Military Heavy

Chapter 146 The Alternative Way

Chapter 146 The Alternative Way (Sixth Change)

His originally dim eyes gradually brightened!

Looking at Yang Fan with hope, Chen Shaohua found that his heart was beating faster, and such a big leader actually became a little nervous.

"Director Yang, do you really have a solution?"

Yang Fan smiled happily, but he didn't expect Chen Shaohua to be nervous at the moment.

There must be a way!

Director Yang must have a solution!

With this in mind, Chen Shaohua was excited again!

This is really exciting!

The design blueprint of the 052 ship is what he dreamed of. For this reason, he came to the East China Sea many times to ask for the blueprint, and even quarreled with some people at the expense of his face. Now, he sees hope.

This doesn't look like a deputy factory manager or a chief construction engineer.

He lost his composure a bit, grabbed Yang Fan's wrist tightly, and asked very excitedly: "You have a way, don't you, you must have a way."

Yang Fan smiled and said: "There is a way, but it is not guaranteed to be feasible. In the end, Master Pan needs to make a decision. In addition, there may be some risks in it."

This is a workaround.

Seeing that Chen Shaohua was so anxious for the design drawings and for the 052 ship to start construction earlier, Yang Fan decided to help him find a way.

In fact, the method is very simple.

Donghai Shipyard sent technicians to draw a sketch against the design drawings, record the information on the design drawings on the sketch, and their technicians took the sketch back.

Yang Fan briefly explained his method.

Immediately, Chen Shaohua nodded.

this is okay.

This method is absolutely feasible!

Draw a sketch according to the design drawings, and copy some data information on the sketch. With these sketches, Donghai Shipyard can definitely start work.

Hull stakeout and numbering!

With these drawings, even if they are just sketches, the first process of the construction of the first ship can definitely be carried out, which means that Donghai Shipyard can move and start the construction of the first ship.

Oh my God! ! !

If it really starts, it will be half a year earlier than the planned construction start date, this, this
Even Chen Shaohua himself was shocked.

I have been thinking about the design drawings before, but I just want to start work earlier, and I have never thought about how early I can start work.

Half a year!
If the construction starts half a year ahead of schedule, the pressure on Donghai Shipyard will be much less, and there is enough confidence in completing the construction of the berth of the first ship on schedule, and even launching it on schedule.

We must convince Pan Jinfu!
Be sure to get him to let us send someone over to do the sketches!

Chen Shaohua thought so firmly in his heart, raised his hand to look at the time, and asked: "Master Pan is in a meeting, when will it be over?"

"Yes, Master Pan is in a meeting." Yang Fan said, "Maybe it will be over in about half an hour."

This is the weekly meeting of the East China Sea Ship Design Institute. All the senior executives of the East China Sea Institute participated in the meeting. Only the directors of the office, the chief engineer office, and the model office were able to attend the meeting. Not even the directors of the design offices. qualifications.

It may take about half an hour.

It was the first time Chen Shaohua felt that ten was so long, usually it seemed to pass in a blink of an eye, but today it seemed like an hour or two passed.

He checked the time several times, but felt that the hands on the watch were crawling like snails.

Fortunately, Yang Fan was chatting with him, and fortunately, he didn't wait for half an hour.

About 10 minutes later, the door of the office was pushed open, and Zhao Yulan came in with a notebook, and she participated in the office meeting.

As soon as she came in, she was slightly taken aback when she saw Chen Shaohua.

This was a bit out of her surprise, and it seemed to be expected.

In the office meeting just now, the design process was specially discussed. The leaders all decided to strive to complete the overall design of the 052 ship as soon as possible, and also discussed the issue of the Donghai Shipyard.

The leaders all knew that Donghai Shipyard had everything ready and only needed the drawings. They guessed that people from Donghai Shipyard, especially Chen Shaohua, might come to press for the drawings in the near future.

Sure enough, Chen Shaohua came, and he was still sitting with Yang Fan.

"Mr. Chen, you are here."

After all, he is the leader, the deputy director of Donghai Shipyard and the chief builder of the first ship of the 052 ship, Zhao Yulan greeted him very warmly.

Yang Fan asked: "Sister Zhao, have you finished the meeting?"

"It's over, and all the leaders have adjourned the meeting."

After hearing Zhao Yulan's answer, Yang Fan waved and said, "Let's go, let's go to Master Pan now to see if our Master Pan agrees with my plan."

"Okay, okay."

Chen Shaohua said two good things in succession, he had been looking forward to this moment for a long time.

The two entered Chief Master Pan's office together. At this moment, Pan Jinfu had just returned from a meeting. When he saw Chen Shaohua, he was taken aback for a moment, and then became very enthusiastic.

"Old Chen, here we come."

After speaking, he got up and poured water to make tea himself.

Chen Shaohua said straight to the point, "Lao Pan, I'm here to urge the blueprints. Our factory is waiting for the blueprints to start work?"

Pan Jinfu looked embarrassed, "Our design has not been fully completed, and it may take several months before the design drawings are handed over to you."

"That won't work!"

Chen Shaohua flatly refused, "We can't wait for a few months. I have to get the blueprint today. If there is no blueprint, we will live in your Donghai residence, where we will eat and live."

