Military Heavy

Chapter 144 Under Pressure

Chapter 144 Stressed (Fourth)
Although he said so, he knew in his heart that if he wanted to formally start the lofting and numbering of the hull, it was not enough to have various thin plates and medium plates, and design drawings were needed.

But so far, their workshop has not received even a single hull line drawing or structural drawing. Without drawings, of course they cannot start staking out and numbering materials.

Donghai Institute.

The design work of the 052 ship has entered the countdown stage, and the whole design office can be said to be busy. At this critical moment, Pan Jinfu hosted an enlarged meeting.

Not only the two deputy chief designers Tang Jianming and Zhang Bo participated in the meeting, but also the chief and deputy directors of various design offices, some senior or key designers, including Liu Hong from the chief engineer's office.

In the conference room, everyone sat neatly, listening carefully and recording in their notebooks.

Pan Jinfu's voice was very loud and clear to everyone's ears. He reminded: "I know everyone is very busy, but at this time, we should not be chaotic. Everything must be done according to the rules and procedures. , no one can go beyond"

this is very important.

There is no rule without rules, and Donghai Institute also has its own set of systems. The busier it is, the more it is not chaotic, the system must be adhered to, and everything should be done according to the system.

For example, a design drawing must first be drawn by hand, and then proofread after the drawing is completed. After the proofreading, it must be revised. After the revision is completed, it will be sent for approval. After the revision is completed, it will be revised.

Everyone keep in mind Master Pan's advice.

While talking about some matters, Pan Jinfu also reported a situation, "Comrades, we should be under a lot of pressure now. In addition to being busy after the design work has entered the final stage, Donghai Shipyard will start construction soon and build the 052 ship. Some of the required steel has already arrived at Donghai Factory."

Notified the situation of the East China Sea Shipyard.

Suddenly, many people's faces changed slightly.

Donghai Shipyard has reached the point where everything is ready, and only the east wind is owed.

They are all ready, only the blueprints are missing.

The originally quiet conference room suddenly became noisy. Obviously, the progress of Donghai Shipyard shocked many people. Everyone knows that the pressure is coming.

If you don't get the design drawings out as soon as possible and complete the comprehensive design work, it is estimated that the pressure will increase, because Donghai Shipyard is waiting for your design drawings to start work.

The start of the construction of the 052 ship is simply attracting attention from top to bottom. Even the top decision-makers are paying attention to this matter, and the military is the same. They are looking forward to the early start of construction, early launching, and early delivery.

Tang Jianming obviously also felt the pressure on his face, and said with a serious expression: "As far as I know, we should not be able to completely complete the comprehensive design until April or May next year, which means that we will have about 4 months time."

Yeah, still about 5 months away.

In view of the fact that the preparation work of Donghai Shipyard has come to the fore, almost to the extent of only waiting for the drawings to start, many people showed serious expressions.

"This is how to do ah!"

"Yeah, we have to speed up."


There was a lot of discussion in the conference room, and it took a while to gradually quiet down.

Tang Jianming said worriedly: "Chen Shaohua is the chief builder of the 052 ship. I know his work style best. According to my understanding of him, he may ask us for design drawings in the near future."

Chen Shaohua did this a few months ago.

At that time, thanks to Yang Fan, it was only a few months since the flag and drums died down, and he didn't come to ask for the drawings again.

In the current situation, Donghai Shipyard has everything ready, except for the blueprints. Sooner or later, Chen Shaohua will come over and ask for the blueprints.

Hearing that Chen Shaohua might come to urge for design drawings, many people's faces changed slightly.

Especially Liu Hong, who is run by the chief teacher.

Surprised, his expression changed.

It's over, it's over.

Why is it so unlucky, Chen Shaohua came to urge for blueprints again, and gave in to make people feel at ease!

Alas, the heads are all big.

Thinking of this, Liu Hong felt a burst of sadness in her heart.After only a few months of peaceful life, I'm afraid they will start to try their best to avoid Chen Shaohua again.

