Military Heavy

Chapter 159 Tried all kinds of methods

Chapter 159 Tried all kinds of methods (fourth)

In my memory, the first ship of the 052 ship seems to have encountered a welding crack problem at the beginning of its construction, and this problem was not resolved until a long time later.

As for how to solve it, I can't remember for a while.

Because Yang Fan did not participate in the design of the 052 ship, nor did he participate in the construction of the 052 ship. Before his rebirth, Yang Fan participated in the design of the 055 large drive, and also participated in the design of the first aircraft carrier of the Republic.

For the 052 ship, I only know some things from some materials and from the mouths of some old seniors. I really don't know how to solve the welding crack in the end.

The 052 ship uses a new type of steel.

The application research time of this new steel grade was too short, less than two years, many people had no idea what problems would arise in the future.

Now, the first problem arises, and that is the matter of weld cracks.

After thinking about it for a long time, he couldn't remember how to solve the problem of welding cracks. Simply, Yang Fan didn't think about it anymore.

Tomorrow, I will go to Donghai Shipyard to have a look.

The next day.

Chen Shaohua arrived as promised and came to pick up Yang Fan in person. The two left Donghai Station in that black car and headed for Donghai Shipyard.

Chen Shaohua didn't seem to be in a high mood, he didn't talk much, and he hardly spoke along the way.

When they arrived at Donghai Shipyard, the two went directly to the segmented manufacturing workshop. As soon as they entered, Yang Fan was slightly surprised, thinking in his heart, there are so many people.

There were indeed a lot of people around.

Except for a small number of onlookers, there are basically welding technicians, production management personnel, and some leaders, large and small.

Xie Xinjian, the deputy chief builder, was there.So many people surrounded a circle, and the center of the circle was Wu Mingze, the welding king of Donghai Factory.

"Old Chen, Director Yang."

Seeing the two people coming, Xie Xinjian greeted them proactively, and the onlookers also stepped aside, and the two walked in.

Yang Fan was shocked again!
Welded so many test pieces.

There are not a hundred, but at least dozens of them. So many test pieces are piled up together, a relatively large pile, which attracts Yang Fan's attention.

Walking over and picking up one of the test pieces, Yang Fan looked at it carefully, and then sighed softly. There were micro-cracks in the weld seam on the test piece, which was the same as the test piece Chen Shaohua had shown him.

Chen Shaohua asked, "Why are you welding the test piece again? Have you found the problem?"

Engineering Technology Minister Zheng Xianxue shook his head bitterly, "I still haven't found out what the problem is. Our Engineering Technology Department has formulated several welding methods. No, let Master Wu try it and verify it."

Turns out it still didn't solve the problem.

Chen Shaohua was disappointed for a while.

After a while, Wu Mingze finished welding another test piece. He looked frustrated and shook his head helplessly, "There are still welding cracks."

Hearing this situation, the atmosphere at the scene became low.

Even Yang Fan felt the solemnity, feeling very depressed.

Wu Mingze reminded: "According to my many years of welding experience, the problem is not the welding rod or the welding wire. As for the specific problem, I am also very puzzled."

After watching for a while.

A truck drove in from the gate and stopped not far away, where the ingredients storage area of ​​the sub-manufacturing workshop was.After cutting and beveling in the material preparation workshop, the steel plates that have reached the welded state are transported and generally stacked there.

There, the stacked steel plates have gradually increased.

If there is no problem with the welding, after the steel plates are delivered, they must be allocated immediately, and welding of certain sections will start.

But now?

All that's left is heaviness.

Seeing another batch of welded steel plates being delivered, some people sighed softly, and the director of the segmental manufacturing workshop showed an even more anxious look on his face.


The steel plate is already in place, but it cannot be welded because it cannot be moved.

Chen Shaohua looked at the batch of steel plates that were delivered, probably feeling uncomfortable, and decided in a low tone: "For the time being, we will not weld the test pieces, and the Engineering Technology Department will take the lead. We will hold a meeting to discuss it, and I will also participate."

So, not long after, Donghai Shipyard held a technical meeting again to discuss the problem of welding cracks. Yang Fan sat in the meeting room at Chen Shaohua's request and listened to the whole meeting.

This is real "listening", and Yang Fan rarely speaks.

During the meeting, Chen Shaohua said, Director Yang, do you have any good suggestions and opinions on the problem of welding cracks?

Yang Fan smiled and answered modestly. In this respect, he can only be regarded as a layman, and he has not found the problem yet.

Yang Fan is not a god, nor is he omnipotent. He just has seen a lot of welding and has a certain understanding. His professional knowledge may not be as good as that of some technicians in Donghai Factory.

It's really humble.

Seeing what Yang Fan said, Chen Shaohua didn't force it, but there seemed to be a little disappointment in his eyes, and he probably held some hope.

He believes that Yang Fan is so powerful and has helped Donghai Shipyard solve so many problems before, maybe there is a solution to the problem of welding cracks.

