Military Heavy

Chapter 153 Design Your Own

Chapter 153 Design Your Own (Third Change)

The quality problem of the steel plate was finally solved.

In the material preparation workshop of Donghai Factory, workers are busy. So far, some samples have been made, including both material samples and processing samples.

A large car drove in slowly, and not long after it stopped, some workers began to use steel ropes to hang several steel plates on the car one by one.

Be careful, as if afraid of breaking it.

A production manager next to him directs and lifts the steel plate to the designated area, where there is a large multi-roller leveling machine.

These steel plates have to be straightened.

When steel is rolled in a rolling mill, due to uneven rolling, uneven cooling and shrinkage after rolling will cause deformation of the steel. In addition, improper loading, unloading, transportation, and storage of the steel will also cause local deformation of the steel.

Deformation is usually manifested as uneven surface, bending, twisting, wavy, etc., and it should be corrected before the number of materials to eliminate these deformations.

The 052 ship is a new generation of guided missile destroyer, which has stricter requirements on steel, and steel correction is an indispensable process.

All steel plates sent to the material preparation workshop are qualified steel plates after inspection, and all unqualified steel plates will be returned to their smelting factories for re-smelting and re-production.

In general, the thicker the plate, the easier it is to straighten.The thin plate is easy to deform and it is difficult to correct it.Steel plates with a thickness of more than 3 mm are usually straightened on a five-roll or seven-roll leveler, and steel plates with a thickness of less than 3 mm are usually straightened on a nine-roll, eleven-roll or more roll leveler.

The steel was shipped in several thick plates, and soon after, the first steel plate was straightened on the five-roller leveling machine.

The straightening went very smoothly, and many of the first steel plates were straightened to meet the requirements. Some workers began to clean and process the surface of the straightened steel plates to prepare for the next step.

Straightening of thin plates is much more difficult.

Part of the thin plates will be used on the 052 ship. In the afternoon, the first batch of qualified thin plates were sent to the material preparation workshop, and began to be straightened on the [-]-roller leveler.

Each thin plate was corrected two or three times.

Cao Jixiang is the squad leader and a seventh-level fitter. He personally inspects each thin plate that has been straightened by the leveler.

Seeing that a thin plate failed to meet the requirements after leveling it three times, he prepared to correct it by himself, and shouted loudly: "Xiao Liu, come and give me a hand, and help me lift this steel plate to the correction platform."

The seventh-level fitter is already a very powerful existence.

In this era, the highest rank seems to be the eighth-level fitter, and the entire Donghai Shipyard does not know if there are one or two fitters. There are too few fitters of that level.

Now fitters are generally divided into three levels: primary, intermediate, and advanced, and above that there are technicians and senior technicians.

The primary level generally corresponds to the previous first-level and second-level fitters, the intermediate level generally corresponds to the previous third-level and fourth-level fitters, and the advanced level corresponds to the fifth-level and sixth-level fitters.

Perhaps this correspondence is not exact.

Hearing the shout, Xiao Liu said happily, "Old Cao, you are going to show off your unique skills again."

Cao Jixiang smiled proudly, "This steel plate has not yet met the flatness requirements, I will manually adjust it on the platform."

After finishing speaking, he took a look at the steel plate first, then picked up the rubber hammer and tapped it. After beating for a while, he stopped to take a look, and then continued beating.

If he has a thicker steel plate, he will use an iron hammer, and put a wooden board under it. A rubber hammer can be used for this kind of thin plate.

After about half an hour.

He stopped in satisfaction. This steel plate, which did not meet the flatness requirements, was actually very flat after such a round of correction.

The steel plate is placed on this platform, which almost fits perfectly with the plane of the platform.

"Old Cao, amazing, really amazing!" Xiao Liu gave a thumbs up in admiration.

Several workers next to it came over, looked at the corrected steel plate, and praised it one after another.

"There are really two brushes."

"With Lao Cao here, I don't think there is a need for a leveling machine. His hands are more effective than any machine."

There was a burst of good-natured laughter all around.

This is of course just a joke. Although Cao Jixiang is powerful, his efficiency is far from comparable to that of a machine. With so many steel plates, it is impossible to correct each piece by hand.

in the office.

Chen Shaohua let out a long sigh of relief. He just came back from the steel storage yard. All the steel products have been inspected, and the unqualified ones were returned to the original steel factory, while the qualified ones were kept for the construction of the first ship.

A total of three iron and steel factories produce the steel required for the 052 ship. The pass rate varies from high to low. Among them, Donghai Iron and Steel Works has the highest pass rate. The pass rate of the steel delivered is above 70.00%. For military steel, it can be regarded as a good pass rate.

In addition to the inspection of all steel materials, the material preparation workshop has already started the processing and processing of steel materials, some steel materials have been straightened and leveled, and almost every piece of straightened steel has undergone surface cleaning or surface pretreatment.

