Military Heavy

Chapter 148 This Comrade Has a Lot of Ideas

Chapter 148 This Comrade Has a Lot of Ideas (Eighth)
Yang Fan walked over, and what he saw was that the workers were setting out the actual size according to the ratio of 1:1.

Their movements are skillful. It seems that as a century-old shipyard, the level of workers in Donghai Shipyard is really not low.

It's just limited by the times, without advanced tools, and without computers, they use primitive lofting tools, such as steel tapes, wooden or plastic spline templates, weights, curved plates and powder lines, etc.

They cooperate very well with each other.

Yang Fan watched it with great interest for a long time, as if it was more enjoyable than watching a movie, and he was reluctant to leave for a long time.

not far away.

An old worker and a young man are drawing the grid line, which seems to be a pair of master and apprentice.

The grid line is the reference line for drawing the type line diagram, and the drawing accuracy of the type line diagram largely depends on whether the grid line is accurate.

The master craftsman was very careful when making the grid line. Yang Fan walked over and nodded quickly, thinking in his heart, there are really two brushes, and the quality of the grid line is good.

In the era before Yang Fan’s rebirth, the making of grid lines was not so troublesome, because there was a laser theodolite, as long as the laser theodolite was placed on the endpoint of the set datum line, the laser was fired to the other endpoint, and the line was drawn with a pencil or chalk line. OK.

Without a laser theodolite, the master master relied on his rich experience and a pair of skillful hands to draw the grid lines very accurately.

Great, great!

This is the real master.

While Yang Fan was admiring, he also thought of "the oil seller". This old master is probably similar to the "oil seller".

Familiar with hands.

I don't know when Chen Shaohua came to the side, "Director Yang, our workers are not bad."

Yang Fan nodded and said: "It's an eye-opener, there are many masters here."

Hearing this, Chen Shaohua laughed proudly.

The first ship of the 052 ship was officially started construction at the East China Sea Shipyard on February 2. Huang Keping knew about it. Originally, he wanted to come and have a look in person, but was delayed by some important affairs. He went to the East China Sea to build a ship The time of the factory is the 13th.

Accompanied by Lu Guodong, Chen Shaohua and others, they walked into the manufacturing site and saw the lofting of the hull with their own eyes.

After reading it, Huang Keping was very satisfied.

"I didn't expect you to give me such a big surprise. Our first ship can start construction ahead of schedule, and it's more than three months ahead of schedule. It's rare, very rare!"

Faced with Commander Huang's praise, everyone became happy, especially Lu Guodong, whose face was flushed with joy.

Huang Keping continued: "Our first ship is built using the modular construction method of the general section. Compared with the traditional tower construction method, its construction efficiency is high and the cycle is short. I really look forward to it. When will our first ship be ready?" Get into the water smoothly."

The first ship is launched!

What an exciting time this is!
People in Donghai factory also look forward to this day coming earlier. Lu Guodong said on behalf of everyone: "We have enough confidence in striving for an early launch. The time node given by the headquarters is May 90, and we estimate that it will be advanced."

Good in advance!

Huang Keping became more satisfied, praised Donghai Shipyard again, and then asked a little puzzled.

"As far as I know, the overall design of the Donghai Institute has not been fully completed. Under such circumstances, how did you manage to start construction ahead of schedule?"

Yes, the design of the 052 ship has not been completed yet.

After the completion, the design review will be carried out, especially the review of the design drawings. Only after the review, Donghai Institute will hand over a copy of all the design drawings to Donghai Shipyard.

The drawings have not been handed over, how did you manage to start work ahead of schedule.

Lu Guodong smiled proudly.

Chen Shaohua also smiled happily.

The others at Donghai Shipyard also laughed!
On this point, Donghai Shipyard really did not report to Huang Keping on how to start construction ahead of schedule, but only reported the start of construction.

As the chief builder, Chen Shaohua replied: "Commander Huang, we can start work ahead of schedule, so we have to mention one person."

"Oh, who is it?"

Huang Keping thought in his heart, which god is this, who can actually make Donghai Shipyard start construction of the first ship of 052 in advance? Could it be Pan Jinfu?

It could also be Tang Jianming, or simply Liang Zhiquan
In just one or two seconds, names flashed in Huang Keping's mind. They were either the chief designer or deputy chief designer of the 052 ship, or they were simply the top leaders of the Donghai Institute.

He didn't expect it to be Yang Fan.

In his opinion, the capable person who can start the construction of the 052 ship ahead of schedule must be a person of weight, and he doesn't think about some young people at all.

Chen Shaohua revealed the answer, and said with a smile: "Our Donghai Shipyard has one person to thank for being able to start work ahead of schedule. He is Comrade Yang Fan, deputy director of the Model Office of the Donghai Institute."

Yang Fan!

