Military Heavy

Chapter 151 Steel Plate Quality Issues

Chapter 151 Steel Plate Quality Issues (Part [-])
It was the first time for Yang Fan to see the apartment. As soon as he entered the door, he felt satisfied instantly when he saw the situation inside. This apartment was completely beyond his expectation.

I originally thought that the lighting, design and layout of houses in this era would be relatively poor, but this house is not, spacious and bright.

There is no shared area. A two-bedroom apartment of more than [-] square meters is not too small. Each bedroom is nearly [-] square meters. Although the dining room and the living room are combined into one, the living room is not small. Coffee table, big sofa, TV, etc., every little problem.

This will be your warm and happy little home!

Jiang Dahai seemed happier than anyone else, and he was also the kind who looked here and there, and the more he watched, the more he liked it, and the more he looked, the happier he was.

"Here can be a desk, here can be a cabinet, here"

While watching, he gave "guidance", which was very good, basically in line with Yang Fan's thoughts.

Jiang Dan looked around, ran over happily, pointed to one of the bedrooms happily and said, "I declare that this house belongs to me."

Jiang Yan tapped her on the head lightly, and said with a smile, "It's not for you, don't think too much about it."

Seeing this scene, Yang Fan smiled dumbly.

The family watched here for a long time, and it took more than an hour before they left.

Yang Fan thought in his heart, when he has a little time, he can consider the decoration of the house, and find some master masons, carpenters and so on.

At this time, there is no special decoration company, so I can only find a master and buy materials by myself.

Who knows, Jiang Dahai took care of everything and said: "I am quite good at house decoration, and I know some master masons and carpenters. Their craftsmanship is good. If you don't worry, leave the house decoration to me. You You can go to work with peace of mind and concentrate on your work.”

There is such a good thing.

Of course it would be best if my father-in-law-to-be helped with the decoration.

Yang Fan said happily: "Uncle Jiang, of course I don't worry, I'll thank you for your hard work."

"It's not hard work, it's not hard work at all." Jiang Hai said.

Donghai Shipyard.

It has been more than ten days since the start of construction on February 2, and they have made good progress, and have completed part of the lofting of the hull.

In the huge workshop, the workers are still busy in full swing.

Chen Shaohua thinks farther and has a lot of experience. For the next work, he has already started to consider the steel processing of the hull.

Hull steel processing refers to the process of turning steel plates and profiles into hull structures.

The steel plates and section steels taken out from the steel stockyard need to be straightened and surface treated, and even some necessary protection is carried out.

Before steel rectification, or cleaning and protection, it is necessary to test the steel or section steel.

Although these steel plates have been strictly tested before leaving the factory, Donghai Shipyard stipulates that each steel plate must be re-inspected, and all indicators must reach the upper limit.

In the inspection room of Donghai Shipyard, some technicians are busy.

They are testing the performance of the steel plate. Everyone is very serious and dare not be careless, because this is the steel plate to be used on the lead ship of the 052 ship.

The whole testing room was tense and serious.

Suddenly, a shout broke the atmosphere, and a young technician said loudly: "Mr. Huang, come and take a look. There seems to be something wrong with the data."

What, there is a problem!
Huang Yongsheng was slightly startled, and walked over immediately.

He is a senior technician at Donghai Shipyard and has been engaged in steel performance testing for more than 20 years. According to his years of experience, he knows that some problems will be found in the steel products that enter the factory for re-inspection.

This is the steel that will be used on the first ship of the 052 ship. He used to think in his heart that the project of the 052 ship has attracted everyone's attention, even the top leaders are paying attention, and these steel materials should not have any major problems.

How did he know that Xiao Zhao shouted there, saying that there was a problem with the test data.

He didn't dare to neglect, ran over quickly, and asked loudly: "Which data is problematic, show me."

Xiao Zhao quickly gave him the test report, and Huang Yongsheng took the report and looked through it carefully. Sure enough, there were indeed some problems with some data, which did not reach the qualified range.

"Do the same test again!" Huang Yongsheng ordered.

Soon, the detection starts again.
Chen Shaohua has been very busy recently, but he is in a good mood, especially when he sees that the hull lofting is progressing well, he often smiles happily.

Just now I went to the material preparation workshop again, looked at the stakeout of the hull, happily returned to my desk, prepared to take a break, and then went to the steel stockyard to have a look, and then went to the inspection room to have a look. How about the quality of the delivered steel?

I sat down and took a sip of tea, and then looked at the few documents on the desk. I felt that it was almost done, and I was about to get up and go out.

At this time, the door of the office was pushed open.

Without even knocking on the door, Xie Xinjian, the deputy chief construction engineer, pushed the door open and came in, with a look of anxiety on his face, and said loudly: "Old Chen, it's broken, something bad happened."

