Military Heavy

Chapter 150 Viewing the House

Chapter 150 Inspection (Tenth)

In fact, Zhao Yulan knew it well.

There are only a few people in the model office, and she doesn't participate in housing distribution. Her lover is an associate professor, who has already allocated a house in the university, and the housing conditions are good.

Two years ago, Wu Jinlin, the progress coordinator with relatively poor housing conditions, was allocated a two-bedroom apartment. The remaining three people should be Li Jun with the worst housing conditions.

"Xiao Yang, you should be getting married soon."

"Well, I'm planning to get married this year. The specific date has not been set yet. We will wait until the overall design of the 052 ship is completed." Yang Fan replied.

Zhao Yulan nodded lightly, she had already made up her mind, "Well, let's report your and Li Jun's names."

Immediately, Yang Fan burst into thanks.

Zhao Yulan said: "Your contribution is great, if you are not qualified, no one is more qualified than you."

"Okay, that's it."

The two discussed the matter of dividing the house. In this way, there should be no problem for Yang Fan to be allocated a house.

Soon after, Zhao Yulan had a meeting to attend, and Yang Fan was going to visit the combat system design room.

Even if he doesn't go, it is estimated that Shi Wei will call in the near future. According to his understanding of him, he will not make the decision alone on the matter of room allocation, and it is estimated that Yang Fan's opinion will prevail.

For the time being, Yang Fan is the only one in the office.

Just as he was about to go to the combat system design room, the door of the office was gently pushed open, and Li Jun slipped in quietly, like a thief.

After entering the office, he still did not forget to close the door gently.


Even Yang Fan was taken aback for a moment, but soon became dumb. It turned out that Li Jun came here to get a house.

"Director Yang, I heard that our model office has two quotas for housing allocation. My housing conditions have always been poor, and it was not my turn to allocate housing at my unit last time."

Yang Fan smiled.

"Don't worry, Director Zhao and I have considered you, and we will report your name."


Li Jun instantly became a little excited.

This happiness came so suddenly!

I dream of wanting a house, but it actually has my own name.

Because of his agitated mood, his face flushed for a while, and he was so happy that he rubbed his hands together, not knowing what words of thanks would be better.

It took a long time to hold back a few words of thanks, and thanked Yang Fan again and again.

Yang Fan said: "It's okay, work hard, Director Zhao and I will not treat you badly."

Li Jun thanked him again and again, and then left contentedly.

After watching Li Jun leave happily, Yang Fan thought in his heart, he has changed a lot, and he is also obedient to me, such a person can be used.

Soon after, Yang Fan went to the combat system design room.

Sure enough, as soon as Shi Wei saw Yang Fan, he said, "Finally, I'm here. If I don't come again, I'll call you."

Yang Fan laughed.

The two sat down and mainly discussed which four people the four quotas would be given to.

There are four places in the combat system design room, which is really beyond Shi Wei's expectations. He looks happy and smiling.

"Four places, four!" Shi Wei said: "I thought I made a mistake at the beginning, and it took me a long time to recover."

The Combat System Design Office can have four places, mainly due to Yang Fan.

Shi Wei knew this very well, "Comrade Yang Fan, the leaders must have seen our achievements. Under your leadership, the entire design room has successfully completed the design of the first ship combat system in China. That's why we have been given four places."

It must be so.

Shi Wei is convinced!

Yang Fan said modestly: "The specific work is done by everyone. This is the collective credit, and I dare not take the credit personally."

"You, you are too modest." Shi Wei said.

After chatting like this for a while, the two began to discuss who to give these four places to.

According to the size of the contribution and a little combination of the housing conditions, the names of the four places were determined, and Zhang Xiaodong was among them.

Of course Yang Fan will not forget him.

Putting aside the good relationship between the two for the time being, the key is that Zhang Xiaodong performed well and played a big role in the design of this combat system, almost being Yang Fan's left and right arms.

Such a good comrade, in addition to the tight housing conditions of their family, of course he should be given a place.

When Zhang Xiaodong learned that he had a quota, he went to find Yang Fan and thanked him.

Two days later.

The efficiency of Donghai Institute is still very high. After the design institutes and offices submitted the list of housing assignments, the leaders of the institutes specially held a meeting for old discussions, and the results were soon reached.

In front of the bulletin board, there were many people standing.

The official list has been released. There are 30 people in total. Each of them will be allocated a new two-bedroom house.

"Haha, I finally don't have to squeeze into the dormitory for a family of three to live in one room."

"There's my name, see, there's my name!"

"Brother Zhang, congratulations, you have a new house to live in."


The front of the posting board was very lively, everyone was discussing it, and those with names on it were naturally overjoyed, as if they had won a super prize.

In the afternoon, 30 people including Yang Fan participated in the lottery.