It was Yang Fan!
Huang Keping was taken aback for a moment, then suddenly realized, and praised with a smile: "It turned out to be Yang Fan. This comrade has a lot of ideas, and he can always come up with solutions at critical moments."

This is the Commander-in-Chief of Ship 052 praising Yang Fan in front of so many people.

Many people were envious for a while.

If Yang Fan was here, he would probably be very happy to hear such praise.

The commander-in-chief's face-to-face praise!
It is estimated that there are not many who can receive this honor.

When did you see which comrade Huang Keping praised in front of so many people?This is rare, very rare.

After praising Yang Fan, Huang Keping said: "The first ship of the 052 ship adopts the modular construction method of the general section, which is also the proposal of this comrade. This is really a good comrade, a very outstanding young comrade."

Another praise in front of so many people!

Even Chen Shaohua was a little envious, thinking to himself, Yang Fan, it's a good thing you're not here, otherwise, I guess you'd be proud to hear Commander Huang praise you twice in succession.

Huang Keping stayed in Donghai City for two days, mainly at the Donghai Shipyard. Not only did he go to the production site in person, he saw the start of construction of the first ship of the 052 ship, he also sat down in the conference room and listened to the report from the Donghai Shipyard.

In addition to spending time at the Donghai Shipyard, he also went to the Donghai Ship Design Institute, mainly to understand the finalization of the design of the 052 ship.

Liang Zhiquan reported that the overall design of the 052 ship will be completed within two months, which made Huang Keping very happy, and publicly affirmed the work of the Donghai Institute.

He did not spend more than two hours in the East China Sea.

There is a small interlude in between.

When he saw Yang Fan, he specially praised him, and said to Liang Zhiquan and others, this comrade is good, he has many ideas, and he can always come up with good solutions at critical moments.

With such praise, the leaders of Donghai Research Institute are proud of themselves.

Everyone looked at Yang Fan with different eyes than usual, as if they were saying, Xiao Yang is really a good comrade, and the public praise from Commander Huang is very rare.

Yes, yes, we swelled up.

After receiving such praise and feeling the eyes of the leaders, Yang Fan felt happy for a while, but he didn't show it too much, but showed humility.

Not arrogant or impetuous, modest and prudent.

Huang Keping noticed Yang Fan's reaction, and felt satisfied again.

He stayed in Donghai Office for less than two hours, then left from Donghai Office and returned to the capital.

The design of the 052 ship has entered the final stage, some people are still busy, some people are relieved, and the pressure is greatly reduced.

Because they have basically completed the design work, a large number of design drawings have been posted and stored in the reference room of the East China Sea Institute.

Yang Fan also relaxed a little.

At this time, many people temporarily turned their attention from the design of the 052 ship to another matter.

Unit distribution.

Donghai Institute built two new family buildings, which were completed and accepted at the end of last year. There was no room allocation before the end of the year. The leaders were afraid of affecting everyone's New Year and the design work entering the sprint stage.

It's different now.

The design work has entered the finishing work, and the tasks in the hands of some designers have been completed, and many people have started to stare at the two houses.

Especially those who are older and have already married and started a business, they very much hope to be allocated a house in order to improve their living conditions.

In the 80s, even in the middle and late 80s, domestic housing conditions were not ample, and it was not uncommon for a family of three generations to live in one room.

A house with a limited area is divided into two parts, one part is for sleeping, and bunk beds are placed, and each bed is separated by cloth curtains.

In the other part of the room, there is a table, where the family eats and the children study and do their homework.

What if the area is too small and too crowded?

There are many things that cannot be put in the room, and are usually placed in the corridor, such as some lotus root coals, stoves, pots and pans, etc. The corridor is also the kitchen.

Combat system design room.

The design of the combat system of the 052 ship is basically completed, and there are only some finishing work. Many designers are relaxed. They are talking about the division of the unit this time, and they all look very interested.

"Brother Zhang, it should be your turn this time."

"Our brother Zhang is definitely fine. He is both the design team leader and has a senior title."

Several young designers were chatting like this, but Zhang Xiaodong just smiled and didn't speak. He didn't participate in their chat, but just listened.

In fact, he wanted to own his own house more than once in his heart. The housing conditions of their family were not well-off, better than some others, but it was also very crowded.

A family of three generations, a total of five people lived in the tube building of Donghaisuo. There were only two rooms, and the outer room was a living room and bedroom.

His parents live in the living room, with a wooden bed, just a little separated, and the bedroom inside is where they live, husband and wife and their children.

As the child grows up and knows more things, the husband and wife have to be careful when doing things at night, for fear of waking up the sleeping child.

He has visited the unit's new house more than once. Compared with his current housing conditions, it is like heaven and earth, completely incomparable.

It would be great if I could get a house like this!

(End of this chapter)

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