Military Heavy

Chapter 156 Start Cutting

Chapter 156 Start Cutting (Part [-])
Hull lofting is progressing smoothly.

Some steel plates have been pre-treated, such as corrections, such as surface cleaning, and so on.In the material preparation workshop, some workers have drawn lines on the steel plate, ready for cutting.

The cutting of steel is called "edge processing" in technical terms.

It mainly refers to the cutting and separation of the hull steel after the material, and the processing of the welding groove.Edge processing methods include mechanical cutting (shearing, punching, planing and milling, etc.), chemical cutting (gas cutting) and physical cutting (plasma cutting, laser cutting and water cutting, etc.).

Chen Shaohua personally went to the production site.

He was standing next to a cutting machine, and two workers were preparing to put a piece of steel plate that had already been marked on the cutting platform of the cutting machine, ready for cutting.

Donghai Shipyard does not have plasma cutting, but only one laser cutting machine, which can only cut thin plates, but cannot cut thicker steel plates. Gas cutting is generally used, mostly oxyacetylene.

The steel plate to be cut is placed on the platform of the cutting machine, fixed, and checked correctly. One of the workers turns on the switch, and the cutting nozzle sprays out thin, long flames.

Cutting begins.

This is a middle plate, and it is also the first steel plate cut by the first ship. Chen Shaohua looked very happy and watched the workers cut it in person.

The high-temperature flame sprayed onto the steel plate, easily cutting through the hard steel plate, and the flame nozzle moved slowly along the line drawn on the steel plate.

"Finally cut!"

"We officially cut the first steel plate, which is really exciting!"

"Look, the cutting speed is not slow, and the workers are very skilled!"


Behind Chen Shaohua stood several leaders, large and small. In addition, there were several technicians, production managers and so on.

Everyone watched the steel plate cutting with great interest, and joy appeared on all the faces.

If the lofting of the hull is just a virtual operation, then the cutting of the steel plate is a real operation, which is so real that the eyes can see it and the result can be seen.

Soon after, the first slit was cut, followed by the second, and the third.

In less than an hour, the steel plate was cut.

Together, two operators unloaded it from the cutting platform and placed it in the storage area next to it, and then put the second steel plate to be cut on the cutting platform.

The first steel plate is cut!
Chen Shaohua couldn't help but walked over and looked at it himself. Soon, other people gathered around and looked at the cut steel plate.

"Excellent cut quality!"

"Bevel processing is ready."


Everyone watched and commented.

After looking at it for a while, Chen Shaohua said: "Go to the next process, let's all take a look."

Soon, under the arrangement of a production manager, the steel plate was transported to the groove processing area. The workers first cleaned up the slag from the cutting seam, and then installed the steel plate on the fixture on the milling machine.

This is a large milling machine specially used for groove milling. It can process steel plates with a maximum length of three meters. There is no problem in processing this two-meter-long middle plate.

Including Chen Shaohua, everyone stood around the milling machine and kept a certain distance, so that they could see the processing of the bevel without hindering the work of the workers.

With so many leaders watching, including Chief Construction Engineer Chen, this worker was a little nervous, and Chen Shaohua seemed to see it.

He said in a calm tone, "Don't be nervous, we'll leave after finishing the beveling of the first board, and we won't be here to interfere with your work."

There was a burst of good-natured laughter all around.

Seeing Chen Shaohua's amiability, the workers immediately became less nervous and began to work seriously, meticulously.

The beveling of the steel plate is for the needs of welding.

Generally, mechanical planing or milling is used.

There are generally many types of grooves, such as I type, V type, U type and X type.What needs to be opened on this steel plate is an X-shaped groove.

It took nearly two hours from the preparation to the completion of the beveling of the first steel plate. Chen Shaohua did not leave at ease until he saw the beveling of this steel plate and the quality of the beveling. .

As the first steel plate started to be cut, in the following days, some steel plates entered the cutting process one after another, and some steel plates had already been beveled.

It is estimated that in a few days, there will be more steel plates for beveling, and these steel plates will be sent to the hull segment welding workshop.

Maybe in half a month, at most a month, the first ship of the 052 ship will enter the segmental welding of the hull, which is the manufacturing link with a large workload.

The combined workload of hull lofting, numbering, cutting, beveling, and even hull steel forming is probably not as large as that of segmental welding.

The 052 ship adopts Yang Fan's suggestion and uses the modular construction method of the general section. Before the construction of the berth, it needs to be welded in sections, and some sections are manufactured first.

Welding will also be the heaviest and most difficult processing method for the 052 ship.

Donghai Institute.

With the passage of time, the design work of the 052 ship has gradually come to an end, and basically all the design drawings have been drawn.

