.

To Zhao Yulan's surprise, Yang Fan directly picked up the pen to write and draw on the handwritten version of the report, pointing out some places to be revised, or directly modifying them.

"It should be changed here, emphasizing the advantages of the modular construction method of the general section."

"Mmm, yes." Chen Shaohua nodded in agreement.

"This should also be changed, focusing on the current conditions of the Donghai Shipyard, which is fully capable of building the first ship with the modular construction of the general section."

"Yes, yes, you are right."

The two were together, mainly Yang Fan, revising the report.Chen Shaohua seemed very modest, and he fully accepted and adopted some suggestions.

This, this, this.
Zhao Yulan opened her mouth wide, and wanted to remind you that one of you is only the deputy director, and the other is a senior executive of Donghai Shipyard.

The identities were reversed, it should be Chief Architect Chen who made the suggestion, and Director Yang should accept it humbly.

Reverse, reverse!

Zhao Yulan screamed in her heart, if she hadn't seen it with her own eyes, who would believe it!

No, I can't you.

You go on, I have to sit next door.

He couldn't stand Zhao Yulan, so he simply went to the next door, leaving this place to Yang Fan and Chen Shaohua.Even when she got to the next door, Zhao Yulan couldn't calm down for a long time.


Our little Yang actually helped Deputy Director Chen revise the report, and he accepted it humbly with a very humble look.

About three or four 10 minutes later, the report was revised.

Yang Fan took a general look, nodded and said: "I think there should be no problem. The points that should be highlighted have all been highlighted and are very convincing. I think Commander Huang Keping has no reason to object to you adopting the general section after hearing such a report." Modular construction."

Chen Shaohua smiled, very happily.

He carefully folded the revised "unrecognizable" report and carefully put it in the briefcase. After returning, he will definitely write a new one.

"Thank you, thank you so much."

Chen Shaohua was happy, and held Yang Fan's hand tightly.

in the office.

Pan Jinfu was taken aback when he received the report from the people below, and said loudly: "Is Chen Shaohua really here again?"

"It's really here. Many people have seen him. It can't be faked. He's doing model work now. He should be with Director Yang Fan."

Could it be that this bandit Chen still hasn't given up, and is still fantasizing about convincing Comrade Yang Fan to join Donghai Shipyard.

After being slightly startled, he quickly smiled easily.

He knew Yang Fan very well. Since Yang Fan made it clear that he would not go to Donghai Shipyard, no matter how hard Chen Shaohua promised, no matter how high the conditions were, he would not leave Donghai Shipyard.

In this regard, he has full confidence in Yang Fan.

After thinking about it, he still picked up the phone and called Zhao Yulan over, mainly to find out what Chen Shaohua and Yang Fan were talking about.

what! ! !
Even Pan Jinfu was stunned. He never expected that Chen Shaohua came to be a student this time, and there was a report that Yang Fan needed to review and help to make suggestions and revisions.

A deputy director who is only in his early twenties can only be regarded as a middle-level deputy.

The other is the deputy director of the Donghai Shipyard and the chief builder of the 052 ship, a real high-level executive.

One dares to speak, the other really dares to listen!

To be precise, one dared to help with modification, and the other dared to accept it humbly.

It's crazy.

Knowing that this is the case, Pan Jinfu smiled happily after being surprised. He didn’t just come here to dig a corner. He came to our Donghai Institute as a student and asked for advice humbly. We welcome it!

Huang Keping arrived at Donghai Shipyard.

After arriving, I started to inspect and investigate accompanied by the high-level executives of Donghai Shipyard without stopping. In addition to understanding the preparations for the construction of the first ship, I also learned about the conditions of Donghai Shipyard.

For example, what are the main workshops, what is the situation, what equipment is there, how many technicians are there, and how many skilled workers are there.

How is the preparation for building the berth going, whether the relevant equipment is in place, whether the construction of the first ship can start on schedule, and so on.

Including Lu Guodong, the high-level executives of the shipyard at home turned down all the work at hand, and accompanied Huang Keping to investigate and investigate together.

After looking around and understanding the situation of the Donghai Shipyard, Huang Keping said: "Your preparations are progressing in an orderly manner. I am very happy and relieved."

With such affirmation, everyone including Lu Guodong smiled.

However, Huang Keping's next sentence made everyone smile quickly, because this is a very formal question.

