Military Heavy

Chapter 152 Thanks to the Factory Number

Chapter 152 Thanks to the factory number (second update)

Master Pan's expression was a little dignified.

As soon as he entered the door, Yang Fan noticed it.

"The steel used for the 052 ship has quality problems, and the pass rate is very low. You go to the Donghai Shipyard first, and I will arrive later."

It turned out that there was a problem with the new steel that would be used in the construction of the first ship. Yang Fan suddenly thought that there was something wrong with the design of the 052 ship.

"Okay, I'll go to Donghai Shipyard immediately." Yang Fan said loudly.

Soon he left Chief Master Pan's office, went to the Model Office first, waved his hand and said, "Li Jun, you and I will go to Donghai Factory."

Without further ado, Li Jun immediately put down the things in his hands, followed Yang Fan and went out.

Then he went to the trolley class, and Yang Fan asked for a car, which was an army green jeep, and it was Wang Wei who drove it.

Before getting into the car, Yang Fan was slightly surprised.

Li Jun actually took the initiative to open the car door, and after asking Yang Fan to get in the car, he sat in the co-pilot's seat himself, with a very humble attitude.

Yang Fan nodded his approval and thought in his heart, Li Jun is good, especially his attitude towards himself is getting better and better. He just got in the car, and he paid special attention to opening the door first to let me get in the car.

Such comrades are not bad.

It's really comfortable to use.

It's just a little too humble, with a taste of flattery. If there is a chance in the future, I need to be reminded properly, there is no need to go too far.

In fact, Li Jun is grateful.

He knew very well in his heart that it was mainly because of Yang Fan that he was able to get a new house, otherwise, his whole family would continue to live in the small house.

While driving, Wang Wei looked at the rearview mirror and asked, "Director Yang, what's the matter? You are in a hurry, and it looks very urgent."

The two have a good relationship, and Yang Fan didn't hide it, and said truthfully: "The steel plates used to build the 052 ship have quality problems. Let's go over to see the situation first. After a while, Chief Pan and they will all go over."

Will Master Pan even go there in person?
Wang Wei immediately realized the seriousness of the problem, did not dare to take it lightly, concentrated on driving, and arrived at Donghai Shipyard at least 10 minutes earlier than usual, driving fast and steadily along the way.

After entering the Donghai Shipyard, Wang Wei asked: "Where should we go now, should we go to their office building or the production site?"

After thinking about it for a while, Yang Fan decided to meet Chen Shaohua first to understand the situation. In Master Pan's office, the information he knew was very limited.

Soon, the jeep arrived in front of the red office building of Donghai Shipyard.

After getting out of the car, Yang Fan waved to Li Jun to follow, then entered the office building, and soon opened the door and entered Chen Shaohua's office.

Chen Shaohua happened to be there.

In addition, there are Zhang Guoxin and Xie Xinjian.

Yang Fan knew each other well, and had a good impression of each other.

"Director Yang is here, please take a seat." Chen Shaohua greeted.

After a few polite words from everyone, Yang Fan began to ask about the specific situation, and Xie Xinjian introduced the current situation in detail.

What, the pass rate may only be 50.00%.

This even shocked Yang Fan, this is really a relatively low pass rate, which means that at least half of the steel products are unqualified.

The key is that qualified and unqualified steel materials are now mixed together and need to be detected and separated one by one. This workload is not ordinary.

While chatting about the situation of steel products, there was a knock on the door. A young man pushed the door in and reported: "Leader, Director Huang has arrived and has already gone to the steel material yard. Director Lu and the others are accompanying him."

Chen Shaohua got up immediately.

He waved his hand and said, "Let's go, let's go to the steel yard too."

A group of people left the office and went directly to the steel yard. Far away, Yang Fan saw a group of people, among them were Huang Keping and Lu Guodong.

Commander Huang's face was ugly, obviously he just lost his temper.

Yang Fan and the others walked over and stood beside him calmly, looking at the situation before talking.

Lu Guodong's complexion was also not good. He had just reported the quality of the steel, and now he took Commander Huang to look at the steel that had been put in place, including various thin plates, medium plates, and thick plates, as well as some spherical flat steel and so on.

There are already so many steel plates, and the lofting of the hull is very smooth. I thought that the next construction work would be very smooth, but I didn't know that there was a quality problem with the steel plates.

After a while, Zhong Jilei, the chief engineer of Donghai Iron and Steel Works, rushed over sweating profusely, and apologized as soon as he arrived.

"Commander, we have made a mistake in our work. We Donghai Iron and Steel Works are willing to accept any punishment. We admit everything."

The attitude is very good.

Huang Keping may have seen this attitude, but just snorted heavily, and surprisingly did not blame Donghai Iron and Steel Works.

In the afternoon, more people gathered at Donghai Shipyard, and even the person in charge of another steel factory rushed over.

