Military Heavy

Chapter 160 The problem lies in an unremarkable thing

Chapter 160 The problem lies in an unremarkable thing (fifth more)
There was a lot of excitement all around.

Some shouts of joy reached the old professor's ears, but he didn't seem to be affected, and there was no slight look of relief on his face.

Seeing many people like this, he had to remind: "It is still too early to succeed. Although there are no cracks on the surface, it is still unknown whether there are cracks in the weld, whether there is penetration, and whether there are other problems. .”

Hearing this, the scene became quiet again.

The old professor asked: "Director Chen, you should have a special testing laboratory, and now you need to test this sample."

Chen Shaohua quickly said: "Yes, we have a professional testing laboratory."

Welding occupies a large proportion in the shipbuilding process. As a century-old military shipbuilding enterprise, Donghai Shipyard does have such a laboratory.

The next thing to do is to test the test piece, the most important of which is to test the mechanical properties, such as whether the tensile strength meets the requirements.

A group of people left the segmented welding workshop and went to the welding testing laboratory together, while more people stayed here, waiting for news.

It is impossible for all the people to rush to the laboratory, only seven or eight people went, including Yang Fan, and Chen Shaohua walked in the front.

At this moment, his heart was up and down.

I hope that the welding will be successful, but I am afraid that the welding will fail.

Several technicians in the laboratory began to get busy. Everyone stood by and watched all this quietly. Some people may have started to pray in their hearts.

Never go wrong.

Must succeed!


A loud noise made many people tremble. This is the tensile test of the specimen. The two steel plates welded together must meet the requirements of mechanical properties and meet certain tensile properties.

Several technicians shook their heads lightly, the test piece did not meet the requirements.

Even if the results were not announced, many people already knew, and their expressions darkened, especially Chen Shaohua, who was extremely disappointed.

Yang Fan noticed Chen Shaohua's reaction and patted him on the shoulder lightly to show comfort.

Yang Fan didn't want to see this kind of result either.

Like Chen Shaohua, he also hopes that the welding will be successful, thoroughly, and solve the problem of welding cracks as soon as possible, and then start the welding of each segment as soon as possible.

The ideal is plump, but the reality is skinny.

Welding is still unsuccessful.

The old professor also had a serious expression on his face. He held the test piece that had been broken in two, and carefully looked at the broken weld seam, frowning slightly, probably thinking about where the problem lies.

"You all have a look. Although there is no problem on the surface of the weld, there are still cracks inside, and this crack is quite obvious."

Hearing this, everyone looked at it, and some people's faces were a little ugly.

A group of people walked out of the laboratory dejectedly, no one said a word, just walked in a muffled voice, and walked into the segmental welding workshop again.

Here, there are bad people waiting for news.

Just now, they were all talking about the welding, each of them was full of hope, and they basically judged that the welding should be successful.

Therefore, most people are in a good mood, and the obvious relaxed color can be seen on their faces.

Seeing Chen Shaohua and a group of people coming in, a technician greeted them excitedly, full of hope, and asked loudly, "Mr. Chen, how did the result go?"

This also asked everyone's thoughts, and everyone wanted to know what the result was.

Is it qualified or not qualified?

Facing the question, Chen Shaohua sighed softly, not knowing how to answer for a while.

Finally, everyone noticed Chen Shaohua's expression, and looked at the other people who came back from the laboratory, and their hearts sank immediately.

Don't ask, just look at the look and you will know that the result is definitely not ideal.

The originally joyful and relaxed atmosphere quickly dissipated, replaced by a kind of dignified, oppressive and depressed.

Facing failure is painful.

Absolutely not.

Seeing everyone like this, Yang Fan comforted: "Don't be disappointed, everyone, let's try again and strive for success next time."

In this way, some people feel a little better.

The second welding started again, still under the guidance of the old professor, and Wu Mingze himself welded. This time, some welding parameters were changed.

After a while, the soldering is complete.

The surface quality of the test piece was still good, and there were no defects visible to the naked eye. Some people were happy, but a pot of cold water was soon poured down.

The test piece was sent to the testing laboratory for testing and found that it was still unqualified and there were still cracks. This was a big blow to everyone and morale was low.

the whole day.

Basically, it is spent in the cycle of welding the test piece, testing the test piece, changing the welding method and parameters, rewelding, and testing again.

Still has been unsuccessful.

Chen Shaohua was not in a good mood at all, and Yang Fan was also affected. He returned to Donghai Institute a little depressed, lying on the bed in his dormitory, not wanting to move at all, not even thinking of going to the cafeteria to eat.

Historically, welding cracks appeared in the construction of the first ship of the 052 ship, and it took a long time to solve it. How was this problem finally solved?

Yang Fan searched for the memory in his mind.

If you can remember how to solve this problem in history, then the current welding problem can be easily solved, because you can copy the ready-made "homework".

Unfortunately, I haven't been able to remember it.

The next day, Yang Fan still planned to go to Donghai Shipyard to take a look, because the current welding crack problem is a big problem, and if this problem is not solved, Yang Fan can't let go of his heart.

Once again to the East China Sea Shipyard.

When he saw Chen Shaohua, Yang Fan was startled. He didn't see him all night. He seemed to have aged a lot all of a sudden, his wrinkles had deepened, his gray hair had increased, his originally rosy face had turned gray, and his spirit had deteriorated a lot. .

"Mr. Chen."

I wanted to say a few words of comfort, but seeing Chen Shaohua like this, I really didn't know what to say.