But this time, Yang Fan really didn't.

Feeling Chen Shaohua's eyes, Yang Fan could only smile apologetically, and said in his heart, Mr. Chen, I really have no choice.

The meeting lasted for over an hour.

After the meeting, the technical system of Donghai Shipyard took action again, and still started various attempts, using different welding parameters and different welding methods, and conducting experiments one by one.

This is the only way, and everyone hopes that this method will work.

As long as a certain welding method or a certain welding parameter does not cause welding cracks, it is successful, and all subsequent welding of this steel will use this welding parameter or welding method.

In the afternoon, Yang Fan returned to Donghai Institute.

In the next two or three days, Yang Fan did not go to Donghai Shipyard again.On the one hand, the problem cannot be solved even if I go there, on the other hand, there are some things at hand, and I cannot leave them temporarily.

Until Pan Jinfu found Yang Fan.

"Xiao Yang, the issue of welding cracks in the Donghai factory has reached the top management, and the higher-ups are very concerned about it. They have mobilized several authoritative experts in welding to arrive at the Donghai factory. They will hold a meeting in the afternoon to discuss welding cracks. You will attend on behalf of our company. "

"Okay." Yang Fan nodded.

Pan Jinfu specifically warned: "Welding cracks are a subversive problem, and there is no possibility of giving in. You must know this."

"I know that I will not represent the design unit to give in to welding cracks." Yang Fan replied.

In the afternoon, a special meeting was held at Donghai Factory.

In addition to the people from Donghai Factory, there were also two welding experts who were invited, as well as people from the military, people from the Military Industry Bureau, and people from the 052 Ship Headquarters.

Yang Fan participated in this meeting on behalf of the design unit of Donghai Ship Design Institute.

The meeting was very intense and lasted a whole afternoon.

Dinner was eaten at the Donghai Shipyard, and after dinner, it was open until more than ten o'clock in the evening. After the meeting, everyone stayed at the guest house at the Donghai Shipyard.

Yang Fan didn't go back either.

It was decided at the meeting that everyone would go to the production site early tomorrow morning and try out several welding methods formulated by the experts.

The next day, early in the morning.

Yang Fan got up, had breakfast with everyone in the hostel, and then went to the segmental welding workshop to try the welding methods that were braked at the meeting.

When everyone arrived at the welding site, Wu Mingze came earlier. He was already ready for welding, and knowing that welding experts had been invited from outside, he had confidence and was eager to try.

One of the experts is gray-haired, nearly seventy years old, and wears reading glasses. He is a professor and doctoral supervisor of a certain university, and he was specially invited here.

He personally directed Wu Mingze.

Under the guidance of this expert, Wu Mingze began to try a brand-new welding method, and he was very careful, not daring to be careless.

All around suddenly quiet down.

There was only the sound of "sizzling" welding, no one dared to make a loud noise, and almost all held their breath, as if it would affect Wu Mingze's welding if he was not careful.

The test piece is not big, the weld seam is not long, and Wu Mingze's technique is excellent, so it didn't take long for the welding to be completed. The old professor looked at the weld seam and nodded in satisfaction.

The welds are very beautiful, very standard fish scale welding.

Of course, he knows that it is useless to be beautiful, and the performance requirements after welding must be met, especially the mechanical properties.

"Finally the welding is done!"

"I don't know how the welding quality is."

Seeing the completion of the welding, the originally quiet site finally became lively, and many people were full of expectations, hoping that the welding would pass this time.

Chen Shaohua also placed great hopes, but he was very nervous. Although he didn't show it on his face, his mood at the moment could be seen from his secretly clenched fists.

Hope it works!

There must be no further welding cracks.

Chen Shaohua prayed in his heart, and also walked over, looking at this piece of test piece that had just been welded, other people were similar, and surrounded it one after another.

Many pairs of eyes focused on this small test piece.

Yang Fan was no exception, he looked at this small test piece seriously and carefully.

He exclaimed in his heart, the welding is really beautiful, Wu Mingze really has two brushes, he is worthy of being the welding king of Donghai Shipyard.

"Bring the lamp," the old professor said loudly.

Soon, a flashlight was handed over. He was holding the flashlight, wearing reading glasses, and took out a prepared magnifying glass from his pocket, looking carefully.

The originally noisy surroundings suddenly quieted down.

Many people were nervous and very worried that the old professor shook his head and said that there were welding cracks.

After a long time, under the tense and expectant eyes of everyone, the old professor said: "There should be no cracks, at least no cracks have been found on the surface of the weld."

Hearing this, the atmosphere lightened.

Chen Shaohua, who seemed calm on the surface, let out a sigh of relief, let go of his tightly clenched fists, and more than half of his hanging heart fell down.

Some young workers and technicians were even more exaggerated, and couldn't help shouting excitedly, and some people felt their eyes were a little moist.

Finally, there are no cracks, and finally the welding is successful!
However, what the old professor said next made many people feel nervous, nervous and worried.

(End of this chapter)

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