Military Heavy

Chapter 161

Chapter 161
All eyes were on Yang Fan.

It was very quiet all of a sudden!

After several seconds, Chen Shaohua asked in a trembling voice: "Do you really have a way to solve this welding crack problem?"

He knew Yang Fan well.

Knowing that Yang Fan is steady and doesn't brag, if he didn't have a certain degree of certainty, he wouldn't say that. Just because he knew this, hope suddenly rose in his heart, and he even trembled when he spoke.

Solving the current problem of welding cracks is something he dreams of.

Last night, because of this problem, he tossed and turned, unable to sleep all the time, the pressure in his heart was great, his heart was burning with anxiety, and he was extremely anxious.

Now, it seems that I have seen hope all of a sudden!
Yang Fan nodded lightly, and said confidently: "I think I have found the root of the problem, we will find out after we try it."


Very good!
God bless!

In an instant, Chen Shaohua was so pleasantly surprised and excited that he almost held Yang Fan's hand tightly, wishing to quickly try how to solve the problem of welding cracks.

"Then give it a try." Chen Shaohua waved his hand.

For the problem of welding cracks, he racked his brains and stayed up all night. Wu Mingze also wanted to know where the problem was.

"Director Yang, you are here to guide me. I will weld as you say." Wu Mingze said.

Yang Fan nodded, pointed to the welding pad and said: "I think the problem lies in the welding pad. I have carefully looked at your welding, and think that the pad is not well-placed. Between the pad and the welded steel plate The gap is relatively large, and it must be tightly matted, and it is best not to have a little gap."

Is it really a padding issue?
Wu Mingze was thoughtful.

He also had doubts about the gasket, but after fiddling with it for a long time and welding the test piece himself, there were still welding cracks. As for the gasket must be tightly packed without any gaps, he did not do it specially.

Cao Ping next to him obviously doubted this, and reminded: "Director Yang, the liner is not necessary when welding. There are some steels, and we can weld well even if we pull the liner apart. This new steel type is welded. I don’t think there should be much difference between using a pad or not.”

Yang Fan shook his head lightly.

If it was before, he would not have doubted the inconspicuous lining. Now, he finally remembered how the welding cracks were generated at the beginning of the construction of the first ship of the 052 ship, and how to solve them. The problem lies in this lining. Pad.

Chen Shaohua obviously had great trust in Yang Fan, and decided: "Don't talk so much, Master Wu, just follow what Director Yang said, and try welding a test piece."


Wu Mingze nodded in agreement, and he really wanted to try to see if the problem was really the pad.Therefore, he arranged the test piece according to Yang Fan's request, and used gaskets to make sure that it was very tight, with almost no gaps, before he picked up the welding torch.

The sound of welding sounded again, and the arc was shining, very bright and dazzling.

The scene was very quiet, no one made a sound, no one spoke.

After a while, Wu Mingze finished welding, put down the welding torch, put down the welding mask, and looked at the welded test piece.

During the welding process just now, he seemed to have a slight feeling, as if it was different from before, and a strong hope quickly rose in his heart.

After a while, when the test piece was almost cooled, Wu Mingze picked up the test piece with gloves on, and carefully looked at it under the light.

Chen Shaohua, Yang Fan and Cao Ping all came over, all focused their eyes on this test piece, carefully watching the weld seam on it.

The weld seam is still very beautiful, standard fish scale welding.

It is worthy of being the welding king of Donghai Factory!
This level is really extraordinary.

After watching for a long time, joy appeared on the faces of several people, and Cao Ping shouted loudly, "There are no cracks, there are no cracks, it's amazing!"

Just move the pad!
It's just that it's tightly matted.

The effect is so good, immediate effect!

The welding crack that has always existed, he actually disappeared.

Chen Shaohua smiled happily.

Wu Mingze also let out a long sigh of relief.

Yang Fan suggested; "To be on the safe side, let's weld two more test pieces according to the method just now, and see if they all have the same effect."

"Yes, yes, weld two more test pieces." Chen Shaohua strongly agreed.

Soon, Wu Mingze picked up the welding torch again. It didn't take long for the two test pieces to be welded. Everyone carefully looked at the two test pieces again under the light.

"Still no cracks found!"

"It's unbelievable!"


After a burst of joy and excitement, at least half of everyone's hanging heart was relieved. In order to be more on the safe side, Yang Fan suggested: "Take these three welded test pieces, let's go to the testing laboratory and test them carefully. some."

"Yes, yes." Chen Shaohua raised his hands in agreement again.

So, the four of them took the three test pieces to the testing laboratory and started a series of professional tests.

Pull up test passed!
Bending test passed!
Microscopic examination passed.
A series of professional testing, all qualified!