Chen Shaohua said in a low tone: "Last night I didn't fall asleep all night, I kept thinking about the welding crack."

"Director Yang, is this new steel type of our 052 ship not suitable for welding at all? It is not suitable for building ships at all."

Yang Fan was stunned.

I didn't expect Chen Shaohua to have such doubts, it was really scary.

Quickly explained: "The superiority of this new steel type is beyond doubt. It is very suitable for the construction of ships. This steel type is not only corrosion-resistant, but also has high strength. It is the best choice for us to build the 052 ship."

"But." Chen Shaohua said, "But practice has proved that it is not suitable for welding at all. A steel that cannot be welded is not suitable for the construction of the 052 ship at all."

Yang Fan comforted: "It can be welded. The welding cracks encountered so far are only temporary. I firmly believe that we can finally solve this problem."

After explaining and comforting Chen Shaohua, Yang Fan asked, "All the experts go back."


Chen Shaohua said, "Some left last night, and some left this morning. They said they would go back and think about it, check some information, and come back when they have a solution."

That's it.

This means, don't expect experts to help you solve the problem in a short time, and the construction of the first ship of the 052 ship can't afford to be delayed. No wonder Chen Shaohua didn't fall asleep all night, as if he had aged a lot all of a sudden.

"Come on, let's go to the segmented manufacturing workshop to take a look." Yang Fan suggested.

If the welding problem is not solved, segmental manufacturing cannot be carried out, and a lot of work has come to a standstill. Chen Shaohua currently has few things on hand, and the most important thing is to solve the welding crack.

He nodded and said, "Okay, let's go there and have a look."

Not long after, the two walked into the segmented manufacturing workshop.

Compared with yesterday, here is a world of difference.

There were a lot of people here yesterday, but today, there are a lot fewer people, it seems a little quiet and deserted, and the huge workshop is empty.

Chen Shaohua said in a low voice: "Segmented manufacturing cannot be carried out. The workers in the workshop have no work to do. Some rest at home, and some smoke and chat in the lounge of the workshop."

Gently nodding his head, Yang Fan saw Wu Mingze and his apprentice Cao Ping, who seemed to be playing with something.

"Let's go, let's take a look at Master Wu." Yang Fan waved.

Chen Shaohua and Yang Fan came to Wu Mingze.

Obviously, as the welding No.1 of Donghai Shipyard, Wu Mingze is not discouraged at all even in the face of so many failures, and he is not convinced at all.

I have always had an idea that we must overcome the difficulty of welding cracks.

He and his apprentice did not weld the test piece for the time being, but fiddled with a thing, which was the pad for welding.

We all know that when two steel plates are put together for welding, a metal liner is usually placed underneath.

In Donghai Shipyard, welding pads are generally placed on the back side between two steel plates during the welding process to ensure that the welding is in place and the weld seam is smooth.
The welding of the test piece this time is not an exception, and it is also covered with a metal backing.

Chen Shaohua asked a little puzzled: "Old Wu, what are you doing with this thing? It's just a welding pad. What's there to play with?"

Wu Mingze replied: "There is no problem with the welding rod, welding wire, welding method and parameters. I have been thinking, where is the problem? Is it related to this small pad?"

"It's just an inconspicuous thing, and it won't affect welding." Chen Shaohua said firmly.


How could such a thing affect the welding crack?

After fiddling with it for a while, Wu Mingze welded a test piece himself, and found that there were still cracks in the weld seam. He sighed softly, feeling disappointed for a while.

As for Yang Fan, he was thoughtful.

He seemed to remember something, but he couldn't remember it for a while, and was stunned for a long time, staring at this inconspicuous pad in a daze.

It wasn't until Wu Mingze finished welding a test piece and shook his head and sighed there that Yang Fan came back to his senses. His previous depression and depression were swept away, and even his eyes almost shone.

I remembered!

Finally remembered!

Yang Fan was almost so happy that he wanted to jump up, wanted to shout loudly, but he controlled his boundless joy, but the look of joy appeared on his face, and the excitement could not be concealed in his eyes.

Unintentionally noticing Yang Fan's reaction, Chen Shaohua was slightly taken aback, and quickly said: "Director Yang, what's wrong with you, are you okay?"

At this moment, Chen Shaohua was puzzled!

Why is our Director Yang suddenly acting like this?

It's like winning a lottery, so happy!
It can't be that there is a mental problem.

If he knew that Chen Shaohua thought so, Yang Fan would definitely refute with a smile, "Old Chen, you have a mental problem, you are crazy."

Why is Yang Fan so happy all of a sudden?
That's because I finally remembered that I once chatted with an old technician in charge of the construction of the 052 ship, and I just talked about welding cracks.

The old technician was over 70 years old and had retired long ago. He also unintentionally talked about the new type of steel used in Type 052 always cracking during test welding.

After chatting for a while, he also said with a smile that no one thought that the problem was actually on the inconspicuous pad.

Finally remembered the problem, no wonder Yang Fan was so happy, even the excitement in his eyes could not be concealed.

"Mr. Chen, I think, I already know where the problem is!"

Chen Shaohua stared blankly at Yang Fan!

The same is true for Wu Mingze's master and apprentice, they all looked at Yang Fan!

That's all for today's update, and it's the fifth update again. I ask everyone for monthly tickets, recommendation tickets, collections, etc. for support.

In addition, let’s talk about the update, there is no manuscript saved, and the normal update will resume tomorrow, basically three changes a day, [-] words, and the update usually starts around [-] o’clock in the evening.

(End of this chapter)

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