Military Heavy

Chapter 157 "Eastern Sea Welding King"

Chapter 157 "Eastern Sea Welding King" (second update)
Before welding, the test piece is generally welded.

The test piece is generally made of the leftovers left over from steel plate cutting. It is made of the same material as the official workpiece to be welded. Each piece is the size of a palm and has a bevel. The two test pieces are put together for welding.

The purpose of a welded test piece is simple.

It is to verify whether the welding parameters are reasonable and whether there is any problem in the welding process before the formal welding. Once there is a problem, it can be rectified in time.

Wu Mingze is the welder with the best skills and the most experience in Donghai Shipyard. He is known as the "King of Welding in the East China Sea". When the workers joked in private, they also called him "Emperor Welding Wu".

This shows how high his welding level is.

This is a very good welder.

Chen Shaohua decided to start the welding of the test piece in advance, in case there is any problem in the welding process, there is time to deal with it, and there is still at least half a month before the official welding.

The task of welding the test piece was handed over to Wu Mingze by the segmental manufacturing workshop.

Wu Mingze was very happy and proud to receive the task.

The welding of the first ship of the 052 ship, the leaders gave him the task of welding the test pieces, which is not only a kind of trust and respect, but also a kind of honor.

The first weld of the first ship may be welded by Wu Mingze.

All afternoon, Wu Mingze was preparing for welding. Even though it was a test piece welding, he was not careless in the slightest. He still prepared for what should be prepared, and there were quite a few of them.

The next day, he entered the workshop early in the morning.

Many workers took the initiative to greet Wu Mingze with great enthusiasm, which also shows the status and prestige of Wu Mingze, who has superb welding skills, in everyone's minds.

"Master Wu, ready to weld the test pieces!"

"Old Wu, this is the first welding test piece for the lead ship of our 052 ship."

"Tsk tsk, it would be great if I welded the first test piece. It's a pity we don't have the skills of others."


In addition to the warm greetings of the workers, some people also expressed obvious envy in their words. Such words drifted into Wu Mingze's ears, and he smiled proudly.

The one who started it was Wu Mingze's apprentice Cao Ping. This is Wu Mingze's No. 11 apprentice. He is in his early 30s and his level is not bad.

"Master, everything is ready, I think it can be welded."

Seeing his apprentice's eagerness to try, Wu Mingze knew it well, and said with a smile, "Since you want to weld, you will weld the first test piece, and I will watch."


Cao Ping was overjoyed, and immediately picked up the welding torch in one hand and the shading mask in the other. As for the two test pieces, they had already been placed and everything was ready.

There are some workers watching, most of them are also electric welders.

Someone said loudly: "Cao Ping, be careful, don't screw up at the beginning."

There was a burst of good-natured laughter all around.

Cao Ping seemed to be used to the jokes of the workers, and he didn't mind at all, let alone get angry, so he put himself in a good position, took the welding torch and started welding.

A glare appears and the welding arc flickers.

The sound of sizzling welding is very obvious.

The surroundings suddenly became quiet, some people squinted their eyes for a little while, and more people temporarily looked away because of the glare.

The two test pieces are not big, and the length of the weld seam formed by putting them together is less than 200. The welding is completed at once, and it does not take a few minutes.

After the welding was completed, Cao Ping had a strange expression on his face.

He didn't need to look, he knew he had screwed up just by feeling, that the welding must have been bad.

"Cao Ping, how are you doing?"

"Is it not welded well? It doesn't matter. There is a test piece next to it. Just weld it again."


There was another burst of good-natured laughter all around. Many people noticed Cao Ping's expression and knew that he hadn't welded well, so they were joking.

Cao Ping blushed slightly, feeling very humiliated.

He lowered his head and said, "Master, I haven't welded well. This material seems to be different from the steel we usually weld."

Of course it will be different.

This is the latest type of military steel.

Knowing this well, Wu Mingze didn't blame Cao Ping, but nodded slightly, and let Cao Ping try it, mainly to let him feel it and practice his hands.

Wu Mingze walked over wearing gloves, picked up the test piece, looked carefully, and many welders surrounded him.

How about welding?

Not really.

No wonder Cao Ping had a strange expression on his face.

The appearance is not beautiful, not the kind of beautiful fish scale welding, there is a place where there is obviously no penetration.

The welders next to them shook their heads one after another, thinking in their hearts that the welding quality is really not that good.

Feeling everyone's eyes, Cao Ping's face was hot, but he was not convinced, and said dissatisfied in his heart, "You can do what you want."

But I just dare to think about it in my heart, Cao Ping doesn't dare to be presumptuous when his master is here.

Wu Mingze looked at the test piece and said, "I will weld the next test piece, and you will watch from the side."

