Military Heavy

Chapter 149 Unit Distribution

Chapter 149 Unit Distribution (Ninth Change)

It was a one-bedroom, two-living room with an area of ​​more than 60 square meters.

In this era, there is no so-called shared area, and a house of more than 60 square meters does not look small.

A large living room, two bedrooms, kitchen and toilet, and a large balcony are not much different from our common commercial housing now.

The main difference is that the elevator rooms are generally used now, while the two employee family buildings newly built by Donghai are stair rooms.

Each house has five floors, six households and three units on each floor.

Such a house was undoubtedly very good in 87. It is no wonder that many people in Donghai Institute stared at these two houses and discussed them in their spare time.

Some people were chatting hotly about the distribution of flats by the unit, and Zhang Xiaodong also hoped that he could get such a flat in his heart. At this time, Yang Fan came over.

The main purpose is to take a look at the final situation of everyone's combat system design work. Yang Fan is not only the deputy director of the model office, but also the deputy director of the combat system design room.

They chatted with gusto at first, but when they saw Yang Fan coming in, several designers quickly interrupted the small talk, and hurriedly greeted Yang Fan proactively.

"Director Yang, hello."

"Director Yang is here."


Faced with everyone's warm greetings, Yang Fan smiled and said, "What were you talking about just now? It seems that you are all interested."

"No no."

"We're talking about design."

The few young designers who had a good chat just now kept their mouths shut and said that they were talking about the allocation of housing in their units, but about design, which shows their usual awe of Yang Fan.

In the combat system design room, Yang Fan's prestige is still very high.

Yang Fan smiled.

When I first came in, I had already heard some of what they were talking about. Seeing that everyone didn't talk about it, they didn't point it out, and asked about some things about the design.

Zhang Xiaodong, the design team leader, began to report on the current situation of their team, and Yang Fan listened carefully.

After listening to the report, Yang Fan nodded in satisfaction.

Yang Fan is generally very satisfied with the design of the combat system of the 052 ship. He almost always designs according to the design framework he built at the beginning. Now, the design has been basically completed.

This will be the first ship combat system in China. It is completely platform-based, which is very convenient for future upgrades and improvements. It is also possible to transplant it to other places, such as the military's combat command center.

There was a strong sense of pride in my heart.

The country's first combat command system!
Just about to go to other design teams to take a look, Shi Wei came over, probably because he heard that Yang Fan was here, so he came here specially.

He looked very enthusiastic and happy, and when he entered this big office, he took the initiative to say loudly: "Old Yang, you are really here!"

The relationship between the two is getting better and better, more and more harmonious, he usually warmly calls Yang Fan "Old Yang", even though Yang Fan is not old.

"Director Shi, you are very well informed." Yang Fan said with a smile.

Shi Wei waved and said, "Go, go to my office, let's talk about something."

Guessing that it might be something related to the design of the combat system, Yang Fan nodded and followed Shi Wei into the office.

The two sat down.

Shi Weidao: "Have you heard about the division of housing by the unit?"

Yang Fan was taken aback for a moment. He thought he was talking about the design of the combat system with him, but he didn't expect it to be about the division of the unit.

Gently nodded, "Of course I heard, this matter is a hot spot in our institute, second only to the design completion of the 052 ship."

Shi Wei laughed.

The situation is indeed like this. How many pairs of eyes in Donghai Institute are staring at these dozens of new houses. It is estimated that many people dream at night that they can get a share.

To be honest, Yang Fan also wanted to be able to share a set.

I and Jiang Yan have reached the point of discussing marriage, and have promised Jiang Yan and Jiang Dahai to get married this year.

Get married and want a house.

Yang Fan once considered whether to tidy up his old house and use it as a house for two people to get married, but thinking about it, it seemed a little bad.

The old house is too old.

It would be best if a new house could be assigned to the unit.

Yang Fan also went to see those houses, they are really nice, spacious and bright, almost the same as those commercial houses in the 21st century, the only thing is that there are no two halls, that is, the dining room and the living room, but a large living room, which can be used as both a dining room and a living room kind of.

Already very good.

This is the 80s.

This is also located in Donghai City. If it is in other third- and fourth-tier cities, even if it is a newly built house, it is not a tube building, but it is a kind of [-] to [-] square meters with a very small living room.

Shi Weidao: "Referring to the rules of housing allocation in our unit in the past two years, it is estimated that each design studio and each office will submit a registration form, and then the leaders will discuss it."

This is the second time since Yang Fan started working, the last time was two years ago. At that time, Yang Fan started working not long ago, so he didn't dare to expect extravagance.