This Chen bandit!
Pan Jinfu was speechless for a while.

It's really a scholar who meets a soldier, and the reason is hard to explain.

Pan Jinfu felt dizzy.

Seeing that the two of them were almost at a stalemate from the very beginning, one insisted that the drawings should be made today, while the other insisted that it would take several months.

Yang Fan hurriedly said: "General Master Pan, I have a workaround."

"Yes, yes, Director Yang thought of a workaround." Chen Shaohua said hastily.

This time he came in to ask for drawings, and almost forgot that Yang Fan had a solution, so Chen Shaohua patted himself on the head lightly.

"Oh, Xiao Yang has a solution?"

Pan Jinfu looked at Yang Fan with great interest.

According to his understanding of Yang Fan, generally as long as Yang Fan says there is a solution, it is generally a good idea and can often solve the problem.

Yang Fan briefly explained his method.

After listening, Pan Jinfu thought about it.

At the office meeting just now, since Donghai Shipyard is basically ready to start construction and only lacks design drawings, everyone discussed whether it is possible to hand over some drawings to Donghai Shipyard.

However, it was opposed by the majority of people who insisted that the system of handing over the blueprints should not be violated. Even Pan Jinfu also opposed handing over the design blueprints in batches.

In the end, Liang Zhiquan, the top leader, said that if there is a workaround, as long as it does not violate the regulations, it is okay.

After returning from the meeting, Pan Jinfu hadn't had time to think of a flexible solution. Unexpectedly, Yang Fan came up with such a good solution.

The technicians sent by Donghai Shipyard come to draw the sketch and take the sketch back
After thinking about it, Pan Jinfu nodded and said, "That's okay."

Before he finished speaking, Chen Shaohua became happy, clapped his hands and said, "That's great, so you agree, Lao Pan."

He is very happy.

The stone hanging in my heart fell to the ground!

Donghai Shipyard will have blueprints soon, and soon, construction of the first ship of the 052 ship will be started.

Just thinking about it gets me excited!

Amidst the joy, excitement appeared on Chen Shaohua's face.

Pan Jinfu smiled, and continued: "You can do this, but there are certain risks in it, and we need a gatekeeper."

This is true.

It must be checked, in case something goes wrong, it is not a joke.

Chen Shaohua also agrees with this point.

After thinking about it for a while, Pan Jinfu set his eyes on Yang Fan and said seriously: "Xiao Yang, thank you for your hard work. You are in charge of this matter. You should take a look at every drawing, especially our design drawing. There must be no problems."

Yang Fan nodded and said: "No problem, I will carefully check every drawing, and strive to make sure there are no problems."

So it's settled.

The happiest thing was Chen Shaohua. At this moment, he seemed to be a different person, refreshed and in a great mood.

The next day.

Not long after the East China Sea Ship Design Institute went to work, two vehicles arrived at the East China Sea Shipyard. Chen Shaohua led the way, followed by a number of people. Except for Zheng Xianxue, the director of the Engineering Technology Department of the East China Sea Shipyard, the others were all experienced technicians.

Some people who didn't understand the reason were shocked!
The first reaction is that Chen Shaohua is here again!
He also brought a lot of people over.

It's over, it's over, today I brought so many people over to urge us for blueprints.

Soon, the news reached Liu Hong, the chief division office.Upon hearing the news, Liu Hong's complexion changed. The first reaction was to go out to avoid it. Chen Shaohua alone was enough, and this time there were more than a dozen people.

As soon as she left the chief teacher's office in fear, she saw Chen Shaohua and a group of people from a distance in the corridor, and immediately froze in fright.

Yang Fan and Chen Shaohua walked in the front, talking and laughing, followed by a large group of people.

When walking past Liu Hong, Yang Fan called out "Sister Liu" on his own initiative, and then led Chen Shaohua and others to continue walking.

As for Chen Shaohua, he didn't seem to see Liu Hong.

It wasn't until the group of people left that Liu Hong came back to his senses, took out a handkerchief and wiped the cold sweat on his forehead, and said in his heart, "I was shocked, so it didn't come to me to ask for the blueprints."

Donghai Institute is well prepared.

A special large room has been prepared, with some tables and chairs, especially a few large tables for drawing, and a drawing board is placed on each table.

As soon as he came in, seeing these, Chen Shaohua became even more happy, and said loudly: "Minister Zheng, you should communicate more with Director Yang these days, and try to draw the first batch of drawings and bring them back earlier."

Zheng Xianxue didn't like Yang Fan at all before.

It is different now, with a very humble attitude, "Director Yang, from today onwards, we will trouble you."

Why has there been such a big change in attitude?

The reason is very simple. After interacting with Yang Fan several times, he put away his contempt for this young man and gradually admired him a little bit.

Now he has to trouble Yang Fan even more, so his attitude is even better.

Yang Fan said enthusiastically: "No trouble or no trouble, we are all for the 052 ship."

After a few polite greetings, everyone is ready to start work.

However, they haven't started drawing the sketches they need yet, and everyone is a little stunned.

(End of this chapter)

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