Military Heavy

Chapter 142 Exception

Chapter 142 Exception (Part [-])
Yang Fan!

Is it Yang Fan, deputy director of the model office?
Whether it was Zhao Jinjin or Fang Qiusheng, of course they all knew about it.

Our Director Yang is well-known in the entire East China Sea Shipyard, and he is very famous.This is not only related to Yang Fan's position as deputy director at a young age, but also has a lot to do with his technical level.

Suddenly, Fang Qiusheng felt a little nervous, "Leader, as far as I know, Director Yang is not old enough, he has only been working for four years."

He is quite qualified as the head of the personnel department, and he clearly remembers the number of years Yang Fan has been working.

Not enough years?
Xiao Jingqing glanced at him slightly dissatisfied, which aggravated Fang Qiusheng's tension, and thought in his head, it seems that Director Xiao came here specifically for Yang Fan's application for the intermediate title.

Trying to calm himself down, Fang Qiusheng said: "Leader, Yang Fan has not declared, and we have not received his application materials for intermediate professional titles."

Didn't report it?
Did he really not declare it?

Xiao Jingqing glanced at Fang Qiusheng in disbelief, then sighed softly with a look of regret.

Why doesn't this comrade declare himself?

This is too unprogressive.

Do you want us to help him fill out the application form?
In addition to regretting, he also had a feeling of hating iron but not steel. He originally thought that such an outstanding comrade as Yang Fan should fill in the application form.

There is a reason why he went to the personnel department and asked Yang Fan about declaring his mid-level professional title.

When getting off work this morning, Liang Zhiquan happened to meet Xiao Jingqing who was getting off work. The two directors pushed their bicycles and chatted about some work matters while walking.

At present, the evaluation of intermediate professional titles is a hot spot in personnel work. As the leader, Liang Zhiquan asked a few words casually and mentioned Yang Fan's name.

Boss Liang said that Comrade Yang Fan has performed outstandingly and is young and promising. Donghai should focus on cultivating such a good talent, but he should not be poached by other units. This time, Yang Fan fully complied with the requirement of breaking the age limit for the evaluation of intermediate professional titles.

He does not mean that.

He seemed to say a few words casually, but Xiao Jingtao put them on his body. He knew that since the leader said so, he must pay attention to it.

That's why he showed up in the personnel department as soon as he went to work in the afternoon, and specifically asked Yang Fan about his declaration of intermediate professional titles.

Hearing that Yang Fan didn't fill in the application materials, Xiao Jingqing was slightly disappointed, and this disappointment even showed on his face.

Zhao Qianjin next to him has been afraid to speak, but stood aside cautiously.

At this time, he had to bite the bullet and tell the truth. If he didn't tell the truth now, the leaders would find out afterwards, and the consequences would be even more serious.

"Leader, me, me."

Zhao Jinjin was very nervous and worried about being scolded, and he couldn't even speak fluently.

This kind of performance really made Fang Qiusheng feel very shameless, his face darkened slightly, "Xiao Zhao, just say what you have, don't hesitate."

Finally, Zhao Qianjin spoke a little more sharply, "Leader, Yang Fan filled out the application materials, and I felt that he was not old enough during the first trial, so I dismissed him."

Xiao Jingtao and Fang Qiusheng looked at Zhao Qianjin in unison, thinking they had heard it wrong, and it took three to five seconds before they realized it.

The expressions of the two are also different.

Xiao Jingtao was pleasantly surprised. He was a little disappointed at first, but with such a sudden turn of events, a kind of pleasant surprise popped up from the bottom of his heart.

It turned out to be declared!

Great, great!
This comrade is not bad.

I am very self-motivated.

Xiao Jingtao's face swept away the disappointment just now, and he became happy in an instant, showing a satisfied smile.

Where is Fang Qiusheng?

At first hearing that Yang Fan had filled out the application materials, after a daze, he gave Zhao Qianjin a hard look, his sharp eyes seemed to say, you almost missed a major event, you know? ? ?

Xiao Jingtao is the leader after all, with a big stomach and a good mood, he didn't blame Zhao Qianjin, but waved his hand and said, "Go and get Xiao Yang's application materials, I'll take a look."

Zhao Qianjin immediately trotted all the way, and quickly brought Yang Fan's declaration materials over.

Holding this document, Xiao Jingqing looked at it, showing satisfaction, and praised: "Take a look, what an excellent comrade, who has only been working for four years, not only has served as the deputy director of the Model Office, but also Having won so many awards, he is an advanced individual in our institute every year."

"Hey, Comrade Yang Fan has published a total of eleven papers, and only five papers have been published in foreign journals. It's amazing, amazing!"

"I suggest that Comrade Yang Fan break the rules and pass the initial evaluation. You don't have any comments from the personnel department."

This one
Of course no comments.

Your leader in charge of personnel has said so, what opinions can our personnel department have, dare to have any opinions!
There were quite a few people in front of the posting column, and most of them were young people. People of their age group should be most interested in the evaluation of intermediate professional titles.

