Military Heavy

Chapter 145 "Bandit Chen" Comes Again

Chapter 145 "Bandit Chen" is here again (fifth update)

East China Sea Shipyard.

Turned around from the production site and returned to the office, and went to the slipway prepared for the construction of the first ship of the 052 ship. After seeing the gantry crane being installed, Chen Shaohua returned to his office.

The 800-ton gantry crane arrived last month and is now in the installation stage. It is estimated that the installation will be completed before the end of the year, and it can be put into use before the construction of the slipway.

Chen Shaohua was happy.

But I was a little worried, worrying about the design drawings. All the preparations were almost done, and the required steel materials were also in place one after another, but the drawings of the East China Sea Institute had not yet been handed over.

"It seems that I really should go to the East China Sea Office and urge them for the blueprint." Chen Shaohua sat on the office chair, thinking so in his heart.

After a while.

There was a knock on the door, and Xie Xinjian, the deputy chief construction engineer, knocked on the door and came in, saying loudly: "Another batch of steel products has arrived and is being unloaded."

While talking, he was not polite, poured himself a glass of water, and took a big gulp. It seemed that he had just returned from the scene, so he probably didn't even have time to drink a sip of water.

Another batch of steel was delivered, which means that the steel needed for the construction of the first ship is further sufficient, and it is completely ready to start construction.

Chen Shaohua smiled bitterly, and shook his head lightly, "Old Xie, but we don't have the design drawings yet, so even if we want to start work, we can only think about it."

Hearing this, Xie Xinjian sighed softly.

"I don't know when the design drawings will come. Even if we only come with a batch of drawings first, that's good. We can start with the stakeout and numbering of the hull."

The two were talking about the drawings when there was a knock on the door, and Xiong Yongming, the director of the material preparation workshop, opened the door and came in with an anxious expression on his face.

As soon as he came in, he said loudly: "Two leaders, if there are no design drawings, I, the workshop director, will not be able to bear it."

so, what happened?
Could something be wrong?

Chen Shaohua and Xie Xinjian looked at Xiong Yongming together.

"Don't worry, tell me slowly, what's going on."

The material preparation workshop of Donghai Shipyard mainly prepares materials for ship construction. It is engaged in the first process of shipbuilding, including the stakeout and numbering of the hull, and it is carried out in this workshop.

After the steel is cut into the required shape and size according to the design size or process size in this workshop, it is sent to the segmental welding workshop, and these steel materials are welded in the welding workshop.

The material preparation workshop started preparations for the construction of the first ship a few months ago. At present, all their work is ready and they are only waiting for the design drawings.

Without design drawings, they cannot carry out any process.

Another blueprint!

Chen Shaohua was also secretly anxious, but he didn't show it on his face. He comforted him with a pleasant face: "Don't worry, I will personally go to Donghai Institute to ask them for the design drawings, and I will get some of the design drawings back as soon as possible."

After some comfort, Xiong Yongming left.

He was also forced to do nothing by the workers below. He didn't give the workers an answer. They would keep asking when they could start work.

It's too much trouble.

After being asked again and again, Xiong Yongming, who couldn't take it anymore, finally came to Chen Shaohua to complain.

After watching Director Xiong leave, Xie Xinjian asked, "Old Chen, you really went to Donghai to ask for blueprints again."

"No way."

Chen Shaohua said: "I don't want to get all the design drawings back, but at least I want to get back some of the drawings, so that we can start our material preparation workshop."

Early the next morning, Chen Shaohua left the East China Sea Shipyard and went to the East China Sea Ship Design Institute to demand the drawings.

The tense atmosphere before the war permeated the East China Sea Shipyard, and the East China Sea Shipyard was similar.

The design of the 052 ship has entered the final sprint stage, and all the designers are working hard, working overtime, regardless of the cold weather.

In each design room, the designers are not seriously drawing design drawings, reviewing drawings, or making calculations, looking up information, anyway, almost no one is seen idle.

Yang Fan has been paying attention to the progress of this design work. He goes to each design room every day to take a look. This has almost become a compulsory course.

In this way, we can not only grasp the first-hand information of the design progress, but also deal with some design problems in a timely manner, and find some design errors, which can be corrected in time.

The major design offices are also used to seeing Director Yang every day, and some designers often humbly ask Yang Fan for some questions on the design of the 052 ship.

Today, as usual, Yang Fan went around several design offices, and then was about to go back to the office. Not long after he entered the office building, he just went up to the third floor, and before he reached the corridor, he saw and heard a quarrel.

This, who is this arguing?

Seems to be.
Yes, it should be Chen Shaohua's voice.

Could it be that our chief architect Chen has come to ask for drawings again?

Yang Fan quickened his pace, and soon saw the two parties in the quarrel, it was indeed Chen Shaohua, who rolled up his sleeves, spitting all over the place with a loud voice.

"I don't care. I have to get the blueprint today. If you don't give me the design blueprint, I won't leave. I will eat, sleep and sleep at your Donghai Institute."

The other party is Liu Hong, who is also run by the chief teacher.

Liu Hong cried out of anger, her eyes were red, and she still explained there: "There is nothing you can do if you force me like this, we have a complete system for design management."

Before he finished speaking, he was rudely interrupted, and Chen Shaohua said loudly: "Don't mention the system to me, I want blueprints today."

There were many people around, and some of them were also persuading Chen Shaohua.

"Director Chen, it won't work if you force Xiao Liu."

"Old Chen, we also know that you need drawings to start work, but the deadline for handing over the drawings to you is not yet reached."