Pan Jinfu looked around the entire conference room, seeing the changes in the faces of certain people, and reminded: "Chen Shaohua will definitely ask us for drawings. Don't worry too much about this matter. I will deal with it first." with him."

Even so, Pan Jinfu didn't have much confidence in his heart.

Who is Chen Shaohua, that is "Bandit Chen"!

Without design drawings, he might not give anyone's face, so he doesn't care whether Pan Jinfu is the chief designer of the 052 ship.

At present, we can only take one step and see one step.

It is also very important to stabilize the morale of the army. Let everyone take a reassurance first. Don't worry too much about Chen Shaohua coming to urge the drawings, but hope that everyone will focus on the finishing of the design work.

Pan Jinfu continued: "We can only deal with Chen Shaohua temporarily. We must speed up the design work and strive to complete the design of the 052 ship as soon as possible."

Zhang Bo, who hadn't spoken all this time, spoke, "Comrades, Master Pan is right. We must further mobilize everyone's enthusiasm, work overtime, and complete the design work as soon as possible."

How to mobilize everyone's enthusiasm?

The directors of each design office seem to have a set of methods, and a certain director said: "This is easy to handle. I will call all the people in our design office for a meeting when I get back, and further strengthen the spirit of dedication. Let everyone continue to contribute to 052 ship as a dedication."

In the 80s, everyone paid attention to dedication, and seldom paid attention to return.

Even in the middle and late 80s, it is basically the same, and we still pay attention to dedication.

If it is placed now, it will definitely not work.

It is absolutely impossible for me to work overtime without paying overtime wages.

In this day and age, not many people seem to think it's wrong, and the directors of other design studios are also like this, and they plan to emphasize dedication again.

Pan Jinfu smiled and said: "Dedication is necessary, but if we only talk about dedication blindly, there may be some comrades who still have some ideas behind their backs."

"In order to mobilize everyone's enthusiasm, starting today, there will be overtime rewards for overtime work. Every hour of overtime work will be rewarded with [-] cents. Each design office will make statistics, and report them to the model office every week for summary. Xiao Yang, you will do the statistics. .”

"Okay." Yang Fan replied.

Immediately, the atmosphere in the meeting room changed, and many people probably became happy in their hearts.

How about twenty cents an hour?
If you work 50 hours of overtime a month, you will get 10 yuan.

Some people even thought about it in their hearts, thinking that from today onwards, as long as they have time, they will not say anything, and they will definitely work overtime in the office.

Yang Fan looked at everyone's reaction and smiled slightly.

He thinks it is very normal to pay a certain amount of overtime pay for overtime work. In the 21st century, almost every company does this.

It has been several years since the reform and opening up, and it seems that everyone's ideas are gradually changing. They are no longer as old-fashioned as before, and they are beginning to move closer to the market economy and pay attention to returns.

after the meeting.

The news spread quickly throughout the East China Sea Institute. Everyone was discussing the matter of overtime rewards, and some young comrades were even more elated.

"Haha, that's great, it's really great news."

"Mr. Pan is really kind to us, and won an overtime reward for us."

"I made up my mind that I will come to the office to work overtime every day in the future, and I will never be shaken."


In addition to the hot discussion about overtime rewards, the enthusiasm of the entire Donghai Institute has suddenly increased a lot.

Most of the people work overtime. Unless something really happens, they usually stay in the office and work overtime. Of course, Yang Fan also often works overtime.

It's not because of the [-] cents an hour's overtime pay, but because of his responsibility. His sense of responsibility makes him go to the office to work overtime almost every day.


Yang Fan walked into Donghai Institute as usual, even though the weather was very cold, but his heart was warm and full of energy.

Walking into the institute, I found that almost every building is brightly lit!

In each design room, everyone is immersed in drawing design drawings. In the blueprint room of Donghai Institute, the machines are working, and several workers are busy. The air is filled with a pungent smell of medicine, but the workers don't care. Blueprints were released one by one.

Invisibly, the East China Sea Institute has accelerated its progress, striving to complete the overall design of the 052 ship as soon as possible.

(End of this chapter)

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