Military Heavy

Chapter 143 Marking is very important

Chapter 143 Marking is very important (second update)
Although the technicians of Donghai Iron and Steel Works will complete the performance test as quickly as possible, it will take time.

After watching some technicians leave with the steel samples, Zhong Jilei walked towards Chen Shaohua, Zhang Bo, Yang Fan and others.

Enthusiastically said: "Everyone, it's so early."

Chen Shaohua said with a smile: "It's a bit of a coincidence, I just saw the first batch of steel coming out of the furnace."

The two sides exchanged a few polite words and made a brief introduction.People like Chen Shaohua and Zhang Bo are very familiar with Zhong Jilei and have often dealt with each other, but it is the first time for young people like Yang Fan to come to Donghai Iron and Steel Plant.

After the introduction, Zhong Jilei invited: "Come on, let's go over there and have a drink of tea. It will take a while for the test results to come out."

Under the leadership of Zhong Jilei, the group of us went to the lounge not far away. The room was relatively large, and it was obviously specially arranged.

"Everyone sit down, whatever you want."

Zhong Jilei was very enthusiastic. He greeted everyone to sit down, then ordered people to make tea, and then chatted together to pass the time.

The content of everyone's chat was mainly related to the 052 ship, and the content of the new steel type accounted for a large proportion. Zhong Jilei also introduced the smelting of this military steel to everyone.

The time passed by 1 minute and 1 minute.

Finally, the scientific research and technical personnel of Donghai Iron and Steel Works completed the inspection of this batch of steel, and a competent technician sent over a brand new inspection report.

After receiving the report, Zhong Jilei immediately looked through it. At the beginning, his face was quite serious, because he was worried that there might be some problems with the data. Even if he was the chief engineer, he couldn't guarantee that this furnace of steel was completely qualified.

Gradually, his face became lighter.

Everyone obviously found a trace of satisfaction on his face.

Chen Shaohua couldn't help but asked first, "Old Zhong, how is the situation?"

Zhong Jilei raised the report in his hand, and said loudly: "This furnace of steel is completely qualified, and all the data meet the requirements!"


fulfil requirements!

Hearing these words, the atmosphere in the lounge immediately changed, a kind of joy gradually rose, and the people from Donghai Iron and Steel Plant shouted excitedly.


"The hard work was finally not in vain, this furnace of steel is qualified!"

"Next, we will use full power to smelt batch after batch of qualified steel for the 052 ship!"


Feeling this atmosphere, Yang Fan's mood was also agitated slightly, and he thought happily that the first furnace of qualified steel for the 052 ship was finally smelted.

Next, thin plates, medium plates, and flat bulbs will be mass-produced here. With enough steel, Donghai Shipyard will have rice to cook, and the construction of the 052 ship can begin.

A look of joy appeared on Chen Shaohua's face. He is the user unit of these military steel products. Of course he is happy to have qualified steel products. He is even thinking about when he can start the construction of the first ship in the future.

"We finally have qualified steel, Director Yang, we have qualified steel!" Chen Shaohua said to Yang Fan.

Sensing his mood at the moment, Yang Fan smiled and nodded: "Yes, we have qualified steel, and in the near future, you can start the construction of the 052 ship."

After so long of preparations, many things are almost ready, except for the steel of the 052 ship.After various thin plates, medium plates, thick plates and bulbous flat steels have been produced one after another, Donghai Shipyard will have the raw materials to start construction.

Soon after, the lofting and numbering work of the hull will start in some workshops, and the processing of hull steel materials, welding of components, and welding of hull sub-sections (total) will start in the workshops.

Chen Shaohua suddenly saw hope.

No wonder he seemed happier than anyone else.

This steel inspection report also began to be circulated in everyone's hands, and everyone happily flipped through it, looking at the data on it.

Soon it was in Chen Shaohua's hands.

After looking through it, he said loudly: "Old Zhong, although all the data are qualified, there are several main data that have just passed the passing line. I think it needs to be improved. You must strictly control the quality of the steel. .”

There was a burst of good-natured laughter all around.

Many people in Donghai Iron and Steel Works believe that if the data exceeds the passing line, even if it is qualified, it means that this furnace of steel is successful and qualified.

Zhong Jilei smiled and said: "Old Chen, your requirements are really high. The people from the design unit haven't said anything yet, but don't worry, we will continue to improve the quality in the future, and try our best to make the performance data reach the top level."

With such a promise, Chen Shaohua was relieved.

In fact, he also knew that it was not easy for Donghai Iron and Steel Plant to smelt this furnace of qualified steel.

This is a new type of military steel with many alloy elements, high technical requirements, and difficult smelting. It would be great if it can be successfully smelted.

This is why the people in Donghai Iron and Steel Works are so happy. Even if they are only basically qualified, they are very happy.

There is a deep joy of success.

