Military Heavy

Chapter 141 Declaring Intermediate Professional Titles

Chapter 141 Declaring Intermediate Professional Titles (No.20)
Filling in the form is not difficult.

This is just the beginning, followed by the initial evaluation, also called the initial review, conducted by the Human Resources Department.The main thing is to check some of the information you have declared, whether the working years meet the requirements, and check whether other conditions meet the requirements.

There are no problems with these, and the next stage is the dissertation defense.

The evaluation of intermediate professional titles and senior professional titles can be conducted by Donghai Institute itself, and the defense is also conducted within Donghai Institute. If it is a professor-level senior engineer evaluation, outside experts need to participate in the evaluation.

After a while, the application form is completed.

There is no problem after checking, Yang Fan is going to send it to the personnel department in person later.

Yang Fan was not worried about the dissertation defense at all, it was a piece of cake, and he was a little worried about the preliminary review of the personnel department.

According to the evaluation rules for intermediate professional titles, five years of working experience are required, but Yang Fan only has four years of work experience, which does not meet the requirements.

Other than that, everything meets the requirements.

Zhao Yulan reminded: "Xiao Yang, do you want Chief Master Pan to say hello to the personnel department for you, otherwise, you may be dismissed from the first trial."

After thinking for a while, Yang Fan said: "For the time being, I don't want to bother Master Pan. If I really pass the first trial, I'll find Master Pan again."

Troubling Mr. Pan is not good, if you don't need to trouble, try not to trouble.

After chatting for a few words, Yang Fan asked concerned: "Sister Zhao, this year happens to be the evaluation of professor-level senior engineer, do you plan to participate?"

The evaluation of intermediate and senior professional titles is held once a year by Donghai Institute, but not necessarily for professor-level senior engineers, usually only once every two years.

And the number of places is extremely limited, basically the principle of keeping the total number of people unchanged.

In other words, if Donghai Institute currently has 10 professor-level senior engineers, if there is no reduction in the number due to retirement, resignation, or illness, there will generally be no quota.

That is to say, the evaluation of professor-level senior engineer is very difficult, much more difficult.

Zhao Yulan was rated as a senior engineer many years ago, but she never applied to be rated as a professor-level senior engineer, mainly because it was too difficult.

Faced with Yang Fan's question, Zhao Yulan smiled, "I know how much I have, and I am very satisfied to have a title of senior engineer. I can't even think about it as a professor-level senior engineer. This year Although there is an opportunity to evaluate, I will not waste my time and energy."

This is true.

There is no hope for things, why bother to participate in it with hope.

The evaluation of professor-level senior engineer is not only extremely limited, but the requirements are also very strict. Without sufficient level, it is difficult to be evaluated.

Yang Fan knew this well and shook his head lightly.

I thought to myself, Sister Zhao really has no hope of becoming a professor-level senior engineer, and I don’t know when I will be awarded a professor-level senior engineer in the future.

This matter is too far away, I don't want to think about it for the time being.

Yang Fan took the completed application materials to the personnel department and submitted the application in person.

. . . . . . . .

Personnel Section.

Zhao Jinjin is carefully looking at the application materials one by one, very carefully.

The application for the evaluation of intermediate professional titles was completed yesterday afternoon. Zhao Qianjin sorted out the application materials and was seriously reviewing them as soon as he got to work today.

Years of work, education, awards, whether you have been punished, etc. In addition to these, there is also a political review.

The political background must be strong, which is also the characteristic of this era. After the 90s, this item gradually disappeared.

From morning to afternoon.

After being busy for almost a day, Zhao Qianjin stretched his arms in satisfaction. The personnel department received a total of 47 application materials, 13 of which were reviewed, and the remaining 34 he thought met the requirements and could be sent to their section chief for review and inspection.

It can be seen that those who apply for the evaluation of intermediate professional titles generally know themselves better, think that they are basically qualified, and fill in the application materials when they meet the conditions.

Therefore, the pass rate in the personnel department is still very high. At least two-thirds of the people can pass the initial evaluation, and only about one-third are passed in the initial evaluation stage of the personnel department.

Holding these 34 application materials, Zhao Jinjin walked into the office of Fang Qiusheng, the head of the personnel department, and reported: "Section Chief, I have completed the preliminary review of the application materials, please take a look again."

After speaking, he put 34 application materials on the section chief's desk.

Fang Qiusheng nodded, "Xiao Zhao, thank you for your hard work. I will announce the list after I read it tomorrow."

"Okay." Zhao Qianjin replied.

The next day.

Not long after going to work, Fang Qiusheng sat in the office without going anywhere, carefully looking through the 34 application materials.

Because of Zhao Qianjin's review, he flipped through the pages relatively quickly. He finished reading them in about an hour and picked three out of them.

He thought these three application materials were unqualified, so there were 31 remaining.

Holding these 31 declaration materials, he walked out of the section chief's office, went to the big office next door, and walked to Zhao Qianjin's desk.

Zhao Qianjin, who was immersed in his work, saw the section chief coming in, and hurriedly greeted him: "Section chief."