Although many people tried to persuade him with good words, it seemed that the effect was not good. Chen Shaohua had already approved the design drawings. Without the design drawings, no one's words would work.

Yang Fan walked over with a smile on his face, "Mr. Chen, calm down, come to my place for a drink of tea and rest."

"If you don't go, I will design the blueprint!"

Chen Shaohua refused loudly, but if you look closely, you can see that his face has softened, and he didn't blow his beard and stare like he did to others.

It seems that he still gave Yang Fan some face, but he was determined to go to the blueprints, so instead of drinking tea at Yang Fan's, he was going to continue to force Liu Hong to ask for the blueprints.

Liu Hong is the person in the chief engineer's office. She is responsible for connecting with the reference room of Donghai Shipyard. In the future, Liu Hong will also be responsible for the handover of design drawings.

Chen Shaohua recognized Liu Hong, and every time he came over, he forced Liu Hong to ask for drawings.

Seeing Yang Fan coming, Liu Hong seemed to see hope, and said with red eyes: "Director Yang, look at him, forcing me to ask for drawings again."

Yang Fan smiled, walked in front of Chen Shaohua, and said in a calm tone: "Mr. Chen, listen to me, go drink tea with me, and I will help you find a way."

Help me find a way!
Chen Shaohua's heart moved, and after thinking for a while, he asked hopefully: "Can you help me get the design drawings, our factory is waiting for the drawings to start work?"

Yang Fan didn't say anything to death, left a glimmer of hope, and didn't make any big promises, but said: "Let's talk about the blueprints first, let's figure out a way together, and when Master Pan comes back, I will accompany you Go to him and talk to you."


This is good!
Chen Shaohua felt relieved, and also became happy. Just now he was bearded and stared at by others, but now he smiled very happily and said frankly.

"Okay, let's go sit with you first."

After finishing speaking, he actually chatted and laughed with Yang Fan and left to go to the model office.

Everyone was left dumbfounded.

This works too!

Director Yang settled Chen Shaohua with a few words.

Really level!
Many people looked at Yang Fan and Chen Shaohua with admiration as they walked towards the model office.

"It's gone, let's go, everyone." Someone waved loudly.

The onlookers gradually dispersed, and when they returned to their jobs, they were still thinking about the scene just now, thinking in their minds, Director Yang is awesome, Chen Shaohua is so difficult, and Director Yang resolved it with a few words .

in the office.

Yang Fan warmly greeted Chen Shaohua to sit down, made him hot tea, and took the initiative to chat with Chen Shaohua, mainly asking about the current situation of Donghai Shipyard.

Chen Shaohua introduced their situation, and then reminded: "Director Yang, we are waiting for the drawings to start work. If there are no drawings, I may not even give you face."

Yang Fan smiled.

"In fact, I have a way to allow you to start the construction smoothly. At least the first process of hull construction, that is, the stakeout and numbering of the hull can be carried out."

Don't lie to me.

Don't make me old Chen Kong happy.

Hearing Yang Fan's words at first, Chen Shaohua was overjoyed, but soon calmed down, knowing that Yang Fan's words about the design drawings didn't matter, so he looked at Yang Fan like this.

Knowing the meaning in Chen Shaohua's eyes, Yang Fan continued: "The hull stakeout and numbering require hull line diagrams, structural diagrams, theoretical value tables, etc. Although we haven't completed all these things, the design drawings have come out and have been completed. In the process of signing."

Chen Shaohua's eyes lit up!
What he needs are these things. With these drawings, at least the material preparation workshop can start to carry out the first process of hull construction, that is, the lofting and numbering of the hull.

He also guessed that Donghai Institute should have completed these drawings, but he was just not sure. Hearing what Yang Fan said, he gradually became excited.

Be sure to get these drawings today.

I want to take these blueprints back with me!

Go find Pan Jinfu later, if you quarrel with him, you must get these blueprints.

Chen Shaohua thought so in his heart.

Yang Fan seemed to see Chen Shaohua's thoughts, and reminded, "The management of design drawings is extremely strict. With this complete system, it is impossible for us to hand over part of the design drawings to you after drawing some design drawings, and it is even more impossible I will give you the drawings without blueprints."

Chen Shaohua knew this.

Although I know this system, I still urge to ask for the drawings. The purpose is to let the first ship of the 052 ship start construction earlier.

Yang Fan also hopes that the construction of the first ship will start as soon as possible.

It was with this purpose that he told Chen Shaohua so much, and promised to help him find a way and give him ideas.

The management of design drawings is extremely strict. Yang Fan knew that if he didn't come up with a workaround, the best of both worlds, no matter how noisy Chen Shaohua was, it would be difficult to get the design drawings.

It's very simple. It is impossible for Donghai Institute to complete part of the design drawings and give part of the design drawings to Donghai Shipyard, let alone the drawings that have not been blueprinted.

Instead, the entire design must be completed, and all design drawings must be sorted out and reviewed by experts before being handed over to the shipyard together.

This is the only way to minimize risk.

If the design drawings are really given part by part, if the design needs to be changed, or if there is a problem with the drawings that needs to be corrected temporarily, the loss will be great.

After understanding the drawing management system and being reminded by Yang Fan, Chen Shaohua sighed softly.

However, he soon realized something.

There must be a reason why Yang Fan talked to him so much.

Could it be that Yang Fan really has a way!

Not looking for my old Chen to be happy!

Five chapters will be released first, and will continue to be updated at night!
Ask everyone for recommendation tickets, monthly tickets, collections and other support! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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