Yang Fan was lucky, he found a house on the third floor, the floor was very ideal, which made Yang Fan call himself lucky.

What Zhang Xiaodong got was a house on the fourth floor, while Li Jun got a house on the fifth floor. No matter which floor it was, he was very happy.

After drawing lots, everyone quickly got the keys.

Zhang Xiaodong got the key and said happily, "Let's go to the new house and have a look, how about it?"

Yang Fan smiled and said, "You go first, tomorrow is the weekend, I'll go take a closer look."

"Then I won't wait for you."

Zhang Xiaodong couldn't wait, and went to his new house with the key.This is the case for almost the vast majority of people. The first time they get the keys is to see the new house.

Yang Fan didn't rush to go, but planned to take Jiang Yan to have a look tomorrow.

This house will be the new house for the two to get married.

The next day.

Early in the morning, Yang Fan rode his Yangtze River 750 back home, parked the car in front of his old house, walked a few steps, opened the door and entered the gate of Jiang Yan's house.

"Brother Fan, you're back!"

When he saw Yang Fan entering the door, Jiang Yan was very pleasantly surprised.

After graduation, she was assigned to Donghai No. [-] Garment Factory, which was a professional match. Today was the weekend, and she came back last night.

She often goes home, but only occasionally lives in the unit's dormitory, because the second garment factory is not far away, and it only takes three or four 10 minutes to ride a bicycle.

Seeing Jiang Yan, Yang Fan had a heartfelt liking for him.

After being assigned a new house, I must tell her the good news to make her happy too.

"Yan, our unit is divided into houses, and I have been allocated a new house. Come on, I'll take you to have a look."


Jiang Yan was inexplicably surprised!
She is already working, and she is no stranger to housing allocation. Their garment factory allocated housing once in the second half of last year.

It's just that she is a newcomer who has not been working for a long time, and she is not qualified to participate in the house allocation. She can only watch others get a new house with envy.

now what!
Brother Fan actually got a new house.

Very good!
Jiang Yan almost cried out in joy, and quickly said happily: "Okay, let's go and have a look now, let's go now."

While talking, he went into the house to change clothes and tidy up briefly.

In this era, women generally seldom put on make-up deliberately, they just simply dress up, such as changing a suit of clothes and combing their hair.

Besides, Jiang Yan looks beautiful without makeup.

At this time, Jiang Dahai and Li Xiuzhen came over, and when they heard that Yang Fan had been assigned a house in the work unit, they quickly asked.

"Yang Fan, is the house really divided?"

Jiang Dahai looked at Yang Fan in disbelief, and Li Xiuzhen next to him basically had the same expression. Obviously, this scared them a little.

Yang Fan nodded and said affirmatively, "I just got it yesterday. This is the key to the house."

As he spoke, he took out a few keys.

Seeing these keys, Jiang Dahai was shocked first, and then pleasantly surprised. He was happy for Yang Fan, and also for his daughter.

He also has a unit, but he has worked in the unit all his life and has not been assigned a house so far.

Almost all my life!
Every time I can only envy to see others get a new house.

Yang Fan is great!
I have only been working for four or five years, and I was assigned a house so quickly.

He looked at Yang Fan with satisfaction. We often say that the more a mother-in-law looks at her son-in-law, the more satisfied she becomes.

Yang Fan was proud in his heart, but also a little embarrassed to be seen.

Finally, Yang Fan breathed a sigh of relief.

Because Jiang Dahai waved his hand and said, "Come on, the two of us will also go to see the new house, and we are also very happy."

This is of course no problem.

Yang Fan said enthusiastically, "Then let's go now."

"I'm going too, I'm going too!"

Jiang Dan shouted happily, and she also wanted to take a look.

Yang Fan said: "Then, my motorcycle can fit even if squeezed."

The family went out quickly and got on Yang Fan's Yangtze River 750 motorcycle. Jiang Yan and Li Xiuzhen sat on the straddle, and Jiang Dahai and Jiang Dan sat in the bucket.

It's a bit cramped, but it's not a big problem.


The motorcycle started and headed towards the East China Sea. Fortunately, there were very few people who were overloaded, so there was no need to worry about being caught.

In less than 10 minutes, Yang Fan arrived at the door of his new house. These are two newly built residential buildings side by side. Each building is five stories high, with three units and six households on each floor.

"Not bad."

After getting off the car, Jiang Dahai looked at the house in front of him happily, and kept saying it was good, looking very happy.

"Come on, let's go up and have a look."

Yang Fan and Jiang Yan walked in the front, and everyone followed. They quickly went up to the third floor, took out the key, and opened the door of the house they owned.


"So big!"

"So beautiful, so spacious!"

The little girl Jiang Dan kept yelling, rushed to the living room to look, then ran into the bedroom, and ran to the big balcony, without stopping for a moment.

(End of this chapter)

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