After chatting for a while, Chen Shaohua suggested: "Let's go, let's go and have a look at the thick plates produced in this batch. If possible, they can be shipped to our Donghai Shipyard today."

There was another burst of good-natured laughter all around.

"Old Chen, you are too impatient!"

"With only thick plates and no other steel products, you Donghai Shipyard can't use them, and you can't start work."

"That's right, that's right, Old Chen is really in a hurry."


Many people said this with a smile, making fun of Chen Shaohua.Yang Fan looked at everything and was deeply affected. He was always in a good mood and smiled from time to time.

He thought in his heart, Mr. Chen was indeed too impatient, so what is the point of this, now there are only this batch of thick plates, and the quantity is far from enough, and it is useless to transport them back to Donghai Shipyard.

A 052 ship needs to consume thousands of tons of steel during the construction process. This batch of thick plates is only a few tens of tons, which is far from it.

Maybe Chen Shaohua just said so.

Everyone walked out of the lounge, went to the production site again, walked up to the batch of thick plates that were still almost warm, and looked at them happily.

The same goes for Yang Fan, who came closer and looked at it seriously.

It looks like the quality is really good, and there is a gratifying feeling when you look at it.

"Well, not bad, really good!"

"Donghai Iron and Steel Works is really clever, and produced the first batch of thick plates so quickly."


Looking at the batch of thick plates in front of them, everyone said this happily, and praised Donghai Iron and Steel Works from time to time.

Yang Fan didn't say anything, just listening to the words that drifted into his ears. At this moment, he was looking at this batch of steel plates seriously.

After reading it, he found a problem.

This problem can be big or small.

Now that the problem has been discovered, of course I will not hide it in my heart and say it, but will bring it up.

So Yang Fan said: "President Chen, take a look at the marks on each batch of thick plates, do you think there is any problem?"


Chen Shaohua paid attention to it, walked closer, carefully looked at the markings on several steel plates, pondered for a while before answering: "No problem, there are furnace numbers and batch numbers, which are very clear."

Generally speaking, military steel will have this information on it. The furnace number, batch number and other information are clearly marked to facilitate quality traceability. Once a problem is found, you can immediately know which furnace batch number of the steel has the problem. What parts are produced from the steel.

Yang Fan reminded: "President Chen, take a look again, don't you think there is something missing in these marks?"

After hearing Yang Fan's prompt, Chen Shaohua took a closer look. Gradually, he finally discovered and understood what Yang Fan meant.

Really missing something.

No steel mill number!

Indeed, there is no factory number, only furnace number, batch number and other information.

The actions of the two aroused the ideas of many people nearby, including Zhang Bo and Zhong Jilei, and they came over one after another.

Zhong Jilei even asked: "What, is there a problem?"

Chen Shaohua said truthfully: "We noticed the marks on this batch of steel plates. They have furnace numbers and batch numbers, but they don't have your factory code or serial number."

Hearing this, Zhong Jilei smiled reassuringly, "It's not necessary, it's enough to have the furnace number and batch number, and the factory number is completely unnecessary."

Yang Fan spoke up.

He reminded: "It is absolutely necessary. There are three steel factories for smelting the steel of the 052 ship. If there is no factory number, in case of quality problems in the future, it is impossible to trace back to which factory produced it."

That's the truth.

There must be traceability!
This is why Yang Fan specially reminded that there is no factory number for this batch of steel.

Zhong Jilei explained: "You are Director Yang. You may have misunderstood our quality control. I can tell you with confidence that every piece of our steel plate will go through strict factory inspection, and we will never let any steel plate with quality problems pass away. go out."

This will not work either!
No matter how strict the quality inspection is, there are times when it is negligent.

In case the unqualified steel plate arrives at Donghai Shipyard, how to trace it to which steel factory produced it.

Yang Fan has his own principles on this issue, and he will not give in at all, insisting: "That's not okay, the factory number is necessary, and the importance of marking, I don't think I need to educate you all, you should be very clear .”

Zhang Bo is the deputy chief designer of the 052 ship, and he has the most say.

He stood firmly on Yang Fan's side, and said solemnly: "Director Yang is right, our designer's opinion is that every steel plate should have a factory serial number."

Chen Shaohua also agrees with this point.

Both the design unit and the user unit said that Donghai Iron and Steel Works could not twist its thighs, so it had to follow Yang Fan's wishes.

However, some people in Donghai Iron and Steel Plant were still not convinced, thinking that Yang Fan was making a fuss out of a molehill.

A few months later, the quality problems of the steel of the 052 ship were really exposed. Fortunately, each steel plate had a factory number, which made it much easier to solve the originally very difficult problem.

This is an afterthought. Now no one would expect that there will be quality problems, especially the people in Donghai Iron and Steel Works. They are confident in the quality of every batch of steel products that leave the factory, and they never thought that there would be quality problems with steel products.

(End of this chapter)

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