There are three iron and steel companies that undertake the smelting and processing of the new steel types of the 052 ship, and the person in charge of another iron and steel company is probably on his way here in a hurry.

The person in charge is different from Zhong Jilei.

As soon as we arrived, there was a bit of justification, "Commander Huang, this new steel has many alloy elements and is very difficult to smelt. We have worked hard for many days and nights to smelt the first batch of steel."

Huang Keping got angry and scolded the person in charge bloody.

The steel stockyard has been visited, the material preparation workshop has also been visited, and the relevant responsible persons have almost arrived, and relevant meetings have begun to be held in Donghai Shipyard.

Chen Shaohua reported the situation on behalf of Donghai Shipyard. Immediately, many people looked solemn and realized the seriousness of the situation.

Huang Keping's face was also ugly.

Especially the comrades in the iron and steel plant, all of them lowered their heads, as if they had done something wrong, ashamed and dull.

As a brother unit and also a user unit, Lu Guodong couldn't bear to see the comrades in the iron and steel plant very depressed.

Help them say good things: "The quality of the steel has problems, and it is a new type of steel with many alloy elements and the difficulty of smelting."

Huang Keping snorted, but if you look closely, you can find that his face seems to have softened a little.

Chen Shaohua looked around the entire conference room and saw that the atmosphere was a little depressed, so he comforted everyone: "There are quality problems with steel, and not all of them are bad news. At least one situation is quite beneficial to us. .”

Oh, is there still such a situation?

Many people looked at Chen Shaohua, waiting for him to continue.

"Everyone, at the initial stage of steel smelting and production, Comrade Yang Fan, deputy director of the Type Office of the Donghai Shipyard, strongly suggested that in addition to marking furnace batch numbers, batch numbers and other information on each steel plate, it is also necessary to mark each steel factory. factory code."

This is not a request from Donghai Shipyard, the user unit, but from Yang Fan?
Some people who knew Yang Fan immediately turned their heads to look at Yang Fan who was sitting in the back row, and thought in their hearts, awesome!
Some people also said in their hearts, fortunately, the factory code was marked!
This suggestion is good, if there is no factory code, it will be troublesome.

A lot of eyes gathered on Yang Fan's body in an instant.

There is praise and envy!
Even Huang Keping glanced at Yang Fan several times, his original gloomy face seemed to be much better, and he nodded slightly to Yang Fan, his eyes full of praise.

Who is Yang Fan! ! !

Many people didn't know Yang Fan yet, so they hurriedly asked the people next to him. Immediately, the originally quiet conference room gradually became noisy, and more and more eyes were looking at Yang Fan.

At this moment, Yang Fan has become the absolute focus, the absolute center.

Wow, so young!

How young is a bit too much!
It was this young man who proposed early on that each steel plate should be marked with the factory code, thanks to him.

Yang Fan's face was flat and calm!
This kind of performance left a deep impression on many people, and many people immediately remembered this young man.

Pan Jinfu smiled.

Have a good laugh and be proud!
There is light on the face.

Yang Fan blushed again for him.

After about two or three minutes, after giving everyone enough time, Huang Keping raised his hand and pressed down, motioning for everyone to be quiet.

The originally noisy meeting room finally gradually quieted down again, and the meeting continued.

Chen Shaohua continued to speak, and he said loudly: "Because each steel plate is marked with the factory code, we can trace back to which factory and which furnace batch the problem originated from."

Without the factory mark, can you find out which steel factory each steel plate belongs to?

can be found out.

But it takes a lot of work, and we can only check slowly from the furnace batch number and mark number marked on the steel plate, according to the characteristics and differences of these marks.

Very time consuming!

What is lacking most now is time. Every piece of steel needs to be inspected, which would take a lot of time. It will take even more time to check the furnace batch number to find out which steel factory produced each steel plate.

Donghai Shipyard has started the construction of the first ship, and the hull lofting process is going on. The progress is very smooth, and no one wants the process to be stopped.

Especially the people of Donghai Shipyard, the last thing they want is a sudden stop in the construction work that has already started.

The commander-in-chief Huang Keping set the tone, and he said loudly: "The quality problem has already appeared. What we need to do now is to minimize the impact. At the very least, the construction work of Donghai Shipyard cannot be stopped."

"The comrades in the East China Sea Shipyard will work harder. Every steel plate must be inspected. We cannot allow any defective steel plate to be used on our 052 ship. The comrades in the steel factory and other related units will fully cooperate with the work of the East China Sea Shipyard. .”

Huang Keping talked a lot and arranged and deployed a lot of work.

after the meeting.

Everyone hardly left the Donghai Shipyard, and immediately put into work, and each steel plate was inspected for consultation, including performance inspection.

Yang Fan was no exception. He went to Donghai Shipyard almost every day for many days in a row.

(End of this chapter)

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