Fang Qiusheng said: "I've already finished reading. These 31 people have passed the preliminary evaluation. You draw up a notice to announce the names of the 31 people and notify them to prepare their papers and participate in the defense next month."

If you pass the initial evaluation and then pass the thesis defense, it is basically equivalent to getting an intermediate professional title.

After having an intermediate professional title, there are still many benefits.

The most important aspect is that the income will definitely increase, there will be a talent allowance every month, and the monthly salary is estimated to be raised by one level.

In addition to income, there will be no restrictions on promotion, evaluation, and evaluation.In this era of seniority, if you are a technical person without an intermediate title, you will be subject to many restrictions.

After receiving the 31 application materials, Zhao Jinjin first copied down the names of each person, then sorted out the 31 materials and packed them in a file bag.

This is to be kept as an archive.

Next, he started writing the notice.

In fact, there is a ready-made template for the notice, and it only needs to be changed a little, mainly to publish the name on it.

This can be regarded as a public notice to the 31 people participating in the evaluation of intermediate professional titles, asking them to prepare their thesis and participate in the thesis defense next month.

Before leaving get off work in the morning, Zhao Jinjin had written this notice, and after looking at it and finding that there was no problem, he thought to himself.

"As soon as I go to work in the afternoon, I will send it to the section chief for inspection, and then I can post it. The initial evaluation of the intermediate title has been successfully completed."

The names of 31 people are neatly attached to the bottom of the notice.

There is no Yang Fan's name in it!

Yang Fan obviously submitted an application for mid-level professional title evaluation, why didn't he have a name?
Very simple.

Zhao Jinjin dismissed Yang Fan during the initial evaluation. He believed that Yang Fan's working life was only 4 years, which did not meet the evaluation of intermediate professional titles.

In the 80s, dogmatism was still quite serious. Some people were very rigid and would cling to the rules. Zhao Qianjin was such a person.

He believes that non-compliance is non-compliance.

Are all the people in Donghai who have been exceptionally selected as intermediate titles?

But it's very, very rare, maybe one in a few years.

Basically a broken degree.

There are not many people with advanced education in this era, and not all designers in Donghai Institute have a bachelor's degree, some have a college degree, and some have a technical secondary school degree.

If the education is not enough, the working years are enough. Some people may have been working for more than ten or twenty years, and their performance is very good. What should we do?

This has a broken degree.

If the number of years is enough, the performance is outstanding, and they may have won awards and been rated as advanced, the institute may make an exception and let them be rated as engineers.

Yang Fan's working experience was only 4 years, Zhao Jinjin brushed off the initial evaluation, and among the 34 application materials sent to Fang Qiusheng, there was no information about Yang Fan at all.

in the afternoon.

Not long after going to work, Fang Qiusheng was going to ask if the notice was ready, and he could post it after reading it.

Suddenly, the door was gently pushed open.

A middle-aged man came in from the outside, with fair skin, tall and gentle.Seeing someone coming, Fang Qiusheng quickly stood up enthusiastically.

"Leader, why are you here?"

This is Fang Qiusheng's immediate boss, Xiao Jingqing, the deputy director in charge of personnel and labor management of Donghai Ship Design Institute. He actually went to the personnel department.

Basically, it was Fang Qiusheng's report in the past. Deputy director Xiao rarely came to the personnel department once or twice a week, which surprised Fang Qiusheng.

"Come and take a look." Xiao Jingqing asked with a smile: "This year's mid-level professional title evaluation has already started, and all the application materials have been collected in the Personnel Department."

Generally speaking, Xiao Jingqing seldom cares about the evaluation of intermediate professional titles. He will only pay attention to and intervene in the evaluation of senior professional titles or professor-level senior engineers.

What's going on here?

Director Xiao not only paid attention to the evaluation of intermediate professional titles, but also came here to inquire.

Anyway, Fang Qiusheng couldn't figure it out for a while, and felt very surprised.

But since the leaders came to inquire in person, he didn't dare to be negligent, and quickly reported: "The preliminary review has basically been completed, and we are about to announce it to the outside world."

"So soon?"

Fang Qiusheng said: "The application deadline is the day before yesterday. We started the preliminary evaluation yesterday and finished it this morning. Xiao Zhao should have almost written the notice."

"Write the notice and let me have a look."

After speaking, he sat down on the chair, apparently waiting to read the notice.

Fang Qiusheng was even more surprised. He hurriedly made a cup of hot tea, and then hurried to the office next door. Soon, he held the written notice in his hand, and followed Zhao Jinjin, one in front of the other. The latter came in.

Seeing the big boss at the top, Zhao Jinjin was very nervous and cautious, and called out "Director Xiao" in a low voice, then he didn't dare to make a sound, and stood obediently by the side.

Xiao Jingtao didn't seem to see Zhao Qianjin, he read the notice after receiving the notice, glanced at it hastily, and asked in a deep voice: "Why is there no Yang Fan's name?"

(End of this chapter)

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