Immediately, cheers erupted in the testing laboratory, especially the technicians who participated in the testing, jumping and shouting, looking extremely excited.

As for Chen Shaohua, no one is more happy than him. The stone in his heart has completely disappeared, and the welding is qualified, which means that the blocker has been successfully removed. Next, the sub-section manufacturing workshop can carry out welding, and can carry out the construction of each section of the first ship. manufacture.

His eyebrows were completely stretched out. He seemed to be younger after a lot of age, and his gray complexion gradually turned rosy.

Full of red, full of energy!
As for Yang Fan, he also smiled happily, and the problem of welding cracks was finally solved.

News spread quickly.

When Lu Guodong received the call, without further ado, he put down everything at hand and arrived at the testing laboratory as quickly as possible.

Holding Yang Fan's hand tightly, he said gratefully: "Comrade Yang Fan, on behalf of Donghai Shipyard, I would like to express my grand thanks to you. If it wasn't for you, we don't know when we will be able to solve the problem of welding cracks."

Faced with the gratitude from the top leader of Donghai Shipyard, Yang Fan still appeared very humble.

"It's serious, it's serious, I just made some small suggestions, and the specific thing is that Master Wu Mingze is qualified for welding."

"Comrade Yang Fan, you are too modest."

The news spread almost throughout the Donghai Shipyard, not only the segmented manufacturing workshops, but also the technical systems of the Donghai Shipyard.

"Director Yang is amazing!"

"Yeah, there are indeed two tricks!"

"The problem of welding cracks has not been solved for so long, but he actually solved it. I really can't believe it."


Donghai Factory was discussing this matter hotly, and many people were full of admiration and gratitude for Yang Fan in their words.

At noon, Lu Guodong hosted a warm banquet for Yang Fan on behalf of Donghai Shipyard. Almost all the senior management of Donghai Shipyard attended the luncheon.

This treatment, this specification!
It is estimated that apart from Yang Fan, maybe only those big leaders who came down to inspect and investigate would have it.


052 ship headquarters.

Commander-in-chief Huang Keping sat in the office and read several documents and reports. He thought to himself that Donghai Shipyard encountered a problem of welding cracking. This problem has not been solved, and I don’t know how long it will trouble them.

Huang Keping was very worried about a small welding flaw that could lead to a tragedy of shipwreck and death on the sea with many weather conditions.

After thinking about it, I said in my heart, it seems that I will take another trip to Donghai Shipyard to cheer them up and not let their morale down.

While thinking about this matter, there was a knock on the door of the office, and his secretary walked in energetically, as if there was a great happy event.

As a secretary, of course I know what the leader thinks.

He knew very well that Commander Huang had been paying attention to the construction of the first ship, and was especially worried about the welding cracking problem encountered by the East China Sea Shipyard.

Well now, problem solved!

As soon as he came in, he reported very excitedly: "Chief, the problem of Donghai Shipyard has been solved. Director Lu Guodong personally called to report to the general headquarters."

The problem is solved!
Upon hearing the news, Huang Keping stood up in surprise, and asked in disbelief, "It's really solved, how did they solve it?"

The secretary briefly explained the situation.

Suddenly, the image of Yang Fan appeared in Huang Keping's mind.

Approvingly said: "This comrade is not bad, he is really capable, and he actually helped solve such a difficult problem."

He picked up the phone, dialed the number of Donghai Institute, and praised him a lot.

Unsurprisingly, Yang Fan was praised by the top management of Donghai Institute, not to mention Pan Jinfu, even Liang Zhiquan personally asked Yang Fan to go to his office, and praised Yang Fan ruthlessly.

As soon as the difficulty of welding was overcome, Donghai Shipyard turned on its full horsepower again.

The overall design of the 052 ship has finally been completed. In the reference room of the East China Sea Institute, there are already tons of design drawings ready to be handed over to the East China Sea Shipyard.

Before handing over the drawings, the most important thing is the design acceptance and review of the 052 ship.

This is also a very important matter for the East China Sea Institute. The review is scheduled for next Monday, and it is estimated that it will take two or three days.

This is a major event for Project 052, and everyone attaches great importance to it.

As the deputy director of the Model Office, Yang Fan also got busy. He didn't have time to breathe until the weekend. Everything was basically ready, and he was only waiting for the review on Monday.

Some experts participating in the review have arrived one after another, staying in the hotel arranged by Donghai, reception work, conference affairs, etc., Yang Fan doesn't need to worry about it.

Early in the morning, Yang Fan had just finished washing and was about to go to the unit cafeteria to have breakfast, when there was a knock on the door of the dormitory.

Open the door and take a look.

It was Han Jiang!
Today is the third update, and the first update is sent.

(End of this chapter)

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