Soon after, the numbering and cutting of hull steel will start.
Donghai Ship Design Institute.

In the morning, Yang Fan was relatively busy, and the design of the 052 ship was in the final stage, and Yang Fan needed to pay attention to some things to prevent chaos or mistakes during the busy schedule.

In the afternoon, it was relatively relaxed. After reading the two design drawings sent over, Yang Fan thought about it and planned to go to his new house to have a look.

Jiang Dahai's efficiency is still good. After finding a master, he has already started busy with the decoration of the house, and the construction has started two days ago.

The decoration of the house is not the same as it is now, with many places knocked out, but the original walls are kept as much as possible, and the quality of water pipes and wires is not bad. Yang Fan only asked the masters to make minor changes according to his requirements.

From Donghai Institute, it takes less than 10 minutes to walk to the employee family area. There are two such family areas, and the other one is a little further away. It may take nearly 10 minutes to walk.

This family area is also the largest one. There is a gate, and there is a gatekeeper at the gate. Walking along the main road, there are houses, generally about four or five floors, old and new. New homes built in recent years.

The two new buildings that were built last year were located a little further inside. Enter from the gate of the family area, and it took about five or six minutes to get downstairs.

It can be seen that some people are also doing renovations. There are some sand, gravel, cement and other things piled up on the flat ground in front of the building.

I went up to the third floor, and before I reached the door, I heard the movement inside. It was the voice of Jiang Dahai, who should be directing the master masons to do this and that.

Yang Fan smiled happily.

My heart is also warm.

My father-in-law-to-be is really caring, and he wholeheartedly helps me with the decoration of the new house, and even buys the materials himself.

"Uncle Jiang!"

As soon as he entered the door, Yang Fan greeted Jiang Dahai first, and then took out cigarettes, one for each of them, one for Jiang Dahai first, and then one for the decorators.

"Then everyone take a break and smoke a cigarette," Jiang Dahai ordered.

While smoking, he showed Yang Fan a tour, and introduced: "The wires and water pipes, including switches and faucets, are installed according to your requirements. Take a look and see if it is ok."

Yang Fan looked at it and felt very satisfied.

"Uncle Jiang, you have worked hard."

"No, no." Jiang Dahai quickly waved his hands, "As long as you and the girl live comfortably in the future, it doesn't matter if I am a little tired."

It can be close to the hearts of parents in the world.

No matter how hard it is, no matter how tired it is, it is all for the children.

Yang Fan was moved for a moment, and the image of Jiang Dahai grew up invisible in his mind. This is a very good elder.

In this era, the decoration of the house is still very different from that of today.

Not that much engineering.

Many places do not need decoration.

For example, the doors and windows are all finished, of course they are wooden doors and windows, and then painted, but there are no aluminum alloy doors and windows now, let alone stainless steel anti-theft windows.

There are even some people who don't decorate at all, buy some furniture, or ask a carpenter to build some furniture and put it on, and then they can move in.

Yang Fan is not used to that, so he did some water and electricity according to his own ideas, and then the floor must be tiled, and the kitchen and toilet also need to be renovated, especially the kitchen, and some cabinets are going to be made.

Yang Fan already had an idea of ​​how to make the cabinet, and this time he even brought a tape measure over, and after taking the measurements back, he drew a picture based on these dimensions.

Drawing pictures is Yang Fan's old profession.

Not only do you have to draw graphic design drawings, but you are also preparing to draw a few color renderings. It is not a big problem for a painter who is delayed by the ship business to draw a few color pictures.

Taking out the tape measure, he measured the size of the kitchen, the two bedrooms and the living room. Yang Fan basically knew how to design it.

Since it was going to be decorated, it had to be beautifully decorated to give Jiang Yan a big surprise.

In later generations, Yang Fan was used to seeing all kinds of mansions.

The conditions of the 80s cannot be compared with those of the 21st century, but the decorators should be able to basically achieve their own effects by drawing drawings based on experience and imagination.

The size is good and recorded in the book.

After the masonry is done, it is mainly carpentry work. Yang Fan does not want to buy furniture, but wants to hire a skilled carpenter to tailor it according to his own design requirements.

So, he asked: "Uncle Jiang, is there any carpenter with a better level, I will make a lot of furniture next."

After thinking for a while, Jiang Dahai said, "I know there is a Master Pan. His family has been doing carpentry for several generations. It's just that he is old. I don't know if he would like to come over. Let me ask for you."

The family has been carpenters for generations, so the level must be good.

Yang Fan became happy, "That's great, Uncle Jiang, thank you for your hard work."

Jiang Dahai smiled, as if to say, it's just a trivial matter.

(End of this chapter)

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