Cao Ping nodded and quickly stood aside.

Wu Mingze did it himself, took two test pieces and set them up, picked up the welding torch, picked up the welding mask, and was ready to start welding.

Immediately, there were even more people watching.

Someone even shouted loudly, "Everyone, come quickly, Master Wu will weld the test pieces by himself. There are not many opportunities like this, so come and have a look."

We are all welders, of course we want to see the demeanor of the masters.

There is a circle of people around, most of them are welders, and some are fitters. In short, they are basically workers in the sub-section welding workshop.

Everyone quieted down and watched Wu Mingze start.

I saw that Wu Mingze was proficient and methodical, and so many people seemed to be accustomed to seeing it, so he picked up the welding torch and started welding.

The welding arc shines.

After a while, the arc dies and he's done welding.But he didn't put down the welding torch in his hand immediately, just held it in the air like this, thoughtfully.

Through welding with his own hands, he has already felt that this new type of military steel is obviously different from those welded before.

First of all, it feels obviously different.

In addition, it seems that the difficulty of welding has increased.

Seeing that Wu Mingze didn't move, and seemed to be thinking about something, the surrounding workers couldn't help it, and someone asked loudly.

"Well, how is the welding?"

"It's really frustrating."

Some people were also commenting softly, "Master Wu will not miss it too."

"Impossible, how could Master Wu miss it? He is the Welding King of our Donghai Shipyard, a veritable Emperor of Welding Martial Arts."

Wu Mingze seemed to have not heard the discussions around him at all. After pondering for a while, he said slowly: "Comrades, welding of this kind of steel is very difficult. When you weld in the future, you must strictly follow the process parameters. Take it easy."

How is the welding going?

Some people couldn't help walking over, and began to look at the welded test piece seriously, and suddenly, there were bursts of praise.

"Wow, that's a beautiful weld!"

"It's a standard fish scale weld, with penetration on both sides."

"As expected of our Welding King."


Seeing this test piece, some people couldn't help praising it, couldn't help but admire it, and admired Wu Mingze's level very much. The appearance alone convinced many people.

But Wu Mingze behaved very strangely.

Facing the praise and envy of the workers, he didn't respond, but instead showed a dignified expression, probably still thinking about the welding just now.

He said loudly, "Xiao Cao, bring a lamp over here."

Cao Ping immediately brought a lamp over.

Wu Mingze picked up the test piece, knocked off the coating on the surface of the weld, and looked carefully under the light.

As an experienced welder, he knows that it is useless to have a beautiful weld seam. There must be no welding cracks and must meet the inspection requirements.

Welding inspection needs to go to a special inspection room, and special instruments and equipment are needed. Now what he wants to see is whether there are welding cracks.

After reading it for a while, Wu Mingze sighed softly.

There are weld cracks.

There are two in total, which are inconspicuous at all, very small and short, if you are not an experienced welder, you really can't see it.

There are cracks, of course not!

Wu Mingze pointed to the weld seam on this test piece, "Have you all seen it? There are two micro-cracks here, which must be unqualified."

Are there really two tiny cracks?
Someone looked at Wu Mingze in disbelief, never expecting that even the Welding King of Donghai Factory would miss, what would happen.

Could it be that Lao Wu drank too much wine last night and is out of shape today.

I quickly remembered that Wu Mingze didn't seem to drink alcohol.

What the hell is going on here? ? ?

Wu Mingze ignored the reactions of the workers, but prepared to weld another test piece to see if the same problem existed.

Soon, he started welding the second test piece.

After a while, the test piece is welded.

After tapping the coating on the weld, and carefully inspecting it again under the light, Wu Mingze's face sank because he saw that there were still cracks in the weld.

The third test piece, the fourth test piece.
This morning, Wu Mingze welded a total of six test pieces, without exception, all had welding cracks, which made his heart sink to the bottom.

After the sixth test piece was welded, he did not continue welding, because he knew that it would be a waste of time and a waste of test pieces to continue welding.

After he stopped welding, Wu Mingze was mainly wondering where the problem was?

Is there a problem with the material, or the welding wire or electrode, or the welding method is wrong...

He began to think seriously and began to find out where the problem was.
The news of Donghai Welding King's failure spread quickly. It first reached the leaders of the sub-section welding workshop, and then reached the chief builder Chen Shaohua.

Hearing this news, Chen Shaohua also showed a dignified look. He had always had a premonition that something might go wrong in the welding, and it really did go wrong.

What's worse, the problem is still in Wu Mingze's hands.

If other welders had welding cracks, Chen Shaohua would not be so worried, because there is Wu Mingze, the welding king.

As long as Wu Mingze is involved, there will definitely be a chance to solve this problem. It has always been like this before.

now what.
(End of this chapter)

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