Is something bad going on?
Seeing Xie Xinjian's appearance, Chen Shaohua's heart skipped a beat, and his heart sank slightly!

"Old Xie, tell me slowly, what happened?"

Xie Xinjian quickly explained the matter, and Chen Shaohua's expression changed immediately.

It was in a good mood just now, but now it has turned from sunny to cloudy.

Steel has quality problems!
The unqualified rate of steel exceeds 50.00%, which is unimaginable! ! !
Even Chen Shaohua, an experienced chief builder, was stunned. He was really stunned.

This is the steel of the 052 ship!
Looking up and down, how could there be such a serious quality problem? ? ?

Chen Shaohua also once thought that the steel of the 052 ship may have some quality problems, because when the 051 ship, minesweepers and other types of ships were built before, there would always be some problems with the steel.

However, the general problems are not serious, and most of them are small problems. Generally speaking, the qualified rate of steel products is relatively high.

For these steel materials that will be used on the 052 ship, Chen Shaohua also predicted that the pass rate must be above 90.00%, and it can even reach more than 90.00%.

Where do you know that the pass rate may only be 50.00%!
This was too different from what he had predicted in his heart.

No wonder Chen Shaohua reacted so strongly, even his face changed, and he didn't recover for a long time.

This is a big problem!
At present, the lofting of the hull is progressing smoothly, and the next step is to carry out processes such as steel correction and leveling, surface cleaning and pretreatment, but now there are serious quality problems.

It took a long time for Chen Shaohua to come back to his senses, sighed softly, his expression darkened, and he waved his hand and said, "Let's go and have a look."

Soon after, the two arrived at the steel testing room.

Before them, many people had rushed over after hearing the news, including Zhang Guoxin, the deputy director of Donghai Factory, Zheng Xianxue, the director of engineering technology, and others.

"Mr. Chen."

"Old Chen."

Seeing Chen Shaohua approaching, everyone greeted like this one after another, and some even looked depressed. This incident hit everyone hard.

Zhang Guoxin reminded softly: "At present, the pass rate of steel is not high, which may affect our next construction work. You have to be prepared."

Chen Shaohua nodded lightly, then listened to the report from the person in charge of the testing room, and personally went through several performance testing reports.

After thinking about it for a while, Chen Shaohua said: "All the steel products entering the factory are thoroughly inspected. In order to ensure that there are no omissions or negligence, each steel plate that arrives on the scene is numbered in detail, regardless of whether it is qualified or not."

All inspections require a lot of work.

But in the current situation, it is indeed a helpless move. We can only test each steel plate, instead of only sampling and testing each batch once.

Soon after.

Donghai Shipyard held a meeting to focus on the issue of the low pass rate of steel products, and Lu Guodong, the top leader, attended the meeting in person.

The atmosphere of this meeting was extremely dull. Many people were in a bad mood and couldn't be happy at all.

A phone call was also made from the Donghai Shipyard to report the situation to the 052 Ship Headquarters far away in the capital. Immediately, some units related to the 052 Ship were almost alarmed.

The three iron and steel factories responsible for the smelting and production of the 052 ship's steel were also taken aback. They immediately sent people to the Donghai Shipyard to discuss countermeasures.

Commander-in-chief Huang Keping rejected all the meetings, and then rushed to Donghai Shipyard immediately. On the plane to Donghai City, he lost his temper more than once.

The low qualification rate of steel products is estimated to be beyond the expectations of many people!
Donghai Ship Design Institute.

Not long after Yang Fan returned to his office, he went to do some "private work" and went to his new house.

Jiang Dahai acted very quickly. He had only seen the new house two days ago, so he brought over the master mason and electrician. Several masters looked at the house, and Yang Fan also went to communicate with those masters and talked about his own Some requests and comments.

If there are no accidents, the renovation of the house can start in a few days.As for buying materials, Jiang Dahai took over.

For this reason, Yang Fan first gave him a few hundred yuan, and if it was not enough, he would continue to pay, and he would buy some of the materials back first.

It's great to have such a prospective father-in-law.

After returning, sitting on his office chair, Yang Fan thought so, and laughed happily.

After sitting for a while, I was about to go to the design rooms below to take a look at the finishing work of the design of the 052 ship, when the phone rang.

As soon as the phone was connected, Pan Jinfu's urgent voice came from inside, "Xiao Yang, come to my place right away."

Sensing Master Pan's urgency, Yang Fan's heart tightened slightly, and he guessed that there might be something wrong with the design of the 052 ship.

Not daring to be negligent, he put down the phone and headed towards Pan Jinfu's office.

Sure enough, something went wrong!
(End of this chapter)

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