Huang Keping said: "I have read the report you sent. Donghai Shipyard has always adopted the tower construction method. Why do you want to try the general construction method this time?"

Lu Guodong didn't know how to answer for a while, he seemed hesitant, organizing words in his mind, preparing to answer.

Chief builder Chen Shaohua answered first, "This is the suggestion of Comrade Yang Fan, deputy director of the Model Office of Donghai Ship Design Institute. He believes that the actual situation of our Donghai Shipyard is more suitable and better to adopt the modular construction method of the general section."

Yang Fan? ? ?
Many people thought in their hearts, how could a leader as big as Commander Huang know Yang Fan, he must not know.

Who knows, Huang Keping smiled, and said loudly: "So it is him, I know this comrade, he is very good, a young man with a lot of ideas."

Commander Huang knows Yang Fan!
It seems that it is not just as simple as knowing!
Some high-level executives of Donghai Shipyard were very surprised, and secretly praised Yang Fan for being so lucky that even Commander Huang knew him.

During the entire 052 project, some people thought in their hearts that it would be good for Commander Huang to know some high-level executives of certain shipyards or scientific research institutes, but it would be difficult for the middle-level managers to know a few.

For a middle-level deputy like Yang Fan, who can get into the eyes of Commander-in-Chief Huang Keping should be considered No.1.

The investigation took almost a day, and Huang Keping had a detailed and in-depth understanding of the Donghai Shipyard. It was obvious that he did not dare to make a judgment.

Without investigation, there is no right to impose strict regulations.

Before that, he will not make a decision lightly, and will not tell the people on the Donghai ship that he agrees to adopt the modular construction method of the general section, or deny this construction method.

The next day.

Donghai Shipyard held a grand report meeting to report to the general headquarters. In addition to all the senior executives of Donghai Shipyard, there were also many important middle-level cadres attending the report meeting.

Chen Shaohua made a report on behalf of Donghai Shipyard. The report was clear, well-founded, and the data was very detailed.

Especially for the few reasons he listed, even Huang Keping couldn't raise objections, especially what Chen Shaohua said.

At present, even if the modular construction method of the general section is adopted, he is confident that not only will the time node not be delayed, but the construction of the first ship may be completed ahead of schedule.

The earlier the construction is completed, of course, the better.

In addition to the possibility of completing the construction ahead of schedule, it will also accumulate experience and foundation for the subsequent construction of the 052 ship. The construction of the 052 ship in the future will be much faster, and it will no longer be crossing the river by feeling the stones.

Including Lu Guodong, all the senior executives of Donghai Shipyard were listening to Chen Shaohua's report carefully, and gradually, they realized that something was wrong.

They are too clear about Chen Shaohua's level, and they are too familiar with it.

This report material obviously does not seem to be written by Chen Shaohua himself, but seems to come from a high-level person.

It doesn't look like it was made by Lao Chen.

Definitely asked a master to help.

Old Chen is amazing, where did he find such a master in such a short period of time?
Chen Shaohua's report was very successful and won warm applause.

After listening to the report from the Donghai Shipyard, and after nearly a day of investigation yesterday, Huang Keping already had the answer in his heart.

When it was his turn to speak, he said into the microphone: "I agree that our first ship adopts the modular construction method of the general section."

Before the words were finished, there was warm applause, and some of them almost couldn't help cheering. Seeing so many great leaders present, they held back abruptly.

But his face was red, showing the excitement in his heart.

The matter is so settled, the first ship of the 052 ship adopts the modular construction method of the general section!

After Huang Keping left, Donghai Shipyard began to operate at a high speed, and started a series of preparatory work around the modular construction of the general section.

in the office.

Yang Fan was seriously filling out a document, and then came to the application stage of Donghai Institute's professional title evaluation. At this stage, the evaluator himself mainly submitted a written application, which was screened by the personnel department.

Generally, the evaluation of intermediate professional titles is in the front, and the evaluation of senior professional titles will be a few months later, usually after October of each year.

While filling out the application materials, Yang Fan thought in his heart that time flies so fast. He has been working for more than four years since he graduated from university in 1982, and our 052 ship design is about to enter the final stage.

In four years, it is indeed time to have an intermediate professional title.

This is not only an affirmation, but also a symbol. With a mid-level professional title, he belongs to an engineer instead of a fresh newcomer. From now on, others can call him "Mr. Yang".

(End of this chapter)

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