In a short time, it will enter the design review and acceptance of the 052 ship, and then tons of design drawings will be shipped to Donghai Shipyard.

Before the design review and acceptance, Donghai Shipyard still used the old method, sending some technicians over almost every week, drawing the design drawings they needed into sketches, and then bringing them back.

Today, Yang Fan doesn't have much to do.

Fifty miles away, Yang Fan would take the time to look at the decoration of his new house, and watched with his own eyes Mr. Pan and his team from sawing the wood to making the first piece of furniture. In a blink of an eye, more than ten days passed.

Taking advantage of the few things at hand and some free time, Yang Fan and Zhao Yulan greeted each other, and then left the Donghai Institute.

She knew that Yang Fan was busy with the decoration of the new house during this period of time, and Yang Fan always finished the work at hand before going to the new house, so Zhao Yulan usually turned a blind eye to it.

Soon they arrived at the new house, and there was no need to push the door, because the door was usually open. In the living room, the three old Master Pan were busy doing carpentry.

There are sawdust, shavings, and various carpentry tools all over the floor. There are almost two bedrooms. Each bedroom has a large bed, a wardrobe, and one bedroom has a large desk and a large bookcase.

Although the area of ​​this house is only more than [-] square meters, the two bedrooms are not too small, and they don't look crowded.

"Master Pan, you have worked hard."

As soon as they came in, Yang Fan greeted them and took out his cigarettes, one for each of them enthusiastically.

After receiving the cigarette, I don’t light it up to smoke. If I want to smoke, I usually go outside, because there are a lot of wood shavings inside, which is easy to catch fire.

Old Master Pan said: "It's just in time, the big desk has already been prepared for you, let's see if you are satisfied."

Hearing this, Yang Fan happily entered one of the bedrooms, and immediately saw the almost two-meter-long desk placed against the wall.

It hasn't been painted yet, showing the true color of the wood.

Yang Fan looked at it happily, and the more he watched, the more satisfied he was, and he also praised: "Master Pan, your craftsmanship is really good."

The desk is not only beautiful and beautiful, but also very strong.

The real materials are all thick wood boards, and most of them use the mortise and tenon technique, and rarely use nails and wood glue to stick them together.

Pulling out the drawer of the desk feels smooth and light, the sound is very small, and there is no slight stagnation.

This is a master!
A real master!
Where can I buy a desk of this quality in the market.

Yang Fan thought so in his heart, happy and at ease.

It didn't take long to watch, about half an hour before and after, and then Yang Fan left, because they were very relieved of Master Pan.

With the way it's going so far, everything will be ready in a little over a week and then ready for painting.

Don't worry about painting.

In the 80s, painting was the old profession of many carpenters, and they were fully capable of doing it, and Master Pan and the others were no exception.

Donghai Shipyard.

As some steel plates entered the cutting process one after another, some steel products began to be formed, and it became a matter of time to enter welding.

Engineering Department.

Several technicians in charge of welding were chatting about the topic of welding, and one of them said: "The construction of our first ship is progressing smoothly. It is estimated that we can start segmental welding in less than a month."

"That's for sure. It may not take a month. I estimate that the welding of some sections will start in about half a month."

A technician in charge of welding showed a worried look, and said slowly: "I am always worried that there will be problems in the welding process, and it is recommended to weld the test pieces as soon as possible. If there is a problem, it can be found and dealt with as soon as possible. "

Immediately, a technician next to him said: "There is nothing to worry about. Welding is a child's practice for our Donghai factory. We have accumulated decades of welding experience. What are you afraid of?"

This is true.

After the founding of New China, Donghai Shipyard has built various ships, including the Type 051 guided missile destroyer. It has rich welding experience and has also trained a large number of skilled welders.

This is why they are full of confidence and confidence.

in the office.

Chen Shaohua was chatting with the deputy chief builder Xie Xinjian about the construction of the first ship. The current construction is progressing smoothly, and both of them are in a good mood.

Xie Xinjian said: "I went to the material preparation workshop just now and saw it myself, and some steel plates have entered the cutting process, and there are more steel plates that can be welded after beveling."

Chen Shaohua nodded, and then said: "Notify the segmented construction workshop and ask them to start welding the test pieces as soon as possible. I am worried that something may go wrong during the welding process."

Problem with welding.

This should not be the case!

Xie Xinjian was stunned, "It's not a big deal if there is a problem. With our technical strength, it may not take long to solve it."

Unfortunately, Chen Shaohua hit the mark!
There was a big problem with the welding of the test pieces at the beginning of the 052 ship, which caught Donghai Shipyard by surprise, making it impossible to carry out segmental welding.

(End of this chapter)

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