Of course, there are also some "veterans", who are "experienced", and want to see who has passed the preliminary evaluation of intermediate professional titles this year.

"There are a lot of people this time, a total of 32 people."

"There are 4 people in our design office."

"We also have three design studios."

Everyone looked at the notice that had just been posted with such interest, and saw the familiar names on it, bursts of joy, as if they themselves participated in the evaluation of the intermediate professional title.

"Look, there is Yang Fan's name!"

Who is Yang Fan?

In the entire East China Sea Ship Design Institute, there are not many people who have never heard of Yang Fan, and some people are relatively familiar with Yang Fan.

"It really has Yang Fan's name."

"No way, he and I have been working for one year, and it's only been four years now, which is not enough years at all."

"Maybe it's breaking the age limit!"

Finally, someone who knows how to break the rules puts forward his guess, which is breaking the age limit.

A voice next to him said loudly: "Yes, Director Yang is breaking the limit. He has performed well. Director Liang and Deputy Director Xiao specially approved breaking the limit."

This is Zhao Qianjin.

He explained the reason in one sentence.After posting this notice, he didn't leave in a hurry, but was caught in the crowd, watching everyone's reaction.

Director Liang!
Deputy Director Xiao!
Special approval for the two of them!
Many people immediately showed envy, and said in their hearts, Director Yang Fan is awesome enough, and the two big leaders gave special approval.

"Why don't I have such good luck." Someone sighed.

Someone next to him immediately retorted: "It's not luck, it's strength. If you have Director Yang Fan's level, you can break the rules."

"Yes, yes!"

"Director Yang Fan is of a very high standard. I have listened to his class once and feel that it is of great help to me."


Several people around immediately voiced their support. They all admired Yang Fan very much, and they didn't think there was anything wrong with Yang Fan's breaking the rules this time.

in the office.

Yang Fan just finished reading the five design drawings in one breath, and was taking a break to drink hot tea.

Zhao Yulan pushed the door open and came in, and said loudly: "Xiao Yang, you are really sitting on the Diaoyutai, don't you want to take a look, the list of participating in the thesis defense of intermediate professional titles has been announced, and many people are there to read the notice .”

Yang Fan smiled.

There was no trace of anxiety, and there was a sense of confidence all over his body.

Zhao Yulan thought in her heart, this is true, the absolute strength lies there, if it is really impossible to break the rules, then it is Yang Fan.

Donghai Steel Works.

This is one of the steel plants that undertakes the smelting of special steel for the 052 ship.At the beginning, after completing the application research of steel and entering the production stage, the Ministry of Metallurgy selected a total of three steel plants from across the country, including Donghai Iron and Steel Plant.

This is a large iron and steel enterprise with a history of hundreds of years.

It is well-known in the metallurgical history of the Republic. It is because of its first-class scale and strength that it is qualified to undertake the smelting of special steel for Ship 052.

In front of the converter, steelworkers are busy. The chief engineer of Donghai Iron and Steel Plant and several key technicians are both happy and a little nervous.

After so long of hard work, the first furnace of steel will come out soon.

at this time.

Two cars drove into the factory area of ​​Donghai Iron and Steel Works. After the car stopped, several people got out of the car, including Chen Shaohua and Xie Xinjian from Donghai Shipyard, Zhang Bo, Yang Fan and others from Donghai Ship Design Institute.

Everyone is here.

The first furnace of steel will be smelted today, everyone should take a look.Especially the East China Sea Shipyard as the user unit, and the East China Sea Ship Design Institute as the design unit.

When everyone walked into the factory building, they not only felt the scorching heat wave, but also felt a tense atmosphere. From a long distance, everyone saw the large converter for steelmaking.

Chen Shaohua said: "It seems that we came at the right time to witness the first batch of steel being smelted."

Hearing this, everyone smiled in unison.

Soon after, the molten steel came out of the furnace.

The molten steel from the furnace passes through the production line, and finally a thick plate is formed, which is a kind of thick plate needed by the 052 ship.

The steel used in the ship is a full specification, from thin plate, medium plate, thick plate to bulb flat steel and three kinds of welding materials, all of which are indispensable.

Thick plates were first smelted by Donghai Iron and Steel Works.

Looking at the thick board in front of them, everyone ignored the high temperature, and their faces were filled with joy and excitement.

"Great, it's finally out."

"Haha, it worked."

"Thick plates have come out, and thin plates, medium plates, etc. will not be a problem."

Looking at the thick plate in front of him, Zhong Jilei, the chief engineer of Donghai Iron and Steel Works, felt happy for a while, but he didn't dare to be too happy, because whether the performance is qualified or not, we don't know yet.

He waved his hand and said, "Take a sample immediately, conduct testing and analysis immediately, I want to know the data as soon as possible."

Some engineers and technicians immediately got busy, and while being happy, some of them raised their hearts, thinking in their hearts, is the performance qualified?
Military steel, especially the steel required by the 052 ship, has strict requirements. If any data is unqualified, it means that the furnace of steel in front of you is unqualified.

(End of this chapter)

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