It's different now!
Not only has he been working for nearly 5 years, he has also obtained the title of engineer after breaking the time limit, and as the deputy director of the model office, he also serves as the deputy director of the combat system design room.

In addition, during the entire design process of the 052 ship, Yang Fan still made a little contribution, not less than those made by senior or key designers.

Because of this, in fact, Yang Fan also hopes deep in his heart that he can share a house, so that it can be used as a wedding room for him and Jiang Yan to marry.

"What do you think, if the institute wants us to report the number of housing assignments, who should we appoint?"

According to the usual practice, each design office and each office submits the registration form, and then the leaders of the institute hold a meeting for final discussion.

This was the case in the previous house assignments, and it was also the case in the house assignment two years ago.

Yang Fan thought for a while and asked, "How many positions do you think our combat system design room can get?"

Shi Wei also thought about it, "It should be two or three. There are still two places at least, and three at most."


Yang Fan nodded, fully agreeing with Shi Wei's conjecture, he thought so too, there are only [-] suites in total, and there are so many people in the East China Sea Institute, the typical number of monks is too much, and the design of the combat system can have two or three room assignments. up.

"Comrade Yang Fan, according to your conditions, you should be able to participate in the housing allocation. If the quota is available, your name should be reported by the combat system design office."

This is Shi Wei giving him a favor, Yang Fan knows it very well.

"Do not."

Yang Fan shook his head lightly, and said slowly: "The quota is limited, so I won't take up the quota in the combat system design room. I'll report to the Model Office."

After speaking, Yang Fan expressed his thanks again.

Then the two chatted for a while about the design of the combat system.

The matter of housing distribution has gradually become an absolute hot spot in Donghai Institute, and many people will chat about this topic in their spare time.

There are some people who think they are qualified, their hearts have already been active, hoping that they can get a house for themselves.

The leaders of the East China Sea Institute are obviously paying attention to this matter, and everyone's reaction is probably also seen by the leaders.

Soon, the leaders held a special meeting to discuss this issue. In this conference room, the leaders also had disputes.

Some leaders suggested that the previous old rules should be followed. The so-called old rules are based on seniority. Whoever has senior qualifications and long working years will be given the house first.

Pan Jinfu objected.

He proposed to break away from seniority, but to focus on contribution. In the design and development process of the 052 ship, whoever made the most contribution will be the most qualified to be allocated a house.

After some discussion, following the principle of the minority obeying the majority, the principle proposed by Mr. Pan was finally adopted, and the housing was allocated according to the contribution.

The office of the institute quickly drew up a notice based on the discussion at the meeting, and posted it immediately.

Suddenly, a stone stirred up a thousand waves.

Only a few minutes after it was posted, the notice was surrounded by people, three floors inside and three floors outside, it was almost impossible to get through. The people on the outside were even on their toes and stretched their necks, trying to see the content of the notice.

"Hey, this time the room assignment seems to be different from before."

"Haha, I have hope. I no longer pay attention to seniority."

"Speaking of contribution, I agree, it should have been done long ago."


After reading the content of the notice clearly, many people raised their hands in favor, especially those in their thirties who have been working for more than ten years and have not been allocated a house.

Yang Fan also quickly saw the notice.

After reading the content, I laughed happily and thought to myself, my hope has greatly increased. Although it is not a certainty, it is almost inseparable.

Regardless of seniority, Yang Fan is really not afraid of anyone when it comes to contributions.

In the entire Donghai Institute, except for a few leaders, the chief designer and the deputy chief designer, whose contribution can be compared with Yang Fan.

Absolutely not!

It's no wonder that after reading this notice, Yang Fan felt so relieved, as if he had taken a reassurance. He was slightly worried before because he was too young, but now, the stone hanging in his heart has completely fallen to the ground.

On the second day after the announcement was posted, the quotas for each design office and each office were also allocated, and it is estimated that the contribution of each design office and office was also fully considered.

The Combat System Design Office performed well in the design and development process of the 052 ship and won four places, which probably exceeded Shi Wei's expectations.

There are not many people in the model office, and there are actually two places.

Zhao Yulan pushed the door open and came in, her face was bright and she was in a good mood.

"Director Yang, I'm so happy that we actually have two places in our office."

Yang Fan smiled, "Although we have a small number of people in the model office, we can play an extraordinary role. In terms of contribution, it is not too much for us to get two places."

Hearing this, Zhao Yulan also laughed happily, nodded and said: "It's really not too much, there are a total of sixty houses, and we only occupy one-thirtieth of them."

After finishing speaking, she closed the door of the office, and said, "Since the quota has been allocated, and we have two model offices, let's discuss which two people will apply."

This is what Yang Fan is most interested in, "Sure, let's add up."

(End of this chapter)

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